Toxic: A WidowGenji Story

Written By Noisiboi

Chapter 1: The Widow's Kiss

Genji readjusted his tie uncomfortably, staring at himself in the mirror through the thin, green visor of his helmet. He knew already that he would just look weird, having this weaponized, metal bodysuit underneath a… tux, he thought he heard Angela call it.

Though half of him thanked God that he had to have a helmet covering his face in order to keep him alive. Because if he didn't, he knew everyone would see his flushed expression from having to wear such a silly outfit.

"How are the others wearing these clown suits so confidently?" he thought out loud, "My father would certainly be dishonored to see me going with these nonsensical customs."

Angela giggled at him in amusement, knowing him more than well enough to see how embarrassed he was, "Aw, but you look so cute in a tux, Genji!" she exclaimed from the doorway, her German accent carrying prevalently in her voice.

Her tall, slim figure was adorned in a dress navy blue in color that ended mid-thigh with velvet straps the wrapped around her arms and connected to back of the dress right underneath her shoulders. Her blonde hair was done up in its usual manner but her hair looked glossier and like it had more time put into every strand in contrast her usual messy bangs and ponytail.

She looked beautiful as ever.

"Cute is what one would call a young a child. I am not a child, so if I look cute, my father must be rolling around in his grave right now," Genji grumbled.

Mercy rolled her eyes lightly and walked over to him, stopping between him and the mirror he was looking at himself through so as to make sure he was looking at her instead, "You know that's not what I meant, you grouch," she teased, adjusting his green tie the way it was supposed to look, "At least we got one that matches your armor. It looks nice on you."

Genji looked down as her hands shifted a mere couple times and the tie was instantly fixed thanks to her handiwork, "I don't think I would have been able to attend this ceremony without your help, Angela. It seems you've rescued me yet again. Thank you."

The blonde doctor blushed at the gesture and smiled, "Oh, stop. I make it my duty to help people… my best friend is no exception to the rule."

The metal-suited ninja smirked behind his mask, "I'm still waiting for the day you finally let me return the favor, Doctor Ziegler."

Angela chuckled amusedly and stepped back from him to reassure herself that his suit was prim and proper with a quick gaze of him, "As the former chief medical officer of Overwatch… I'm afraid I simply must refuse any form of compensation or service from you, Mister Shimada." She winked.

She could practically feel the eye roll Genji just gave her behind his helmet.

A giggle escaped her lips and she tugged on his sleeve to get him to follow her, "Now hurry up and come on, we're already late enough as is because of your griping."

Genji reluctantly followed, stumbling over himself lightly from the embarrassment of being seen in the tux.

When they reached the doors to the sanctuary, her eyes narrows at him, "And for goodness sake, stop calling this a ceremony. It's Ana and Reinhardt's wedding!"

And with that, she opened up the door to the sanctuary and pulled Genji inside post-haste.

Genji stood towards the back of the line of groomsmen with Torbjorn, a very short old man from Sweden with stiff, graying-blond locks and a face grizzled with age, at the front of the line as the best man that everyone knew Reinhardt would choose. The old men were inseparable friends. Ahead of Genji, besides Torbjorn, were Jack Morrison, the once inspirational co-leader of Overwatch now an old ex-soldier with a seemingly permanent frown, Jesse McCree, the cowboy marksman of Overwatch trained by the late Gabriel Reyes of Blackwatch, and Winston, the former head scientist and mind of the team and essentially the one that brought everyone back together after the group's official disbanding.

The ninja at the back of the group had to admit, seeing a gorilla with a tuxedo and glasses was probably a lot weirder to look at than a cyborg with a tie that matched his green visor. But then again, the group as a whole was just plain odd to look at.

Genji looked across the altar to see the bridesmaids.

At the front was Fareeha Amari, Ana's fully-grown daughter and one of the newer additions to the group, as the maid of honor. Far in the back behind her was Angela Ziegler, the former medic of the team and the one who saved Genji's life as well as put him in the robotic suit that keeps him alive to this day.

Angela smiled at Genji lightly and gave a thumbs up to make sure Genji knew he was doing fine, since Genji had never participated in the wedding of another culture's tradition before. Because of that, Angela made sure that he knew he was doing fine any chance she could get.

Genji gave a nod since she couldn't see him give a reassuring smile in return, due to his mask.

Who stood in front of Angela consisted of Lena Oxton, the pilot and youngest member of the bridesmaids and groomsmen present, and the first two bridesmaids seemed to be either Ana's sisters or maybe distant family members of hers, that Genji wouldn't recognize.

Genji's observations of everyone present at the altar of the church were sharply interjected by the priest conducting the marriage for Ana and Reinhardt starting with, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate…"

The tuxedo-wearing ninja tuned out the priest's speech almost instantly and his eyes widened a little behind his mask. He meant no disrespect to the priest or to the ceremony itself, but merely was finding himself in an unprecedented awe at what he saw between the marrying fiancées.

The faces they wore, the smiles across their lips, the gentle redness of their cheeks, and most of all the warm glow that seemed to encase them even when they weren't touching. Just standing across from one another, eyes locked with each other lovingly.

Genji took in every fine detail of this once in a lifetime moment he was witnessing. Even with Ana's one eye missing behind her eyepatch, her grayed hair, and the wrinkles on her face, Genji didn't see an old veteran sniper. He saw a young woman, warmth gleaming in her eyes as she gazed up at the love of her life. The warmth of care for her own knight in shining armor.

Even with the receded hairline of Reinhardt, his thick white beard that only emphasized his old age, and his scarred, battle-hardened face, Genji didn't see an elderly knight of war. He only saw a man fresh in his youth with eyes brimming full of passion and drive. A drive to love and protect the woman in front of him as long as they both shall live.

Genji couldn't stop staring at them for the extent of the service, his heart full of admiration for the old couple at last finding their chance to finalize the love between them that they held for one another ever since the beginning of the Omnic Crisis.

Before he even knew it, Genji heard the last words of the priest declare, "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

At hearing those fateful words, Ana leaned up on her tiptoes to try to make up for the towering height of her new husband, Reinhardt grinning from ear to ear as he bent down so she wouldn't have to lean up too far as their lips met in the middle in a tender, gentle kiss.

The kiss seemed to last a small eternity and held the passion of a finale of grand fireworks.

Once their kiss finally ended, they turned to the small crowd of people in the pews and everyone watching immediately stood up in unison as the priest exclaimed to everyone present, "I would now like to present to you… Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm."

The crowd instantly broke into an applause, Torbjorn wiping a tear from his cheek as he watched, sniffing, "Argh, dammit, I promised myself I wouldn't do this!" he said in his thick Swedish accent.

About that time, Genji realized how intently he was staring and he looked down to make sure he wouldn't stare at them in such a way again as the married couple made their way down the long church aisle, wide smiles on their faces as the crowd of their friends and families clapped for them. The bridesmaids paired with the groomsmen started to walk down the aisle not far behind them, in perfect formation, Genji being the last one to walk across the altar to meet Angela there, holding an arm out for her to take. A smile crossed her lips and she took it so they could make their way down the aisle behind the other bridesmaids and groomsmen.

Genji kept his eyes aimed at the floor, knowing by now Angela would have already been able to tell that something was off about him.

Sure enough, they only got off the altar when Angela whispered to him in a concerned tone, "What's wrong? You looked like you were about to get sick when the priest finished marrying them. Are you alright?"

She of all people knew almost everything about him just by instinct. She should by now, after all she spent at least a month taking care of him on the brink of death all those years ago, then proceeding to become his close friend, and even further on than that, she became his loyal partner in battle. They could read each other with ease, and Genji liked it that way. Ever since he lost his relationship with his brother, he felt relieved to have somebody who knew him so deeply like Angela did.

Genji thought over his choice of words before deciding to be blunt, whispering to her so as to not draw too much attention from the married couple at the front, "I think I want what they have."

Angela was surprised by that response, "And what is it that they have, that you want?"

He looked at her, his voice serious as he said, "Their love for each other. Their inspirational commitment," he went on, "Ever since we brought down Talon… I've just felt like something was missing. I've found tranquility in Nepal, friendship in all of you, peace in taking down Talon. But I have never found love quite like Ana and Reinhardt have. Love that transcends years of being apart and even during times where they questioned if either of them were still alive. While witnessing the moment of their marriage, I found myself wishing to know what they felt. I wanted to feel it too."

Angela listened with wide eyes looking up at him.

Genji looked down, "Is it wrong to feel that way? After my years in Nepal with Master Zenyatta, my heart should feel complete. I should have no desires to give my heart away. Have I truly failed my Master, Angela…?"

He was stopped by feeling Angela's hand on the metal-covered skin of his hand, his eyes averting from the ground to her again.

"You're still human, Genji. Just like the rest of us. I know you have a tendency to forget that, but that's why I'm going to make sure that changes. I won't rest until you stop forgetting your humanity," she winked knowingly.

He frowned a bit nervously in response to that, "How do you plan to do that?"

A smile appeared on her thin lips again, "We have to find you a girlfriend!"

Genji's face lit up with blush, "A-A girlfriend? I haven't had one of those since we—" he suddenly stopped talking at noticing a flash of light reflecting off a transparent glass surface towards one of the balconies of the church, the surface the light was reflecting from having to only be a few inches in diameter at the most. His visor worked as a natural filter of sunlight so he wouldn't be blinded by the sun or any sort of flashbang during combat, so he scanned over each balcony in search for the strange light that appeared.

Angela frowned, "Genji, is something wrong?"

He didn't answer, his eyes merely trailing downwards from the balconies to the newlywed couple heading for the door leading out of the sanctuary, Ana holding Reinhardt's arm as he reached up for the handle of the door to throw it open wide.

Ana stood out from the other bridesmaids. Her dress was long and white, velvet in material with the skirt of the dress rippling its way to the floor behind her before ending at the hem of the dress almost brushing the carpet beneath her white slippers.

But all it took was the pull of a finger, the loud bang of a gunshot breaking through the applause of the room and the organ music serenading the couple's ears as they walked down the aisle. All it took was a split second for the dress to suddenly become rapidly stained in red, Ana dropping forward to the floor before Reinhardt could catch her.

Cries of fear filled the room and the perfect formation of the bridesmaids and groomsmen broke apart from the shock of hearing gunfire from seemingly nowhere.

"Ana! No!" Reinhardt cried out, dropping to his knees next to Ana and holding her close against his chest as blood drained out of the new hole in her back that the bullet was lodged inside.

Ana stared up at him with pained eyes as she tried to keep herself up, clinging to her husband to stay alive as she fell limply against him.

Genji's pupils dilated in shock and his gaze instantly snapped back up towards the balconies to find a dark, feminine figure crouched against the railing of the balcony, a sniper rifle armed and ready to fire another shot.

He stepped forward and to distract them from whoever the assassin's next target was going to be by barking out, "Sniper in the balcony! Everyone get down!"

Almost instantly, the sniper barrel was aimed in Genji and Angela's direction and Angela let out a sharp gasp, "Genji!" And the ninja reacted with lightning-quick reflexes, throwing himself in front of Angela and whipping his arm out to automatically activate the built-in ammo supply of shurikens in his mechanical suit, firing off three shurikens in a straight line at the shooter, the metallic stars spinning rapidly straight at them

Two bullets left the chamber of the sniper rifle that destroyed the shurikens on impact but before they could fire off the third shot, the third shuriken landed right into the barrel of the gun, causing a small explosion in the shooter's face and causing smoke to plume into the air, "Agh!" the shooter cried before finding themselves cornered in a room full of former Overwatch agents.

With a sharp, "Tsk." The sniper clicked the button of a detonator strapped to the side of their gun to instantly cause every stained glass window on the left wing of the room to explode and send shattered glass and debris raining down on the crowd, who once again cried out in fear as they all ducked for cover from the explosions.

At seeing the left wing of the church was now gone, the sniper fired a grappling hook off their wrist to the collapsing roof of the church before kicking off the railing and swinging down in a precise arch to lunge straight out the missing side of the building, back-flipping midair to land on the building right next to the church.

At the moonlight now shining in through the building, Genji was able to see the shooter more clearly whilst he kept Angela down to protect her from raining debris.

He barely made out the metallic rose-colored suit adorning a female figure, the skin of the feminine shooter that was visible seemed to be a cold shade of blue but Genji couldn't tell if that was truly her skin color or if that was an illusion of the moonlight.

Then the shooter's eyes darted back at the church, her eyes locking with Genji.

Many small, red lenses for eyes met a glowing, green visor for a split second before she shot a challenging smirk and took off running across the rooftop.

Genji's teeth gritted together before feeling Angela's hand on his shoulder. He looked back to find Angela staring right into his visor with a deathly serious look, "Go get them. You can do it."

He gave a sharp nod, turning and sprinting across the pews, up the wall and then lunged high into the sky to land on the roof the sniper was on mere seconds ago as he pursued the mysterious shooter. Genji ran as fast as he could and even though he knew the shooter had a good head start on him, he would be much faster than her. He was BUILT to be faster.

Kicking his sprint up to max speed, a green glow became him and he rushed forward, lunging over the sky-scraping height of the next building over and landing on the top of it with perfect aim by planting his feet down onto the concrete of the roof to steady himself.

But before he could continue his chase, he came to a screeching halt at seeing the shooter right in front of him on the ledge of the building, sniper rifle aimed at his face and a simper across her lips.

"I knew you would come. You did before, after all," she chuckled darkly.

Genji froze in place, staring her down and knowing full-well that the bullet of her sniper would hit him a lot faster than he could dodge it. His eyes scanned her up and down to take in who could potentially be the one who ends his life tonight.

Her skin was most definitely blue. There was no doubt about it seeing her this close. But he couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen blue skin like that before… he had to of seen it somewhere.

A black helmet with at least seven red, glowing lenses across the front of it covered her head down to her nose skillfully covering her eyes to hide her true identity with a ponytail coming out the back of it, her hair a dark, blue-black color that glistened in the light of the moon. Her slim body was adorned with the metallic, rose-colored suit that he saw earlier when she made her escape. It covered most of her body aside from her cleavage which was very much exposed as well as the majority of her back down to just above her tailbone. She most likely kept herself rather revealing like this to distract her opponents during close-quarters combat.

Or at least that's what Genji hoped the semi-revealing outfit was for.

The sleeve and glove of her right hand was missing, her trigger hand it seemed. This revealed a tattoo spanning the length of her inner forearm that seemed to be written in French that he wouldn't be able to read if he tried.

High-heeled boots that looked almost alien in appearance soared up her long legs before ending above her knees, a sort of high-tech mine strapped to her waist by a loose-fitting belt. In fact the only thing that seemed to be keeping her belt on her practically nonexistent waistline was the seductive width of her hips.

Genji glared at her behind the visor of his mask, "Who are you?"

A sick giggle escaped her lips, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Why are you doing this? Did someone hire you to attack us?" Genji asked, ignoring the sardonic, silver-tongued tone in her voice.

"So many questions…" she sighed, "I should have figured five years in Nepal with a bunch of machines would make you uninteresting to converse with."

Genji's face paled behind his helmet, "You know of that? I was specifically told that would remain confidential information for nobody's knowledge but Overwatch."

She smirked yet again, "Precisely."

He glared suspiciously, "Do I know you?"

A long silence settled between them.


Finally, a satisfied chuckle left her throat, "Now you're asking the right question," she reached up and clicked a button on the side of her helmet and instantly it let out a small sound, activating the gears inside the helmet to retract the lens pieces of the helmet and reveal the eyes beneath.

Genji stepped back in shock at seeing this girl he knew from countless years ago now, "Amelie Lacroix…!" he gasped, his words a hushed tone as if it were a secret.

Her amber-yellow eyes narrowed at him, "Ah, good, you remember me for who I once was," she smirked, "I feel it makes a small comfort to at least know the last face that you see. Goodbye, dear Genji."

His pupils dilated at her words and on instinct, he reached behind him and whipped his wakizashi sword out of the sheath he had under his white suit shirt, tearing the back of the shirt to shreds as he yanked it out of its sheath and slashed outward at the very last second as Amelie pulled the trigger of her overcharged rifle, the bullet smashing against the edge of Genji's blade and deflecting back at Amelie.

The French assassin sidestepped the deflected bullet and fired again and again as Genji lunged at her upon seeing an opening.

The cyborg ninja sprinted at full speed toward her, deflecting the bullet with unbelievable precision before reaching and slicing in an outward arch with his sword, Amelie kicking off the ground and somersaulting over his head as she dropped her proximity mine at his feet and landed behind him.

Genji only had time to take notice of the mine before it shot a plume of purple gas right into his face, forcing him to cover his mouth and visor to protect himself from the toxic gas.

This was the only distraction Amelie needed to bring her gun up and open fire at the hip, switching the gun's control mechanism to automatic fire as her bullets sprayed at him with deadly aim, several clipping him in the sides and arms but none able to pierce his torso before he rolled underneath the spray of bullets and without taking in a single breath, he kicked her leg out from under her and simultaneously slammed his palm against her chest to take her down.

Upon taking her to the ground, both jumped into action, Genji finding himself on top of her first with his sword to her throat, "Don't move!"

Amelie gave him the slightest shadow of a grin, "I hope you know how to take your own advice…"

Genji glanced down to see what she was referring to when he found the barrel of her gun pressed against his chin, her finger on the trigger. He glared down at her sharply.

She giggled in a teasing way, "I can't see your face right now, but I bet I can guess what you're thinking right now. Something along the lines of… 'I put myself in a stalemate'?"

Genji let out a gruff, "Hm," and replied, "Not quite. More or less wondering how you managed to miss me at point-blank range. Aren't professional snipers supposed to rarely miss?"

Amelie simpered, "I'm not a professional sniper. I'm the best sniper you could ever hope to meet."

"And you missed your target."

With a light laugh, she whispered, "Oh, Genji. I never miss my target. When I want someone dead…" she leaned up close to him and used her gauntlet to knock his sword away, dropping her gun and grabbing the side of his head roughly, "… They die."

Genji's eyes widened as she clicked the precise button under the jaw plate of his helmet to make his face mask slide open and expose his scarred, pale face.

Waiting for her to do something, anything that would kill him, obstruct his breathing, or worse, he winced and tried to dart back up from her only to find her hand holding the back of his head and her neck craning upward so her lips could settle against her own in a passionate, sudden kiss.

Genji froze at the kiss, his eyes widening in shock.

It was not a peck on the lips or a short-lived kiss. This was a full, passionate display that entranced him in every single area of his morality that told him this was wrong.

Amelie shut her eyes into the kiss, this being all the time she needed to press the button of the second detonator on the side of her rifle.

His pupils became the meager size of periods as he heard a powerful explosion in the distance.

In the direction of the church where all of his friends were at.

He pulled his lips away from hers and looked up at a pillar of smoke and fire rising into the sky from a destroyed building below. Screams of panic and the sirens of police cars echoed through the streets below and he glared down at her darkly, "You. You were stalling until I gave you the chance to detonate the bomb."

Amelie stared up at him with her narrow, yellow eyes, face void of emotion, "When I want someone dead… They die."

Genji's mind raced with thoughts immediately.

Did Angela get out safely? Did any of them get out safely? Who's dead and who's still under the rubble dying?

He knew he had no time to process these thoughts as he glowered down at her with rage-filled eyes and spat out, "Amelie!"

She gave a slow, dark chuckle, "Amelie is dead. Only Widowmaker remains."

Genji's face mask slid closed again with a sharp, metallic sound, "I don't believe that. Amelie Lacroix would never kill the only family I have left!" And with that, he turned his sword around and smacked the bottom of the hilt against her temple to knock her unconscious.

Amelie's eyes went wide for a split second before shutting upon impact as her lights flickered out.

A/N: Hey there, readers! I hope you enjoyed the read, I sure had fun writing it.

Okay, so this whole story probably left a LOT of blanks and unanswered questions, but just so you know that is my intention. Questions will be answered as the story goes on, so rest assured the blanks will be filled! All I can reveal to you is that the story takes place after the events of the Mondatta assassination and the attempt at nabbing the Doomfist. Without giving any spoilers, there's currently a short-lived moment of peace after Reaper and Widowmaker disappeared. And the peace is what sets the events of this story in motion.

So a little background on why I wrote this story, a little while ago I was scrolling through the FanFiction archive and I've always kind of been caught between the pairings Genji x Mercy and Genji x Widowmaker. So I looked up both and I found Gency in several places, it even had a good collection of fanart...

But I found nothing for Genji x Widowmaker! Not even fanart! So I decided to take initiative and write (possibly) the very first story for them.

Here's to a new pairing I'm throwing out there: WidowGenji!

Thanks for reading! -Nb