I am going to try to make my own version of a Percy with Chaos fanfic. I'm not sure what the couple will turn out to be. Hopefully you enjoy it and please read the story!
Chapter 1 – The Saddening Surprise
*Percy's PoV*
I was just walking back into Camp Half-Blood from completing some tasks that Athena forced me to do to be allowed to get Annabeth's hand in marriage. If I had proposed to her without gaining Athena's permission, she would've blasted me into ash right after asking her daughter. After slaying specific monsters for two months, Athena finally allowed me to propose to her daughter. She even had Hephaestus make the ring for me. I had just crossed into the camp after getting the ring from Hephaestus's forge where he made it. It was engraved with αγάπη, or love, it also had για πάντα, forever, on its sides. I really hope she likes it.
"Hey Chiron," I said to Chiron as I walked by.
"How was the quest, young Perseus?" Chiron asked with a smile on his face. I only told Malcolm, Grover, and Chiron why I went on this quest. I had told Annabeth that I needed to leave to go on a quest to help our relationship.
"It was ok. Some of the monsters were rough and got in a few lucky hits but I'm fine." I replied. "Do you know where I might find Annabeth?" I asked him.
"I don't know. Maybe you could find someone in her cabin that can help you." Chiron replied.
"Ok, maybe I can find Malcolm and he should know. 'Bye Chiron." I said as I turned away and headed towards her cabin. I passed a lot of people going to and from their activities. The camp had grown exponentially as most of the fauns from the Roman camp came here to be trained as searchers. Camp was taking in a whole lot more campers now. Some of the new demigods were even Roman demigods that had decided to stay here instead of going back or to Camp Jupiter. Travel between the two camps was very easy and simple. After the Giant war, both camps grew closer from the loss of troops. Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, ended up sacrificing himself to defeat Gaea. This hit the rest of the seven pretty hard. After the war, I also got to know Malcolm better since I was over at the Athena cabin asking for Annabeth a lot. We've become good friends and we don't lie to each other. Hazel and Frank ended up staying at Camp Jupiter but they visit often.
"Hey Malcolm. Do you know where Annabeth is right now?" I asked Malcolm when I saw him standing outside the Athena cabin.
"I think she is doing some extra training while everyone else is either eating or playing Capture the Flag." Malcolm replied. I guess I hadn't realized that everyone was in armor and was heading into the woods. Ehh, I guess I can be pretty oblivious.
"If their playing CtF (Capture the Flag), then why are you here?" I asked him.
"Oh, I was injured when a new camper missed the target in archery and shot me in the back." Malcolm said grimacing.
"Ouch, what cabin did the camper belong to?" I asked.
"He was son new son of Zeus. His name is John and he is bad. I'd say he is as bad as Hercules was in his day. He has also been converting some of the new campers behind him. It is like he has his own group of slaves. Just a warning: he is jealous of your accomplishments and has gotten everyone but me, Annabeth, Clarisse, the Stolls, Katie, Grover, Nico, Chiron, Mr. D, Pollux, Chris, Will Solace, Piper, Jason, and anyone else that has fought alongside you to pretty mch hate or disown you. The Hunters have come once since he came and they said they weren't going to come back until he is gone. He is pretty bad. The campers love him because he defeated a dracaene with no training at the top of the hill." Malcolm said.
"That doesn't sound nice. I just want to be left alone. Well I need to go find Annabeth; I am going to propose to her!" I said jumping up and down.
"Ok, I think she's in the arena and good luck!" Malcolm said smiling. Before I went on the quest, he wished me luck. He had long gotten over the fact our parents were rivals once we had become friends. He was even ok with the fact me and Annabeth would probably become married later in their lives. He has even supported me on occasion in different places and situations.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This might be a line break.
I headed toward the arena after my talk with Malcolm. When I got there, no one was outside and I didn't really hear anything which was weird since normally someone is always here and Annabeth should be training right now. If she was training, then she should be making noises or at least her weapon and the dummies should be making noise. When I walked in, I didn't see anything at first. When I continued walking farther in the arena and looking around for her, I heard a noise. At first I didn't recognize it but then I realized it was two people having a heavy make-out session. I wasn't worried because Annabeth probably just left to eat lunch or something then the two people came in and started kissing since there weren't any witnesses at first. As I went to turn around and leave to continue looking for Annabeth, I saw two things. One, there was someone else hiding in the shadows looking at the two making out with a horrified look on their face. The person looked vaguely familiar and when I got closer, I realized the person was Connor Stoll. The second thing I noticed was one of the people making out had blond hair. I put the fact Connor seemed to be horrified and the fact the person with blond hair was female, and the fact the fair was blond together and thought "On, no. Please let it be some Apollo kid with someone else. Not Annabeth, please no." I slowly walked closer to the two people intertwined with each other. I realized both of them had no shirt on and the male was an Aphrodite brat. I also realized the female was Annabeth!
"WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled out when I was sure it was Annabeth. The two people jerked apart when they heard my voice and the anger in it. I saw Connor jump at hearing me and pale considerably. Annabeth immediately looked and saw me. I saw her face blanch and confusion on her face.
"WHAT THE HELL? I WENT ON THAT STUPID QUEST, ALMOST DIED, SO I COULD PROPOSE TO YOU AND THIS IS HOW YOU'VE BEEN ACTING WHILE I WAS GONE?" I yelled to her face as a hurricane starts to form around me. I could also sense the waves on the beach growing bigger and harsher.
"Percy! It's not my fault!" Annabeth yelled as she tried to get closer to me. I also saw Connor high-tail it out of the arena.
"Not your fault? You looked fine sucking his face before I came. And DON'T YOU DARE come any closer to me." I yelled as the hurricane grew stronger and the waves from the beach started to reach new heights. The hurricane also started to grow and move around. The ground also started to shake in an earthquake as the arena started to break down. "I went on this quest to get Athens's permission to propose to you. And this is what happens when I'm only gone for two months. I almost died. Your face saved me. I turned down immortality for you, and THIS IS HOW I GET REPAID?!" I screamed as I turned and went back to my cabin. If I had looked closer into her face, I might've noticed the pink tinge to her skin, the confusion in her eyes, and the cloudiness in her eyes. Then I might've concluded she was spelled by Aphrodite.
I quickly packed my stuff and left two notes. One said, To the Camp, the other said, To Grover + Malcolm. I needed to have some people have my back and know the truth. Then I left my cabin and started running towards the top of the hill. I heard some people call out my name but I ignored them and kept running. I noticed one of the voices was calling me a sissy or something. I nodded to Peleus before sprinting past the Camp that housed the person that broke my heart.
I was heading towards my mother's home in our apartment building. It was rough, fighting all the monsters that kept attacking me as I ran and sometimes walked to my mom's apartment. Suddenly I was thrown up and through a gas station. As I turned around, I was picked up and slammed into the ground. My body seemed to be full of fire. I realized something sharp was in my Achilles's spot. I was turned over and I realized the Minotaur was above me and it had three dracaene around it. One of their swords was in my back. Right as everything was fading, a portal opened up and a man in a business suit that seemed to be made up of the stars stepped out. The monsters froze and hightailed it outta there. The man snapped his fingers and the monsters turned into dust.
"Hello young hero. While I am talking to you, time has frozen so your wound isn't getting worse and your body is frozen in its health at this exact time. Let me introduce myself, I am the Creator and the Destroyer. I am Chaos itself. I would like you to join my army. You would become immortal and have a portion of my powers. You would be trained and would become immensely powerful. You could become one of the most powerful people alive. Your amount of these things depends on your strength and what level you are at in my army. This will be your only chance. You cannot go back if you want to. My powers are vast and I will help and heal you. I could easily heal your wound on your back. Your choice. Choose wisely and choose right now." The man, Chaos, said both roughly and kindly.
"Ok. There isn't much left for me here. Her pride will probably make trouble for me. I choose to join your Army, Lord Chaos." I said roughly.
"Ok. This might be slightly painful. I will have to return time to its correct place, heal your fatal wound, and have you join my army all in only one or two minutes for it to work." Chaos said apologetically. Chaos then started and did what he said he would.
"I think I'll b-," I said before stopping because of the pain. Soon after, I saw stars and was knocked unconscious by the pain.
I hope you all liked it. I added things like the Son of Zeus and a few other minor changes. I updated it today. (12-17-12) Please tell me what you think about this chapter and the story so far! Thanks, Read & Review!
~~Book D