Chapter 1

Whenever Eren Jaeger closed his eyes he would dream of the world beyond. Mountains of fire, Water filled with salt, snowy plains and tundra plates. Great open endless skies that promised him endless destinations and possibilities. Whenever he closed his eyes he was whisked away to his goal. However, this time he did not dream of those things. Not even close. What he saw when he closed his eyes were walls behind walls, dungeons and the feeling of being trapped with no where to go. Eren started to panic. He was in the middle of four walls coming in closer to crush him to bits.

"No!" Eren yelled out loud. It was just a dream

The new squad Levi that consisted of the remaining top soldiers of the 104th trainee squad were all seated around the main dining table. Eren sat up and saw that all eyes were on him. A figure that just walked into the room was not in the least amused.

" Oi Eren, You slacked off today" said a bored yet firm voice.

" L-levi heichou!" Eren immediately stood up before his lance corporal.

"There are a lot of dust particles in the female chambers " said Levi. Eren was in charge of cleaning the girls room that afternoon.

Oh he meant that. Eren thought and sighed a soft sigh of relief. For a second there he had thought that he was caught casually snoozing. That would not go down well with his record with the lance corporal. Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlet were eyeing him with worried expressions. Jean Kristeshein and Connie Springer were trying hard not to laugh at the situation. Sasha Blause was too busy stuffing her face with bread.

Finally, the most petite girl of the bunch was sitting in the corner of the table , quietly eating her dinner. She did not seem to be at all interested in what was going on which was really bizarre considering the fact that she was always the first to help or defend someone. Eren had noticed that the blonde in question had been keeping her distance ever since her closest friend betrayed her and the squad. Ymir. Now that he thought about it he had never seen the girl without Ymir. No. That's not it. It was definitely something more deeper than that.

'Krista Lenz is gone!"

Eren could still remember the day she had revealed her true identity.

" I quit Krista!" she had laughed like a maniac.

This mental breakdown was made clearer to everyone two days ago when 'Krista Lenz' told the squad about her upbringing and her true name , Historia Reiss. She herself had willingly put four walls around her after she revealed her past. That was not even the full story, Levi had told her not too long ago that she must also bear the burden of becoming queen. This was because he had found out that the Reiss household was the true royal family.

"Oi Eren! Did you hear what I said?" said Levi in the same monotones voice. Eren was immediately snapped out of his thoughts.

"S-sorry!" said Eren feeling flustered for dazing out again. " Could you repeat that please?"

Levi sighed his expression unchanged. " After dinner go clean all the rooms in the female chambers once again"

Refusing this command would not be wise of anyone. So Eren simply replied with a " Yes sir"

After everyone had washed away their plates, put everything in order as Levi would want, they all went into their rooms. The girls' room was located upstairs and the boy's rooms were located at the bottom floor with captain Levi getting his own chamber to himself. Eren started to make his way upstairs.

"Eren" said a familiar voice. He looked down and saw Mikasa walking up towards him, Armin was following behind her.


"I'll help you" said Mikasa. Mikasa had always been like this around Eren. But he knows that it was always with good intention even though the protectiveness did get on his nerves sometimes.

"It's really ok Mikasa I can manage- " he was cut off mid sentence by the appearance of the shorter man.

"Ackerman and Arlet I need to brief you over the mission tommorow" said Levi. The Next day they were all going to start the mission that would ultimately lead Historia to become queen. Their first step was to reach the Reiss chapel. The road would not be easy, There would always be the possibility of titans lurking around.

He had laid down a map on the table. Tomorrow the new squad Levi was to make their way to the Reiss's chapel in order to gain evidence for the king and prove to humanity that Historia was the rightful heir to the throne. After a quick 'Yes sir' Armin was already making his way towards the Levi. For a split second Mikasa looked a bit disappointed but then she quickly shook it off, even she could not refuse the corporal. Eren smiled and nodded at her signaling to her that it's really ok and that he can handle cleaning one room. After Mikasa had walked away (reluctantly) to the dining hall, Eren walked up the stairs to the female room shared by the three girls in the squad.

"Here we go" Eren inwardly sighs as he pushed open the door. It was half past 9 in the evening and he was stuck doing chores.

The room looked exactly like the boy's room. Not too spacious and not too small. However the girls room had a window overlooking the forest areas while the boy's room did not even have a window. On the top bed of the bunk bed on the right was Sasha who was already fast asleep. That girl had energy enough for everyone but it seemed that the energy was limited. Eren eyed the bed below where Sasha was sleeping. He had no trouble spotting Mikasa's travel gear. He smiled. Of course she would have chosen the bottom bed. If they were in any danger she would want to spring into action as quickly as possible. She was always prepared. Which was something Eren lacked.


Surprised , Eren looked to his left. There sitting on the bottom bunk bed on the left was Historia. In her hands was a piece of paper and a pen. She looked as if she'd been startled. As if he'd interrupted her thoughts.

"Are you looking for Mikasa?" she simply asked.

Eren shook his head. He was still not used to the melancholic Historia in comparison to the sociable bubbly Krista Lenz that the squad had known and cherished. A "goddess" they had called her. Almost every male in their class had a massive crush on her and worshipped the ground she walked. She oozed kindness and showered everyone with her good heart. To the point where it made Eren sick. He was one of, if not the only male in her class to not have a school boy crush on her. In all honesty Eren had never liked 'Krista Lenz'. He had always seen her as a phony and a fake. Now that the truth was out everything had started to make sense.

"Mikasa is at a meeting with the corporal" Said Eren.

Before Historia could say anything she noticed the broom in Eren's hands. " Oh, sorry, Levi heichou had asked you to clean our room again didn't he?"

" Yeah, you were there when he told me, not too long ago actually. " said Eren completely baffled at how aloof Historia was.

She tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ears. " Sorry I wasn't listening" she said simply as she looked down at the piece of paper in her hands. She looked like she was contemplating something before she finally put her pen against the paper.

Eren frowned but decided against saying anything more. He started to sweep the floor. Historia kept on writing quietly. He made a mental note to thank Sasha for her loud snoring because that was the only thing that stopped this from being an awkward silence.

After sweeping across the area of the room Eren stood at the front of the door and looked around the room. It looked exactly the same as it was before. And as far as he was concerned he did not spot many dust particles as Levi had said. Eren scratched his head.

"I swear he's pulling my leg on purpose" Said Eren out loud. He half expected Historia to say something. Had it been Krista she would have willingly picked up every little dust particle for him. When there was no answer he looked to his left and saw that the girl had fallen asleep. Her head was against the ladder and the paper that was in her hand had fallen on to the floor.

Out of pure curiosity Eren inched closer to the piece of paper lying on the ground. He knew prying was not ok but he figured that finding out more about Historia Reiss would be important to the mission tomorrow. Eren mentally scolded himself for thinking up and excuse for himself. It wasn't probably even that important. He took another quiet step before he slowly crouched down to pick up the paper. Just one look. He thought. As he picked up the piece of paper.

"You're still here?"

Eren quickly stood up straight completely embarrassed that he had been caught. He turned to face her and saw that Historia was rubbing her eyes. Eren sighed a sigh of relief once again. He had managed to not get caught. The blonde stopped rubbing her eyes , sat up straight and waited on him for an answer. She then eyed the piece of paper in his hand. Eren noticed.

"Oh , It fell out of your hands when you fell asleep and I was going to place it back on the bed" He said rather quickly. Historia nodded when she took the piece of paper back from Eren.

"Thank you" she said. Historia placed the piece of paper face down on her lap. She tugged a strand of blonde hair falling across her face. She looked down at her lap. Eren felt a bit nervous. He had no clue on what she was thinking. Not even a guess. Did she see through his intentions?

" Did you see anything I wrote?" she asked quietly.

"No" replied Eren reassuringly. " You woke up just as I picked it up"

Guilt washed over him. He should have just left the paper and just left the room.

"I see" replied Historia. She looked up at the boy standing in front of her ." Would you have looked at it if I hadn't woken up?"

Eren was a bit taken aback by her question. Krista was never this upfront. She had always struck him as the shy type. That didn't quite register after she made the switch back to Historia.


He replied honestly and looked down at the floor. There was no point in lying. His reply was followed by silence. Eren decided that he wasn't going to stay there any longer so he turned around and made his way towards the door.

"How are you so honest Eren?"

Eren stopped in his tracks and turned around. He was confused as to why she suddenly took that tone.

" Anyone would have read it, there was no point in lying" Said Eren.

"So you're saying that if you had said no, the fact that you had lied would have been obvious to me?" She asked again. "Is seeing through lies really not that difficult?"

Eren figured that this was something more than the piece of paper. But he wasn't sure how to respond. He and 'Krista' weren't that close so to say. Eren turned back around to face her.

"Well I believe that a lie, any lie would be spotted eventually" Said Eren. " The truth will always reveal itself in time, sooner or later". He watched as the girl furrowed her brows. After a moment she looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Then! Was it right that I revealed my true name? Is the timing not right?" Said Historia quietly. He had no way to sympathize with what she was feeling. Eren knew that her situation was different than the rest of the squad. Even him. Even though he's been a lot their situations were different.

Eren smiled. He knew that this array of questions had something more to do than the piece of paper. " I don't think it has anything to do with the timing. You told us who you really were out of your own free will"

Historia shook her head. "Krista was who everyone liked, Krista was a good girl, Historia is not" she looked down at the piece of paper. " Will they all start to hate me now?"

"Huh?" Eren was surprised at her question. Were these the thoughts that sprung through her head. While killing titans and seeing through his ultimate goal were the thoughts that occupied his mind, was self loath and uncertainity that flooded Historia's?

"I can't answer that for everyone but I can answer for me" said Eren. Historia looked back at Eren again.

" I never really liked Krista" He said.

Historia widened her eyes. " Huh?"

"She was way too creepy and I always felt like she was fake" Halfway through opening the door to exit, Eren turned around and smiled. " But I like Historia"

He looked at her, There were some sort of emotion reflected in her eyes. He just couldn't pin point what it was. " You are just a stupidly normal honest person" He said before opening the door to leave the room.

"Eren wait"

Eren faced his head towards her way once more. " Hm?"

"Thank you" she said. Historia quickly looked back down at her piece of paper but in that instant he could have sworn that he saw a smile.

"Good night Historia" said Eren. He left the room and closed the door behind him.

The next morning felt a lot like the calm before the storm. After the squad had finished eating break fast, Levi had gathered them all outside the headquarters. Everyone was wearing their full gear. There were two horse carriage's outside. A dark brown horse and a white horse. Once everyone was gathered around him he started to brief them on the plan. Armin was holding the map from last night next to the shorter man.

" Ok listen up everyone" started Levi. " We are going to be going to go the Reiss chapel. No one's been there in five years and the road to the destination is infested with aberrant titans because of the breach of wall rose"

Levi placed a hand on the area of the map they are going to go to. "We will be travelling in these carriages. Eren eyed the two carriage. It was similar to the one they used with the old squad Levi on his first expedition as a survey corpse member.

Then Armin stepped up "Also everyone please be on guard! I know that there are only two horses for the two carriages. That's because u-mm we couldn't get the resources we needed in time "

Eren knew what he meant. This mission came up on short notice. The reason for this was because of Historia's timely revelation and the revelation that the Reiss's were the true royal family.

"There are seven of us" said Jean. He cleared his throat as Levi shot him a glance. " I – I erm mean eight of us, who's going in what carriage?"

Levi sighed. " Wait I'll get to that, but first" he took a step closer to Historia.

"Historia.. you do realize the importance of this mission am I right?"

Historia nodded. "Yes"

Eren shot a glance at her. They hadn't spoken to each other since the night before. Which wasn't that much of a big deal considering that it had always been like this. But that was Krista. This was Historia.

"Good, because if you back out of this mission in anyway shape of form, we will capture you and do whatever it is necessary to make you obey "

Everyone looked at Levi in shock. Sure he does not come across as the nice guy but he shouldn't have taken it too far. Eren wanted to say something but he was cut off.

"Eren, Historia, Connie and Armin you are going to be in this carriage" he motioned towards the carriage on the left. " Connie and Armin, what ever you do you have to protect Historia and Eren as they are vital to the success of this mission"

"Yes sir!" said Armin and Connie.

"I think I should be with Eren" said Mikasa.

"Oi Mikasa you can't just talk back to Levi heichou like that!" said Eren.


" Mikasa, Heichou would need your battle prowess at the front, your carriage will be the one in front and ours will be at the back" said Armin calmly. He smiled reassuring at Mikasa. "There is a higher chance of protecting Eren and Historia if you, Levi Heichou, Sasha and Jean take care of the titans coming up front"

" I see" said Mikasa. She was still not perfectly content.

"I'll be fine Mikasa" said Eren firmly. This was deffenitley not the first time they were in this situation and Eren knew that Mikasa wouldn't be completely content unless he made it perfectly firm and clear.

"Are you sure?" Mikasa asked once more.

Eren grunted. "Yes, The corporal needs you in the front lines, now go!" he always felt bad whenever he was harsh to her because he knows that he was all she's got left as her last remaining family.

"Alright Armin, Connie, Eren and Historia get in" Levi motioned the four to get into the other cart while Mikasa, Jean and Sasha got into the cart at the front. Levi himself took the lead as he sat on the horse leading the cart at the front.

"Lets go !" He yelled. With that command the horses pulled the carts with full force. Levi was directing the horse at the front cart and the horse at the back cart followed after.

Eren sat at one corner of the cart. Each of the four inside his cart took different corners otherwise they would all be squished up too close to eachother. The cart wasn't really very big. Historia sat directly in front of him and Armin was sitting adjacent to him.

"How are you feeling Historia?" asked Armin. E

Eren mentally thanked him for breaking the silence. He had also be meaning to ask her the very same question. For some reason he just couldn't due the conversation they had the night before.

"It's as Levi heichou said. I have to do this" said Historia without really answering his question. The three boys looked at her nervously. " But I'll be fine" she added quietly.

"I'd like to chit chat but we really need to be prepared for anything even though Mikasa 's group is going to do most of the fighting" said Connie, the shortest boy there.

"I agree" said Eren. " We can't just assume that we are safe just because we are inside four corners inside a cart, we have to be on guard"

Historia and Armin nodded in agreement.

The remainder of the ride was quiet with little nervous and alert glances exchanged between the four. They were all expecting something big to happen as it always did for them. Eren started to get restless. He wanted to be out at the front with the corporal. Surely he was a better choice than Sasha? As if his mind had been read Armin suddenly says.

" I know that you'd rather be out at the front, but you are vital to this missions success too." Smiled Armin.

"Hm I understand the mission" Eren smiled back. Now was not the time to argue his way to the front, he had to keep his mind on the operation at hand.

It was all going smoothly before the cart halted to a sudden stop. The four got up. Connie put his head out of the cart first.

" Connie get back inside the cart!" yelled Sasha who was using her 3d gear in full swing.

"What's going on!?" yelled Eren as he pushed his way out the cart.

Connie squinted his eyes and he saw that Mikasa and Jean were also using their 3D gear.

"Get inside you idiots!" yelled Jean from afar. "There are five aberrant titans coming right this way you need to get inside!"

"Eren ! Connie! Get in here!" Yelled Armin from inside the cart."

"Tch" Eren and Connie made there way inside the cart once more. They heard the swinging of the swords and the clanking of the metal, then they heard one thud. Not being able to do anything was a far worse feeling than he imagined. Eren started to clench and unclench his palms. This mission would be going a lot faster if Levi had let them all fight. But he knew the risk of that. If either he or Historia died, The mission would be a failure and humanity would be lost.

"Damn it" said Eren with a clenched jaw. Historia took note of this.

"What's wrong Eren?" she asked. Eren looked away from her and tried to block out the sounds of the fighting that's happening outside. Surely they would have taken care of five abberant titans.

"We need to take care of those ones coming up ahead!" Eren heard Levi say. Eren shut his eyes tighter as if that would help to stop himself from doing anything brash.

Suddenly their cart started to shake. They heard the horse screech loudly until there was absolute silence.

"W-what's going on?" asked Historia.

"I don't know and I'm not going to stay in here any longer" said Eren as he went out the cart.

"Eren no! wait!" said Armin as he followed Eren out. Followed by Armin was Connie. They went around the cart to the front, where the horse was. The three looked at the sight in horror.

Their horse was dead. It's throat had been cut off and the fresh blood was still oozing out into it's dark brown fur.

"What… how?" said Armin. He looked visibly shaken.

"A titan?" asked Connie who was equally baffled. It couldn't have been a titan. Levi and them would have gotten rid of the ones in this parameter.

" It can't be." Said Eren. "Titan's don't kill animals"

The boys were brought back to attention by a hair rising scream. They all knew whom the voice belonged to. With adrenaline pumping, the boys reacted.

"Historia!" Eren yelled as he made his way behind the cart to get to Historia. Armin and Connie had tried to follow but they were halted by another scream.

"Armin! Connie! Eren! Behind you!" Yelled Sasha who was chasing an aberrant on her 3D gear. The titan was headed straight towards Connie and Armin.

"We can't leave Historia!" Eren yelled back. He ran full speed. He was never the one to leave a team mate behind. Whether they had just met or they had been long term friends he wasn't going to let someone die for nothing. Historia was no exception." Eren! there are titans here!" Armin yelled. But Eren was already half way around the cart.

Connie took no time to use his 3d gear. He and Sasha teamed up to slash the neck of the titan. Just then Mikasa and Jean showed up, More titans were tailing behind them.

"Why are you outside the cart?!" yelled Jean.

"Where is Eren?!" asked a distressed Mikasa.

Before either of them could explain what was going on, more titans started to show up. Corporal Levi was tailing them. He swiftly kills off one of the titans with his signature spin. The four remaining got up with their 3D gear and started to round off all the titans. Mikasa and Jean defeated two titans. Connie , Sasha and Armin made a team effort.

"Where are Eren and Historia?" yelled Levi after he killed off another titan.

Eren ran to the back of the cart. He noticed that the top ceiling of the cart was smashed open. "Historia!" he yelled as he rushed inside.

There standing inside was a masked man carrying an unconscious Historia over his shoulders. Eren glared at the man. He recognized the emblem on the man's jacket. Military police. He thought as he clenched his fists. Anger was boiling inside him. Why would they do this? What business do they have to be way out here. Why would they want to be in their way? Why would they want to kidnap someone?. A million questions formed through Eren's burning mind.

" Put her down" Eren yelled at the man. The mask only covered the bottom half of the man's face and Eren could easily see a smirk through the man's eyes. This made him even angrier.

"Traitors!" He yelled as he took out both his swords. He yelled and charged at the man. Mid way through the run Eren felt dizzy. What's happening to me? He thought. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was Historia's unconscious face.

A/N – I hope you all like it! This is going to be a 15 chapter story dedicated to all the Eren/Historia fans. I know that the recent manga may have left you feeling a bit down. Especially if you are a fan of this couple. That's one of the reasons why I wanted to write a full length story for this couple. I will be updating this story every Friday. So please review and let me know what you think!