In His Eyes

Disclaimers: See Chapter 1.

Author's Notes: Be sure to read the notes at the end of this chapter.

Chapter 35Looking Back, Looking Forward

The Saturday after Christmas, the boys got up early to head out to the res to spend a few days with David and Sam. To make a change, Tommy picked up Jason this time and they started the hour-long drive out of town. "Think you can handle a horse, Rex?" Tommy asked.

"I was a Boy Scout, you know. Means I went to camp a couple of times. We rode horses there." He grinned. "Granted, it's been a while, but I'm pretty sure that I remember the basics."

"We'll find you a nice, gentle, half-dead one, okay? Not sure you can handle anything too spirited," Tom kidded.

"Keep it up and I won't help warm your tee-pee tonight."

"Oh no you didn't just make a racial joke...I must be hearing things!"

Chuckling softly, he looked over at his lover. "Well, if the loincloth fits."

Tommy playfully growled at his boyfriend while fiddling with the stereo. "Find another CD, will ya?" he requested, pointing to the disc wallet in the floor by Jason's feet.

With a wink at the other teen, the Gold Ranger reached down and picked up the CDs. "What are you in the mood for?"

"I don't care as long as it's not slow and sleepy. I didn't sleep well last night and I'm not quite awake yet."

Jason picked one of the rock CDs out and slipped it into the player. Only then did he look over at his boyfriend. "Some reason you didn't sleep that well? And you know that I'll drive if you want me to."

Tom shook his head slightly. "Oh...I don't know. Just...couldn't sleep, I guess," he hedged, hoping that Jason wouldn't see through him.

"Come on, Tom. Don't shut me out. What happened that kept you from sleeping? You seemed okay when we talked last night."

After a big sigh, the Ranger Commander opened up a little. "Bad dream-woke me up in the middle of the night and I had a hard time going back to sleep. Kept thinking about it."

"Tell me about it…might help." He couldn't help but worry about his lover, especially when he was unable to be there for him at times like that.

"I don't know-parts of it are kinda fuzzy. I know what brought it on, though...Mom. She's still dropping comments and those thinly-veiled accusations of hers. Pisses me off. If she thinks she knows something, I wish she'd just come out with it."

Jason sighed and shook his head. "I know that it's worrying you, but try not to let her get to ya." He reached a hand over and put it on a toned thigh, squeezing it slightly in support. "And next time, call me. If nothing else, we can talk a bit until you are able to go back to sleep."

"Yeah, okay. I will," Tommy answered, unenthusiastically. "I just wish we didn't have to hide and lie about our relationship," he said, putting his hand over Jason's.

"Give it time, Falcon. Maybe one day we won't have to hide it. Until then, we just have to be careful. We can still do stuff like the drive-in and not have anyone be the wiser."

The reminder of their first official date brought a smile to Tommy's face. "We need to do that again-that was fun! So, your folks were okay with you coming out here to the res for four days this soon after Christmas? Won't you miss some 'family stuff'?"

"They were fine with it. The only thing that's really left is New Year's Eve. Mom and dad are going to a party." He grinned. "Then again, so are we."

"Yep. I'm sure Adam's party is gonna be fun. Hopefully it won't have some of the same problems as the Christmas party did," he said, rolling his eyes. Neither young man had seen or heard from Katherine or Kimberly since the incident in the garage-and neither could care less.

"Yeah well, considering it's Adam, I can easily see him telling both of them, if he's even seen them since then, that they aren't welcome."

"Me too," Tom said with a giggle. "He's really become more assertive lately-I like it. It's cute on him."

"Personally, I think he's more of a second-in-command for you than Rocky. Adam's a lot calmer under pressure and uses his head a bit more." He chuckled softly. "But yeah, it is cute on him." He stroked a thumb along the denim clad thigh. "He and Carlos make a good couple."

"I think so too. They're also having a hard time with having to hide. Adam was telling me about it on the phone yesterday. He doesn't think their parents suspect, but he and Carlos are getting sick of sneaking around, just like we are."

"Can definitely empathize with them on that point." He sighed. "Unless things change drastically though, it's either continue sneaking around or risk getting hurt."

Tommy nodded sadly. "Maybe things will be a bit better in college-bigger town, more open minds, maybe. Anyway, for the next few days we can enjoy ourselves on the res without having to worry about what people think. We should be there soon," he said, checking the time.

"I know what you mean. Kind of like the idea of starting out fresh with you in a town where no one really knows us." He squeezed the thigh under his hand again before sitting back in his seat. Jason was quiet for a few moments before he turned his head to look at Tommy. "So where are we sleeping anyway?"

Tommy smiled. "In the guest room, I'm assuming," he replied.

Rolling his eyes, he snorted. "I mean, are they going to make us sleep in separate rooms or do they mind us sharing one?"

"Jase, you've been in that little house. There's only one guest room! And I know David doesn't mind-doubt that Sam will either. He knows, ya know."

"Guess I'm just a little nervous. This is the first time that we've spent the night at someone else's house as a couple."

"It's my family...the sane side of my family. Don't worry, Rex," he said with a reassuring smile.

A soft chuckle came from the burly teen. "Yeah, you're right. Although, after what David did at the party, I'm not so sure I'd call him 'sane'."

"Yeah, he took his life into his own hands there! I thought Alicia was gonna kill him! That is, after she fished the ice cube out of her cleavage!" he laughed.

"Definitely not one of his smarter moves. Least not amongst the whole group."

"Ah, she got over it. In no time at all she was giving him those big doe eyes again." He stopped for a moment and then smiled. "They're cute together-I'm glad my brother found someone to make him happy."

Jason grinned. "True, but I'm kind of glad that she didn't try to latch onto you. Might have had to get Zordon to help me send someone to another planet."

"Another planet, huh?" he chuckled. "Europe or Asia not far enough for ya?"

"Nah, too much of a chance she could make her way back here to the States."

"You're unreal," Tom chuckled. He looked up and saw the road sign that he'd been watching for. "Here we go," he said as he turned off the highway. "About 15 minutes and we'll be there."

"What? It's the truth." He leaned over and laid a soft kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. "I like having you all to myself and being able to call you 'mine'."

"Getting a little possessive, huh? Gonna mark me as yours?"

"Thought I'd already done that. However, if you'd like me to give you a more visible one." He grinned and moved a bit closer to his lover's ear. "I'll be more than happy to oblige."

"I was referring to something a little more permanent," Tom grinned.

"Well, I did give you a ring, which we never did talk about." He sat back, grinning. "Although, a tattoo with a falcon on it might serve as great reminder for me, I don't think a T-Rex would look that great on you."

"What about the ring? What did you want to talk about concerning it?"

"Was just thinking about David's suggestion. That we could use them as promise rings."

"That's right, I had forgotten about that." He looked at his boyfriend apologetically. "I'm sorry...with everything that happened at the party, it just went straight outta my head. We'll talk about it this weekend, okay?"

"Hey, I didn't bring it up to make you feel guilty. I know what happened at the party has been hanging on you pretty heavily. So, relax for me, okay babe? We've got time to talk things out."

"I know, just didn't want you to think that I was avoiding the subject, that's all," Tom smiled. Pulling up into the driveway, he parked behind the house. "Well, here we are. Looks like no one's here though-no trucks."

"I know you weren't avoiding things." He undid the seatbelt and stretched a bit. "They could be out getting groceries considering they knew we were coming."

"Considering the appetite you got on you, I hope so!" he kidded and opened the door. "I need to get out and let my legs unfold-care to join me?"

"Oh definitely." Opening his own door and stepping out, Jason couldn't help but remember the first time he'd come out here. He'd been trying to find David and Sam to let them know about Tommy being in the hospital. At the time, things had been looking rather bleak for his best friend. Telling his family, his blood family, what was going on, had been something Jason felt he had to do. Now, he realized that if it had been left up to the Oliver's, Tommy's blood family would never have known what happened to him.

As Tommy and Jason walked slowly over to the pasture fence, they noticed one particular horse that immediately raised his head and started toward them. "I knew it-here he comes," Tommy chuckled and pointed.

"Aw, come on Tom. You know he likes you." He laughed softly. "Least he isn't trying to kiss you or anything."

"Not yet-he hasn't made it all the way over here-just wait."

Grinning, Jason watched as the brown and white Paint sauntered up to them. Eaglefoot was still a stallion and of that there was no doubt. The thickly muscled neck ran into a deep chest with a well-rounded shoulder. The horse looked like he'd stepped out of a breed book and the long mane that trailed to one side was ruffled slightly in the breeze. "He really is beautiful."

Reaching up to stroke the horse's muzzle, Tommy had to agree. "Yeah, he is. And he's a character too! Keep an eye on him!"

"Well, considering I'm gonna be on the 'half-dead nag', I'm sure that I'll be able to watch him a lot from behind."

Tom chuckled. "I was kidding about that, ya know. I'm not exactly an expert rider myself. David knows how to choose the right horse for you, don't worry. Me...I'm pretty sure I'll be ridin' ol' Eaglefoot here. He'd be highly offended if I tried to ride a different one."

He stroked the big, powerful steed as he talked, playing with the long mane.

"Might be interesting to see his reaction to you on another horse though." Jason stated, watching his boyfriend relax with the animal.

"Yeah, it might," he smiled, turning as he heard a truck pulling up into the driveway. "There's David," he said, starting to walk toward the house.

Grinning, David watched as his brother and Jason started towards them. "Hey guys. Hope you haven't been waiting long."

"No. Maybe ten minutes-Eaglefoot was just saying 'hello'," Tommy offered and then gave his elder brother a hug. "Good to see you again so soon."

"I'm glad that you were able to make it. Wasn't sure considering you were coming out here to visit us 'heathens'." He held his little brother for a bit longer, then let him go and held his hand out to Jason. "So he convinced you come along and have your ass beat, huh?"

"Like I've been telling you, Mom makes her comments and smart remarks, but she doesn't really try to control me anymore. Well...maybe I shouldn't say that cause she'd love nothing more, but...I told her I was coming out here and she doesn't care enough to fight with me about it."

Nodding, David winked at Jason, then went over to the truck and reached into the bed. "Well, you guys can help me get the groceries inside."

"Sure, be glad to," Tommy said and took several of the plastic bags. "Hope you got enough food-Jason eats like a horse."

Jason snorted, finally having recovered from David's remark about having his ass beat. "Like you have any room to talk." He grabbed the remainder of the bags and followed the two brothers inside.

"So where's Sam?" Tommy asked. "I thought he'd be here."

"Yeah, I've been wanting to see him again," Jason added.

David was quiet for a few moments. "He's meditating. Said he wanted to clarify a few things before he started anything." He shrugged. "It's Sam for you. He's also gathering a few herbs for one of his specialty dishes we're having tomorrow night."

"Started anything? Like what?" Tommy querried, completely puzzled by David's answer.

"I have no clue. I'm guessing it's something to do with the Shaman side of things. He's a little more vague when it comes to that." He chuckled softly, then grinned. "Actually, he's a lot more vague."

"I can believe that," Jason remarked. "So ummm...Tommy tells me that Sam knows about our relationship," he said carefully.

David raised an eyebrow. "You've talked to Sam, Jason. Do you really think you can hide much from him?"

"No, not really," he said and paused. "But is he okay with it? I guess that's the important question."

"Yeah, I'd like to know too," Tommy added. "We don't want to offend him in his own home."

"As far as I know, he's perfectly fine with it, but if you really want to know, you're going to have to ask him. He did have me change the sheets this morning saying he wanted you to both feel comfortable."

"So I take it he's okay with us sharing a bed then," Tom remarked, trying to be clear on that point.

Sam walked in, joining the small group in the kitchen. "If I had a problem with it, young Falcon, then I would not have suggested that you and the young Puma would be comfortable with clean sheets or another blanket on the bed."

"Sam! Hi there! I didn't hear you come in," Tommy exclaimed, giving his great-uncle a big hug.

"Hey Sam! Good to see you again, sir," Jason said. "I know he's the young Falcon, but...does that make me the young Puma you mentioned?"

He hugged the teen in return. "That's because you were busy making noise and not using the rest of your senses while you did so." Releasing his great-nephew, the Tribal Elder turned to Jason, then nodded. "It does. Much in common you have with the Puma."

David grinned at the look on his little brother's face. "It's okay. He still gets onto me at times about not being more in tune with my surroundings. It's just a Sam thing."

He grinned back at his brother. Turning to Sam, he said, "You think that could be his spirit animal, Sam? Not having been a Ninjetti, he never received one."

"It is one that I have seen for him. A Spirit Quest would be good for both of you. It would help you re-connect with the Falcon and allow Jason to connect with his own."

"I've heard that a quest is very involved. Maybe we could do it during Spring Break, whatcha think?" Jason asked his boyfriend.

"Sure. As long as these two don't mind us hanging around that week," Tommy grinned, looking at his brother.

"It won't be problem." David said, grinning. "Considering you would only be here at the house a few days."

"David is right. The quest would take place in the hills behind us." Sam looked over at Jason. "And yes, it would be very involved. There is much for you both to do between now and then if you really want to do this. Most importantly, you must learn to open yourselves up to that around you and listen."

The burly teen nodded. "I'm willing to give it a shot, especially if it will help me understand your world a little bit better."

"Good. I think it'd be good for both of us," Tom said with a smile, reaching out and catching hold of his boyfriend's hand.

"It definitely would," David replied. "Now, let's get your stuff put into the guest room and let you two relax a bit."

The Elder grinned at them all. "Lunch will be light, but dinner will be at six tonight."

Jason's stomach picked that moment to growl. "Thanks, Sam." He blushed slightly.

Tom had to laugh. "That'll be great. Thank you," he said, walking with Jason down the short hallway to the small guest room.

David stuck his head in the door. "Make yourselves at home. I'll have lunch ready in about 20 minutes, okay?" he said with a grin. It was nice to have his little brother around-he wished it could be more often.

"Thanks David, we really appreciate this." Stepping further into the room, the Gold Ranger set his bag down on the floor and took a seat on the bed.

Tommy dropped his duffle bag in the chair and then stretched out across the bed. "This is gonna be a nice four days. I love it out here," he said, closing his eyes and smiling.

"Definitely." As David left them alone, Jason laid back and pulled Tommy close.

"Maybe you'll relax while you're out here."

"Yep...I'm gonna give it a good try. As long as this thing doesn't go off," he replied, indicating his communicator.

"Hopefully they'll leave us alone, especially after the fight last night." He shifted slightly. They'd all taken several shots. The long holiday with little action had made them all slow for the first few minutes of the fight.

"I hope so. We dismantled enough of their troops last night to keep them busy rebuilding for a while." The battle had been a long one with the Machine Empire sending wave after wave of cogs and monsters to keep the rangers busy. At long last, Zordon's forces had won out, but not before taking some bumps and bruises. "By the way, how's your leg?"

"Sore and it was really hard to hide the limp from Mom. You should see the bruise. It covers most of my thigh."

Tom grimaced. "Ouch. Tell you what, when we go out to have lunch, I'll ask Sam for something to put on it. He's got all sorts of great traditional treatments for everything from bruises and bug bites to ulcers and impotence," he grinned.

"Well, the last one isn't a problem, but I'll definitely take something for the bruise." He grinned slightly. "Kind of made me glad your hand was on my left leg and not on my right." He absently rubbed lightly over the injured area. "Still not gonna let it bother me considering it should be gone by tomorrow."

"Yeah, between Sam's medicine and ranger accelerated healing, it just might be gone by tomorrow. Speaking of, have you noticed any difference in your new powers and your old ones?"

"They're a little stronger, but they feel weird at times, too. Pyramidas is cool though."

"Weird? How weird?" Tommy asked, getting a bit concerned.

"It's hard to describe, but at times I get the feeling that the powers are fighting against me. Then it'll stop and everything will go smoothly once again." He looked at his boyfriend. "You've seen me hesitate a couple of times. No one else may have noticed, but I know that you probably picked up on it."

"Yeah, I have noticed once or twice, but I didn't really think much of it. You might wanna talk to Alpha and Zordon though-might be the start of something," the Ranger Commander suggested.

"I will when we get back. For now, I don't want to think about." He chuckled softly. "We both know that they'll start running tests and monitoring me during battles for a bit."

"Oh yeah, you'll be under the microscope for a while, but I still think it's a good idea. Honestly though, I'll be glad when neither of us has to deal with it anymore."

"Same here. I'm willing to go through the withdrawals again to know that we won't be interrupted at a moment's notice or risking our lives each time we go out."

"Oh yeah...I sorta remember what that was like," Tom said. Just then, David came knocking on the door. "Guys, lunch is ready."

"All right, thanks David." Sitting up slowly, the Original Red Ranger looked over at his best friend. "Guess we should go out there, huh?" He started to sit up slowly, wincing a bit.

Immediately upon noticing his best friend's pain, Tommy sat up and took hold of Jason's arm. "Here, let me help," he said, carefully pulling him up. "And yeah, we should go on out there-need to talk to Sam anyway."

Nodding, Jason flexed his leg a bit. "Yeah, think after we eat that I might need to take a walk, stretch my leg a little bit." He leaned over and kissed the other teen lightly. "Come on, let's go eat."

"You got it. There's some great trails in the woods behind the house or we could walk down to the local store-whichever," Tom replied, taking hold of Jason's hand and heading for the door. "Wonder what's for lunch?"

"Let's leave the trails for tomorrow. I don't want to overtax myself, you know?"

After lunch was finished and they'd helped David clean up, the boys decided to take a walk to stretch their legs. "Come on, I'll show you some of the sights," Tommy said, walking across the back porch towards the steps. "I can show you where a few people live."

"That works." As they walked, he looked around. "It's almost like going back a hundred years or so, except for the TV antennas, satellite dishes, and trucks."

Tommy chuckled. "Yeah, it really is-some of these houses seem that old. Most of the young people leave after they graduate, so all that's really left is the older generation. David's an exception. I wouldn't mind living here, though."

"It would have some advantages. Less likely to get disturbed out here and I imagine it's definitely quieter, especially after it gets dark."

"Oh my gosh, wait until you hear the quiet," he grinned. "I know that sounds funny, but it's true. You can actually hear the horses walking around in the pasture, frogs, crickets-almost no street noise."

"Damn, might not be able to sleep if it's so quiet." He chuckled softly. "You know, it's really not that bad out here. Granted, it's a bit away from everything, but still." He looked over at his boyfriend. "Makes you wonder how they feel about things that are different."

"Like us, you mean?" the Ranger Commander asked, meeting his lover's eyes. "I asked David about that. He said that it's pretty much the same here as it is everywhere-some people don't care and some do."

"Guess it's like that pretty much anywhere." He was quiet for a moment as they started walking again. "You given anymore thought to what David suggested with the rings?"

"Oh, the promise ring thing? Yeah, it has crossed my mind a time or two. What about you? What do you think about it? By the way, that's where Mrs. Silverhawke lives. She makes all sorts of cool traditional jewelry and clothes. I think she's the one that taught David-besides Sam, of course."

Jason grinned. "Her, I've met." Again, the burly teen was quiet. "I think it's a good idea." He looked over at his partner. "If you really think about it, our rings are the closest we can get to engagement rings with being totally open about it. Besides, we both put a lot of thought into what we wanted for each other. So having them stand for something else," he shrugged, "well, it just seems fitting, you know?"

One word that Jason had said stood out in Tommy's mind. So much so that he had trouble hearing anything else. "Engagement?" he said, sounding a bit more alarmed than he meant to.

A soft blush came over the Gold Ranger. "Guess that might've been the wrong word to use, but it's definitely a promise to you that I won't stray from your side."

"Sorry Jase...I didn't's not that I...damn," he uttered, coming to a stop. He looked into his partner's face. "I love you, you know that. I guess you just surprised me." He took a deep breath. "I think using these rings as promise rings is a great idea. I mean, it took us so long to get together...neither of us is going to start looking around any time soon."

"Definitely not, especially considering I almost lost you before I could tell you how I feel." He gave his boyfriend a soft smile. "I know we don't need rings to tell us that we're committed to each other. To me, it's just more proof of that and when I'm not with you, I can look down and see the ring. Makes me feel closer to you."

"Well now that we're talking about it, there's something I've been wanting to ask you." He took a breath and gathered his thoughts. "I know we're committed to each other, and there's no one else I could ever want. This is not going to come out right," he shook his head. "Well, you know there's talk of legalizing same sex marriage sometime in the future. Could you ever see us...married?" he asked, blushing slightly.

Jason stopped and moved closer to the man he loved. "You mean could I ever see myself living with you day in and day out, year after year? Growing old together? Being there for each other during the good times and the low points?" He put a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "I couldn't see me doing all of that with anyone else, Anamchara."

A warm smile spread across Tommy's handsome face. "That's good to know. I mean, we're still really young to even be talking about something like that, but never know." They turned and started walking again with Tommy pointing out the homes of a few other people including the tribal chief.

"Yeah well, I was kidnapped by a floating head and given the power to change into a spandex-wearing hero of sorts. Doesn't get much stranger than that." He settled into the walk with Tommy.

"Oh I can beat that. I was kidnapped by a space witch and put under an evil spell, given powers-including a green spandex suit, controlled a huge fighting machine that looked suspiciously like Godzilla, and tried to kill the man that I now love more than anything."

"Yeah well, I let you win." He chuckled softly as they entered the pasture and started back.

"Good," Tom said with a big grin, reaching over and grasping Jason's hand. At the surprised look he calmly announced, "This is family land...and no one's watching us out here anyway. As a matter of fact, we could go take a roll in the hay if you want."

The Original Red Ranger arched an eyebrow at that. "Do you know how bad hay itches if it gets in the wrong places?"

"Had experience at it, then? Do tell, lover..." Tommy replied, a suspicious look crossing his face.

He blushed. "Told you that I was a Boy Scout. We had to clean all the pots after dinner after we got into a hay fight in the barn. Royally sucks to be washing dishes with bits of hay in your boxers."

Not sure if he believed him, the Ranger Commander gave him a sideways glance while they walked. "Uh sure it's not something more like you and Trini trying each other on for size? Or maybe some chic in Switzerland? They have barns in Switzerland, I'm sure."

"No, Trini is allergic to hay. Found that out when we were like five and tried to go on a hayride one Halloween. As for Switzerland, no time. First week we got there, I was so jet lagged it wasn't funny. Add the withdrawals on top of it." He shook his head. "Ended up getting put on bed rest for three days after I kept falling asleep during our activities."

"Me thinks you doth protest too much," Tom said, still not convinced. "But anyway, we can find somewhere else to take a tumble if you're interested. Once your leg gets better, of course."

Jason stopped and frowned at him, removing his hand from the other teen's. "Why would I make something like that up, Tom? You think I'm trying to avoid being with you or something? How the hell can you think that?" He shook his head and started walking off.

Jason's words were like a slap across the face. "Jase, wait...hang on," Tommy said, picking up his pace to catch up with his partner. "Jase...I didn't mean anything by that..."

Shaking his head, the Gold Ranger kept walking, ignoring the twinges in his leg that told him he was pushing it too much. "I'm going back to the house."

When he saw that his boyfriend apparently wasn't going to listen to him, Tom stopped chasing him. "Fine. If you won't even listen to me then I'll just stay out here." He watched him walking away, then turned and headed toward the barn. "What the hell just happened?" he grumbled, looking up to see Eaglefoot slowly walking toward him.

Making it to the other side of the pasture, Jason slipped through the fence and walked over to a fallen log. He sighed heavily as he took a seat against it, stretching his leg out before him. After a few moments, he leaned his head back, enjoying the shade that was offered and using the time to think.

The stallion slowly lowered his head, gently nudging the one he viewed as master in the chest.

"Hey boy," Tom said with a sigh, reaching out to stroke the horse's face. "You ever get the feeling you don't know what's goin' on?" He glanced over and saw his boyfriend sitting by the fence, staring off into space. "Guess I said something wrong."

The horse nudged him again, forcing him back a step towards the fence.

"You trying to push me away too?" Tommy asked, looking down at the stallion's face.

The stallion snorted softly, then shook his head. Swinging his head a bit, the paint seemed to be looking over at the other teen before turning back to his master.

The young man had always known that there was something special about this animal-that he seemed to understand more than a horse should. Looking over in the direction that Eaglefoot had shook his head, he saw Jason still sitting there. "You're trying to tell me something, aren't you, boy?"

Nudging the human in front of him again, Eaglefoot forced him back another step. Stepping forward slightly, the horse draped his long mane over Tommy's head for a moment, then lipped at the empty hand with velvet soft lips.

Tommy couldn't help but chuckle at the big animal. "You gonna push me all the way over to the fence?" he asked, shaking his head.

A soft whicker came from the animal before he took hold of the boy's shirt and started walking towards the fence. The big stallion was careful not to step on his master as he moved. His neck was cocked slightly to the side as he walked, ensuring no harm came to the boy.

Not believing his eyes, Tom allowed himself to be pulled along. "Pushy little cuss, aren'tcha?" he asked.

Hearing the approaching hooves, Jason turned his head. His eyebrows shot up as he watched his boyfriend being frog-marched across the pasture by the stallion. A soft chuckle escaped him despite his mood. 'Oh man, what a time to not have my camera.' He tried to get slowly to his feet, but his leg cramped up and forced him back down.

The stallion stopped a few feet from the fence, then let go of the teen. With another soft nudge, the horse pushed his master on further.

"Okay, okay...I'm goin'...damn," Tom said, straightening out his shirt from where the stallion had had it in his mouth. After getting another snort from Eaglefoot, Tommy stepped up to the fence and looked at Jason. "This horse is about to get violent if I don't talk to you, so..." he climbed through the fence and moved over to his boyfriend, crouching down beside him. "Your leg is really hurting, isn't it?"

Sighing softly, the burly teen nodded. "Yeah. Think I pushed too much and then it cramped up on me." Reaching out, he took hold of his partner's hand. "I'm sorry for walking off like that, but when you questioned me like that." He shook his head. "I never lied to you, Tom. Not about who I've been with or what I've done."

"I know that, Jase. I was just kidding...playing with you, ya know? I'm sorry if I upset you, but why did you get so defensive? That's not like you."

"Because that's not a joke to me, Tom. What we have isn't a joke. Yes, I might take it a bit more serious than you do, but I watched you die. I spent days at your bedside not knowing if you were going to make it no matter how much I wanted you to live. So I'm sorry if I don't take stuff like that as a joke right now."

Tommy dropped his head and sighed. Jason was right and he knew it. He hadn't meant to be insensitive, but apparently that's exactly what he was. "Jase...I'm sorry." He looked up to meet his boyfriend's eyes and took his hand. "I didn't mean it. I know that you'd never lie to me about who you've been with and such. We love each other and want to be together, that's the important thing. Forgive me?"

"I love you, Tommy. There's no way that I could ever not forgive you." He pulled his friend to him and kissed him gently. "Sorry for walking away like that."

"I understand. Now what say we go inside and get Sam to look at your thigh? I'm sure he's got something that'll help," Tom suggested, noticing the grimaces that crossed his lover's face when he put weight on his leg.

Jason was unable to bite back the groan when his full weight was put on his bad leg. "Man, that really hurts now." He let his boyfriend help him. "Guess that'll teach me."

"Teach you what? It's not like you asked for that huge bruise." Tommy wrapped an arm around his boyfriend and helped to support him as they walked into the house.

"No, but it'll teach me to speak up sooner about large bruises."

"Granted." Once inside the living room, Tommy spotted Sam in the kitchen. "Sam, could you help us with something please?"

The old man came into the living room. "Finally need something for the pain which causes you to limp, do you?"

Jason blushed, then nodded. "Yeah, I've got a really bad bruise on my thigh and it caused my leg to cramp up on me when we were walking."

Sam nodded. "David, please help our Falcon get his mate into the bedroom. I will start the water for some tea and then come take a look to see what will work best."

With David's help, Tommy got Jason back into the bedroom and helped him get his jeans off so that Sam could take a look at the injury. "Wow...that is one helluva bruise you've got there, babe."

Snorting, the burly teen stretched out on the bed, letting David set a couple of pillows behind him to help him sit up a bit. "Tell me about it. I honestly think it looks worse now than it did this morning."

"Tell me again how that happened. Something must've caught you full on to bruise you like that through the armor."

A blush crept over the Gold Ranger's features. "You know that ball and chain weapon that thing was using?" When his boyfriend nodded, a frown slipping into place, Jason continued. "After Adam shot the ball off the end, I went after the creep again. Ended up getting the chain wrapped around my thigh before I could get him down."

David stood there and listened, his eyes growing wider. Even though he'd seen the rangers fighting the bad guys on TV, it was quite different to imagine the two young men in front of him doing it.

Tommy winced at Jason's explanation. "Oooh, that must've hurt. Where was I when this was going on? I didn't see that happen."

"You were with Kat, Tanya and Rocky working on that pack of creeps that were sent down."

"Oh, okay. You were able to dismantle the mechanical jerk though, right?" Tom asked, carefully stroking the side of Jason's injured leg.

"Yeah, I took a couple more hits first, but I got him." He looked down at the bruise, wincing slightly when he realized you could see the actual links of the chain in the bruise. "Guess that creep really did a number on me, huh?"

"Yeah, he did. I'm kinda surprised you weren't better protected by your suit, though. I guess the Gold powers are different-maybe it's because they're alien, you think?"

"Not sure, guess it's gonna have to be something I talk to Zordon about." He looked up as Sam came into the room.

"Alien?" David asked, after standing there quietly listening. "But aren't they all alien?"

Tommy turned to his brother, scratching his head. "Well...yeah, in a way I guess they are. But Jason's powers are different from the rest of us Zeo rangers. Our powers were sorta configured, I guess you'd say, to our bodies. Jason took the Gold powers in an emergency situation without any kind of adjustment. They're configured for Triforian physiology, not human. I don't really understand it, I just accept it-speeds things up," he smiled. "If I had to completely understand everything I deal with, I'd never get anything done."

Sam snorted as he took a seat beside Jason on the bed. "Sometimes it is better that way. Then there are those times when knowledge will benefit you more than time lost." He looked at Jason. "This bruise is deep, to the bone it goes. Even with your healing I have heard talk of, it will be another day before it is fully healed." With hands that were roughened by years of hard work, but a touch that was gentle, he began to examine the teen's leg.

The first time the Elder touched the actual bruise itself, Jason hissed through his teeth and closed his eyes. The light touch had sent waves of pain coursing through his body that the powers weren't even touching.

Tommy shot a look of deep concern at his boyfriend and then looked at Sam. "Is there anything you can do to help? Maybe to take some of the pain away?" He hated to see his lover in such distress.

The gray head nodded. "A poultice will help loosen the muscle and draw out some of the pain. It will also help dispense the blood that rests below the skin. The tea that I am brewing will help with the pain."

"Yeah, that tea works really well, guys," David spoke up. "I've had need of it a few times lately when I've hurt myself one way or another around here. Really helps you sleep, too."

Jason nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me." He looked over at Tommy. "Sorry I'm not much good right now."

"Oh please. I just want you to feel better."

Sam stood up again. "David, come with me to help with the tea and poultice. When the tea is done, you will bring it back to the young Puma." He turned his wise gaze to rest on Jason. "Drink it while it is still warm. When the poultice is ready, I will bring it in and apply it to your bruise before wrapping it. The tea will help with the pain while I work."

Sighing softly, the other teen nodded. "Thanks for doing this Sam." He watched them walk out of the bedroom, then looked at his boyfriend. "Glad Sam can help me. I'd hate to have to teleport to the Command Center just to get this looked at and treated."

"Yeah, I know. But at least we have that option. Hate to think how long that would take to heal without some 'special' help. Matter of fact, without the armor, that weapon probably would've broken your leg," Tommy responded, stroking Jason's thick, dark hair.

"And with that being my femur, I would be out of action for months." He shivered slightly, wincing as it pulled at his leg. "Not something I really want to think about."

"No, not at all. We can't have you laid up for that long," Tom smiled. "We need you. I need you."

Leaning in, Jason kissed the other teen softly on the lips. "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

"I know, and I'm really glad about that. Sam's treatments will work and you'll be feeling better by tomorrow-just wait and see."

"Plan on it, but I also don't plan on really pushing it tomorrow either."

"Don't worry, we'll take it easy while we're out here. Nothing we absolutely have to do anyway." Tom turned as David came back into the room with the tea that Sam had made for Jason.

"Here ya go, Jason. Now like Sam told you, sip it slowly but try to get it all down while it's warm. Once you've got a little in you it'll help for when Sam starts applying the poultice."

"Thanks David." He took the tea and smelled it before taking a cautious sip. "Hmm, not bad. Mom's had me drink worse stuff than this."

"Yeah, it's not too bad-as herbal tea goes. It'll make you drowsy and might make you feel like you've got a buzz, but it's harmless, I assure you."

"I'll take your word for it." Taking another long drink, Jason sighed. The warmth of the tea was already starting to relax him. "Wish you guys had a hot tub. That'd be really nice."

"Sorry, no hot tub. We have a hot spring nearby, but I don't think your leg would appreciate the trip right now," David answered.

"How about we see how things are tomorrow? If it feels okay, we can try it, the hot water might even help." The Gold Ranger finished off the tea in another long drink and set the empty cup aside as Sam started back into the room.

"Okay, we'll decide tomorrow. If you're feeling better, we may try to take a ride up to the springs. If not, we can go another time-they're not going anywhere," David commented.

Sam nodded. "It would be a good trip to make if the Puma is feeling up to it." Setting the bowl down that contained a steaming, thick paste, the tribal Elder picked up the empty cup and handed it to David. "Another cup for him if you will David, half from the blue pot and half from the white with two spoons of honey."

"Yes sir, no problem," David answered and headed out to the kitchen to do as he was asked.

"Wow, that has an...interesting smell to it, Sam. What's in it?" Tommy asked, wrinkling his nose a bit.

Once David had left, the old man turned to Jason. "The poultice is very warm. On your skin, it will feel hot, but the heat is needed for it to work. I will try to be gentle. The herbs work best if they are worked into the muscle. That is why I had David give you the tea before starting."

Jason nodded. "I understand, Sam. Thank you for doing this."

Nodding slightly, the elder picked up the bowl and scooped some of the paste onto his fingers before applying it to the bruise on the teen's thigh. "It is a mixture of many herbs and roots, crushed up then boiled. As it cools, it is strained before adding some more herbs and re-warmed. The combination lets it thicken into a paste."

"I see," Tom said, rubbing his nose. "Well, as long as it works. How's it feel, Jase?"

He grunted slightly as Sam worked a bit more of the paste into the bruise. "It's really warm at first, almost hot, then whatever's in it starts working and I can actually feel the muscle relax a little bit." The teen winced as the older man worked a particularly sore area.

David came back in with Jason's second cup of tea and sat it on the nightstand next to him. "Start working on it when you can, okay?" he added and then moved out of Sam's way.

"Thanks David." He sighed softly as Sam sat up a bit and paused in what he was doing. Using the break, Jason took a drink from the fresh cup.

The older man watched, then nodded. "I've finished working it into the muscle, but more will be applied before I can wrap it. Afterwards, you would do well to rest until dinner. The tea might make you sleepy. Do not fight it."

"All right." The gray head nodded before beginning to apply a thick layer of the paste over the bruised area.

Once Sam had finished and wrapped Jason's thigh with a bandage, he and David left to allow the boys to rest some. Tommy walked over and sat on the bed next to Jason, gently rubbing his boyfriend's back. "Is it helping?" he asked.

"Yeah, and I can feel the muscle relaxing, which is really good." He took another drink of the tea.

"Good...glad to hear it. I'm a bit sore too, but I don't think I have any big bruises on me like that." He continued gently rubbing his partner's body. "How's the tea?"

"Not that bad. It's a little bitter, but I had worse at the Conference." He took another drink and set the cup back down, then let his arm come around to rest on Tommy's shoulders. "You check to make sure none turned up lately?"

"No, I haven't looked lately. Wanna check my back and the back of my legs for me? I do have some sore spots and I can't really see 'em."

Chuckling softly, Jason grinned. "Sure, I'll check them for you. Strip down to your boxers and get comfortable. I'll check you over and then we can both rest for a bit."

"Alright, I can do that," the Ranger Commander answered, getting up and slowly beginning to strip off his clothes. He stood right in front of Jason so that his boyfriend could watch him closely.

While he watched, Jason could feel himself start to come alive. He tried to ignore it though as he looked over his partner's body. "You've got a couple of deep ones, but nothing that looks as bad as my thigh."

"Anything that needs Sam's attention, you think?"

"That one on your hip might, but only because it might make you a bit uncomfortable if you hit it." He reached out and rested a hand towards the back of the red Zeo ranger's left hip. "My hand's just above it."

Tommy gently prodded at the area below Jason's hand and felt a definite twinge. "Mmmm yeah, that's pretty sore. Think I should go get Sam?"

"Might as well. No sense in letting it freeze you up like my leg did to me."

"Okay." He stopped and looked for a minute and then got a questioning look on his face. "Should I walk out there in my boxers or put my jeans back on? I know that sounds strange but...damn. They're my family but I don't feel like I know them." He sighed and just looked at Jason, wanting his partner to tell him what to do.

Reaching out again, the Gold Ranger took hold of his lover's hand. "Tom, they're not going to care if you're in your jeans or your boxers. Just go out there like you are, it'll be okay."

"Yeah..." he started nodding, "'re right. I,'s just a weird situation, that's all. I hardly know my own brother!" he said, suddenly sounding angry, his eyes flashing. "Life just sucks sometimes."

"Hey, you've got the time, Tom. You're eighteen now and nothing says that you can't come out and visit your brother if you want."

"I know, but look at all the time we've lost. He's my blood and he's almost like a stranger to me. I mean, I know more about some of the losers we go to school with than I know about my own brother."

"The lost time you can't do anything about, bro. The rest of your lives? That's still ahead of you and gives you both plenty of time to make new memories with each other." He squeezed his boyfriend's hand. "Go get Sam to look at your side."

Taking a deep breath, Tom said, "Yeah, you're usual. Sorry I came unhinged there for a minute. I'll go get Sam." With that, he turned and walked out of the bedroom, still seeming a tad insecure.

David looked up as his brother came into the living room. He frowned at the small bruises that covered the teen's body. "What do you two do? Paint a target on yourselves that says 'Hit me! Hit me!'?"

Tommy had to grin. ", not really. Targets aren't really necessary...I'm already wearing red spandex. But ummm, you think Sam has any of that stuff left over that he could use on me?"

"Yeah, there's some left. He's not actually here, but I can do it for you if you want. He's actually getting a couple of items he needs for dinner tonight."

"Well...if you're not busy-that would be great," Tommy answered.

"Nope." He grinned, standing up. "It's a good excuse to get away from the breeding charts."

"One of these days you're gonna have to teach me some of that. I'd love to be able to help out around here."

The elder brother chuckled softly. "Well, plan on spending a week on those alone. Took me three months to figure them out from the last guy that was doing them." He walked over to the stove and put some of the poultice mix into a bowl. "You going to stretch out next to Jason?"

"Yeah, there's enough room on the bed. Unless you want me somewhere else."

"No, I was asking so that I know how big of a bandage to get. Need to wrap this so that it stays in place."

"Oh okay, well I'll just lay down on the bed then. Thanks for doing this, David. I didn't realize I had any bruises that needed attention until Jase pointed them out." He walked back toward the bedroom with his brother following.

Grabbing the items he needed, David followed him. "No problem." He chuckled softly. "Besides, I get the feeling that even if you'd grown up out here, I'd have been helping Sam do this a lot."

Tom turned and laughed at him. "Probably so. I've always had an uncanny knack for getting roughed up. If there's a bruise or cut to be had, I'll end up with it."

"Figures and add in the terrain out here, yeah, I can see you always having a bruise or scrape somewhere." He nodded towards the bed once they got into the bedroom. "Pick how you want to rest for an hour and then we'll get this done."

Since one bruise was on his back and the other on his hip, Tom chose to lay on his side so that both could be treated at once. "Can you get to me okay this way?"

David grinned wickedly. "You know, if you weren't hurting a bit right now, I'd make you rethink what you just said." Setting the stuff down, David nodded at his brother. "Ready? It'll be a bit warm, almost hot at first."

"Feels good though." Jason stated drowsily as the watched the brothers.

Tommy just shook his head. "Oh shut up," he directed at his brother and chuckled. When David started applying the paste-like substance, he couldn't help but jump slightly. "Man...that is warm."

"It'll cool slightly, but the warmth is what helps it work and go deep into the muscles." He continued applying the paste to both areas. When that was done, he covered both spots before wrapping it. "How are they pain wise? Cause I can get you some of the tea that Jason had."

"Well, to be honest, they really weren't hurting all that bad until Jase pointed them out to me. Ever since then...yeah, they're beginning to hurt worse."

The elder Oliver started chuckling softly. "Funny how bruises tend to do that." He patted the teen's shoulder. "Rest there for a moment and I'll go get you some." He cleaned up the supplies he'd used and took them with him.

He looked up at his boyfriend. "That tea makes you loopy, doesn't it?"

"Not so much loopy as kinda drowsy." He grinned lazily. "Yeah, it does." He chuckled softly.

Tommy had to laugh. "You're loopy...don't tell me you're not." He looked Jason in the eyes. "Oh well, as long as you're feeling better."

Leaning a bit, Jason kissed him softly. "Yeah, I am. Figure a nap will do us both good, especially after last night's fight."

"You're probably right. So we'll be loopy together...might be fun," he grinned.

"Will definitely be fun." He grinned at his boyfriend. "Means we get to sleep together."

When Jason started giggling, Tom could tell that he really was "impaired". "I'll bet you're funny when you're drunk."

David chuckled softly as he came back into the room. "He probably is, but right now it's more of a 'high' than a 'drunk'." He held the cup of warm tea out to his brother. "Just like I told Jason, sip it slowly but try to finish it while it's still warm."

"Okay, I will. Did you give me the same amount as you gave laughing boy here?"

"It's a standard amount of peyote in the tea itself." He laughed softly at the raised eyebrow he got. "Used properly, it doesn't cause hallucinations or anything like that. It will cut down on the pain and there is actually very little in the tea. The rest are a bunch of different herbs that Sam uses for a variety of things."

"Okay, cause I was gonna remind you that he outweighs me by about 20 pounds and if it makes him this silly, I don't wanna know what it's gonna do to me."

"At the most, it'll make you a little loopy like him. It'll also make you drowsy, which is what Sam aims to do when he uses it."

"Alright," Tommy said, cautiously taking a small sip. "Not bad," he decided and continued to drink the hot tea. A couple of minutes later, he turned his head toward his brother. "David? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He took a seat in a chair next to the bed, grinning slightly when he noticed that Jason was fighting hard to stay awake, but said nothing.

"Well, when you think about all the time you and I missed out on...does it make you mad? Cause it does me."

For several moments, the elder Oliver was quiet, then he nodded. "A little, but at the same time I believe that maybe there was a reason Sam couldn't find you as a child." He leaned forward a bit. "I mean, despite how you were and still are treated at times by the Olivers, you've had experiences that I never will. All of that makes you the person that you are. Really think about it Tommy. If you had been found by Sam and we'd been raised together, then the chances of you ever having become a ranger are slim and none." He nodded at Jason, who had finally drifted off to sleep. "Nor would you have met him." David was quiet for a moment. "Do I miss all the things we could have shared and done together? Yeah, I do."

Tommy was silent for a short time. He kept sipping his tea while he thought. "You know," he finally said, "I've never really thought about it that way. Things would be really different, you're right. And I wouldn't wanna think about not ever having met lunkhead over here," he smiled, indicating the sleeping Gold Ranger.

"If there's one thing I've learned living out here, it's that our experiences make us the people that we are and help shape us into the ones that we will become. If I had grown up in the city, then I wouldn't be as interested in helping improve things here on the Res." He grinned slightly. "Besides, it gives me the chance to go into the city and visit you when I want a reminder of why I live out here."

"You should've visited me in L.A.-you'd've gotten back here as fast as you possibly could! I just can't see you being a big city boy," Tom grinned, starting to feel a bit sleepy.

He chuckled softly. "No thanks. Angel Grove is big enough for me. Not to mention it has some 'unusual' attractions." He reached out and brushed a strand of hair from his brother's forehead. "Get some rest. We'll be in to change the poultices out in about an hour."

The younger man yawned in spite of himself. "Okay...thanks bro," he said, letting his heavy eyelids close.

"You're welcome, little brother." He pulled the blankets up over both teens and quietly left the room, pulling the door closed behind him.

(scene change)

Jason stroked the soft nose of the gelding he'd finished brushing. David had said his name was Dakota and it somehow fit the stout, black and white paint that he was going to be riding. He grinned as the horse lowered his head slightly, wanting to be scratched more. "Like that do you?"

"Getting acquainted over there?" Tommy said with smile. He was still busy brushing Eaglefoot and both of them were waiting on David to come in with his horse.

"Yeah, he seems to be pretty easy going." The Gold Ranger grinned over at his friend. "How's Eaglefoot?"

Tommy leaned back and looked up at the face of the big stallion. " boy's fine," he grinned. "Looks like he's rarin' to go."

Jason was about to say something when David came into the barn, leading a beautiful paint. With one blue eye on a mostly white face and one brown, the horse held an air of superiority. "Wow."

"Yeah, he's really somethin', isn't he?" Tommy commented, looking over at the big stallion.

Laughing softly, David led the horse past Jason and tied him so that he could be groomed. "This is Jumping Eagle. He's the main herd stallion, or herd boss." Grabbing a brush, he started cleaning the brown, black and white coat. He chuckled softly when the horse's top lip curled up when he hit a ticklish spot.

"He's really beautiful." Shaking his head, the Original Red Ranger grinned. "I never imagined that two stallions would be this close and not fighting."

"Oh I don't know...there's three stallions standing here and we're not fighting," Tommy said with a mischievous grin, winking at his partner.

David rolled his eyes and put his brushes up. "Come on you two. I'll show you the saddles and stuff to get then help you so we can get out of here."

"Oh come on, know that was funny," Tom said, following his brother into the tack room. Jason gave a chuckle and followed as well.

"Did I say it wasn't?" He grinned and handed his brother two saddle pads on top of a western saddle. "That's for Eaglefoot."

Tommy took the saddle and waited for Jason to get his. 'This is gonna be fun,' he thought. 'Hope Jase does okay. For that matter, hope I don't screw up!'

Jason raised an eyebrow when David handed him the same set up. "Hope you're gonna show me how to do this."

Grinning David grabbed his own tack. "Yeah, I'll show you. Let me show you where to put your stuff and you can watch me saddle Jump. Then I'll help you with Dakota."

"I might need a little help too," Tom said in a sheepish voice. "You know, just to make sure I've got everything tight enough. All I need is to fall off that big guy."

He grinned at his brother. "I'll double check everything before I let you get on, I promise." He winked. "Don't need you going back to your friends all bruised up and them thinking that I was torturing my little brother." He led them back into the barn and showed Jason where to stow his stuff before going over to the herd stallion.

"Appreciate that. One more head injury and I'm done, I think." A strange look washed across Tommy's face after he'd said that-he just turned and carried his saddle back to where Eaglefoot was waiting.

Looking across at Jason, David found himself sharing a concerned glance. He made a mental note to talk to the teen about it. "Yeah well, Sam would have my hide if either of you got hurt anyway."

Jason chuckled softly, relieving some of the tension that had sprouted up at Tommy's statement. "He does strike me as the type that'd find a way to get even."

"Oh yeah, and not in the ways you might expect," David remarked, walking in the same direction that Tommy had gone.

Tommy had put the saddle pads on Eaglefoot and was almost ready to sling the saddle on his back when he turned to his brother. "Am I doing this right?"

Walking around Jump, David walked over to his brother. He checked the saddle pads, then nodded. "Yeah, you're doing fine. Keep it up while I finish helping your 'stud'." He winked at his brother and walked back over to Jason.

Tom had to grin. Jason was quite the stud at that. "Okay Eaglefoot, boy...stay still for me, alright? I'm not all that great at this yet," he directed to the big stallion, hoping that he understood.

Jason blushed hard, but didn't say anything as he watched David saddle the big stallion. When the girth had been tightened, the teen looked at his boyfriend's brother. "I think I've got it, but I want you to watch me."

Nodding, he walked with Jason. "No problem. Just take your time."

For his part, Tommy was doing pretty well. His mount was cooperating and that helped greatly, considering his inexperience. "Okay boy, almost done," he said, reaching up to pat Eaglefoot.

It took Jason a few tries, but he finally got the gelding saddled correctly and he grinned over at Tommy. "Well, that wasn't that bad."

David chuckled softly. "That was just the saddle. I'll bridle Dakota for you, so you can just watch." He picked up the bridle and tossed the reins over Dakota's head before grabbing hold of the crown piece and bit. The gelding opened his mouth willingly and took the bit without fuss as David slid the bridle over the horse's poll and around the left ear. A quick adjustment to the throat latch and he patted the gelding's neck. "All done."

"So David, what do you do if they don't wanna open their mouths for you?" Tommy asked.

Chuckling softly, he grinned at his brother. "Stick your finger in the corner of their mouth and rub their tongue."

"Really? That works?" he answered. "Have to try that on Jase there," he laughed, giving his boyfriend a wink.

He shook a finger at his boyfriend. "Keep it up and I won't give you any of the baklava Mom gave me to bring up."

"Oh no fair! Threatening me with baklava. That's hitting below the belt," the Ranger Commander replied.

The Gold Ranger grinned and shrugged. "All's fair in love and war." He winked and took hold of the lead rope David handed him.

"And food, apparently," Tommy added.

While the two teens had been talking, David had finished up with his horse and tied the lead rope for both Jump and Dakota around their necks for when they stopped for lunch. It was safer to use the lead ropes instead of the bridle. "You get Eaglefoot's bridle okay?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did it right. Eaglefoot's easy, though. You did such a good job training him...well, all of them, really."

"It took a while, about six months each to get a really good foundation on them. Of course, there's always something new you can try to teach them, too." He grinned and helped Tommy tie the lead around the stallion's neck. "So you boys ready to get out of here?"

"Umm David, will you check to make sure I've got everything tight enough and put on right? I don't wanna hurt Eaglefoot and I definitely don't wanna fall off," Tom requested, unsure of his saddling skills.

"Let's lead them outside first. Then I'll double check all of our tack before I help you two mount up and we can get going."

Jason nodded. "Works for me."

Both young men led their mounts outside, following behind David. "Think you're gonna enjoy this?"

The burly teen nodded. "Oh yeah. And thanks to Sam and the Powers, my leg's a lot better. So yeah, I'm going to enjoy this."

David ground tied Jump and walked back over to the two teens. "All right, Tommy. Let's get you up on Eaglefoot first." He made short work of checking the girth, saddle, breast collar and bridle. When he was satisfied, he nodded at his brother. "All right, let's get you up."

"So I did a decent job? Wow." Tommy then put one foot in a stirrup and, hanging onto the horn pulled himself up and swung his other leg over.

Jason watched as his boyfriend grabbed hold of the reins and some of the thick mane in his left hand and the far side of the horn with the other. After his left foot was in the stirrup, it seemed like a couple bounces and small jump had his partner in the saddle with ease. "Dang bro, you made that look easy."

David helped his brother adjust the stirrups, then put a hand on his knee. "You did good, Falcon. Now get used to Eaglefoot again while I help Jason get up and settled on Dakota."

Less than ten minutes later, Jason and David were mounted. The Original Red Ranger had been given instructions in how to steer and stop the gelding, plus how to get him to go. After they were all settled, David grinned. "I'll lead, then Jason will follow me and Tommy I want you to bring up the rear."

"Alright, will do," Tommy said. "Let's go!"

With a grin, Jason slid the horse into line behind David's, keeping a bit of distance so that he could see the rear feet of the herd boss. "This will definitely be something to tell the others about."

"Yeah, I think we're gonna have a lot of fun. Just do what David tells you and you won't have any problems. He really knows what he's doing," Tom said, showing some of the pride he had in his big brother.

"I'm realizing that." Jason settled into the saddle a bit more and started to relax, moving with the rhythm of the horse's gait.

The boys finally made it to their destination-a nearby cave that contained a hot spring. David dismounted first and then held Dakota while Jason swung down from the saddle. The elder brother decided to let Tommy get down by himself, but he kept a close watch. Once everyone was back on the ground, David showed them the best way to tie up the horses.

Jason stretched his legs a bit and looked around. "This is really cool."

"Yeah, it is. I don't think I've been out here before," Tommy added.

David grinned. "We went the other way when all of us went camping with the girls. We're actually closer to the back of the pasture than anywhere else." He nodded towards the cave. "The hot spring is part of the reason we don't really worry when we get the occassional bit of snow."

"I want a closer look at that hot spring. I didn't know there was one out here," Tommy said, pulling his pack down from Eaglefoot's saddle.

Chuckling softly, David handed Jason his bag before grabbing the one off of Dakota. "Like I'm going to show you everything in one time of coming out here." He winked at Jason. "Gotta save some stuff to keep you coming back."

The Ranger Commander turned and gave his brother a disapproving look. "Oh come on, like you have to entice me to come back. Once I have a little more freedom, you might wish you could get rid of me!" he chuckled and then turned back toward the cave.

"I doubt it." He grinned. "Spent too much time looking for your ass to get rid of it anytime soon."

Jason shook his head, chuckling softly as he started following his boyfriend. "Yeah, you're brothers all right."

Tommy moved closer to the spring and dipped his hand in. "Oh wow...this is almost like a hot tub!" He watched the steam rise off the warm water into the surrounding cool air. "Hey Jase, come look!"

Moving closer, the burly teen's eyes widened slowly. "Oh man, this is awesome." He looked back at David. "Thanks for bringing us here." Going down to stand next to Tommy, he grinned. "Too bad we didn't bring any trunks."

"Yeah...but now we know and we'll make good use of it during Spring Break," Tom said, slipping an arm around Jason's trim waist.

David snorted as he tossed the saddle bags to the ground. "Who needs trunks?" He opened one side of the bags and tossed each teen a towel. "Not shy are you?"

"Him?" Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow and pointing at Jason. "Mr. Exhibitionist? Please," he chuckled.

Jason rolled his eyes, but took the towel and set it aside, then started taking off his shoes. "This water is going to feel good."

"Sure is...let's get in," Tommy said, removing his jacket and starting on his shirt.

David chuckled softly and started stripping. When he had only his boxers left, he grabbed his towel and walked over to the edge of the pool. Shucking his boxers, he looked at the other two. "You guys are slow."

Rolling his eyes, Jason looked over at David. "Just because you're used to doing this." He chuckled softly for a moment while he ditched his own jeans. While he did that, he couldn't help but notice how similar the two brothers were and not just in the face. David wasn't as defined as Tommy, but at the same time the guy's body held no fat on it anywhere. He blushed slightly and shed his own boxers before easing into the water.

David wasn't the only one being given the once-over. As Jason stripped, Tommy couldn't help but watch. Even though he'd seen his boyfriend's body countless times, he still couldn't help but run his eyes up and down the Gold Ranger's nude body as he sunk himself into the warm water.

David didn't show it, but he'd caught Jason's gaze. It didn't bother the man that he'd been oggled by his brother's boyfriend. To him, it was a compliment that the teen found him worthy to look at.

Once they were settled, David grinned. He'd pulled the food bags closer before sinking into the warm water. "So, you guys want to eat now or wait a little bit?"

"I'd like to just soak for a bit myself. This feels so good on my back," the Ranger Commander said.

"Same here," Jason stated, soaking in the warmth. "Feels nice to just relax."

"Works for me. Just let me know when you get hungry."

"Any word on when you might be able to get on the tribal council?" Tom asked his big brother.

"I can become a member of the council this spring when I turn 21. Sam's looking forward to it since he'll be sponsoring me."

"Cool. I know you've been looking forward to that. Are there any other young people still on the council or have they left?"

"There's two or three that are going to stick around and join. Plus we've got about ten that are graduating this year from college that are required, since the tribe paid for their education, to come back and help out. Most of them wanted to return."

"Really? It seems like all I hear is that the young people are moving away, leaving only the older people to handle things. Glad to know that's not true here," Jason remarked.

"Yeah, but we're actually a little better off out here than in some places. So, with the tribe agreeing to pay for the education, like my associate's degree, it's easier for us to get a taste of what it's like out there and truly want to come back."

"You know, me and Jason were talking yesterday. I think I'd really love to live out here, at least for a little while," Tommy said, lowering himself further into the water.

"Well, if you want to, let me know. That goes for you too, Jason. There's a couple of places out here that you two could spend a few months in if you wanted to."

"Seriously? That would be great during the summer when we're home from college, you know, Tommy?"

The red Zeo ranger nodded. "Sure would. Would keep me from having to worry about going home, too. Are you talking about houses or apartments or what?"

"There's a couple of empty houses. One is right across from Sam and I. Technically Tom, if you want it, one of them could be yours. Even if you only lived in it a couple months out of the year."

Tommy's eyebrows went up to his hairline. "How's that? I don't have any money, ya know."

"You don't have to, Tom. As dad's son, you're entitled to it." He grinned at his brother. "One of them, particularly the one across from Sam, belonged to them. Since I live with Sam, I don't have a use for it."

The younger brother moved a little closer to David. "Now're telling me that there's a house on the res that I can have? And I don't have to pay for it or anything?" He looked from David to Jason and back. He really couldn't believe what he was hearing.

David nodded. "If you accepted it, you'd be required to pitch in on some things a couple times out of the year, but otherwise, you wouldn't pay anything." He grinned and shrugged. "Benefit of living on Federal land."

"At least there are a few benefits of having reservations. Guess that amounts to our 'trinkets and beads'."

"Somewhat." He grinned. "So if you want to, when we get back, I can show it to you."

"Yeah, I'd love to see it. What do you think about all this, Jason?" Tom asked, settling down beside his boyfriend.

"I'm a little stunned, but I think it's great." He looked at his partner. "And it gives you a piece of your past to hold onto."

Nodding, Tommy rubbed Jason's arm. "And it would give us a place too. Can you imagine? Us having our own house?"

"Not really. It's a lot to take in, but I definitely want to see it." He chuckled softly. "Just don't tell Adam and Carlos."

"Yeah...don't wanna turn it into a Ranger Love Shack!" Tommy laughed.

David shook his head, grinning. "No, that might draw more than a little attention. Sam and I have kept it up, so there's no major repairs that need to be made. There isn't any furniture in it except for the kitchen table and benches, but those were handmade."

"Well, we might be able to get some secondhand furniture for it without too much trouble. Mom probably knows where," Jason replied.

"Yeah, that'd be great. We could use it this summer before we go off to college...wherever that ends up being," Tommy said.

After the boys had eaten their lunch and were relaxing for a bit longer before starting their ride back, Tommy leaned over and kissed Jason softly on the lips and gave him a hug. "Ummm David...does this bother you? We'll quit if it does."

Sighing softly, he shook his head at Tommy. "No, but I really want you two to be careful."

"We will, no worries there," Jason replied.

"Yeah, don't worry about that. By the way, at the Christmas party, you said something that I didn't understand. Remember when you suggested that we use our rings as promise rings?"

Blushing a bit, he nodded. "Yeah, I remember."

"After that, you said something like, 'Be careful, promise me.' What did you mean?"

"I just don't want you two to get found out before you're ready. That, and I want you two to be safe when you start to have sex."

"Well, you really don't need to worry about us being safe, because believe me...with all of the tests and scans that Alpha runs on us on a regular basis, there is no way that either of us could have anything and not know about it. Now as for being found out..." Tommy broke off.

"Like I said, just be careful. From what I've learned about male-male sex, there's a lot higher chance that something can go wrong."

"We'll be careful, we promise. I am worried that my mom suspects, though," Tommy answered.

"You know that if things get too bad for you, that you'll have a place to stay here if you need it. I'll even come get you if I have to."

Jason nodded. "I've told him the same thing."

Tommy sighed and looked between his brother and his boyfriend. "I really appreciate it, guys. I'm hoping that things won't go to hell before I can graduate and get outta there."

Nodding, the Gold Ranger slipped an arm around his partner's shoulders. "Just making sure you know we're here if you need us, Tom."

"Yeah, I know. I just wanna get through high school and go to college with you-get outta Angel Grove."

David nodded. "I can understand wanting to get out of the city for a while. Once you two graduate, come spend a bit of time out here before you have to go to college."

"Oh yeah, we definitely will. I just hope that some decision is made about the whole ranger thing before long. Zordon promised us that we would be able to go off to college like normal people."

"We might have to bring it up to him again as the time gets closer," Jason stated, sinking down a bit in the water and rolling his shoulders.

"Yeah, I mean...I know what we're doing is important. I would like to have a normal life at some point though," Tommy said.

"I don't blame either one of you." David looked at his brother. "You said that you've been doing this since you were what, fifteen? That's a long time to go without being 'normal', especially for a teenager."

"I was telling Jason the other day that our idea of normal and other people's idea of normal are two completely different things," he laughed.

Jason grinned. "He does have a point. Our normal is so off from other people's that it's not funny."

"I can see how fighting in giant metal robots against magical beings would skew your version of normal."

"No kiddin'," Tommy chuckled.

After the horses had been taken care of and returned to the pasture, David led the two teens to the house across from Sam's. Reaching up above the frame, he pulled down a key and wiped it off before putting it into the lock. With a grin, he looked at his brother. "Well, this is it." He pushed the door open and led the way into the house.

Jason followed Tommy into the house and they both looked around at the modest, but well-built house. Like David had mentioned, the only furniture there was a big kitchen table and chairs, but you could tell they were craftsman-made and sturdy.

"How long has it been empty, Dave?" Tommy asked, still looking around.

Jason thought it was a great little house and it'd be a nice place for the two of them, but he was trying not to influence his boyfriend in any way-this was a family matter, after all.

"It's been empty for about a year. There was an older couple living in it, but their son moved them closer to his place on the other side of the Res. So the table was made by Dad and since it was here when they moved in, it got left. Sam and I have re-sanded it and stained it to clean it up a little. We also re-did the mantle and doorframes."

Tommy walked over and ran his hand slowly over the table. "Dad made this?" he asked in a quiet voice after a few moments. The young man seemed completely lost in thought as he touched something that the father that he'd never known had made.

Nodding, David watched his little brother. "Yeah, Sam said that the entire time mom was pregnant with me, he would spend hours working on the table and then the two benches. He did the mantle shortly after I was born. Think Sam still has some pictures of him working on the table."

"Really? Wow...I'd love to see 'em," he remarked, still running his hand over the contours of the thing that his dad had spent so much time working on and touching. It somehow made him feel closer to the man. "David?" he asked, suddenly looking up into his brother's face. "Do you have a scanner?"

Jason had been watching his partner closely, but stayed quiet. Being in this house and so close to things that the man's father had made was having a profound effect on the Ranger Commander-what kind of effect remained to be seen.

"Yeah, I've got a scanner at the house. I had to get a computer system to keep track of the breeding records and pedigrees for the herd." He raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because I want a copy of every picture you can lay your hands on of our family-Mom and Dad, Sam, you, our grandparents...all of 'em. I need to be able to look at them and know that they're my family...that I really belong to somebody," he said, a single tear running down his cheek. He took a seat on one of the benches and continued to look up into his older brother's eyes.

Sighing softly, David walked over and took a seat beside his brother and wrapped his arms around the younger man. "You always belong to someone, Falcon. Never doubt that. You've got Sam and I here, plus a couple of sorta cousins. You have family here…roots, and I wish to the Gods that we could have found you sooner so that you would know this as deep and true as I do."

"I believe's just that it's all so new to me that I'm still having trouble getting it into my head that it's real. I spent so many years wondering what my real family was like and where they were and stuff that...well, when I finally found you, it didn't seem real."

"This is all very real. Just like Jason is real to you." He gave his little brother another squeeze, then sat back a bit to wipe at the tears marring the face that was so like his. "And this house is real. It belongs to you now and will be here for you when you're ready to live in it. Doesn't matter if it's a few months from now or ten years from now, it'll be here waiting on you."

Jason walked over and sat down on the other side of Tommy, not wanting to intrude on the brothers' moment, but needing to silently lend his support.

"But David...what if you decide you want it? As the older brother, you have dibs, right? What if you decide to get married? I can't take this house from you," Tommy said, laying a hand on Jason's thigh to let him know he appreciated the closeness.

"Tommy, if I decide to get married and if it happens to be Alicia, we'll move in with Sam. He's not old," He grinned. "Least if you ask him, he's not, but he is starting to get up there a bit. Besides that, we've already been talking about expanding his place a bit and since it's closer to the barn it makes more sense for me to stay there." He looked into his brother's eyes. "Aside from all of that, you're not taking anything from me. I'm giving it to you because I want you to have it."

Tom thought about that for a minute and then nodded. "Well...okay, if you put it like that. But you've gotta promise me that if you decide that you want or need to move in here, you will."

"I promise, but if you want it, this is your place now."

Jason smiled and squeezed his lover's thigh. "Not every day someone gives you a house, huh?" Turning to David, he smiled warmly in thanks for what he was doing.

"No, definitely not," Tom smiled. "Still can't wrap my head around all this," he said and got up, inspecting the house he'd just been gifted with. "I just can't believe this." He wandered about, running his hand up and down the doorframes and woodwork until he came to the mantle. He looked it over in detail, letting his hands trail across his father's handiwork.

David watched him, then turned to Jason and grinned. "You know, if he likes the mantle, then he'll really love the wardrobe Dad gave Mom when they got married." He nodded his head towards the back. "It's in the bedroom. Sam and I moved it back over here because we really didn't have the room for it."

"You wanna go lead his ass back there? I think he's still pretty stunned."

"Why don't you do it and I'll follow you two." He put a hand on the teen's shoulder. "You know that you're as welcome here as Tommy is."

Jason smiled and nodded. Walking over to Tommy, he placed his hands on the man's trim waist and rested his chin on a shoulder. "Hey, I hear there's something in the bedroom that you might like to see," he said in a soft, gentle voice.

Laying his hands on top of his partner's, Tommy leaned his head back a bit to rest on Jason's shoulder. He sighed softly. "Not sure how much more I can take today."

"Well this is a good thing that I think you'll really appreciate-come on, David'll show us." Together they moved back through the house until they reached the wall of the bedroom where Sam and David had placed the large, handmade wardrobe.

David stepped up behind the teens and put a hand on each of their shoulders. "Dad gave this to Mom as their wedding present. Sam told me that it took him almost a year to get it right." He walked over to the wardrobe and opened one of the doors. On the inside was an inset photo of the couple with the date of their wedding carved beneath it.

Tommy's eyes grew wider and his mouth fell open a bit. He turned his head to look at David briefly before reaching out a shaky hand to touch the photo.

David gave his brother's shoulder a squeeze. "I'll be over at Sam's. Give you two some time here. When you're ready, come on over."

Jason and Tommy both nodded at the older man and the Gold Ranger watched him go while his boyfriend continued to stare at the picture. Once they were alone, Jason resumed his position behind Tommy and looked over his shoulder. "Wow...that's really your parents on their wedding awesome," Jason whispered.

"'s...incredible," Tommy said, very much in stunned disbelief. After about a minute or so, he spoke again. "I've seen them before, you know."

"Oh? From a picture?" He continued to hold his boyfriend close, knowing that today was going to be emotional for him.

"No...I've seen them, Rex. I don't know if it was a dream or what, but...they looked just like that...without the wedding clothes."

"Maybe you can talk to Sam about it." He looked at the photo. "You know, you have your dad's face but your mother's eyes."

"I think I do need to talk to him. Remember the whole thing with me 'seeing' my great-great grandfather? This is sorta the same thing."

"I'm sure talking to him will help then." He sighed softly. "So what do you think, Mr. Homeowner?"

Tommy grinned. "It's weird. Like I told David, I can't believe this is real. I'm standing in a house that my dad built. My parents actually lived here. It's gonna take a while for all of this to filter into my head." He paused and turned to look into Jason's face. "So I'm probably gonna drive you nuts about it," he smiled.

"I think I can live with that." He leaned in and kissed his lover softly. "Especially when it means that you have something you can hold onto."

Running his hand down Jason's thick bicep, Tommy gazed at him. "I've had something solid to hold onto for a while now," he smiled. "But you're right, this house grounds me and makes me feel more connected with my real family. I'm so glad we came out here on this trip. What a Christmas present!"

"Well, I've always been here for you Tom, but the one thing I couldn't give you is a connection to your heritage. David and Sam were able to do that." He pulled the other teen into his chest and held him close. "I'm glad you like it."

"Let's get back over to Sam's place. I've got lots of questions for that man," Tommy said. After they walked out the front door and made sure it was locked behind them, the two young men started across the street to the house where Tommy's birth family lived. More than once, the red Zeo ranger turned and looked back at the house that was now his. "Incredible," he mumbled.

Jason chuckled softly and took hold of a hand. "I know it's hard to believe, but it's not a dream, Falcon."

That evening at dinner, Tommy was anxious to talk to Sam but didn't want to be rude. "Ummm think it'd be okay if I talked to you about some things? About my parents?"

The Elder nodded. "I have been waiting for you to ask me about that which troubles you."

"You knew?" Tommy asked. "Well of course you knew. Don't know why that surprised me. Anyway, David showed us the wardrobe that Dad made and the picture that was inside. As soon as I saw it..." he stopped and tried to put his thoughts into words. " was like with Great-Great Grandpa Thomas. I know that I've seen them before...but I couldn't have. Am I remembering a dream?"

"That would depend upon the time that you believe that you saw them."

"I have no idea when it was. Besides, it doesn't seem like a dream. They were about the same age as they were in the picture-they both had on white-so did I. I remember them talking to me and hugging me-I remember them talking about David. That's about it," he said, a confused look on his young face.

David grinned slightly. "He means where were you when you had the dream. Were you at home, in the hospital, that kind of stuff."

"Like I said, I have no clue. I don't remember waking up and thinking about this. Little things seem to bring it to mind though. I usually remember my dreams fairly well, but...not this one."

"Then it is likely that during the time when you hovered between this world and the next, your parents presented themselves to you in order to help you make your choice between life and death."

That statement seriously shocked Tommy. "You mean when I was in the coma in the hospital...that I...that they...oh God," he said, holding his head in his hands.

Jason reached over and rubbed his partner's back soothingly. "It's okay, bro. You're fine now. Apparently your folks did what they set out to do."

Sighing softly, David reached out a hand and rested it on one of his brother's. "Tommy, when Jason finally got out to us here on the Res and told us what had happened, they weren't giving you much of a chance of ever waking up. I thought we were going to have to bury you before Sam and me ever got to really know you." He gave the hand in his a squeeze. "Things were that close, Falcon."

Tommy couldn't say anything. He shook his head a little and just thought about what he'd been told. If what Sam had said was true, or even possible, the parents that he'd never known came to him in a vision and helped him find his way back toward consciousness...and life. But was it true? Could it be that he'd just seen a picture of them and it had worked itself into a dream? He didn't know. This was all too much for him to process.

"You have not grown up in our ways, young Falcon, and are still learning how to leave the nest in the world which has raised you. The land is a part of you. Therefore, your parents are a part of you. It matters not that you have no memory of them. They are forever a part of you."

Every time Jason was with Tommy when the subject of his parents was brought up, the Gold Ranger came away with a better appreciation of his own home life. He made a mental note once again to kiss, hug, and be more loving to his own folks.

"I just wish I had some memory of them-even a good picture in my mind would be nice. I don't know why life has to be so damn unfair," Tom complained.

"Because you were destined to be a protector. Your time may end, but it will not be forever. Destiny has more in store for you. David will give you pictures of your parents, so that you may get to know their faces." He reached over and tapped the teen's chest. "But their memory already lives here." He moved his hand up and tapped Tommy in the temple. "And here. Each breath you take is one that you take for them and for yourself. To carry on in life is the best way to remember them forever."

Everyone at the table smiled-they couldn't help themselves. Jason wanted to say something like, 'Wow, that's deep', but he had better manners than to ruin this moment with such a comment. As for Tommy, he found himself being thankful that, even though he didn't have his Mom and Dad around, he had real family that cared about and understood him. "Thanks Sam. That means a lot to me." He turned and looked at his brother. "And I'm sure it does to David, as well."

David was quiet for a moment as he nodded, then he looked at his uncle. "Damn Sam, you really hit the heart on that one."

The old man grinned. "You may be learning from me, Mustang, but not everything have I taught you."

"I don't think I could live long enough to learn everything from you," Tommy said to his uncle. "Listening to you makes me feel like such a know-nothing child," he smiled.

Again, the old man grinned. "What I have learned and can teach is different from the knowledge which you carry and can pass on, young Falcon. Like your mate the Puma, your knowledge lies in how to defend that which you care for or hold dear. That requires a far greater strength than what many much older than you could hope to have."

Jason was still trying to get used to being called 'Puma' and he grinned every time that Sam said it. He was also amazed at how matter-of-factly the old man called him Tommy's mate-like it didn't bother him at all and he even seemed pleased about it. 'Man, I wish more people were as open and understanding as he is,' he thought. "Well, I can tell you this about Falcon here: he's one of the fiercest fighters I've ever come across-powers or not. And it's not all training because I've been trained in martial arts all my life as well. His strength and fire comes from somewhere else," Jason said, rubbing his boyfriend's back.

Tommy turned and gave Jason a small smile and then looked back at his uncle.

Sam nodded. "His father was a fierce fighter as well. He had to be in order to win the heart of their mother."

"So basically what he's saying is that you shouldn't mess with the Trueheart brothers, right Tommy?" David said with a big grin.

"You know that's right," the young falcon said, returning the big smile.

Chuckling softly, Jason shook his head at the pair.

"Just remember that not all fights can be won with the body. You must develop and train your mind to fight just as well."

"Hmmm...that could be a problem. My mind is a little...unreliable, shall we say. I don't have the mental capacity of Jason and David here. I think I'm just barely average, as a matter of fact. Good thing I can fight, huh?" Tommy said, taking a drink of his tea.

Jason immediately shook his head in a disapproving way. "Stop that! That's something that that bitch of a woman has made you believe," he said, the anger evident in his voice. "Pardon my language, Sam."

Frowning, the Elder reached out and lightly slapped the teen in the back of the head. "Do not let the poison of the woman who denies you your true heritage to stay with you." He nodded at Jason. "The young Puma is correct. You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for mentally as well as your physical body."

David was quiet for several moments, then he looked at his brother. "That woman that raised you doesn't know anything about you, Tom. She has it in her head that you're never going to be anything and she's making it her mission in life to have you believing that. Don't let that dirty slut win." He looked over at his uncle. "Sorry Sam, but it's the truth."

Jason couldn't help himself. Before he knew what was happening he'd burst out laughing and extended his hand to David. "Thank you. I'm glad to know someone else agrees with me."

The older man shook Jason's hand. "No problem. I'm just glad you can be there for Tommy when I can't."

"I guess what you're all saying is true-I don't know. Maybe once I get away from that house I'll find out who I really am and what I'm really capable of," Tommy said.

Snorting, the older brother looked at him. "Thomas James Trueheart, don't let me ever hear you doubt yourself like that again or I will show you what a big brother is really supposed to do for his little brother."

David had such a menacing yet mischievous tone to his voice, Tommy couldn't help but smile. "Oh boy...I knew there was a downside to this whole big brother/little brother thing."

Jason leaned forward and rested his chin on his fist. With an evil grin, he asked the older Trueheart brother, "What wouldja do, hmmm?"

He returned the grin. "I'm thinking that maybe pinning him to the floor and tickling his sides until he can't breathe sounds like a good idea. That or you can hold him and I'll tickle his feet."

"Awww, hell no..." Tommy said, suddenly getting up and moving away from the table, being careful not to turn his back on the two of them. "I'd hate to have to kick both of your butts right here and now."

Jason gave David a look and they simultaneously got up and started slowly toward the Ranger Commander. "He thinks he's big stuff," Jason remarked.

Sam shook a finger at them. "Just remember that if anything is broken in here, then tomorrow will find the pigs with a very clean home."

"We'll be careful, Sam," David stated, giving his uncle a wink and grin. Turning his head, he looked over at Jason. "High or low?"

"You're taller, you go high-I'll go low," the Gold Ranger said, the corners of his mouth curling up into his trademark troublemaker grin. "You're in trouble now, O Fearless Leader."

Tommy saw that Jason was probably right and, sensing his opportunity, turned and bolted for the door, clearing most of the porch with one long stride. A childish grin crossed his face as he ran across the back yard, looking for a place to temporarily hide from his pursuers.

David laughed. "Follow him and I'll head around and cut him off." Running through the rest of the house, David bolted out the back door and easily cleared the remainder of the porch before slowing to stalk his 'prey'.

In no time at all, Tommy had managed to vault the pasture fence and make it to a rather large haystack that was nearby. Breathing heavily, he ducked behind it and waited.

Jason had caught a glimpse of his lover just as he had reached the hay. 'Uh huh...there he is...thinks he can hide from us,' he thought. As David came around the corner of the house, Jason silently indicated Tommy's hiding place. From different directions they slowly closed in on the red Zeo ranger.

David grinned as he watched his brother focus in on Jason. Sneaking up closer, he shouted out to his brother when he was just a few feet away. "Falcon!"

When Tommy turned his head suddenly to look at the quickly approaching David, Jason lunged forward and grabbed his partner, commander, and friend. Once Jason had him, David grinned wickedly and piled in too, the three of them free-falling into the haystack.

Once in the hay, Jason started tickling the unprotected sides. "Thought you were gonna get away, huh?"

"Ah! Stop!" Tommy yelled, trying to mount a defense but failing miserably against those particular adversaries. "This isn't fair!"

Chuckling softly, David grinned. "Who said we had to fight fair?" He grabbed a handful of hay and stuffed it down his brother's shirt.

"No! That stuff itches! Stop!" he pleaded, unable to keep himself from laughing.

Jason had meanwhile inserted some hay in Tommy's pants. "You wanted a roll in the hay, didn't you? Didn't you?" he demanded, still tickling his boyfriend.

"Okay, okay...yes, I did!"

Laughing, David finally sat back a bit and pushed his hair back. "Feeling better, Fal?"

Tommy quirked an eyebrow at him, still breathing hard. "Fal, huh? Yeah, I'm better...'Stang."

Jason grinned at them both and took a seat, breathing hard as well.

Grinning, David nodded at his little brother. "How's the hip? Was gonna ask you after the ride, but we kind of got sidetracked."

"It's better-much better, actually." Turning to Jason, Tommy gently touched his thigh. "How's your leg?"

"Still a little colorful, but it doesn't hurt anymore, which is a good thing."

David nodded, then was quiet for a few moments. Raising his head again, he met his brother's eyes. "When I was putting the poultice on last night, I noticed a few scars. Saw some more today at the hot springs." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You get all of those from being a ranger?"

" Some are from martial arts," Tommy said, his tone suddenly changing.

Jason sighed and rubbed his partner's arm. "You need to tell him, Babe."

"Tom, I'm not going to think any different of you, but I'd like to know what the rest are from."

"Well..." he began, dropping his gaze to the ground, " dad, I mean Mister Oliver, gave me some of them. He used to hit me when he was drunk."

Sighing softly, David moved closer to his brother and wrapped his arms around him. "Never be afraid of telling me the truth, Falcon. It's not going to change how I feel about you. You're my brother, kiddo, and you'll find it kind of hard to get rid of me."

Tom nodded. "Good to know, bro."

Jason was aware of two scars that neither ranger duties, martial arts, nor an abusive father put on his partner's body-the matching ones on his wrists. He wished that Tommy would come clean and tell his older brother about the suicide attempts, but right now, that door might be better off left closed. He'd tell him eventually, Jason thought.

He held his brother for a few more moments, then let him go. "Didn't mean to bring you down, but I was curious."

(scene change)

"So it's settled. Me and Jase will be out here for Spring Break and we'll do the quest," Tommy said, after taking a drink of his tea. "But before that we have New Year's Eve coming up. You're still coming to Adam's party, right?" he asked his big brother.

David was quiet for a moment. "I want to, but it's a long drive to make and then turn around to come back after the ball drops."

"We were talking about that," Jason said, indicating his boyfriend. "I'd love for you to come and stay over at my house after the party. Tommy's going to and we've got plenty of room."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to put you out or anything."

"Oh please. Yeah, I'm sure," Jason answered, giving the man a nod.

"Hey! I've got an idea. Why don't you come back with us tomorrow and stay two nights? We can find some stuff in Angel Grove to keep us busy," Tom suggested.

For a moment, he thought about it, then nodded. "Works for me. I just have to let Sam know."

"Cool." Tommy suddenly got an evil grin on his face. "You can come home with me for a while before we go to Jase's."

"Oh, that'll be delightful," Jason quipped.

David grinned at Jason. "Ah, let 'em say something to me."

Tommy grinned wider. "I dare 'em..."

"You want me around too or just you two?" the Gold Ranger asked.

"Why don't you drop us off for an hour or so and then come back? That should be enough time to get on her nerves all good and proper," Tom answered.

"It's up to you," the older brother stated. "Would be interesting to see how Mrs. Oliver, especially, reacts to all three of us being there." He grinned, liking Tommy's idea.

"Oh yeah, we'll be sure to hang out in the kitchen or den just so we can be in her sight," he chuckled.

Shaking his head at his brother, David grinned. "I'll make sure to cook something for us then. See what she thinks of that."

"May as well use her kitchen-she doesn't much," the Ranger Commander replied. "Anyway, we'll have a good time-go by the Youth Center, hang out with the guys, stuff like that. And you'll like Adam's parents."

"Oh yeah-the Parks are great," Jason added.

"Well, Adam seems cool enough." He chuckled softly. "Thought he was gonna rip Kat a new one at the party."

Finding that funny, Jason let out a laugh. "Oh yeah, Adam's getting bolder and bolder the older he gets. Tommy says he was much quieter when he first moved to Angel Grove."

"He was! Now he's gettin' all up in people's faces and stuff! It's great!" Tommy laughed.

"When I first met Tommy, Adam was still a bit quiet. Since the accident though, yeah, he's gotten a bit bolder."

"Well, I don't think we have to worry about Kim or Kat showing up at this party," Tom remarked.

"Yeah, probably a good thing. Since it's Adam's place, I can see him tossing them both out without giving it a second thought."

"Actually, Adam told us a couple days ago that he made a point of telling his mom that neither of them were invited so if she sees them not to say anything," Jason giggled. "To avoid the mistake that my mom made."

Tommy shook his head. "Mama didn't mean to do anything wrong-I don't blame her for anything."

David chuckled softly. "Yeah, I can't see your mom meaning to do that, Jase. Just doesn't seem like she's the type. And I honestly don't blame Adam for telling his mom they weren't invited."

"But it should be a great party and you know how disappointed Alicia would be if she didn't get to spend New Year's Eve with you," Tommy said with a grin.

Blushing hard, he looked at his younger brother.

"Hope Adam invited her. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to call her and do it."

"So tell me, how're things goin' with you two?" Tom asked, sporting a smile and a cocked eyebrow.

Jason leaned over from his place beside his partner and placed a light kiss on the man's cheek. "You're being nosey," he whispered.

Tommy only nodded.

"It's good." He blushed again. "Waiting for her birthday to really do much more than kiss or go to the movies." He grinned. "Want to take her on a ride to see some of the caves."

"Her dad threaten you or something?" Jason asked with a grin.

"Something like that. Made sure that I was aware of her age when we first started dating and he's got the number here and at the store up the road."

"Wow. What makes him think you'd do anything improper with his daughter?" Tom querried and paused for a moment. Before David could even formulate an answer, Tom added, "Of course, if I had a daughter and she was going out with someone a few years older, I might be that way too."

Jason nodded. "Hell, if you had a son that was going out with someone like you, you'd be worried...and rightfully so." He wasn't a bit surprised when Tommy nodded in agreement and planted a kiss firmly on his lips.

"And I think it's the age thing with me being a few years older that makes him worry. Plus the fact that I live outside of town." He grinned. "Although he did compliment me on the arrowhead necklace I wear." Shaking his head at the two teens, he laughed softly. "Yeah well, I wouldn't let my daughter or son date anyone like you two hooligans either."

"Hooligans? Us?" Tom asked, an angelic look on his face.

"Oh please. I've heard of some of the pranks you've pulled on Rocky. Not to mention the fake spider Jason put in his friend's bag." He laughed softly at the looks on their faces. "What? I've talked a bit with Adam."

"Uh huh...Mr. Second-In-Command's been runnin' his mouth, huh?" Jason asked. "We'll fix him."

"Sure will. You wait till the party..." Tom replied.

"You hurt the Frog and I'll sic Ali on you two. After the picture Carlos gave her, I wouldn't want to mess with her."

"Scared of your little girlfriend, are ya there, Dave?" Jason prodded.

"Hey, she's got nails dude. Plus Ali's not afraid of standing up to anyone."

"I'll bet she's cute when she's mad," Tom grinned. "As a matter of fact, she's cute when she's not," he said, giving his boyfriend a nudge.

"Best not be thinking of poaching my girlfriend, little brother. Would hate to have to give you another big brother lesson."

"Look, just because I'm on a diet doesn't mean I can't look at the menu, bro. She's one heck of a Chemistry partner," he replied, trying to get a rise out of his brother.

Snorting, David shook a finger at his brother. "Keep it up and I'll tell Mrs. Scott to not give you any baklava for a month."

(scene change)

Pulling into the Scotts' driveway, Tommy and Jason waited a moment for David to pull up behind them. He had followed them back to Angel Grove and over to the Gold Ranger's house. "So you're gonna come over in about an hour, right?" Tommy asked.

Jason nodded. "Yeah, figure I'll go in and talk to Mom for a bit. Help her get the guest room ready for David." They'd called Mrs. Scott the day before to confirm it was okay for David to stay for a couple of nights.

"Cool," he answered and then got a wide grin on his face. "This should be interesting." Ever since David had agreed to their plan, Tommy had been wondering how it was going to play out. How was his mom going to react? David had been to the house before-just after Tom was released from the hospital, but this wasn't a sick call.

"Just don't make too many waves," he grinned. "And try to stay out of trouble for an hour?"

"Who, me? Are you insinuating that I would purposely cause trouble?" the Ranger Commander asked, his halo slipping a little. Giving his boyfriend a big smile and a kiss when he was sure no one was watching, he hopped out of the car and pulled his duffle bag from the back seat. "See you in about an hour," he said, heading toward David's truck.

Jason nodded and then waved to his partner, watching him climb into his older brother's truck. 'So cute when he's in a mood,' he thought and headed toward the house.

David shook his head as his brother climbed in. "You ready to go watch some eyes pop out of heads?"

"Oh yeah, I just hope she's home. Would completely ruin the surprise if the house is empty," he laughed.

"Oh, no doubt. But it'll be nice to hang out with you anyway."

"Yeah. You can see where I hung my dreamcatcher." An unpleasant thought ran through his mind. "It better still be there," he growled.

"Very true." He backed out of Jason's drive and started towards his brother's house. "If it's not, then I'll demand to know why she threw out a present that I gave you and if she has a problem with me."

"In a confrontational mood, are we?" Tommy grinned. The rest of the way to his house they chatted about their plans for the next couple of days.

Reaching the Olivers' house, David parked in the driveway and was happy to see two cars plus his brother's truck sitting at the house. "Well, looks like they're here," he said with a mischievous grin.

"Yep," Tom chuckled. "Let's see how this goes." He got out of the truck and headed for the door, carrying his duffle bag.

Leaving his back in the truck, David got out and followed his brother. "Could be worse. One of them could have been home and called the other."

Coming through the front door, the brothers paused at the bottom of the stairs. "Mom! I'm home. You here?"

"In the dining room," she called back. "You alone?"

"No-David's with me. Got anything to eat?" he asked, starting toward the kitchen.

David followed his brother deeper into the house, then nodded at the woman who sat at the table. "Mrs. Oliver."

She had looked up in surprise when she heard the name and waited on the young men to appear in the doorway. "Umm...hi David. I didn't know you were coming."

"I came for the New Year's Eve party. Adam invited me."

"Yeah, so I invited him to come and stay an extra night. We're gonna hang out and do 'brother stuff'," Tom grinned, heading for the fridge.

Rolling his eyes, David grinned. "What exactly that is, I'm not sure, but it sounded like fun and Sam encouraged me to come along."

Margaret Oliver nodded. "I see. Well, I'm sure Tommy can think of something. He seems to find plenty to do to keep himself busy."

Watching his brother root around in the fridge, the elder chuckled softly. "Why don't I just make us something, Tom?"

"You want to?" Tommy asked. When David shrugged and nodded, he made a suggestion. "Why don't we wait for Jase to get here? Until then, we'll chill out in my room," he said, handing David a Gatorade.

"That'll work." He took the drink from his brother and nodded at the woman who was trying not to openly stare at him, then headed towards Tommy's room.

Slinging his bag on the floor, the ranger commander sat down with a bounce on his bed. "The look on her face was priceless!" he said, laying back and laughing. "And look, my dreamcatcher is still there." He pointed at the wall directly above his headboard.

Chuckling, he joined his brother on the bed. "Yeah, it really was. Almost wish I had a camera to get a picture so that we could've shown Jason." He looked around the room and shook his head. "Not really a lot of personal touches, are there?

"Hmmm? Oh, well...I can't seem to put anything up that she's totally okay with, so instead of having it ripped down, I just don't put it up. My trophies are all over there and I've put up a couple of pictures since you were here last."

"Still, I wish it didn't have to be like this for you." He met his brother's eyes. "We'll get together a couple of times before Spring Break. Get some ideas about what you want in the house and then see what we can do about getting it set up for you."

"Thanks, man. That really means a lot to me. It'll be so nice to know that I have somewhere to go if things melt down here."

Looking at his brother, he sighed softly. "You're my little brother, Tom. And I've missed out on a lot with you. So if I can do something like this to help you out, then I'll do it."

"I'm trying to keep the peace here," he said and then thought about the fact that he'd just brought someone into the house that his mother really didn't care for. "Well, most of the time I'm trying to keep the peace," he grinned. "I just stay gone or up here in my room as much as possible. If I can just make it until I graduate..."

"Well, anytime it gets to be too much for you and you need to get away, even if it's just for a few days, you're welcome to come out."

"Thanks, man. I might have to do that sometime. I gotta stay around here for the most part because I gotta finish school, but weekends and might see me a lot."

"You're always welcome and Jason can come with you if you want."

"And this ranger thing...I know I'll miss it when it's over, but right now I just wanna turn in my morpher. I know it's an important job-especially with me being the commander and all,, let someone else have the 'fun'," he groused.

Laughing softly, he looked at his brother. "Yeah well, I can see how you'd feel that way, especially with all that being the commander doesn't let you do."

"Well, one thing it does let me do is make command decisions. There's something I want to talk to you about later when Jase is here," Tommy said cryptically and left it at that.

The statement earned the teen a raised eyebrow. "Okay, no problem."

"But anyway, let me show you that I do have all of the stuff that you and Sam have given me," the former White Ranger said, getting up to go to his dresser. "I have to hide stuff, but it's all here." He pulled one side of the dresser away from the wall and reached behind it, retrieving a leather drawstring bag. Sitting back down on the bed, he pulled out the bone choker necklace that David had given him, plus various other pieces of jewelry and things. "This is the small stuff. The bigger stuff like the medicine wheel that Sam gave me in the hospital and the other dreamcatcher I have to hide in the closet.

David sighed. "I wish you didn't have to hide this stuff. That'll be one thing that you don't have to worry about once you are out of the house and your place on the Res will have some stuff for you as well."

Tommy smiled. "That'll be so great. I hate having to do this too, but..." he said, getting up to go put his stash back in its hiding place. Pulling open a drawer, he starting running his hand to the back to try and find something. Suddenly he stopped and opened another drawer and then another. "My stuff's been gone through again!" he said, an angry look crossing his face.

His brother frowned. "Is something missing? Because you know that I won't have a problem going down and confronting her about it."

"Hang on, let me see," he said, going to his closet and reaching behind the clothes to pull out yet another bag. "All of this stuff is still here, stuff has definitely been gone through." He growled again. "You'd think I'd been convicted on drug charges and she's trying to find my stash."

"But the main thing is, is there anything missing? That's what I want to know at the moment."

"Not that I can tell-just moved around a bit. Wonder what she was looking for?"

"Don't know. You said that she saw the ring Jase gave you, maybe she was looking for something to disprove what you told her."

Tom nodded. "Yeah, that's possible-like maybe pictures or letters or something. I don't leave that stuff here-it's in my quarters at the Power Chamber."

"Probably a good place for it until you get out of here."

"Yep. Isn't it about time for Jase?" he asked, looking at his watch.

"Long as he doesn't have your talent for always being late, then yeah, it is," David grinned unrepentantly.

"Oh, ha ha," the younger brother said, looking out the window for Jason's car. "He has his faults too."

"I know he does. Sometimes his temper gets the best of him and he does a really good impression of a mother hen."

"Not to mention he's got a jealous streak a mile wide. He's managed to keep it in check so far, but we'll see how long that lasts. I mean, I'm not flirting with anybody anyway, but even when people-girls and guys-notice me, he's giving them dirty looks and stuff. I get the feeling he's gonna get possessive," Tommy said, giving his brother a look that said that he really needed to talk about this.

"Tommy, your relationship is still new, both with Jason and the fact that it's with another guy. For both of you, this is new territory. Aside from that, he almost lost you before he ever got the chance to be with you. So yeah, for a while he might be a little more prone to jealousy because of that."

Nodding, he sighed. "I know. And believe me, I don't want anybody else. It's great to know that the person I love loves me back that much-and he's willing to do almost anything to keep me. After being dropped like a bad habit, that's a great feeling. I just hope the jealousy doesn't get out of control and start to cause a problem. I can get a little green-eyed myself, ya know."

"I believe you about that. Maybe you two should sit down and talk some about it. Personally, I think part of the reason he's so jealous is because of Kat." He grinned at Tommy's raised eyebrow. "I've heard about how she'd hang on you and that kind of stuff."

"Yeah, she did. That is, until she found out I was bi and in love with a guy-ever since then she's treated me like I have the Black Death," he laughed. "Suits me." He shook his head and chuckled. "Funny you should mention Kat, because..." he broke off when he heard a car door shut. "That must be Jase."

Putting a hand on his brother's shoulder, David gave it a squeeze. "We can talk more later."

"Yeah, let's go get Jase," Tom said, heading for the door.

After making lunch and lots of noise downstairs, the boys retreated to Tommy's room to make plans for the next couple of days and to just talk. Afterwards, the three of them left and went to the Youth Center to hang out for a while before returning to the Scott house for the evening.

Next evening, Jason, Tommy, and David got ready for the party and then headed over to Adam's house. Almost everyone showed up for the party—those that were invited, anyway. Tanya and Billy were the only exceptions. Their Yellow Ranger had explained to Adam that while she did want to come, she felt out of place since everyone else had a date. She decided to spend the evening with Kat and Kim—sort of a girls' night out. Billy, the resident genius, was out of town on a research trip and wasn't due back for several days.

Looking around the living room from his place on the couch next to Jason, Tommy couldn't help but notice how happy everyone looked. Their host, Adam, was practically joined at the hip to his boyfriend, Carlos. That relationship was going well from what the Ranger Commander had been told. Older brother David seemed extremely content with Alicia and that made Tom very happy. 'She's a great girl—they're definitely good for each other.' Even good ol' Rocky had found someone. 'Look at him and Anna all cuddled up together…how cute,' Tom thought as he gazed across the room at them. 'Most of my friends are happy and we're all healthy, so I guess we should all be thankful. It's been quite a year.'

His mind began to wander back through some of the significant events of the year that was rapidly coming to an end. His and Adam's accident immediately jumped out at him. 'What a life-changing thing that was,' he thought. Tommy knew that without that near-fatal event, there was a very good chance that he and Jason would never have gotten together. 'Too bad we're so hard-headed that it took me nearly dying to make us talk,' he reflected, squeezing his partner's thigh a little and looking over into his face.

Jason returned the gaze. "You okay?" he asked, a bit concerned by how quiet Tommy had gotten.

"Yeah…just thinking. Can we go get some air?"

Jason tilted his head a bit, not sure if his boyfriend was really okay or not. "Ummm, yeah sure. How about out back?"

Tommy nodded and started getting up, pulling his partner with him. "We'll be right back," he told Adam when his second-in-command looked over at them questioningly.

So fifteen minutes or so before midnight, Tommy and Jason stepped out onto the back deck to spend a few minutes alone. The night was beautiful-clear and not too cold with thousands of stars in the sky. As they walked over to the railing, each wrapped an arm around the other. "Nice out here, isn't it?" Tommy asked as he put his drink down and stuck that hand into his jacket pocket.

"It's pretty, not so sure I'd call it nice temperature-wise." He blew into the air and was able to see his own breath. It was a definite cold spell for the area, but he actually liked it, especially given the season. "You didn't bring me out here to talk about the weather, though. You okay, babe?" Concern was evident in his voice.

"Yeah, I am…really. I love our friends, but I just wanted to steal a few minutes alone with you before the New Year starts. Anything wrong with that?" he asked, a warm smile crossing his face. Jason shook his head and smiled back. "Besides, I think it's nice out here. Has to have been colder than this in Switzerland."

"Yeah, but remember I didn't spend a lot of time there. When we first got there, there were so many meetings we had to go to about local laws, Conference rules, dorm curfews and regulations." He shook his head. "Then there were the classes we had to go to along with the democracy sessions that we attended, which is where we did all of the discussing of topics and stuff. Weekends were the only time that we had to ourselves, but even then we had stuff we had to work on for the next week. Think I was there a full month before I saw something outside of the Conference campus."

"Not exactly a vacation, was it?"

"No, and while I don't regret going, if I had realized how much work was actually going to be involved, I might have reconsidered putting in my application."

Tommy looked up again and thought for a minute. He knew how much Jason enjoyed the conference, despite what he said. He felt a little pang of guilt. "You ever regret leaving it?" he asked without looking at his boyfriend.

He was quiet for a moment, thinking about all he'd gotten to do while over there. Slowly he shook his head. "No, I don't. As much as I got to do and enjoyed it, I was starting to miss home, especially the closer it got to summer being over and the holidays coming up. There's no real season change over there and it's something that I missed. No beaches to walk on or oceans to swim in." He leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Tommy's cheek. "No you."

A warm smile appeared on Tommy's face at that. "This may sound selfish, but I'm glad you didn't go back. I don't know what I would've done without you here over the last few months. I guess I'd either be in an asylum or...dead," he said softly, but meant every word of it. Without Jason's steadying influence and his love, things could have turned out very differently for Tommy and he knew it. With all the pressure he was under and the steady deterioration of his home life, he might have tried suicide again. He'd be lying if he said that it hadn't run through his mind.

A shiver ran through the Gold Ranger at the thought of his lover not being with them anymore and he moved to put both arms around him and hold tight. "I'm glad that I didn't go back either. Also really happy that I went back to the hospital that night and cleared things up between us." He was quiet for a moment. Now that it had been said, he kept seeing different images of Tommy dead... by his own hand, by Mondo's... even by his parents. It sent another shiver through him and he swallowed hard. "Promise me that if things ever get really bad at your place, you'll come to me."

Tommy nodded and then laid his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "I will...I can't let those people drive me crazy. I've actually got a few places I can go now-your house, the res, and then I could always camp out at the Power Chamber if I had to-I just don't want to be a burden to anyone."

"You wouldn't be a burden coming over to my place. It'd be easy to convince my parents to add another bed in my room. There's plenty of room." He grinned. "Not that it would get used, but have to give them the illusion." He was quiet for few minutes. "Still can't wait for school to be over with so that we can get out of here."

"Yeah, that'll be nice. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that nothing comes up to prevent it, you told me at the cabin, we'll work something out regardless. It's gonna be weird being out of high school at last, isn't it?"

He chuckled softly. "Very. No more parents hounding you to get out of bed because you'll be late. Picking our own classes and having to actually pay to go to school. It'll definitely be weird."

"It's exciting, though. And being in another city away from everyone we know-I guess it's the first step toward real independence. Hope we're up to it." Having been rangers for so long, they were much more mature and capable of taking care of themselves than your average eighteen-year-old, but the unknown was still a bit scary.

"Well, we'll still have each other. Who knows? One of the others might end up going to the same school as well. So, either way, we won't be alone. One thing we should do this summer though is whichever school we get into, we need to go look around for a place to live."

"Oh yeah, that's a definite." He paused and thought about something for a moment. "Jase, not to change the subject, but...I've been thinking about something for a while now. What if high school and being a ranger doesn't end at the same time? We can't leave Angel Grove if we're still active. I know Zordon keeps saying that he would never want to keep us from getting on with our lives, but...we've only got a few more months and things aren't calming down any."

"Maybe there's a way that we could hand down our powers. I mean, we were able to pass them on when Trini, Zack and I left, maybe we can do something like that again."

"Yeah, maybe so. As much as I'm looking forward to moving on, it's still gonna be weird not being a ranger anymore. You'll have to help me deal with it, okay?" he grinned. He happened to glance down at his watch and noticed the time. "It's almost midnight-I guess we should go back in and ring in the New Year with our friends, huh?" He stopped and made sure that his eyes were locked with his lover's. "But first, I want you to know how much I love you, Jase. You mean the world to me and I don't think I could go on without you. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I'm glad that we finally admitted how we feel about each other. You really are my soulmate." He leaned in and kissed his lover gently before pulling back and just gazing at him.

"I'm glad we admitted it to each other, too. From the first day I fought with you at the tournament, something about you just caught my eye. Then you tried to kill me-" he leaned in and kissed him softly, "-before we brought you back to our side. When you first came to me after losing your powers, scared from all the nightmares, not able to sleep, and wanting to talk, I knew that we could tell each other anything. Then when my feelings for you started to change, I got scared that you wouldn't return them. That's the real reason why I joined the Peace Conference. I'm glad I did, but only because it brought me back to you and the truth of how you felt about me. You're right, you are mo anamchara. Always will be." He leaned in again, kissing Tommy softly.

"Hey you two! Save it for midnight, okay?" they heard Adam's voice call and they turned around to see their grinning Green Ranger standing in the doorway. "It's almost time-get in here!" he said and motioned for them to come in the house. "Guess we should join them, huh?" Tommy asked, still in Jason's arms.

"Probably, otherwise he might sic Rocky on us." He shifted so that he could take hold of his boyfriend's hand and started leading him towards the house. "Come on, let's say good-bye to this year and kick the next one off to a great start."

"Sounds good. I hope the new one will be better!" Tommy said and followed his lover into the house.

Author's Notes: Well gang, that wraps up Book 1 of "In His Eyes". There's plenty more to the story, but after 35 chapters I thought it was time to divide things up. I am currently working on Book 2 and will start posting it as soon as possible. Please be sure to add my name to your Author Alerts so you'll be notified. Hope you've enjoyed the story so far—it only gets better from here! And thank you so much to my regular reviewers!