Heir Apparent
Chapter 01 – Homecoming
Oliver Queen is alive! The Starling City resident was found by fishermen in the North China sea five days ago, five years after he was missing and was presumed dead following the accident at sea which claimed 'The Queen's Gambit'. Queen was a regular tabloid presence and a fixture at the Starling City club scene. Shortly before his disappearance, he was acquitted of assault charges stemming from a highly publicized drunken altercation with paparazzi. Queen is the son of Starling City billionaire Robert Queen, who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased. Initial reports indicate an unknown female was also found though this, along with her possible identity, are unconfirmed.
So much had changed in the years he had been gone. And yet, so much had not. Staring out the hospital window gave Oliver a sense of perspective that nowhere else had given him. He recognised the city before him. It had been his home. Now, now he wasn't sure what it was.
"Beloved?" a voice called from the door to the room. Oliver turned to look at his wife of almost a year. "Are you well?"
"I am. It's just a lot to take in," Oliver said. He gazed at her and wondered how he had been so lucky in his life to have found her. "Have the doctor's cleared you?"
"Of course. I am in excellent shape," she replied, stepping fully into the room, the door shutting softly behind her. "And you?"
"They are worried about how many scars I have. Also some of my fractures that never properly healed," Oliver explained. "We knew they would ask questions."
"And you told them what we discussed?" his wife questioned. She had full trust that Oliver had held to their story but wanted, needed to confirm in case there were any slight changes that had appeared during discussions with the doctors.
"I've been stranded on an island for five years, alone for two of them. I don't think they completely believed me but we didn't expect them too," Oliver revealed, knowing why she asked him as she did.
"Then we proceed as we have planned," she stated, turning to enter the ensuite of the hospital room. Oliver turned back to looking out over the city. He heard voices in the corridor, a man and a woman's. The man was one of the doctor's that had examined him, while the woman's voice was familiar. As they spoke, Oliver realised the voice belonged to his mother, which was soon confirmed by the doctor as he warned her about Oliver. They stopped speaking and Oliver heard the door to his room open once again.
"Oliver?" his mother called out to him. Oliver turned to look at his mother, tilting his head to the side slightly as she stood before him for the first time in half a decade.
"Mom," was all Oliver managed to get out, his voice filled with emotion. He slowly moved over to stand in front of his mother, watching as tears welled in her eyes as he approached.
"My beautiful boy," Moira said as she broke down, hugging Oliver tightly and pressing a kiss to the side of his head. She squeezed him tighter, not wanting to release him, reassuring herself that he was real and there. Their embrace was broken by the sound of someone in the ensuite. Moira stepped back and turned as the door opened and a woman stepped out.
The woman appeared to be about Oliver's age with long black hair and olive skin. Moira couldn't pinpoint her ancestry, nor why she was in the room with her son.
"Mrs Queen, it is a pleasure to finally meet you," the woman said and Moira was taken aback; was she meant to know who this was?
"Ah, and to meet you as well, nurse?" Moira queried uncertainly. The woman glanced from Moira to Oliver. She appeared to be about to say something when Oliver spoke instead.
"I think that's my queue," Oliver announced, moving to stand next to this woman. "Mom. I'd like you to meet Nyssa. My wife."
The trip to the Queen Mansion was a quiet one. Moira had barely spoken after Oliver's pronouncement, and then only to offer directions to first Oliver, and by extension Nyssa; as they exited the hospital and then to the driver to take them back to the Queen Mansion. She had travelled in the Bentley, obviously not expecting Oliver to have company. This had forced Oliver and Nyssa to travel separately; Oliver in the front with the driver while Nyssa sat in the back with his mother. Moira had sat and stared out the window, resolutely opposed to saying anything regarding Oliver's marriage. Oliver was beyond happy when the mansion came into view, and not just because it offered him the chance to see his sister and his home again.
The driver pulled the Bentley around to the front of the mansion before pulling to a stop. Moira wasted no time, opening her door and climbing from the car before the driver could open her door. The driver continued to the trunk, opening it and reaching for the box that Oliver and Nyssa had brought with them. A hand on his shoulder stopped him and he turned to see Oliver standing there, reaching for his box.
"I've got it," Oliver said. This and the look from Oliver was all it took for the driver to back away, allowing Oliver to lift the box out of the trunk. Nyssa stepped up to his side and he offered her his free hand. Looking up, Oliver saw his mother watching him, the briefest of smiles ghosting her face. Oliver and Nyssa stepped up to the front door as Moira turned and opened the double doors into the house.
"Your room is exactly as you left it," Moira said as she led them into the house. "I never had the heart to change a thing." Nyssa released Oliver's hand as he set the box on the ground just inside the doors, giving him a moment to take in the house he hadn't seen in years. Nyssa noticed an older man approaching from a room off the foyer.
"Oliver," he called happily. "It's damn good to see you." Oliver stepped up to the man, looking him up and down before shaking the offered hand. "It's Walter…" the man, Walter, introduced himself. He had taken Oliver's silence as not knowing who he was. "Walter Steele."
"You remember Walter, you're father's friend from the company," Moira urged. Oliver looked at his mother before glancing back at Walter before stepping past him. He didn't see the look that Walter and Moira shared behind his back, but Nyssa did.
"It's good to see you, Raisa," Oliver said as he stepped up to an older, raven-haired woman wearing a maid's uniform. She was smiling with abandon.
"Welcome home, Mr Oliver," she greeted with genuine, overflowing excitement. She broke her gaze with Oliver to look past him at Moira. "Mr Merlyn phoned. He wants to join you for dinner."
"Wonderful," Moira said merrily. Oliver didn't react as she expected him too at hearing that his best friend would be joining them. Instead he looked towards the top of the stairs "Oliver? Did you hear that?" She asked as he moved to the bottom of the stairs. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Thea descending the steps before turning and pausing to look down at her brother.
"Hey, sis," Oliver called up in greeting. Thea stared at him for a moment before her face broke into a smile as she practically skipped down the stairs.
"I knew it. I knew you were alive," She confided happily as she rushed to hug him. "I missed you so much."
"You were with me the whole time," Oliver reassured his sister as he returned her hug, his hand on the back of her neck. He glanced at Nyssa who seemed to have been forgotten for the moment and noticed that she too was touched by the reunion. Their hug broke apart and Thea glanced around the foyer, noticing for the first time the woman standing just inside the doors.
"Who are you?" she asked curiously, wondering if Ollie was hurt.
"Thea, I have someone I'd like you to meet," Oliver said, wrapping his arm around his sister's shoulders. "This is Nyssa. My wife."
Nyssa glided into the room she would share with Oliver. She had wanted to familiarise herself with the layout but now found herself looking at her beloved as he examined himself in a mirror, standing there with only a towel around his waist.
"What do you see?" Nyssa asked as she stepped up behind him.
"A stranger," Oliver proclaimed softly, almost sadly, as he looked over his torso, noting the various scars and tattoos that adorned it and remembering how they came to be marked upon him. "After 5 years, everything that was once familiar when I looked into this mirror is now unrecognisable."
"You are my husband," Nyssa declared as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "Do you recognise that?"
"I do," Oliver replied as he wrapped an arm around her. Thunder echoed from outside, causing Oliver to break his gaze from the mirror to look outside. "Storm's coming."
"It is," Nyssa agreed. "You should dress. Dinner will be ready soon."
Oliver was looking at a photograph of himself with his father when the front door opened behind him.
"What did I tell you?" a familiar voice said from the doorway. "Yachts suck." Oliver couldn't stop the chuckle that came from him as he turned and looked upon smiling best friend.
"Tommy Merlyn," Oliver declared as he stepped into a hug with Tommy.
"I missed you buddy," Tommy stated. Before more could be said, Walter called the two men into the dinner room as the food was ready. They men parted and followed Walter through the house to the dining room. Tommy passed his eyes over everyone in the room before settling on an unfamiliar face. "And who is this beautiful woman?"
"My wife," Oliver deadpanned to Tommy's shock as he stepped past him and went to sit next to his wife. "Nyssa, may I introduce Tommy Merlyn. Tommy, Nyssa."
"Of course, I have heard so much about you," Nyssa said, smiling across the table at Tommy. Tommy recovered and stepped around the table to sit in his own seat.
"Given how I remember us spending our time, nothing bad I'm sure," Tommy said, back to smiling. He would be having a chat with Oliver later to find out the details of his nuptials; nuptials that no one seemed to have shared with anyone.
Dinner was filled with innocuous conversation. Oliver ate very little as he sat at the end of the table and observed everyone he remembered so differently. So much had changed while he was away. And they didn't even know how much.
"What was it like there?" Thea asked innocently, looking at Oliver. Conversation ceased around the table as everyone looked across the table at Oliver. Oliver glanced at Nyssa before he met Thea's eyes.
"Cold," Oliver said evening. Thea just stared at her brother and Oliver knew that his answer would not be sufficient to quell his sister's curiosity.
"Tomorrow, you and me, we're doing the city," Tommy interjected, trying to lighten the mood. "You've got a lot to catch up on. You're welcome to join us Nyssa."
"Thank you for the invitation, but I think I might rest for the day," Nyssa replied. "The past few days have been quite an abrupt change to what I have become used too. Oliver, you go. Enjoy time with your friend."
"That sounds like a great idea," Moira stated happily.
"Good," Oliver announced. "Then I was hoping to swing by the office."
"Well, there's plenty of time for all that," Walter hedged. "Queen consolidated isn't going anywhere."
Further speech was interrupted by Oliver catching Raisa as she tripped on the carpet. One hand caught the fruit bowl she was carrying while the prevented her from falling further then she already had.
"Oh, I am so sorry, Mr Oliver," Raisa apologised as she recovered. Oliver responded in Russian, to everyone's surprise.
"Dude, you speak Russian?" Tommy exclaimed.
"I didn't realise you took Russian at college, Oliver," Walter said.
"I didn't realise you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter," Oliver retorted calmly, no emotion in his voice. Silence descended upon the room as glances were exchanged.
"I, I didn't say anything," Thea claimed as her mother looked at her pointedly.
"She didn't have to," Oliver explained. Moira swallowed and looked at Walter, nodding.
"Oliver," Moira started, taking Walter's hand. "Walter and I are married. And I don't want you to think that either one of us did anything to disrespect our father."
"We both believed that Robert, like you, was, uh, well, gone," Walter added uncomfortably.
"It's fine," Oliver said after a moment. He looked at his mother before he rose from the table. "May I be excused?" Moira thought for a moment before she nodded.
"Hey, don't forget about tomorrow, buddy," Tommy called as Oliver walked out of the room. Nyssa looked around the table and saw the looks of sadness on their faces. She could tell that they were starting to realise that the Oliver that returned to them was not the same one that had left them five years ago.
"Please excuse me," Nyssa said as she stood and went after Oliver. She found him in their room. "Oliver?"
"I'm sorry Nyssa," Oliver apologised softly. "I thought I would be able to cope being around them again."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," Nyssa said as she approached her husband. She could see the struggle that he was going through but she wasn't sure what she could do to ease the pain. "I think that both you and your family will need time to adjust to each other. Five years is a long time."
"How did I get so lucky to find you?" Oliver asked his wife with a soft smile.
"You washed up half dead on a beach," Nyssa deadpanned. "And it was I that found you."
"True," Oliver stated, more relaxed now then he was.
"We should try and get some sleep. It has been a long day," Nyssa stated. "The first of what I believe will be many."
"Couldn't sleep?" Nyssa heard Thea ask as she entered the kitchen.
"This house, it is not what I am used too. I felt the need to explore a little of it," Nyssa said carefully, not wanting to insult her sister-in-law. "That was an hour ago."
"Yeah, that can happen," Thea agreed. "And after three years living on a deserted island with only my brother for company. I can see why you would still be awake."
"It was better than being alone," Nyssa declared coolly, trying to insinuate what Oliver had gone through before her arrival, as their stories went. "I don't think I would have survived if I had been alone." To her credit, Thea remained silent at this remark, considering Nyssa's words. Seeing that she had made her point, Nyssa turned to leave. "Goodnight Thea."
"Goodnight," Thea called after her as the door shut. Nyssa made her back towards Oliver's room when she heard the sounds of one of Oliver's nightmares. He hadn't had one of those in a while until they had returned to the island; they had become more frequent then. What worried her though were the other sounds; Moira and Walter moving about.
Rushing ahead, she heard Moira calling Oliver's name, trying to wake him. Knowing how dangerous Oliver could be if startled awake, Nyssa ran faster. She entered the room, seeing Oliver thrashing about beneath the open window, rain pelting him, just as Moira started to try and shake Oliver awake.
"Oliver, wake up!" She called loudly over the storm as she shook his shoulder. "Oliver..."
Any further words were cut off as Oliver startled awake and his instincts kicked in. Nyssa watched as Oliver grabbed his mother's arm and flipped her over him onto the floor, bringing his hand down to her neck, intent on crashing her larynx.
"Oliver!" Walter and Nyssa shouted together. Oliver blinked and looked down at his terrified mother and what he was about to do. Scared, he threw himself away from his mother, backpedalling until he was hunched in a ball beneath the windowsill. Walter moved to comfort Moira as Nyssa slowly approached her husband, trying not to startle him further.
"It's ok beloved," Nyssa murmured softly, trying to soothe Oliver even as she rubbed his back.
"I'm sorry," Oliver said shamefully. "I'm so sorry."
"No, it's ok, Oliver," Moira stated, as Walter helped her up. "It's alright sweetheart. You're home, you're safe," Moira soothed, the mother in her coming out.
Nyssa couldn't help but think to herself as Moira continued to soothe her son. "For how long?"
Author's Notes
Welcome everyone to Heir Apparent, my first Arrow Fanfic. It will be based upon the TV Series we all know and love but will be my own work, obviously. Certain occurrences may be the same while others may vary considerably.
To those who read my NCIS-LA Fanfic, I have not stopped working on that. I merely lost my muse after the recent birth of my beautiful daughter. After a period of searching, I have found it again and will be continuing on with both works.
I look forward to reading all of your many reviews and I hope everyone will support me on this journey.