Everyone rejoiced the day the Potter 'twins' defeated the Dark Lord. There wasn't a person in the wizarding world that didn't want to talk to, or about the boy wonders. It seemed everyone forgot that the two were just toddlers themselves, barely able to walk. What everyone did forget was that the Potter Twins were actually Triplets.

The oldest of the three was Ian, with his black messy hair, and sparkling hazel eyes. He was the biggest of the three children, and their father's favorite. His father and godfather, Remus Lupin, constantly dotting him on.

Next came Kyle Potter, the spitting image of his brother, but where his brother liked to prank, Kyle liked to sit and have his mother read to him. It was his mother who favored him, while his godfather, Peter Pettigrew spoiled him rotten.

The family had been devastated when Peter had been the one to betray them, but welcomed the smaller man back with open arms when he claimed to have been under the Imperious curse.

The third of the triplets was the first girl to be born into the Potter family in centuries. Her name was Calla Lily, and no one favored her, but her own godfather. Her parents had named Sirius Black as her godfather, but only because they didn't want to hurt his feelings when they named their other two school friends godparents to their children. They had thought Sirius wasn't serious enough to be a godfather.

Callie, as Sirius had taken to calling her, was what one would describe as a beautiful child. Her hair was a dark red, almost black color, and her eyes were a bright green. But by the age of five the jewel like eyes had dimmed to nothing but a dull jade.

While her brother's godfathers were allowed at the manor anytime they wanted her parents made excuses to keep Sirius away, not wanting his mannerisms to rub of on their perfect sons. But when he was there he was never around them anyways, instead he would track his goddaughter down, and content himself to sitting and reading with her.

The restrictions Sirius faced, also put a strain on his relationship with his lover, Remus Lupin. Sirius knew Remus was allowed at the manor when ever he wished, and when he questioned his lover as to why he wasn't allowed, Remus just told him he needed to grow up some. In the end the relationship was doomed to fail.


Sirius didn't know what caused him to think this would work. He had just broken up with his lover of seven years, and was now going to ask his enemy for a favor. But he couldn't be detoured from his mission. No, all he had to do was remember that hand shaped bruise on his Callie's arm, and how he had to heal her broken arm, and he was ready to do anything to protect her. No 5 year old should be abused, and he was almost positive she was, but it was hard to prove when the parents could heal the bruises.

Mustering up his courage he ran the bell to the manor and waited for the house elf to answer. He was shocked when the master of the house answered the door.

"What do you want?" The man snapped at him.

"I come to ask for your help." Sirius said, and entered the manor when the man allowed him in.

"Why should I help you?" The man asked as he ushered Sirius into the sitting room where Sirius cousin and her family were sitting.

"You said you loved me once, but I was foolish and turned it away. Now I am asking for your help in saving the one person I love." Sirius told the man, not caring about their audience.

"Why should I help you save Lupin?" The man sneered at him.

"That isn't who needs saving." Sirius said, looking on the verge of tears. "I broke everything off with him. It is my goddaughter I speak of. Her parents are abusing her, and I need to get her out of that house." He said, looking at the little boy on the floor.

"She's Draco's age isn't she?" He heard his cousin ask, and nodded numbly.

"And you're sure her parents abuse her?" He heard the Master of the house ask, and knew the man was listening.

"I saw a partially healed bruise, and it was the shape of a hand smaller than mine." Sirius said, knowing Lily caused that bruise.

"What's in it for me if I help you?" The master of the house asked.

"Anything, I will give you anything you want." Sirius said, and looked the man in the eye, telling him he was telling the truth.

"And if I said I wanted you and the child to live here with me?" The man asked.

"I would say yes, I would even marry you now if that would make you say yes." Sirius said, showing just how desperate he was.

"That won't be necessary, but I would like the option to be open in the future, when and if you truly love me enough to marry me." The man said softly, before turning to the other man in the room, who was now holding his five year old son.

"Lucius, I believe Parkinson, Zabini, Goyle, and Crabb were in our ranks, I think it is time to get them together, we have an attack to plan." The man said with a sinister smile, he would earn the love of the man he loved, starting with getting him the child he wanted.


The Potters never saw the attack coming, as seven deatheaters stormed their house, attacking anything that crossed them. James and Lily just barely managed to get Ian and Kyle out of the house, but forgot about Calla completely. But someone else remembered the little girl, and snuck out of the house through a secret passage with the little girl in his arms. You couldn't see the face behind the deatheater mask, but the blue eyes sparkled happily as he apparated away with his precious bundle.


The first thing Sirius did when he apparated back to Snape manor was tear off the deatheater mask covering his face. He then looked down at the little girl asleep in his arms, and sighed sadly when he saw the black eye, and bruise on one of her wrists.

"Sirius?" An aged voice called to him, and he looked up startled at the headmaster of Hogwarts. "I prayed Severus was making this up." The man said as he looked down at the little girl in Sirius arms, asking himself how he could have missed it. He had seen how James and Lily doted on the boys, and loved being in the spotlight, but Calla had somehow sunk into the background. He remembered hearing James and Lily yell at the girl, but he had just thought they were overly strict.

"Sir, is Poppy here? I would like to have her check over our new ward." Severus said as he walked up behind Sirius and looked at the child he and his friends had just kidnapped. "We also need to discuss how we will be keeping this from her parents." He said, pushing some of her soft hair away from her face.

"I have a plan, but tell me, did all my spies make it out?" The headmaster chuckled when Sirius' eyes about popped out of his head.

"All are fine, and home with their families, but I want to know how you delayed the Order?" Severus asked, truly baffled.

"Simple, The owl lost the message." The man said, his eyes twinkling as Severus led him and Sirius into the sitting room where Poppy was waiting for them. They all stood quietly as she examined the little girl, and began to worry as her expression darkened. Then they read the list of recently healed injuries they knew why, and no one doubted the abuse.


The next time Callie woke she was startled to find herself in bed, and the sun up. She knew instantly she had overslept, and that meant she was in big trouble when James came to get her. She was out of bed in an instant, ignoring her sore body, knowing it would hurt worse if she didn't get to work.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Severus had never thought he would feel worried about a child, but to see one with the injuries Calla had out of bed when she should be resting scared the life out of him.

He had just gotten Sirius to agree to let him watch over their little girl, and he left her for a second and she was already running the risk of undoing all Poppy's work.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to over sleep. I promise I will get to work right away sir." The little girl said in a hurry, and Severus realized she didn't know where she was.

"Callie, Look at me, I am not James Potter." He said as he knelt in front of the little girl who was studying the floor. He gently placed a finger under her chin, and forced her to look at him. "My name is Severus Snape, and you are in my house now." He informed her.

"Why do you call me Callie?" The little girl asked, tears streaming from her big green eyes, only Sirius called her that.

"Your godfather asked me to help him take you from your parents, and you two are going to live with me from now on." Severus told her as he picked her up, ready to take her back to bed.

"Siri's here?" She asked, looking around hoping to see the man.

"He is in the room across the hall sleeping." Severus told her, but turned and carried her toward the door, and into the hallway, then into the room Sirius occupied.

He was shocked when the blue eyes opened, and the child in his arms let out a happy squeal. He placed the child on the bed, and watched as she crawled over to the person he loved, and snuggle into the man's arms.

"Callie, you shouldn't be out of bed." Sirius said tiredly, but cuddled with her anyways.

"Can I sleep with you?" The little girl asked.

"Of course sweetie, but only if you sleep." Sirius said, ready to go back to sleep.

"Can he stay too?" Callie asked as she snuggled with her godfather, but pointed at Severus. She didn't know why, but she didn't want the man in black to leave, a part of her was worried if he left he wouldn't come back.

"If he wants to." Sirius said, looking up at Severus, letting him know it would be ok if the other man wanted to take a nap with them. He was surprised when he felt relief as the other man peeled off his outer robes, leaving him in black pants and a white button up shirt, and climbed in next to Callie. He watched as his goddaughter seemed to relax even more, and fell asleep again, a look of content on her sweet face.


Albus Dumbledore was sitting in his office, getting ready to do some work when suddenly his deputy headmistress came rushing in, obviously wanting to share some news with him.

"Albus, it's all over the papers, the Potters were attacked last night." Minerva said, looking worried.

Albus took the paper, and read over what it said, "It seems some rogue deatheaters wanted to avenge their master, four years after the defeat." Albus said, shaking his head sadly, while trying to hold back the smile threatening to take over.

"Yes, but the worst of it is James and Lily's daughter. The child was sleeping at the time, but when James went back for her after getting the boys out the little girl was gone." Minerva 'informed' him.

"That is dreadful." Albus said, not looking all that interested in the conversation anymore.

"Alright Albus, time to tell me what you know." The stern woman said, placing her hands on her hips. She would later wish she hadn't been told.