Yo! First Revised Chapter is finally here, although this one doesn't have much changes. I will try to get the next Revised Chapter out as soon as possible, however I do not write anything at all and give up completely when I'm drained or not feeling motivated, which is mostly why it took so long for this to come out.

Apologies, but here's the chapter!




- The Great War, a battle fought by the biblical factions. The Fallen Angels, Angels and Devils. All of the factions lost multiple leaders and soldiers in this war, including God and the Four Maou's. The Fallen Angels had the advantage by the climax of the war, but the Governor General of the Fallen Angels, Azazel, decided to pull back from the War. And with the forces of the Devils and Angels at a dangerously low amount, they too, pulled away and thus ended the Great War. -

The Biblical God, Leader of the famous Angel Faction, Father to all Angels and Seraphs, was currently lying in a pool of his own blood. The Four Devil Kings, Lucifer, Leviathan, Asmodeus and Beelzebub. These four had managed to break through the defenses of Heaven and had gotten far enough to reach God.

However, God had fought and defeated all four of them, but he surely did not come out unscathed. The wounds they inflicted on the Holy Father were certainly fatal and would soon end his life. But he had enough strength to form smile as the doors to his throne room burst open.

"Father! What have they done to you?!" Exclaimed Michael, horrified at the sight upon him. Gabriel, Michael's sister, began crying and clutched his arm tightly as the sight of their father dying was too much for her. She looked away as she held her brother tightly, Michael frowned and hugged his sister, comforting her.

God struggled to raise his head to look at his son and daughter. But Michael saw this and immediately helped his father raise his head. Michael held the back of God's head and checked his wounds. There were many cuts and bruises visible, but that wasn't the most troubling of God's wounds, for there was a gaping hole on his stomach.

"It's alright, Michael..." Spoke God softly, his voice was not as powerful as it once used to be. Michael held his father's hand and nodded, deciding to stay strong in his father's final moments.

"Come closer... I must tell you something before I leave this realm." God told Michael urgently, the Seraph nodded and moved closer to his father. God whispered a few words to his son, although Gabriel could not tell what her father was telling Michael, she would ask her brother at a later time.

"Can you do that for me, Michael?" Asked God with a small smile, Michael smiled and tears began flowing out of his eyes.

"Absolutely!" Reassured Michael, God's smile grew wider at this and his eyes began to slowly shut close.

Gabriel's crying only increased in volume as she witnessed her father accept his doomed fate. She covered her mouth with her hand, but her mumbled cries echoed around the Throne Room. Michael grit his teeth and he held his father's hand tighter.

A few moments passed before God's eyes were fully closed, and his heart seized to beat. Michael's bangs were covering his eyes, while Gabriel fell on her knees crying her heart out. Michael slowly put his father back down, but he refused to let go of his hand.

"Father... Tch!" Michael grit his teeth as he held his father's hand with both of his and his tears dropped to the reflective white floor. Footsteps could soon be heard from outside the throne room, and the rest of the Seraphs could be seen approaching the Throne Room.

Uriel, Raphael, Metatron and the other Seraphs eventually arrived at the Throne Room. Many shocked gasps escaped their mouth's, and a few of them had fallen to their knees in shock and sorrow.

Raphael bit his lower lip and approached his Father's corpse. The blonde Seraph kneeled down right beside his Father and began praying silently. Uriel had not broken down like the others, but his clenched fists were proof of his anger.


Michael eventually let go of his Father's hand after a few minutes, while the other Seraphs had already left the throne room to grieve and prevent the rest of the Angels from finding out about God's death, as the revelation of such knowledge would cause too much chaos. The only ones left in the room were Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, the Four Great Seraphs.

"Brothers and Sister, we must hasten forth to the Sacred Chambers." Urged Michael, Gabriel looked to her brother donning a confused expression.

"Are we not forbidden to enter those chambers without our Father's approval?" Inquired Gabriel, tilting her head slightly.

"She is right, you would dare defy our father after his passing?" Inquired Uriel, his voice threatening. Raphael sighed at his brother's daring attitude, but decided to keep quiet.

"Of course not, Father passed onto me a special task before he passed away." Michael told the others, remembering what his Father had whispered to him earlier.


"Come closer... I must tell you something before I leave this realm." God told Michael urgently, the Seraph nodded and moved closer to his father.

"Once I pass away, gather the Four Great Seraphs and lead them to the Sacred Chambers." God told Michael, his eyes quivered slightly at the sudden task.

"Within those chambers you will find the one who will suceed me... The one who will lead the Angels into the bright future." Informed God. Michael was intrigued by his Father's words, who could possibly suceed his father, the Seraph thought with a hint of curiosity.

"Find him, teach him our ways, train him to become a powerful leader. And in due time, he will bring all of you the happiness you deserve, so take good care of him, okay?" Requested God as a smile began to form on his face.

"Can you do that for me, Michael?" Asked God with a small smile, Michael smiled and tears began flowing out of his eyes.

"Absolutely!" Reassured Michael, God's smile grew wider at this and his eyes began to slowly shut close.

~Flashback End~

"Sounds a bit exaggerated." Huffed Uriel, crossing his arms in doubt. A small frown formed on Michael's face at the distrust his brother showed him. "But if our Father truly told you this, then let us make haste." Michael smiling as his brother said this.

"Follow me."

Uriel and Gabriel were the first to follow, while Raphael took one last glance at his Father who was slowly dissipating in golden holy particles before following suite. He had been wondering what happened to the Four Devil Kings, they must have dematerialized before they arrived.

The Four Great Seraphs headed towards the Sacred Chambers, which were usually locked with incredibly powerful magical chains and locks. To the surprise of the Seraphs though, the locks were unlocked now.

"They're unlocked..." Remarked Raphael with surprise. Uriel stepped forward and picked up one of the chains which had been unlocked and had been lying on the floor.

"Father must've set up some sort of death switch." Mused Uriel, inspecting the chains.

"Death switch?" Gabriel repeated in confusion.

"Uriel is saying that Father set up a system in which it automatically unlocks the chains to the Sacred Chambers immediately upon his death." Explained Michael, Gabriel humming in interest after hearing her brother's explanation.

"Anyway, I believe it's time to find out what Father was hiding behind these locks."

Uriel nodded and pulled open the heavy door to the chamber. Michael was the first to enter the chambers, Gabriel followed shortly after.

Inside were four candles lit up on both sides, the recurring white and gold architecture from the outside of the chambers still remained within the chambers. However what surprised Michael was the appearance of another door blocking the path.

The sealed door had a barrier protecting it which would've prevented entry from Devils, Fallen Angels and anything that wasn't an Angel. Uriel and Raphael had soon walked in, and were baffled at the sight of another seal.

"Is this a joke?" Groaned Uriel, smacking his face onto his palm in annoyance.

"Don't complain yet... Look." Michael pointed towards what appeared to be four locks keeping the door sealed. The locks appeared to be connected to tablets which required specific palm scans for each one.

"One for each Great Seraph..." Concluded Raphael, Uriel abruptly turned to him in a surprised manner.

"So Father made sure that only we Four could ever enter these chambers..."

"God never ceases to amaze." Remarked Michael with a bright smile as he placed his palm within the tablet, which perfectly fit the structure of his palm. Gabriel mimicked her brother and placed her hand on the tablet which resembled her palm. Uriel and Raphael eventually did the same.

A loud trumpet-like sound echoed throughout the entirety of Heaven as the door opened for the Four Great Seraphs. After the door had fully opened, Michael and the other three Seraph's found a golden Crib in between a few more lit candles and a chandelier on the ceiling.

Michael, Uriel and Raphael were baffled. The Crib looked like it belonged to a child. Surely the one who would supposedly surpass God was not still a child? Was what the three male seraphs were thinking. However, Gabriel was merely stunned for a moment before racing over to the Crib in excitement.

The female Seraph soon squealed in excitement as she soon saw the one within the Crib. Michael gulped and slowly walked over to her sister who was picking up something from the Crib.

Gabriel had grabbed the entity within the Crib and turned around to her brothers. Michael's eyes widened in shock at what she was holding, Raphael laughed awkwardly and Uriel stepped back unconsciously.

"U-Uwaaaaaah!" A loud cry echoed throughout the chambers. Gabriel shushed the source of the crying by swaying her body softly, humming softly to the one she held to her chest.

"T-The one that would surpass God... Is a mere child?"

A child indeed, the one within the crib was a small fragile but beautiful child. Michael eventually recovered from his shock and laughed happily as he approached his sister and took a closer look at the child.

The youngling possessed pale blonde hair, innocent golden eyes and a smile that could melt the hearts of the Seraphs. Gabriel was blushing at the cuteness of the young boy and snuggled him close to her chest.

Michael leaned closer to the child, the youngling looked at Michael in a clueless manner before laughing happily and clapping his hands cutely. Gabriel giggled at the display in front of her while Michael laughed softly.

Raphael approached the child and poked his nose, the youngling sneezed softly before laughing out loud. Michael and Raphael laughed at this before turning to their brother who was still a distance away from the child.

"Don't you want to see the child, Uriel?" Asked Raphael encouragingly, Uriel didn't reply but instead slowly walked towards the child. The youngling had ceased in its laughter and stared at Uriel with a blank expression.

The black void which served as the Seraph's face did not allow the child to completely see his expression. Uriel soon arrived right beside his brother, Raphael, and stared at Gabriel's chest where the child was resting.

"Make sure not to do that too often, or we risk the child falling." Spoke Uriel after a few moments of silence. Gabriel was clueless as to what her brother had meant, but her brothers knew exactly what Uriel was talking about and had laughed about it.

After the laughter eventually died down, they noticed the child was still staring at Uriel with a blank expression, the child humming actively and reaching out towards Uriel's hood. Soon after witnessing this, Gabriel had figured out what the child was trying to do.

"He hasn't reacted to you because he hasn't seen your face!"

"You're right, that must be it!" Agreed Raphael before smacking Uriel's back.

"Show him your face, after all if he is to be the Successor of God, then he must know what all of his Great Seraphs look like!" Encouraged Raphael, Uriel stared at his brother with a shocked expression before eventually sighing and looking back at the youngling.

"Are we sure this boy is to be our savior?" Questioned Uriel staring at the child intensely, the youngling not reacting at all to the dark void staring him down. Michael smiled and nodded as he went beside Uriel.

"Father told me that we would find the one who would lead us to our future within these chambers. And this boy has such a powerful holy aura that it already nearly matches ours." Replied Michael, Uriel glanced at his brother before groaning as his hands slowly reached up to his hood.

Michael and Raphael stepped back as their brother slowly pulled down his hood. The darkness slowly faded away as the hood was pulled down. And soon enough, the true face of Uriel the Great Seraph would be revealed to the future leader of the angels.

His face was that of a handsome man with a few small scars surrounding his facial features, his right eye was blinded as a scar could be seen over it. Uriel also had bright orange eyes and blonde spiky hair slanted backwards.

The child stared at the naked face of Uriel and clapped his hands before laughing. Gabriel and Michael smiled at the child's positivity and acceptance of Uriel while Raphael was chuckling softly right behind his brother.

Uriel stared at the child laughing at him in surprise, but soon enough, a small smile appeared on his face. Michael laughed and grabbed his brother's shoulder approvingly.

"I think he likes you." Remarked Michael, Uriel chuckled softly at that.

"Maybe so..." Mused Uriel as he stared at the child in front of him.

"Let us show him to the others!" Suggested Gabriel excitedly as she started to walk past her brothers, but a large armored hand stopped her from going too far. She turned behind her in confusion as Uriel was holding onto her shoulder.

"Sister, we must not be too hasty here." Said Uriel, Raphael nodding in agreement beside him. Gabriel arched an eyebrow and turned her around to face her brothers.

"What do you mean, Uriel?" Asked Gabriel confused.

Uriel let go of her shoulder and pulled his hood back up, the void returning to block others from seeing his expressions.

"We don't know if there are any potential future Fallen angels within our current ranks or spies." Said Michael, stepping forward.

"He's right, Sister. We should keep him a secret for awhile, at least until he is powerful enough to defend himself." Agreed Raphael, crossing his arms. Gabriel pouted at her brother's words, the child within her arms mimicking her expressions and pouting as well.

"Very well..." Surrendered Gabriel, handing the child over to Michael who carefully extracted the child from his sister. "Don't worry, Sister. Soon enough our faction will meet their future leader." Reassured Michael, Gabriel smiling in satisfaction at his words.

"Then let's hurry up and raise him already." Said Gabriel humorously, her brothers laughed at her words and soon walked out of the chambers.

As the Seraph's exited the chambers and assigned Uriel with hiding the child for now, the doors to the chambers suddenly closed and a new barrier had formed.

"What happened to it?" Asked Gabriel confused as she turned to her brothers. Michael held his chin in deep thought while Raphael approached the barrier, which didn't turn out too well as when he touched the barrier, he was sent crashing into the walls.

"It seems to be reacting violently to whatever disturbs the barrier. But from what I can see, it seems to be constructing something within." Mused Michael before turning around and helping his brother up.

"Raphael, help Uriel find a place for the young child." Michael told his brother, before leaving the vicinity with his sister. Raphael scratched his head and sighed as he nodded and went to find Uriel.

Gabriel and Michael had soon reunited with their fellow Seraph's and had discussed the importance of keeping their Father's death a secret. However, such an important piece of information could not be kept hidden for long.

Eventually, the death of God would be known to the Grigori, the Leaders of the Fallen Angel Faction. And a few Ultimate-class devils who seemed to now be having a civil war for the rights to become Maou. The Seraphs had hoped that the Leaders of the other opposing factions would see how the death of God would hurt the human race if it were to be revealed and the world in general, so they trusted them with at least that much.

A few years would pass and eventually the biblical factions would calm down a bit. Heaven was calm now and Michael was elected as the temporary Leader of Heaven. Although he wasn't his father, he was doing a fine job at handling the faith of those around the world.

Azazel, the Governor General of the Fallen Angels, was doing fine with his faction himself. Fallen Angels were passive for the moment, although one of the Grigori members was quite disappointed with the fact that the war was now over.

And finally, Devils. They were in the most trouble right now, after new leaders were elected and the original descendants of the original Maou were denied their places as Maou's, the angry descendants created the Old-Maou Faction which would go to war against the new leaders.

But those weren't within the concerns of Michael right now, he would leave the other two factions with themselves for the next few years. His greatest concern was the child they had found at the Sacred Chambers around 3 years ago.

The child had been named, Archon. And surprisingly, it was Uriel who had come up with the name. They had all agreed on the name of Archon as they felt that it had a powerful heavenly sound to it.

Archon was still a bit young, but Gabriel was already teaching him how to speak and also some basic lessons taught to kids in human kindergarten. Raphael assisted in strengthening the boy's holy aura, but he wouldn't be able to extend his own training any further until Archon aged more.

Uriel's training was definitely going to be utilized only when Archon was powerful enough to sustain his own aura, the Seraph's didn't want the angel to kill the boy after all. Although Uriel insisted that he would be careful, they weren't convinced when he declared The Dragon Slayer, Ascalon, as his supposed 'training sword'.

Michael's training would consist of light weaponry and leadership, but he still needed to wait a few years for his training to be put into actual use. So he had worked on his duties in the meantime. But he was surely excited to finally train Archon, the future leader of the Angels.

Archon was now 10 years old and was currently taking on Uriel's training regiment. Archon had grown a lot during the past 7 years, his body had become leaner and more fit, so much that it would be easy to mistake him for a well-trained 15 year old in his current state.

Uriel's training consisted of lifting, boxing, and a bunch of other workout activities that normal humans do as well, except it was tuned up to an intense level with Archon. Instead of a punching bag, Archon would be punching entire columns. And lifting massive boulders instead of weights.

Of course Archon's swordsmanship had been trained by Uriel as well, Michael urged him to focus on Archon's martial arts and weapon training, but Uriel wanted Archon's body to get stronger before any of that.

Uriel watched as Archon continuously pounded a magically reinforced column, the column was slowly getting decimated with every punch Archon threw. But Uriel's thoughts weren't focused on his student's training.

But instead on the abnormality of Archon's holy nature. Archon was no doubt an angel, but his wings were incredibly different from the others. His wings were not covered in pure white feathers, instead his wings were entirely made up of fiery energy.

When Raphael had attempted to touch Archon's strange wings, a burst of holy energy released from Archon, sending all four of the Great Seraphs flying backwards. After that incident, all of them decided to leave Archon's wings alone.

But this abnormality also gave Archon a certain trait, which is immunity to sin. Archon was made to be perfectly pure and immune to all types of sin, and while some of Archon's actions could be considered sins, his natural trait prevented him from actually falling from grace.

Archon could wipe out an entire village of innocent people and he would still be technically sinless and pure. God simply made him this way and the Four Great Seraphs had eventually accepted that fact over time.

Uriel was driven away from his thoughts as wings made of pure energy flapped and Archon was now flying towards him. The Seraph slowly descended from the sky to speak with his pupil.

"I think I'm finished for today, Uriel." Archon told his Teacher, panting tiredly. Uriel nodded and opened a portal back to Heaven.

"Go rest up in your room and wait for Michael." Said Uriel, Archon nodded and entered the portal.


Archon had proceeded to return to his room, as ordered by Uriel.

Once he had gotten to his room, which was the former location of the Sacred Chambers, he had taken a nice quick bath to refresh himself and prepare for Michael's lessons.

After a few minutes of waiting, Archon could feel someone pass through the barrier surrounding his room, which only the Seraphs could pass through. 10 Years ago after the Four Great Seraphs exited the Sacred Chambers, the door had sealed itself and began constructing what turned out to be Archon's room.

God had truly prepared everything for his supposed successor and the Seraphs had praised him for it. He had saved them the effort of finding Archon his own room, but they had all agreed to keep him out of Gabriel's room even before they had found out about the room their Father had built, for certain reasons.

Archon turned to his rooms door as he heard the sound of knocking. Archon allowed them passage and the door had opened. Michael was the one to enter, and he seemed to be carrying a few books under his left arm.

"Archon, are you ready for today's training?" Asked Michael as he set down the books on Archon's desk. Archon nodded excitedly as he leaped from his excessively large bed and sat down right beside Michael.

"Alright, so for today we will be practicing the creation of Light weapons again." Informed Michael, creating a light spear of high caliber. Archon was surprised as this was the first time Michael had shown him a light spear with this much power.

"Your training with Uriel and Raphael should allow you to make Light spears with this amount of power, you have learned from their training sessions, right?" Inquired Michael, to which Archon nodded and opened his palm.

He focused his energy onto his palm and his aura flickered for a moment before a light spear came to life within Archon's palm. Michael inspected the light spear for a moment, but soon shook his head in disapproval.

"Archon you need to concentrate your energy more, imagine a spear and focus your energy on creating it." Said Michael, watching as Archon closed his eyes and concentrated his energy as he was told to.

Archon began sweating slightly as he pictured a spear of pure fiction, made in his creative mind. He imagined a spear of pure shining gold, a spear which could wipe out entire armies, and a spear which could fire holy flames.

'Focus my energy... And then!'


Archon's eyes shot wide open as he focused his energy and created a light spear... Or so he thought he had created a light spear. Archon raised his head and looked at Michael, whose eyes were wide open in shock.

The Successor of God noticed Michael staring at what Archon believed was a light spear in his hand, however when Archon looked down and saw what he was holding, his eyes soon widened in shock as well.

He was indeed holding a spear, and it certainly emitted a holy aura, a powerful one even. But what surprised Archon, and probably shocked Michael as well, was that it wasn't any ordinary light spear. It was an actual spear made out of pure gold and it also took solid form, not energy like the light spears.

"H-How...?" Asked Michael in awe, Archon gulped and inspected the spear. He couldn't believe that he had somehow created a spear made within his own mind.

In order to find out if it was the True Spear, Archon stood up and pointed the spear at his large bed. In his dreams this spear which he now held could fire holy flames and decimate entire armies, if the spear he held could do that as well, then it was the real deal.

He mimicked his actions in his dreams, first slowly raising the spear with his right hand. And then slightly pulling back before lunging the spear forward with a tightened grip. And much to Archon's and Michael's shock, the spear actually fired holy flames.

Archon's bed was decimated. And had it not been for the powerful barrier protecting the room, everything else within might've been destroyed as well. Archon quickly pulled the spear back and the spear ceased fire.

Michael was at a loss for words after seeing Archon's spear. He slowly regained his composure eventually and was quick to call the other Great Seraphs into the room.

"Archon, do you know what you have just done?" Asked Michael, a small amount of surprise still present in his voice. Archon turned around and nervously looked at Michael, a nervous smile present on his face.

"I-I created a light spear...?" Replied Archon, not convinced with his own answer. Michael shook his head and approached Archon, grabbing both of his shoulders with his hands. Michael looked Archon straight in the eyes, which caused the young angel to gulp nervously.

"Not just any light spear, Archon... You made a Holy Spear, one which takes physical form." Corrected Michael before smiling proudly. Michael let go of Archon's shoulders and stepped backwards, crossing his arms as he inspected the spear.

"It seems to have a very powerful holy signature, and from what you just did with it, I dare say it could rival Excalibur." Remarked Michael, surprising Archon at the estimation of his spears strength.

The door to the room opened and the three other Great Seraphs rushed in. Uriel wielded Ascalon and prepared for a battle, Raphael's aura was flaring and Gabriel had prepared some herbs to heal Archon in the unlikely event that he was injured.

But when they saw that Archon was fine, they calmed down and approached Michael. Archon stepped back a bit and tried to hide his spear, but it was so long that it looked comical when Archon whistled and 'hid' the spear behind him.

"What happened here?" Asked Uriel, pointing at the remains of Archon's bed, which surprisingly seemed to be rebuilding itself. God's handiwork, the five of them thought as they watched the bed piece itself back together, parts of the bed which had been disintegrated seemingly popping out of thin air.

"Well as you can see... Archon has just done the impossible." Replied Michael, referring to Archon's spear, which the young angel was now holding to his side after realizing how pointless his attempts to hide it were.

"I don't understand..." Muttered Gabriel, confused as she looked at Archon's spear, which certainly held a powerful aura, but she thought that her brother simply lent Archon a holy spear.

"He created that spear out of his own imagination, his attempt at creating a high-level light spear resulted in this Ultimate-class weapon." Informed Michael, Gabriel and Raphael gasping in surprise, while Uriel simply stared at the spear in interest.

"Is it true, Archon?" Asked Raphael with a newfound sparkle in his eyes as he inspected the spear. Archon hesitantly nodded and raised the spear for them to see. Gabriel and Raphael took a closer look, while Uriel tugged Michael's sides.

"What is it, brother?" Asked Michael quietly, Uriel gestured for them to move back a bit from the others. The two siblings went over to the door and stood just right next to it.

"Archon's spear, I sense great power from it. Do you think he should be wielding it at this age?" Asked Uriel, worried for his pupil. Michael smiled and nodded before looking towards the others. He spotted Raphael inspecting the spear closely, while Gabriel was interrogating Archon.

"He created the spear from his own imagination, he also appears to know how to use it from what I've seen. I'm confident in his ability to control this newfound power. And I believe we should also focus his training with you now, I only need to teach him how to make balanced light spears."

"So you finally realize that my training is the best for him." Huffed Uriel proudly, Michael laughed as Uriel said this.

"Well I certainly can't deny that."

"We should probably speak to Gabriel about his education as well, I'm thinking we could enroll him somewhere in the human world." Said Michael, Uriel scoffing as he heard this.

"That's quite foolish. I don't understand why Archon would require education from Humans when we have many capable Angels here in Heaven."

Michael thought about it for a second, but eventually gave up on the idea and returned to the others, Uriel trailing him from behind. When they returned they could see Raphael had taken the spear and had started testing it out, while Gabriel was still chatting with Archon.

"Oh, brother! Archon and I were just sepaking about the name of the spear." Called out Gabriel as she noticed her brother's return from their chat. Michael nodded and looked at Archon with a smile.

"And have you decided on it?" Asked Michael curiously, Archon nodded and raised his hand, the spear in Raphael's hands fading into golden particles and reappearing in Archon's hands.



Hope you all enjoyed that chapter! As you can see there aren't too many differences from the original chapter, a few simple grammar fixes and a few slight changes was all that was implemented in this revised chapter.

Anyway, as promised, the Official Harem List along with their relationship level with Archon. Now for how the Relationship Levels will work, we'll have it on a color based ranking system so imagine a bar with three colors : Green - Purple - Crimson. With Crimson being the highest level and Green the lowest.

- Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt. Relationship Level : Crimson.

- Raynare. Relationship Level : Purple.

- Mittelt. Relationship Level : Green.

- Gabriel, One of the Four Great Seraphs. Relationship Level : Crimson.

- Atalanta. Relationship Level : Purple.

- Irina Shidou. Relationship Level : Purple.

- Xenovia Quarta. Relationship Level : Green.

- Selena Aerasanya. Relationship Level : Green.

- Penemue. Relationship Level : Green.

- Serafall Leviathan. Relationship Level : Purple.

- Akeno Himejima. Relationship Level : Green.

- Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. Relationship Level : Green.

- Aphrodite, Goddess of Love. Relationship Level : Green.

- Hestia. Relationship Level : Green.

- Freya. Relationship Level : Green.

- Rossweisse. Relationship Level : Purple.

So, yeah. I believe this should be the final Harem, and while some of you may be thinking "That's too damn big!" Well, not necessarily. I plan on having Archon travel across most of the Pantheons after his training with the Greeks (Which you'll see soon if you're new here.), so the fact that he doesn't have more is quite generous already.

Anyway, I'll be uploading the next Revised Chapter sometime soon hopefully, but don't get your hopes up, I still have a life after all. But I will try my best to get it out ASAP.

Stay tuned!