Hey guys! Flare dragon here with this story! It was a 'request' from my buddy, DA Exodus. Anyway, I hope you like the story. This story is a challenge from DA Exodus so you might find more of this story around in the future.

I do not own anything that's Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Rick Riordan owns it. I don't own the OC as well, DA Exodus owns the OC.

"(text)" – People talking

'(text)' – People thinking

Chapter One

Blood. Screaming. Rain. That's all that Percy saw and heard that night. He was quivering at the corner of his room while he saw his step-father, Gabe Ugliano, beat on his mother in cold blood. Percy cried and kept shedding tears as he saw Gabe beat his mother to death with a baseball bat. He didn't know why this was happening. All he remembered was that he and his mother was having his favorite dinner when Gabe came in through the front door. Something was wrong when Percy saw him. His eyes were red, and his movements were sluggish. And the next thing Percy realized, Gabe had begun to yell at his mother and she was yelling back. Gabe began to yell louder and then tried to run towards Percy with fists raised. His mother got in the way, protecting Percy from getting hit. Soon after, rain began to pour down hard and Gabe began beating his mother and Percy ran to the corner in panic and began crying.

Seeing Gabe beat his mother wasn't uncommon; but none of them went as far, or as extreme, as this.

When Percy saw blood spatter, he ran out of the kitchen and headed for the door that led out of the apartment. He almost made it before he was pulled away from the door.

Percy tried to fight back by throwing wild punches and kicks but Gabe simply laughed and threw him towards the coffee table. He cried in pain and saw Gabe coming towards him. He grabbed Percy by the collar of his shirt before yelling at him and threw him on the ground. Percy began to cough up blood. The next thing he saw was Gabe grabbing a broken bottle and slashed him across the chest. Percy was dazed. He felt the warm blood flowing down his torso and drenching his shirt. The next thing he felt was massive pain that was unbearable to his young body and screamed in pain.

Percy knew in his young mind that he was gonna die soon so he just closed his eyes and hoped for it to end. He heard thunder and more rain as he waited for Gabe to finish him off. He waited and waited but nothing happened until he heard Gabe grunting and something hitting the ground. He slowly opened his eyes to see what was wrong. He saw Gabe on the floor with several arrows going through his back, legs and the head. One actually got through his chest right above the heart. Soon his blood began to pool around the wounds.

He didn't know what to think until he heard a voice coming from right behind him, "Are you okay?"

He lifted his head up to see a girl with a silver bow and an arrow aiming at Gabe's body. The girl looked like she was twelve or thirteen years old. It was hard to tell from his position. Her attire was one of a dark blue parka with silver fur around the trim. She had on grey cargo pants and black combat boots, the right boot holding a small throwing knife. Her auburn hair is tied up in a ponytail and she had on a small silver hair pin that's the shape of the full moon. What stood out the most were her eyes. They were the color of silver or platinum. They shined with hatred and …protection, just like his mothers eyes.

"Come on child, stay with me. Are you okay?" The girl asked again. Percy didn't know how to respond, so he just began to cry again. The girl quickly put away her bow and carefully carried Percy in her arms.

"Calm yourself young one. Please breath and calm down." She saw that Percy was still sobbing loudly and sighed. "I guess I have to do something, please don't panic when I do this."

Percy was confused until she brought out her right hand and it began to glow silver. Before he could scream or squirm out of her hold, she brought her hand towards his forehead and did a small chant. Percy stopped crying and felt the pain go away. As he felt the pain receding, exhaustion took over and he fell asleep within the girl's hold.

"Much better." muttered the girl. She turned to find another female, who looks to be fourteen, in similar attire with the exception of a silver tiara. Her ginger hair is loose and behind her shoulders. She slightly bowed to the smaller girl,

"Lady Artemis" Artemis sighed, "There's no need to bow Phoebe. Did you find it?" Phoebe shook her head.

"I'm afraid not. Where ever it was, it disappeared before we could corner it. There are still hunters looking around the area in case it left any trails." Artemis nodded before looking down at the sleeping boy. Phoebe followed her gaze and saw the boy as well.

"Where did you-" Phoebe started but stopped when she took a look around the room and saw Gabe in a puddle of his own blood.

"You saved him from that man, didn't you?" Phoebe asked. Artemis slowly nodded. "But my Lady, he's a boy." Artemis frowned, "He may be a boy but he is still young and innocent. Though he should consider himself lucky, if I wasn't looking around here then he would have died."

"Even though you saved him, he won't last much longer my lady. His wounds are deep and it seems he lost a lot of blood. Isn't it better to end his life now while he's asleep?" Phoebe asked. Artemis didn't really like the idea but she thought that it's probably for the best. Before she could say anything, Percy gripped her shirt and sobbed. She looked down again to see him awake and looking at her with sea green eyes that were brimming with tears.

"Momma…*sniff*…momma hurt…"Percy managed to say between his sobs. Artemis' eyes widened before looking towards Phoebe. "Look around this apartment and see if something happened to his mother." Phoebe nodded and ran toward the bedrooms. When she came back and told Artemis what she found, Artemis boiled in rage.

"Make sure to burn her body and send a message to Hades to see if she could receive paradise. As for the man," She looked at the corpse, "you can do whatever you want with the corpse. Burn it, bury it, or feed it to the wolves, I don't care." Artemis commanded. She then looked at Percy and felt sorry for the little boy. He must have watched his mother get beaten to death. No child should ever see that torture. She quickly put Percy on the sofa and brought her hands to the wound on his chest and began to heal it. She may not be the god of medicine and healing, but she could still do enough to make sure he lives. By the time she finished she was exhausted, but at least she knew he would survive. Doing something out of her domain always leaves her tired and exhausted. As she quickly recovered from healing him, she saw how Percy had fallen asleep and had bit of drool coming out of his mouth. She couldn't help but notice how adorable he looked.

"M'Lady." Said goddess turned to find her lieutenant, Zoe Nightshade, at the front door. "We have searched the entire city, we couldn't find it. Whatever that thing thou sensed this morning was, it has vanished." Zoe Nightshade had on the same parka jacket as Artemis but had on white cargo pants and had knives strapped to her sides. Her long obsidian-colored hair has been tied up and wears a silver tiara. "What are thou next orders?"

Artemis simply said, "Pack up the camp and get ready to move. We're heading west." Zoe bowed, "Very well m'Lady." She then left to carry the order.

"I really hate bowing." Artemis sighed. She continued to stare at the young child. He couldn't be older than three. He's perhaps two but yet how could he still be alive for that kind of wound. He couldn't be human. He's most likely a demigod or possibly...

She lost her train of thoughts when she felt a small pair of arm wrapping around her legs. Percy was hugging her and burying his face into her stomach. She couldn't help but hug him back. He went through so much in such a short time. He just lost his mother. He has been beaten and cut in several places. She healed the wound on his chest but she knew that it will leave a nasty scar. She gently pushed him away and looked into his eyes.

"Everything will be okay young one." She didn't know what to think or do for the boy but anything's better than just leaving him here. "Do you have anyone you can be with, an aunty or a grandmother perhaps?" Percy shook his head.

"I only had mommy…" Percy whispered, "Can I be with you?" He asked, hoping that the goddess would take him away from here. At that moment, Artemis felt something in her chest. The longer she looked at the little boy, the stronger the feeling felt. The feeling itself wasn't foreign. It was one of love and care for a child. She had this feeling when she took care of the young girls at the hunt but this felt different. She assumed it was because this feeling was toward a boy and not a girl this time. She gently lifted him back into her arms again and smiled,

"Of course you can be with me young one." Percy smiled, "But first, I need to know your name."

"Percy Jackson."

"Hello Percy, my name is Artemis. If you really want to, you can be with me and my hunt." Percy nodded and hugged Artemis before falling asleep again. "I guess we'll be going now." Artemis teleported her and Percy away from the apartment and rain and into camp and quickly walked to her tent

"Artemis, I finished burning the woman's body and made sure Hades sent her to Elysium." Phoebe said as she entered Artemis tent, "As for the man's body I-" She stopped as soon as she saw Percy sleeping in the goddess's arms.

"Artemis," Phoebe said in confusion, "what is that boy doing here?"

"He's staying with us."

"What!? You can't be serious!"

"I am and there's nothing that you or the hunt can do to change my mind. Could you gather up the hunters? I want to tell them the news of our little member." Phoebe slowly nodded, obviously she wasn't happy about Percy staying with them.

~Small Time skip~

By the time Phoebe got all the hunters gathered, Artemis got Percy some new clothes and cleaned his face from all the dirt and blood he got from the apartment.

Artemis got out of her tent with Percy and brought him to the hunters by the campfire. The hunters were surprised when they saw Percy right behind Artemis.

"Ladies, I've called all of you here so I can introduce to you our new member, his name is Percy." This caused instant pandemonium.

"He's a boy! He can't stay here."

"This is an all girl camp!"

"Why is he here!?"

"That's enough!" Zoe shouted and got all the hunters to shut up.

"Thank you Zoe," Artemis continued, "I know that boys are not allowed to be in the hunt but we must give him a chance. He doesn't have anyone else to look after him and I won't leave a child so young and innocent alone in the world. And besides, we could teach him." This confused some of the hunters.

"What do you mean by 'teach him'?" Phoebe asked.

"We can teach him how to respect women and treaty them nicely. Show him what to do and what not to do. He might even follow our ways and remain celibate." The hunters looked among each other to see if they agreed on this. Some nodded while others shrugged their shoulders but all looked back at Artemis and nodded.

"I'm glad that you agree. Now we must get ready to leave. We're heading west to see if we can track that thing down." Artemis dismissed the girls and all began to travel. Some of the hunters grumbled about this thing they've been trying to hunt. Truth be told, Artemis wasn't sure what they were hunting exactly. All she knew was that she felt this type of source, or power. The first thing she thought it was a powerful monster or possibly a titan but wasn't sure. Either way, she needs to hunt it down and kill it. The source of power kept going everywhere and always goes out of their reach before they could even get close to it. Strangely enough, that source led them to Percy.

"I hope you're ready for your new family Percy, because they will give you a tough time." Artemis thought, almost feeling pity for the boy.

Somewhere else in the distance, in the far off distance…

A man was standing on the roof of a tall skyscraper in a large city. The citizens were inside avoiding the heavy rain and occasional lightning and thunder, with the exception of a few walking by. He felt the heavy rain drops pouring down on his face and body. He had an Iris message that showed him the scene between Artemis and Percy. He couldn't help but smile.

"So, Artemis took in a male child." He said looking at an iris message, "I would have never thought." He looked down to his clenched fist and sighed,

"The time is nearing." He swiped away the image in front of him and looked at the city below him. "So many lives being risked and all for revenge…" The man said with little care or pity.

"Well, I have to get prepared. I can't let Percy think that I'm some kind of slob." He pulled back the black hood from his face and looked around. His violet eyes looked at the bodies around. The corpses were cut in pieces and there was blood everywhere. There were also an insane amount of dust and sand around him…

"Guess it's time to go to my next destination. I hope there won't be any rain over there." He straightened up his black, leather jacket and made sure his shirt didn't have any stains. Once satisfied, he vanished into darkness, only leaving behind dark purple feathers.

A/N: And that's the first chapter of this story. I made this story as a favor ( more as a challenge) from my friend, DA Exodus, I hope you like this story and PLEASE reviews or PMs. I want to know how I'm doing. Also, I'm going to be working on all the requests that you guys have been sending me. It'll take a while but I'll eventually get them done.

Flaredragon out.