Disclaimer: I do not own HP

Warnings: Slash, Chan, vampires, language, and a lot of flying cookies.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my story Sweet Bleeding Rose, I hope you enjoy this version as you did the other.

On with the show!

Bleeding Feathers

Hermione Granger looked at the boy curled up on the common room couch, eyes circled with dark rings, puffy and red; she smiled sadly before quietly going over and sitting down next to him. Without a word the boy moved closer to her, cuddling against her.

"Couldn't sleep?" she asked, running her fingers through soft black hair, he nodded.

"Oh Harry" Hermione sighed sadly, she knew the boy had nightmares every since that night, mostly about Cedric, from what Ron told her. She wanted Harry to go to the Hospital Wing for help, but the boy was stubborn, and wasn't use to others worrying about him she had noticed, so she didn't push it….yet.

Harry said nothing, the two sat in silence watching the crackling fire.

"Professor Dumbledore" Harry said softly "he wants to talk to me after breakfast"

"About what?"

Harry shrugged, and yawned, he was tired and wanted to sleep, he did, but ever since that night which was nearly a week ago he couldn't. Every time he closed his eyes he would see Cedric lifeless eyes and Voldemort's cruel laughter.

"Harry eat something"

Harry ignored her and continued to pick at his eggs.

"Leave him alone Mione" Ron said before stuffing his mouth full of eggs, Hermione sighed at the boy her nose wrinkled in disgust at the red-head's manners, before turning back to Harry, she was about to say something to get him to eat when something caught her attention at the teacher's table, more importantly

Professor Snape.

The man was staring intensely at Harry, nothing unusual about that but there was also a hint of longing and concern?

Hermione shook her head, perhaps she was looking into it to much. With that thought she returned her attention to the still none eating boy.

After breakfast Harry, Hermione and Ron went their separate ways, the two their first class and Harry to the Headmaster's office. Halfway there he felt the beginning of an headache, but thought nothing of it as they were becoming a bit of an norm now, and usually went away before lunch.

"Ah, Harry right on time, have a seat. Tea?"

Harry wasn't listening; he was to busy staring at the three sitting and staring at him.

Severus Snape.

Lucius Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy.

Lucius raised an eyebrow at the boy's pale and tired state, Harry continued to stare wide-eyed at them, he opened his mouth, probably to yell, but then closed it with a tired sigh. He didn't have the energy for it and sat down away from them.

"Now I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here, and why they're here as well"

Harry nodded, eyeing the two especially Lucius warily, the memory of their last encounter not to mention that night in the graveyard were still fresh.

"I'll get to that in a moment, first I want to know how you're doing child"

"I'm fine" Harry said with a shrug, ignoring the throbbing in his head.

Albus lowered his crescent shaped glasses just so to look at the boy, "We both know the real answer to that Harry"

Harry whole body turned defensive, and looked ready to protest when Severus interrupted.

"Hurry this up Albus" the potion master nearly growled.

"Patience Severus, I'm getting to it" Albus said, the previous subject forgotten for now, "now as I was saying, I've been meaning to tell at the beginning of the term, but with the Tournament and all that has happen I've never had the opportunity"

"That's why I or Draco wanted to do it" Severus said

"And I'm sure that would have gone over well" Albus countered with a knowing smile.

Severus looked away with a growl, Harry took note that it didn't sound human but paid it no more mind when his headache worsened and was he starting to see doubles?

"Can we move this along, I have more important things to do" Lucius drawled.

"Yes, yes, as I was saying, I've been meaning to tell you this, Harry. Lucius, Severus and Draco are Katuys"

The pain and double vision was becoming worse, but the words told to him still caught his attention.

"A what?" he asked, face blank.

"Merlin help us" Lucius murmured while Draco snorted and Severus sighed.

Harry glared at them, which seem more of a pout then anything, why did everyone assume he knew everything there was about the magical world? He was raised by muggles helllllloooo! Magic hating muggles even.

You would think it would click by now.

"A Katuy is a type of vampire" Albus explained.


How come he never heard of them? Someone has some splainin to do when he went back to Surrey.

"Can we hurry this up?" Draco nearly whined, getting a disapproval look from the two other men.

"Calm yourself young man, now as I was saying" Albus said.

Great the double visions was back, and look it brought along the spinning room.

"They are Katuys and you Harry, are their mates"

Silence, everyone looking at the boy, waiting for him to explode, nothing, in fact Harry didn't even register the words.

Everything was spinning, and his head felt like a pick-up truck was doing a tap dance on it.

"Harry are you alright?"

A hand placed itself on his shoulder, he barely registered as Snape's before his eyes rolled back and he passed out.

"The boy's exhausted Albus, stressed and he hasn't eating a thing at all, he's skinny enough as it honestly!"

Harry groaned, the voice was so loud.

"S'loud" he slurred, all talking stopped, a flutter of a dress and a cool hand pressed to his forehead.

"Harry? Harry dear, how are you feeling?"

Harry blinked his eyes opened, Madame Pomfrey looked was looking down at him with concern.

Madame Pomfrey? That meant he was in the Hospital Wing, but why was he here? He was just in the Headmaster's office minutes ago.

"What happen?" he asked.

"You haven't been eating young man" Pomfrey said sternly, "nor sleeping and as a result passed out"

Harry blushed in embarrassment, and squirmed a little as Pomfrey began to fuss over him, and shoving potions down his throat before a tray of food was on his lap.

"Eat as much as you can" she ordered, and then looked over her shoulder. Harry then noticed that Albus, Snape, and the two Malfoys were here watching as well, sitting not to far from his bed.

"Make sure he eats something" she said before going off to see another patient, leaving the five alone.

Harry looked down at his food and picked at it with his fork, well aware of the gazes on him.

"Eat it"

Harry looked up at Severus who in turn glared at him, Harry glared at him back.

Albus sensing danger, cleared his throat.

"Harry" he said "do you remember the conversation we had before you fainted?"

Harry thought about, going through it in his head.

The Headmaster offering him tea.


The Headmaster taking a long time to get to the point.


Snape and the Malfoys were vampires?


He was their mate.


"Ah so you do remember" Albus said when Harry's eyes widen.

"H-How, Why?"

"Trust me Potter" Severus sneered "you were the last person we wanted as a mate, but it seems Fate has decided otherwise"

Harry was pretty sure he was just insulted.

"Severus" Albus scowled, his tone warning.

"What if I don't want to be their mate?" Harry was proud of himself for not freaking out, he figured it was because it hadn't sunk in yet, that and he was sure that Pomfrey had snuck a calming potion down his throat when he wasn't looking.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple my dear boy, once a Katuy finds a mate they'll continue to pursue them" Albus said, looking at the three to confirm it, Lucius nodded.

"That just makes it worse" Harry thought, pushing his tray away.

This could not be happening.

Him. Mate to Snape and TWO Malfoys!

One a loyal follower to the wizard that wants to kill him, and the others two who hates him, and would save Voldemort the trouble and kill him their selves.

"And now about you summer arrangements"

Harry blinked, the Headmaster was still talking?


What? For his funeral?

Albus nodded, "You'll be living with them during the summer of course, to get to know each other before the mating"

The four of them.



"I wonder what colors my flowers are going to be at the funeral" Harry thought, turning ghostly pale at the elder's wizard's next words.

"You'll have to stay with your relatives for a month before then, I've sent them a letter explaining the situation"

"You WHAT!"

Lucius had only encountered Potter a total of two times (the night at the graveyard not counting), when the boy was twelve, once at the bookshop in Diagon Alley and the second time at Hogwarts where he lost his elf.

Yes, he felt angry at the boy for not only losing his elf but for messing up his plans for the Dark Lord's resurrection, but that anger sizzled away when he realized that he never liked Dobby, who was to free-willed them most house elfs leaving in Malfoy Manor, and he slightly regretted the return of the Dark Lord, it would have made this discussion so much easier.

Aside from all that, he know as much as any other wizard and witch knew about the boy, that and what he heard from Draco and Severus.

Severus still held a grudge against Potter's father and godfather, so he paid little attention when the older Katuy ranted and raved about the boy. Draco constantly complained about the Savior, how he was always besting him, Lucius just turned a closed ear.

The only thing his two mates seem to agree on was the boy's weight and clothes.

Hand-me downs, too big to wear and seem to be engulfing him, the boy was so skinny like he wasn't being fed, and if Lucius knew the Hogwarts elf, he knew that no one in this castle was to go hungry.

He had also watched the boy all school year after finding out that Potter was his mate. Potter did not welcome the spotlight, in fact he was the opposite, he shield away from it, preferring to fade in the back-ground something the magical world would not allow.

He raised a brow when Potter nearly started to hyperventilate at the mention of the letter, and watched as Severus all but shoved a calming potion down the hero's thought.

Now that was an interesting reaction, and if it was Severus, the Katuy would probable think that the boy was upset that he only got to spend a month with the people who spoiled him. But he was not Severus, and this reaction made him curious.

Very curious.

I hoped you liked it review please!