Reviews for Won't You Please Stay With Me?
Guest chapter 9 . 3/4
It’s a good story but I greatly disliked the fact that you made Severus really pushy and Harry so cowardly I mean he’s supposed to be the savior of the wizardly world I’m sure he must have a pair and stand up to Snape. Anyway we’ll written story but I can’t see myself finishing it it’s a little too out of character for me.
HoneyBear84 chapter 26 . 2/3
Loved it
May chapter 8 . 1/1
Would have been sweet if Harry had put the ring on.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/28/2019
*Harry stared at Snape as if he had some deformity. "I need some time alone," said Harry once he averted his eyes.*

What do you even mean by that! How dare you write such a thing! A deformity? How disrespectful of you!
Only an asshole can ever write something so offensive!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/28/2019
You know what I’d do when someone is forcing himself upon me, I will kick him between his legs, rather than blush pink and let him kiss me!
GChemical chapter 23 . 11/30/2018
The amount of different meanings I got from that last statement Dumbledore made,smh.
LadyHogwarts2408 chapter 22 . 10/24/2018
I've had reservations about this story, but I continued due to my own obsessive need to finish any story I read. But I'm finding it really hard to continue. It's really weird to me that you're casting gender stereotypes upon a gay marriage. A gay relationship is between two men, or two women, that's it. You seem to be placing a huge importance upon who will be the 'woman' in the relationship and I just find that weird, and slightly offensive. Even if this is a Dominant/Submissive relationship, that in no way means that Harry must be portrayed as a girl in order to show his submissiveness. As a woman, I think that is what offends me the most. Severus and Harry are two men, there should be no difference in what they wear to their wedding. You're setting up some kind of cross dressing, and it reads as though two men cannot be married unless they settle into the stereotypical roles of a heterosexual relationship. This whole chapter is just leaving a bad taste in my mouth, sorry. Your writing is fine, but you had the opportunity to explore a world where homophobia doesn't exist. There's no deterrent to a male pregnancy, as you've already stated. Yet because Harry is short, he's already assumed to be the child bearer? I just don't get it, there was an opportunity to explore equal opportunity and instead I feel like you have totally reversed it.
Pixie8859 chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
Okay first thing, this is a romance but not drama. It's more of a fluff. Second, while the storyline is really sweet, the amount of grammar and spelling errors are atrocious. You can actually read it and will probably finish, but the words that are misspelled actually mean different things, such are bear and bare or beach and beech. So when you see it written, it stops you reading and trying to work out the context. Maybe it's just too much hassle to get to tell end. Not a flame by the way, just an honest blunt constructive review.
VeelaGio chapter 4 . 8/23/2018
Book is a bit annoying. the summary was interesting. But we are on chapter 4. We still don't know why he offered to marry Harry. We still don't know why all the adults in Harry's life accepted. And we are only seeing a bratty Harry who didn't even ask why Snape wanted to marry him - honestly? the guy could die because he is curious and he won't even ASK Snape why?
So instead of keeping things interesting it is getting like "Uhh where is this going?"
Guest chapter 19 . 5/19/2018
This is amazing! Make more! Have you ever thought of being an author? Really good.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/23/2018
I really dont understand how everyone can be ok to this forced marriage and letting snape order harry around. Doesnt he get a say in his life ? He clear wants to reject the whole thing so how can they be registered ? I am sorry this may be a great story for some but I just cant read any further than this. Because it absolutely makes no sense to me. Sorry .
Phoenix6975 chapter 8 . 11/16/2017
what the fuck is going on? this is all so ... confusing ghaaa
TexasTurtle chapter 26 . 8/28/2017
Thank you for writing and sharing. Enjoyed it.
Guest chapter 26 . 6/19/2017
Why the fuck do you people always have to have Harry Give in to these fucking forced marriages. Why do you insist on making him a whore for Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy! Can't you ever write him with a fucking backbone?! Make him put them all in their fucking places for once!
IceShadow-HP chapter 26 . 5/20/2017
Absolutely super duper love this story!
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