![]() Author has written 17 stories for Harry Potter, StarTrek: Voyager, Power Rangers, House, M.D., and Wizards of Waverly Place. Avatar I found on DeviantArt so give the author some props. Not mine at all! Name: To many to count. My name can have a bunch of different nicknames, and my friends and family have used most of them. Education: I am in college/university. I am planing on being a teacher someday after this school stuff is over. I do not abandon stories, I will finish all my stories. I got started writing when my cousin got me to write stories. My cousin is DaphneLi so you should check out her stories, because they rock. I am not saying this just because she is my cousin, she really is a good writer. My other cousin is Yami No Mariku Ishtar and she has just gotten on here. She has this Yugi-oh/Twilight Crossover. So go check it out if you know and like both. 1/28/10 Hey all, well Behind the Scenes is being broken up, so this next section is going to be rated M. I have already written a good portion so the first chapter maybe out soon. I am needing to finish up a little research then I am going to type it up and send it out to be edited. I am looking forward to all your reviews on the chapter. I am trying to work really hard on my discription so I am hoping you all will let me know how I am doing. The suprise character that I am bringing in will make my bff happy because it was her favorite Ranger. The research is for that character. So be on the look out for In The Mind, it is coming real soon. On a personal level, am getting psyched along with my bff for May because Anime Oasis will be then, and we will get to meet Johnny Young Bosch. We are so stoked! 12/17/09 Check out the trailer for the Behind the Scenes second part. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBQHqWvn1wU 10/5/09 Currently making strides with Behind the Scenes. I have had a total of 4 beta's for the story. I have 3 main ones and I wanted to surprise them so I went to a friend from the House genre to look over this latest chapter and the next one up in coming will probably be done by her too. I love all my beta's they are wonderful and they write beautifully. For Naomi is back on hiatus because I have writers block again. I think I want to put some in depth of Paris but I want to finish my in depth video of him first. On a personal note I am uber happy because my friend just got back from her facility in California where she was getting psychiatric help because she tried to commit suicide twice. She is doing better, she looked better and healthier. As she said she has gone crazy and doesn't want to go back. That made me happy. I know she will have a ways to go with out patient things but I am glad you she is feeling tons better. 07/17/09 My story For Naomi has been having muse problems so when I get inspiration I will update it. My story Behind the Scenes is currently at my Beta so when I get the second half of the prologue back I will have it posted for you. On a sad note a good friend of mine yesterday tried to take her life so I don't know how this is going affect my stories. If you pray please do. 05/26/09 Funny that this is a year later. Anyways I just update For Naomi so you all better go read that. I also fixed chapter 3 to match what I have in the latest chapter to a degree. I recently posted a new story called Behind the Scenes and I plan on getting my rewrites out soon to my friend who is betaing it then it should be fixed and up here soon. I so hope you all will enjoy the fixes. 05/26/08: It is summer now I am trying to locate a job so I hope to get one, but in the mean time I will try to update my two stories. If anyone knows a great song then send me a pm and include the lyrics, if I like it I will add it to Severus's Nerves and put your name as inspiration on the chapter. I hope to get inspiration for For Naomi soon so another chapter can be put out. I know some people feel like there should be the ability to have abortions. I understand especially if they were raped, but there are better ways to handle it. You can view the baby as a gift from God instead of a burden from a traumatic experience. That is why I posted this on my profile. Month one Mommy I am only 1/8 of an inch long Month Two Mommy If you could see me Month Three Month Four Mommy I sucked by thumb for the first time. Month Five Mommy My hair is starting to grow. Month Six Month Seven Mommy I am okay. Every Abortion Is Just . . . If you're against abortion, re-post this on your profile. --///\\--Please ///\\\ You know you live in 2009 when... 1.) You accidentally enter your password on a microwave. 2.) You haven't played solitaire with real cards for years 3.) The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is they dont have a screenname or my space 4.) You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the buttons on the TV 6.) Your boss doesn't even have the ability to do your job. 7.) As you read this list you keep nodding and smiling. 8.) As you read this list you think about sending it to all your friends. 9.) And you were too busy to notice number 5. 10.) You scrolled back up to see if there was a number 5. 11.) Now you are laughing at yourself stupidly. 12.) Put this in your profile if you fell for that, and you know you did. 92 percent of American teens would die if Abecrombie and Fitch told them it was uncool to breathe. Copy this into your profile if you would be in the 8 percent laughing their asses off at the others. Fav Pairings: Harry Potter Harry &Ginny- I like it is great. I have only found one really good one here on fanfiction. But i never have not liked any of her pairings in the book Ron &Hermione- again an oki pairing. Harry &Snape - well I like them the best when it is Snape being Harry's father. I do have them as romantic pair, but I much rather have him be the dad. Harry & Hermione- I like that pairing, I have found some good stories with it. But i like it better as friends. Star Trek Voyager Tom & B'Elanna- I love that pairing. It may not seem that way since I have had them broken up with my stories. I just feel I could not write that pairing. It was done to well. Tom & Kathryn- I just recently got into that pairing as a romantic couple. For all the guys Kathryn has come across Tom would understand her the most. Not a fan of Chakotay and Kathryn. Chakotay & Seven rocks! Life with Derek I am a totally Dasey fan Derek & Casey- shall come together so help me! just kidding though I do hope it happens. I have herd that the actress who plays Casey is a Dasey fan. Hannah Montana I really haven't picked my fav's for this show so I am open on it. CSI Las Vegas!! I am a total fan of the original show Nick & Catherine- totally into it. I am mad because on the Pilot episode they kissed, but the editors edited it out so it wasn't shown. I wish this writers strike would end that way I can have Nick and Catherine stuff!! I am okay with Grissom and Sarah, but she left so lets move on to Catnip! Nothing much to say about me. I love anime of any kind and especially Japanese Animation. I have many nicknames which can be quite annoying when i try to remember them. I have written lots of stories, I just got back into Star Trek Voyager and started writing stories, but fear not I still write Harry Potter stories including Harry Potter and the Moonlight. Much love and the Lord bless you. Fav quotes: "The trouble with an eye for an eye is that everyone ends up blind." One of my favorite quotes came from Trading Spacesby SnippandSnarky, and it is from the Gilderoy Lockhart's evil book that said he was "The mascot of evil." In Blood Magicby GatewayGirl i love this line. "Potter, What would i get if i added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? A question no Muggle-raised child couls hope to answer so some arsehole teacher could humiliate me for no reason." Some of my favories Star Trek Voyager quotes include "I once chased a rat through jeffries tube 39." -Tom Paris "The clever fiendishness of your evil plot is brilliant."-Tom Paris I just love those two, when I rent to dvd that has the first quote on it the quote will make more sense. I love quotes Sernity. 93 percent of teens would have an emotianal breakdown if someone called them a freak. If you're part of the 7 percent who would say, "What was your first clue?" Copy and paste this into your profile. |