Reviews for Harry Potter and the Four Founders
Crypt chapter 12 . 6/10
Dumbledore is hilarious in this chapter
ddsurvivor chapter 7 . 5/20
LOL Wizengotts got boned.
Ironc chapter 30 . 5/6
Immer wieder eine wunderbare Geschichte zum Lesen, danke.

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Always a wonderful story to read, thanks.
mumphie chapter 30 . 4/23
Well done, but so sad and heartbreaking.
mumphie chapter 4 . 4/22
I had hoped to find out what was in the Founder's vaults! A knife, grimoires, battle magic/transfiguration books, protective rings/necklaces/braces,etc.?
pavook chapter 30 . 4/14
Harry had a double life save, didn't he? Hogwarts mojo Horcrux and being Master of Death, he could not truly die.
CharlesDalby chapter 30 . 4/4
Another excellent story !
DOS73 chapter 30 . 3/21
Thank you for writing this story I quite enjoyed it and I hope you will keep up the great work. And I am looking forward to seeing what other stories you have to read.
Yukki Kazuto chapter 12 . 3/6
Omg, this Dumbledore is great. forget a "greater good" Dumbledore, I want this one in what i read in the future!
Chyllen chapter 30 . 3/1
Good story ehhh ending I think too much drama for me but I'm a guy so ehh.
Firemnwnb chapter 2 . 2/25
Sirius Black was Harry's GODFATHER not GRANDFATHER
eeveejacob chapter 30 . 2/14
Now that I've been reading for hours non-stop and not going to sleep in the right time, wow!
Thank you, I loved it all.
eeveejacob chapter 17 . 2/14
Love it, again
Laughed a lot throughout the reading, again
Thank you!
eeveejacob chapter 10 . 2/14
I'm really enjoying this story! AND I'VE LAUGHED SO MUCH this chapter! Lovegoods are priceless
sirknightchase816 chapter 10 . 1/6
I'm fully aware that this story is old. But, why must you throw Ginny into this? The fangirl strikes again!
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