So, it's been a few days since the Gaea got lifted into the sky and blasted with a shit load of fire. Not much has been going on. Annabeth and the Athena cabin have been leading the clean-up and the rebuilding. Frank, Hazel, and the rest of the Romans went back to Camp Jupiter yesterday to sort things out there. I've been helping clean up the camp as well but you can only do so much as one person, a very powerful person but still only one person. I've been walking around the forest making sure there weren't any explosives still there. In other words, I was actually avoiding doing work.

I was walking along a small river when a bright light appeared in from of me. When I was finally able to see again I saw a normal looking guy. He looked like he could be a normal mortal but that didn't make much sense at Camp Half-Blood. I was about to say something when he beat me to the punch, not a real punch. "Your Percy Jackson, right?"

I nodded and probably looked really looked confused.

Then he said, "Ok good cause if you weren't I think there is some law saying I'd have to kill you."


"I honestly don't know. I didn't pay attention back then. I was usually making two strangers have sex or something. I think I might have started a war, well not me but kinda me. The one with the horse."

"The Trojan War?"


"I thought Aphrodite started that."

"Well yes but I also did. Where do you think she gets her powers from?" After like 10 seconds I was about to say something when he said, "I can see the gears turning in there. Yes, I am the primordial of sexual love Eros." He then took a bow and then continued with, "and you are Percy Jackson. Twice Hero of Olympus and riser of Gaea. Ya I know it was a freak accident but still. I'm glad your friends killed her. She was always such a bitch. Like this one time…"

"Hey Mr. Eros why are you here?"

"Oh ya. I was here because I saw how you and all your friends gave up a wish for like anything to make it so that all the gods felt included. That's all nice and good but BORING. So, I came in here and I decided to offer you a gift of my own design."

"That was Jason's idea and we kinda just all agreed with him and go on," I said making sure he knew that it was not my idea.

"I am going to offer you the power to make your own harem." he said while doing jazz hands

"Why would I want that? I already have a girlfriend that I love."

"Like every great hero had a few women in their lives, over the course of their lives but still. And ya the one that you dove into my brother for? Ya she's pretty nice, but what about that Piper girl, have you seen some of the features on her. Oh, or what about Artemis's second in command Thalia, she got the whole punk rock princess thing going on."

"I don't need more than Annabeth," I said

Looking really surprised he said, "That's so cool! You learned how to extend Riptide a little bit while still in your pocket. I don't know what use that would be but cool."

Confused the hell out of my mind I asked, "What the hell are you talking about?"

He pointed to my pants and said, "Well what else could that be?" Noticing that my pants had gotten a little smaller in the crotch region. He then continued, "It's not like I just mentioned a few really sexy girls that you are attracted to and offering the opportunity to make them all your sexual partners."

"Anyone ever tell you that you talk a lot? Like too much?" I asked getting annoyed at him.

"YES! Like constantly in ancient times. So, do you want your gift?"

"Will they get mad when they find out about each other?"

"No because along with the harem thing I'm also making it so that your girls will obey your every command and they will love each other too!"

"Wait like mind control?" I asked cautiously, remembering what happened to Luke.

"Well a little but not entirely. They still act as they did before but now will do anything you say and they will happily do it."

"Ok so what about if they have a boyfriend or another reason thing holding them up?"

"Oh ya I almost forgot. Once you make them yours my magic will seep through their lives. Like to any family members or friends or whatever is holding them up and makes it so they can be with you and that they, like the family or friends, are ok with them being part of your harem."

"Ok. Does this work on goddesses?"

"Oh fuck yes. What would be a gift from me without a goddess or two?" He laughed and then said, "Any other questions?"

"What if I think of a question after you're gone?"

"Oh good one sea boy. Just call for me and I'll pop into your head. Like a telepathic conversation. So, do we have a deal?" He asked reaching his hand out.

"I think we do," I then met his hand and shook it. He then disappeared. I then felt warmer and a little hornier.

I started to walk back to camp when I thought of something kinda crucial to this whole 'Making a Harem thing'. "Hey Eros" I said while walking.

"Miss me already?" He said in my head.

"What? No. I just had a thought. How do I use this?" I thought to him.

"Ya that would be kinda important to know. Just kiss the girl you want to add on the lips. I've made it so that any girl that sees you will lower their guard and will be more open to kissing you."

"So what is stopping me from just going and kissing every girl in camp?"

"Oh ya there is a limit to the number of girls you can add at a time. Right now, you can have I think 3. After your powers settle in you'll feel stronger and that's how you know you can add 3 more and after you add those 3 then it starts again. That part has no limit but the time in between will go up a lot…. unless you ask me nicely."


"Maybe. Maybe not. Right now, I'm a little scatterbrained because I woke up about the same time as Kronos did and SSSOOO many people are having sex. Got to go."

After getting over how weird that guy is, I made my way back to camp. He's like the bad combination of Deadpool and Navi the fairy. It was about 5:30ish so most of the campers had their jobs done and were doing their own thing. I ran into one of Annabeth's siblings Malcolm and asked, "Any idea where Annabeth is?"

He said, "Ya. She's been looking for you for a little bit. I think I saw her headed to your cabin a couple of minutes ago."

"Thanks Malcolm," I then started to run to my cabin because I don't think I cleaned it and it smelled BAD this morning. But it's not my fault. Before I gotten taken from my life I had some food stashed in my cabin and when I got back I had forgotten about that. So, when I looked under my bed it was like taking the pin out from a grenade. I think the Stoll Brothers said they were proud of me. I'm not sure what that meant. Did they think I stink bombed my own cabin? Whatever I needed to get before Annabeth passed out from the smell, I almost did the first time.

On my way to my cabin I almost ran into a lot of people, mainly girls. Usually when you see someone running you avoid going in their path but apparently, people forgot that today or maybe part of Ero's gift was stronger than I thought. So finally go to my cabin and I burst through the doors. I looked around and I found Annabeth. Surprise, she wasn't passed out. Not surprisingly she was throwing up in my trash can.

I took a big breath of good air and went in more. I grabbed her and moved her closer to the door and propped it open. I then went and grabbed the gas mask that the Stolls let me use for the past few days and put it on. Then I went outside and grabbed a trash bag and went under my bed. I could still smell it through the mask. I grabbed the burger, I don't remember it having mushrooms on it, and the pizza I had and stuffed them in the bag. I then wiggled my way out of under my bed and ran outside with the bag triple tied, just in case. I then found the nearest trash can with a lid and put it in there and shut the lid as fast as I could.

I finally took off the mask and went to check to make sure that I had gotten all of it. I went back to my bed and took a big breath and didn't smell anything too bad. What I did smell was just left over from the burger and pizza. I made my way back over to my girlfriend and said, "Hey how's it going Wise Girl?"

She just looked up at me and said, "What they hell was that smell Seaweed Brain?!" Even when she was mad, she was still beautiful. Her orange camp shirt hugged her chest but it didn't show anything. Then there was always her ass, that was today just covered by some yoga shorts. Today her curly blonde hair was free without anything in it and went down to a little bit before the middle of her back.

"REALLY bad food. I had some stashed but that was before I was taken by Hera." I then went over to the door and removed when I put there to hold it open. It then slowly shut by itself.

"Ok whatever. Do you have some mouthwash and maybe some nectar in here? I need to get this taste out of my mouth?"

"Ya sure," I went and got some and gave it to her. First the mouthwash then when she spit that out in the can she took some nectar.

"That's better. Where have you been?" she asked.

"Oh I was walking through the woods making sure that there wasn't anything still from the attack there."

"So you were avoiding work?" she said with an eyebrow raised.

"More or less. Let's not talk about that. How did your day go?" I said changing the subject.

"Good. We finished the plans for the cabins that need to be fixed and the buildings that need to be rebuilt. Then the Ares cabin helped get a lot of the work done so tomorrow should be the last day of the construction."

"So we should celebrate," I said walking over to her. I then kissed her and she kissed me back. I then felt something like connect between us but it wasn't whole yet.

She then broke from the kiss and said, "Not quite yet Seaweed Brain." She then went over to where she had put her backpack down and grabbed something from it. She then handed it to me. "Here look at these."

Flipping it around a few times before I asked, "What are these?"

"Plans to redesign your cabin. Since you are the only one here usually I thought we should redesign it while we were doing it for the other cabins."

"So what am I supposed to do with these?"

"Pick one. Thought it would be good to come here with some options."

"And what are you going to do while I try and figure these out?"

"I was going to go back to my cabin and check in on everyone," she then grabbed her backpack and put it on.

Time to try this control out, I thought. "I think you want to stay here and help me."

She then put down her bag and said, "I think you can handle it by yourself," she then looked at her bag and then said, "I guess I could stay for a few minutes."

"What would really help me is if you cleaned up my cabin," I said seeing what she would do.

She laughed. She then said, "Ya that will be the day." She then went around and started to pick up stuff. When she bent over she gave me a nice view of her ass. I then thought Hey Eros? What is going on?

He then said, in my head, Well it looks like I messed up.

How? I asked.

You have some control over her body but not complete control. I'll make it so that when you kiss a girl you have more control over them. But either way you need to have sex with her to fully make her a member of your harem. Right now, she is like half of one, he explained.

Oh, Great

Ya I know see ya, he said before I felt him leave my head. I then said, "Hey Wise Girl? Does it feel kinda hot in here to you? Like really hot?"

Without stopping what she was doing she said, "Kinda. It is the middle of summer after all."

"I wouldn't mind if you took off your shirt and pants. You know because it's so hot."

"Sometimes I think there is less than seaweed in that brain of yours," she said that but while she was saying it her hands went to the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. They then went to her shorts and shimmied them off as well. She brought them both over to me and put them in her bag. "Why would I do that? It would just distract you more than usual." I don't think she even knew what she just did. But that doesn't matter I got a beautiful girl walking around in her gray bra and panties cleaning my cabin. I do have to say, I have no idea how her shirt could cover her tits. They had to be at least D cup, probably more. Her ass was just as it was in her shorts but now I could see more of it.

"No it wouldn't. I'm just thinking of you," I said while not taking my eyes off her.

Oh, I have an idea! Try thinking a command to her, Eros said after he butted back into my head.

Why are you here again? I asked.

I was bored. Try it. Actually, let her finish cleaning this place is a mess, he said.

Well next time can you not just bust into my head? And I can think commands to my girls? I asked.

Ya. Just think at them.

Think at them?

Ya look at them strongly and think what you want them to think. The only bad part is that that command won't last as long as if you were to say it, he said as if it was something common to do.

Ok I'll try that after she's done and after you leave, I told him.

Ok see you later roomie, he said. I was going to tell him we aren't roommates but I felt him leave.

"Percy are you even looking at the papers I gave you," Annabeth asked as she unknowingly was gathering up my laundry.

"Um... ya. What else would I be doing?" I asked. Then I started to look at them. They were all just pictures. One of them gave me my own bathroom and my own kitchen. Another had a pool in the basement. Then all of them had just one main bed with more that could appear out of the floor. "So you guys can make this happen in one day?"

"Well you can't have all of it but ya. Various gods and my mom said that they would help rebuild the cabins," she said as she came over and sat next to me. I looked around and everything was cleaned up. "But all of them have sound proof walls."

"Tyson proof?"

"Tyson proof."

I pointed at the nicest one, the one with my own private bathroom and kitchen, and said, "I'll go with this one."

"Cool. Tomorrow when you wake up it'll be all done. Good thing the Gods are helping," she then took the collection of pictures and put them back into her bag. "I should probably be getting back to my cabin now."

Ok here goes nothing I thought before I looked at her and thought hard, 'I am going to stay her for longer'.

"On second thought I think Malcolm probably has it covered. I think I'll spend some time with you."

That actually worked! I thought. Time for another one, 'Oh gods I'm so horny. I wish Percy would just fuck me already. I should give him a blow job'. I might have been trying to push it. I then notice she was looking at my crotch and licking her lips. I could almost see the command working its way through her brain. She then slid off my bed where we were sitting and knelt down in front of me. "Annabeth what are you doing?"

"Something I should have done a while ago," she said as she unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts. She then fished out what she wanted, my dick. She ran her hand up and down it a few times before she said, "You're bigger than I thought. How big is it? 8-9 inches?"

Trying to contain my excitement, I said, "I think so but I haven't had the time to measure it in a while."

"All the world saving? Here's a reward for that," she then started to lick it like a popsicle and then took it into her mouth. She then started to use her tongue to lick the head. I then sent another command saying, 'I will do anything he wants. I am ok with everything he does.' just to cover my bases. I then placed my hand on the back of her head and started to push. Slowly but surely she took more and more of my dick. She started to gage for a second of two but then she started to breathe through her nose.

After not even 5 minutes I felt myself need to cum. "I-I think I'm going to cum. Swallow it all." Her eyes widened when I said that but then she nodded her head a little and I came. It felt awesome. I think my first blow job was good but I think she could do better with more practice, I think I will help her with that. I know I'm a nice guy. I then pulled out of her mouth and she finished swallowing. I then said, "Wow Wise Girl. Where did you learn to do that?"

"Girls watch porn too Seaweed Brain," she said after taking a deep breath.

"Didn't expect that answer. Now let's get to the good part," I said as I stood up and she did with me. She then slide her panties down to reveal a small patch of hair and a becoming wetter pussy. She put her panties on the rest of the clothes and then laid down on the bed. I slid off my shorts and boxers, didn't take much effort because they were already on the floor. I then pulled off my shirt too and added that to the pile. I then turned back to see my beautiful girlfriend wearing only a bra just resting on her chest.

"Do you like what you see?"

"I think I would like it better without this on," I said while picking up her bra and threw it somewhere.

"So now what do you think?" she asked while moving her boobs a little.

"I think you're perfect," I said before I kissed her on the lips. Our tongues battle a little bit but I ended up winning it after a little bit of effort, and plus I started to play with her tits.

After I broke from the kiss I kissed my way down her neck and sucked on her left nipple a little and used my fingers to play with her right nipple. This earned a nice moan from her and then she said, "Stop teasing me Percy! FUCK ME! MAKE ME YOUR BITCH!"

Didn't expect that but I was happy to fulfil her wish. I lined up my dick with her pussy and thrust hard into her. I then hit what felt like a wall but after another thrust I blew past it. This earned a "OH FUCK!" from Annabeth. I never would have guessed she had such a harsh vocabulary. I then started to pick my pace up until I felt that if I went faster it would hurt.

I then felt her pussy trying to push me out, "Annabeth…. Are you close?"

"Ya. I don't think I can last much longer."

"Same here," I said as I let go and came.

Me cumming must have been too much for her because seconds later Annabeth came and said, "OH PERCY!" I then pulled out of her and laid down beside her. After she was done screaming from the pleasure, it started to sound like she was almost in pain.

"Annabeth? Are you ok?" I asked as I sat up.

"Ya I-I think I am, Per-Master," she said but then was surprised at the last part of what she said. She then said, "My ass felt like it was burning or something, is there anything there?" she then rolled over and I looked at her bubble butt of the first time with nothing covering the skin.

"Well...did you always have a little trident on your right cheek?" I asked. There was a little trident in black ink on her right ass cheek.

"A what?!" she then turned so she could see it and then said, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Ya I think that might be my fault," I admitted.

"What? I know for a fact that two people fucking does not make one of them to have a tattoo or else the Aphrodite cabin girls would be covered in them," she said.

"Ya but I think that that is more of a brand than a tattoo," I said.

"A WHAT?! Per-Master what are you talking about? And why can I only call you Master?" she asked.

"Well..." I then told her about what had happened to me today and the more I told her the more she became ok with it. Then said, "Hey Eros, can you come here?"

Second later he just appeared and said, "I think that the mega bright flash is overkill. Hi Annabeth nice to meet you." She then went to grab something to cover herself up but he then said, "Oh don't bother girl. I've seen every woman naked. Not joking. Anyone that has ever had sex. So, what do you need Percy ole buddy?"

Annabeth looked at me with an eyebrow raised and I said, "I met him today. And we were wondering why she has a brand on her and why she can't call me Percy."

"Well the second one is because you are her Master now and you never said it was ok to call you anything else. She has a brand on her because she is yours now. It was more of an ancient times thing to do but I thought why not leave it in. But this brand has some magic!" he then did some jazz hands, he then continued, "You guys are no fun. You can communicate with the harem through it. Kinda like thinking at them but it's like conversation. All you need to do is to think about them and then start talking," he then turned to Annabeth and said, "To reply you need to place 2 fingers on your mark and then you can talk to your Master. Any questions?"

"Any other surprises?" I asked but just barely beating Annabeth to asking it.

"Oh any member of your harem is on godly birth control until you want them not to be. Other than that, I can't think of any but there probably are. Either way later," he then just disappeared.

"Ya I know he's weird but to be honest he's growing on me."

Aw I am?! I knew I choose you for a reason he said in my head.

"Get out of my head!" I said. He did as I asked. Annabeth looked at me and I said, "He just pops in my head sometimes."

"So I am your sex-slave now and you are probably going to make some of our friends my sisters?" she asked.

I thought for a second and then said, "Seems about right."

"Ok but as long as I am your number 1," she said as she started to put her clothes back on.

"I don't think you are in any place to be making demands but ok," I said while also redressing.

"Well this will be an interesting next few days."

I slapped her ass and said, "Yes it will be." We then heard the dinner horn sound so we both started to run there.

Whoo! New Story! Please let me know how you liked it. I'm think that once I have this one at a good point, I will switch between story and my Percy's Black Book