Title: When Doves Cry

Author: alienangel19852003

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the characters from Life with Derek.

Summary: What happens when Derek Venturi can no longer deny his feelings for his stepsister Casey MacDonald? What happens if she feels the same way? Casey tries to delicately balance crossing the line even though she wants to see past Derek's cocky façade, she knows if she sees past the armor he puts up she'll fall in love with the boy who challenges her so. Derek knows that kissing Casey is wrong, and he knows she feels like what they do together is a sin but he won't stop.

"I think I might be obsessed"

Casey did her best to deny the fact that she was falling harder for Derek. They were spending a lot of time together; they'd leave home separately and meet up at a park not to far from their house in a neighborhood where no one knew them. They would go to a movie theater right outside of town and buy tickets to kiddy movies and spend the whole time necking.

They had few opportunities to spend time alone at home, someone was always there. They settled for sneaking into each other's rooms while everyone was asleep. They'd talk and cuddle most of the night until they grudgingly went back to their respective rooms. Before she even noticed it they'd been seeing each other two whole months, and she was clearly very obsessed with him.

She was with Emily in the cafeteria one afternoon and she found herself watching him from afar. He was laughing with his friends, telling some crude joke no doubt. Instead of thinking she hated his faux machismo but thinking about how sexy his lips looked and how good they felt against her skin. The thought was causing her to make her wet with anticipation for the afternoon. They would have the house to themselves all night.

Lizzie was going to a Taekwondo tournament and Nora and George were going to bring Marti and Edwin with them for the weekend in Ontario. They'd been seeing each other for about two months. They were both growing frustrated with the lack of alone time. It was getting to Casey more than Derek. They'd been getting into the silliest of arguments and she didn't know if she could stop herself from just grabbing and kissing him senseless. The one that almost ruined everything happened right before the rest of their family were about to leave.

"You're an insensitive jerk." Casey called slamming her door.

"You're just being too sensitive. Lighten up." Derek called from his position downstairs on the recliner.

"Lighten up?" Casey yelled through the closed door.

"Can't quite hear you!" Derek yelled in response.

She took the bait opened the door and walked halfway downstairs, "You say you want me to lighten up?"

Derek looked around as if it prove his point, "I don't see anyone else, so I must be talking to you, the gorgeous brunette tight ass with no sense of fun."

Casey narrowed her eyes and stomped closer, "Were you insulting the tightness of my ass?"

"It's more of a metaphor." Derek smirked.

"Whatever it is it's not funny." Casey said.

"It wasn't meant to be, now come sit and relax." Derek motioned.

Casey uncrossed her arms and jumped on to the couch.

"Not there, I meant here." He gestured to his lap.

Casey smirked it was the invitation she'd been waiting on. She got up and straddled his lap kissing him softly.

"Do you want to spend the first few minutes of our weekend alone fighting?" Derek whispered against Casey's lips.

"We could spend this time making love." Casey said, "You just make me crazy. I need to be with you every second. And when they are here I can't touch you, every time you smile I want to kiss you."

"Now aren't you glad you came downstairs?" Derek asked.

"Yes I am…" She said tossing her hair and propping herself up with her right arm supporting her weight with her knees on either side of him. She kissed his forehead before letting her free hand roam to caress his body.

"Casey we should talk…" Derek began.

"About?" she licked his collar bone.

He shuddered, "We should talk about having sex. I know you think about it at times like this and it's all I think about most of the time now. This might be our one opportunity for a meaningful first time, it can be special and well thought out and everything I know you'd hoped it be."

"I want you here and now…" Casey bit his ear.

"Let's wait till tomorrow we'll see a movie tonight and I'll make the best meal I can we'll eat and we'll even pinch some of Dad and Nora's wine I'll do the flower petals on the sheets cause I know that's what you really want something special, something elaborate to mark this occasion." Derek said.

"Fuck me now." Casey said.

"I won't." Derek said his voice firm though he was a shuddering mass as she moved across his lap giving him a grinding a stripper would be ashamed of.


"You heard me. Stop that we're going to see a movie and you'll wait till tomorrow to get these goodies. I want things to be perfect." Derek said grabbing her hips and stilling her motions.

"I knew you were perfect I just didn't think you were a saint. I offer myself to you in one of the most low pressure non romantic situations and you want to wait so you can make it a special evening? Derek are you in love with me?" Casey asked.

"Case…this is more than hook up for me, you know that." Derek began.

"No, Derek I've got to hear this. This is more than a sweaty hook up to me too, but I didn't know you were falling for me." Casey said.

"Are you falling for me too?" Derek asked.

"I am if you are…" Casey said short of breath more because what she was admitting than her little lap dance.

"I've loved you for the longest time now. I want you to have a special first time." Derek said.

Casey smiled, before she moved off Derek's lap, "Let's go get ready to go to the movies."

"What are you in the mood to see?" he asked.

"You…" She said.

Derek chuckled, "You're always in the mood to see me, but you'll just have to wait till tomorrow and see all that I have to offer."

"Really now? All that you have to offer?" Casey said pointing at the bulge in his jeans.

"Yes," Derek blushed.

They went to see a movie called Cloverfield came home and after a chaste goodnight kiss went off to their separate beds. The next day was a Saturday, both Derek and Casey were busy in the mornings. He had hockey practice or a pick up hockey game and Casey spent time at the tutoring center. Though she'd left earlier Derek still made it home around three and began preparing for their big night. He began preparing a mouth watering meal and setting things up for the night he and Casey would remember their whole lives.

Derek had set up everything, and he had about fifteen minutes to shower and change before Casey got home. He had everything perfect his room was clean and he had rose petals leading up the stairs. They would decide which bed to use when the time came.

Casey slammed the door behind herself she'd just had the worst day, she'd had to tutor the whole football team what was worse half of them couldn't even read. How they'd gotten passing grades thus far in school was a complete mystery to Casey. She pushed open the door expecting the usual chaos of the Venturi-MacDonald household. Finding things quiet and daresay romantic reminded her that she and Derek would be spending the weekend alone. She smirked, looking around; he'd definitely gone all out for her.

She took a look around seeing the rose petals on the stairs, soft candlelight in the dining room, and the more or less romantic music he had playing, she was about as good as George when it came to knowing what the names of bands were. She could hear the shower running she quickly stole up the stairs barefoot as to not disturb the rose petals he'd thoughtfully placed for her, and went into her room to change.

She decided on skimpy lace nightie it was see through and she knew that she looked more than a little enticing in it. Quickly she dabbled on some perfume and ran a brush through her hair before slipping back downstairs.

She leaned over the back of the couch when she heard Derek making his way downstairs.

"Wow…" he said looking her over.

"You look pretty hot yourself," she said giving him the once over he was wearing anew outfit which was a pair of dark jeans and a nice shirt that didn't have any crude sayings on it.

"Do you want me now or later?" Casey asked arching her shoulders dramatically, and batting her lashes.

Derek crossed the small space and attached his lips to hers.

"We can always heat up dinner later I'm sure we'll both be famished. But as for now, I'd like a taste of you." He whispered breaking off the kiss.

"I like the sound of this, your room or mine?" Casey asked.

"Whichever is the closest?" He said picking her up and carrying her up the stairs.

They ended up in his room, she was pinned beneath him being devoured by his kisses and she couldn't imagine anywhere else she'd rather be.

"Casey," Derek panted breaking off the kiss.

"What, baby?" she asked.

"I've got to go take the roast out, you stay here and think about me." Derek climbed off her and raced down the stairs.

Casey smiled, "You'd better be naked when you get back!"

Derek appeared moments later clad in just his boxers looking like a shy little boy, he wouldn't meet her eyes he kept staring at his carpet his tawny hair hiding his eyes, his hands attempting to hide the tented silk of his erection poking through his boxers.

"Are you scared?" she asked sitting up on the bed.

"Things are going to change between us." Derek whispered finally meeting her eyes.

"I think that's kind of the point, I need you." Casey said sitting up on the bed and finally removing the nightie that barely covered anything.

Derek gaped for a few moments at the naked girl on his bed before he closed the door and crossed the small space between them before he took her into his arms. The first time was slow and gentle, he wouldn't have been able to last two seconds if it were any other way. The second time however, she took the lead and he spent himself faster than the first time. Finally, he was able to spend more time simply exploring her body finding out what she liked and most importantly what she didn't like. He brought her to a satisfying climax in mere minutes.

They lay for long moments clinging to each other before falling asleep. Derek woke first not long after feeling ravenously hungry. The growling of his stomach caused Casey to wake.

"Hungry baby?" she asked.

"Yep dinner is looking pretty good right now." Derek said.

Casey got out of bed, and started to slip her nightie back on but Derek stopped her, "I want to see you in something of mine."

He tossed her a blue button down dress shirt, like most schools on game day most of the guys on the sports teams had to wear button downs ties and slacks. She smiled and slipped it on, feeling sexy wearing his shirt and nothing else.

They ate dinner in quiet flirtation, both enjoying their empty house. Mentally counting down the hours until the rest of the family returned and they'd have to pretend that nothing happened. The thing that troubled Derek most was now he couldn't, he couldn't pretend that things were as they always were.

He wanted to shout it from the rooftops; he was in love with Casey MacDonald. How crazy was he for wanting the world to know? He felt he was well in his rights, but he knew she'd freak out. They had at least twelve hours alone, he could think of a lot of things they could do with their time.

He was smirking over the glass of wine he'd stolen from one of the open bottles in their house, studying her face in the candle light, she didn't know he was watching, she was carrying on a one sided conversation and he was just staring at her.

"Derek?" she asked sitting down her fork.

"You're beautiful." He whispered.

"So are you, I was just telling you that but you weren't listening to me." She smiled.

He pushed away his empty plate and polished off his wine. She cleaned her own plate before she emptied her glass.

"You want to help me with the dishes?" she asked.

"I'd love to." He said.

Derek kept teasing her by nibbling on her neck making it hard for her to concentrate.

"Derek stop," she said her voice a desperate whimper.

"Getting horny again?" he asked.

"Whenever you're near me I'm always horny…" she whispered.

They finished up the dishes heading back upstairs they talked and cuddled for a while before making love again. It was almost seven in the morning and they were so caught up in what they were doing, they didn't notice the sudden noise in the house. Edwin shouting at Lizzie. Marti's snoring, Nora's patient pleading for the two thirteen year olds to stop ripping each other to shreds with insults.

They didn't hear the footsteps on the stairs, not until it was too late and George was standing in the room. Casey was the one to notice him, she was wrapping her arms around Derek and biting his shoulder happening to open her eyes this time and see George.

"Derek," Casey whispered sobs already stuck in her throat.

"What baby? Did I hurt you?" Derek said stilling his motions.

"No, not as much as I'm going to hurt you both, explain to me just what in the hell do you think your doing?" George boomed.

"Oh shit." Derek said rolling off Casey and making sure she was covered with the blanket.

Aside from saying his peace George hadn't moved from the doorway he was still there blinking and gaping.

"Why are you yelling?" Nora said coming to join her husband in the doorway.

She too was gaping at the two teens on the bed.

"This was all my idea," Derek began, lies spilling from his lips before Casey could stop him.

"Derek…" she started.

"Don't defend me. I'm willing to explain everything if you could just let us get dressed. We don't need Marti, Edwin, and Lizzie barging in now do we." Derek said calmly.

"How long has this been going on?" Nora said.

"This was the first night we spent together," Derek said.

"Did you even use protection?" George asked.

"Casey is on the patch." Nora said.

"We used a condom too." Derek said.

"We're not stupid. Far from it actually." Casey said narrowing her eyes at George through her tears.

"Just get dressed and get downstairs we're going to discuss this." Nora said.

"There is nothing to discuss." Derek said, "We had sex, this is what I do. I bang hot chicks. Clearly you must have been mistaken by leaving me home with this little slice that I wouldn't find some way to get into her pants…"

Casey sobbed harder not knowing if he meant it or not, it would kill her to know that he'd done all this just to sleep with her. But when she felt his hand grip hers, she knew he had to be pretending just to save her.

She hated the way her mother and stepfather were looking at them now. She hastily slipped on Derek's robe and went into her own room to get dressed. She was angry at them for succumbing to her worst fears and not being supportive of the one thing she truly wanted more than anything.

She pulled on a pair of jeans and a tank top, no panties or bra. Her breasts jiggled excessively in her top, and her hair was wild from the goings on in Derek's bed she looked every bit the enticing Lolita.

Upon stepping out of her room she and Derek were ushered out to the garage by George and Nora.

"What's the meaning of this?" George asked.

"You should know you brought us both down here." Derek said blandly.

"Don't you play the wise ass. I don't have time for your shit Derek." George said.

"What's going on? I feel like I don't even know you anymore Casey." Nora said shaking her head at Casey.

All of her tears were gone and she stared defiantly at the adults, "You don't. You don't know me."

Nora blanched, "Why did you do it? Why did you sleep with Derek? I always taught you virginity was special gift."

"That wasn't either of our first times, but for your benefit Nora, we can pretend." Derek said.

"Why did you seduce your stepsister?" George demanded.

"Because I could. Enough said. Why are we even discussing this? We can't take it back. What's done is done." Derek said leaning on the wall looking every bit the rebel, "Not that we'd want to take it back. We had fun didn't we Case?"

She smirked trying out her bad girl act for the first time, "That we did."

"This is sick." Nora said turning and beginning to pace the room.

"You could have taken any girl to bed. Why her?" George asked.

"You see her don't you? Your eye sight must be going bad; she's the picture of adolescent perfection. Amazing eyes, great tan, full pouty lips, great tits, an ass that I intend to memorize." Derek said letting his eyes roam lasciviously over Casey's form, "And the tightest pussy in town."

George didn't say anything, his eyes drifted over to Casey and she could feel his eyes wandering over her form. She could also feel Derek tense beside her. Nora stopped pacing and stomped over to Derek and slapped him across the face.

"I'm not the one you should have slapped." Derek told Nora, though his eyes fixed firmly on George, "You may be my father but if I catch you looking at her like that ever again, I will kill you. She's mine."

"Derek…" Casey said stepping between her boyfriend and her stepfather.

She put her hands on Derek's chest, "It's okay…I'm okay…"

Derek pulled her close, "I'm sorry, I couldn't…help it."

"It's okay, we should be truthful then. If they hate us they hate us…I don't care, I just want to be with you." Casey whispered.

"What's going on here? Please tell me because I don't have a clue." Nora said throwing up her hands in desperation.

"This wasn't just some random one night stands in a series of wild sexual liaisons. We love each other, and last night we acted on that love it was our first time. Ever…we're not sluts…we're just two kids that love each other." Casey whispered still holding tight to Derek.

"You fell in love?" Nora asked, "When did that happen? Why didn't you come talk to me? At least I would have known something."

"I was scared that you would hate me that you would look at me like I've lost my mind and I've never seen things more clearly." Casey said.

"I don't like this…" George said.

"You don't have to like it but you do have to support it. Or you're going to lose us…" Derek said.

"I don't know what to say." Nora said.

"You'd better say you love us." Derek said.

"We do love you but we don't agree with you having sex under our roof. I don't care who it's with but especially not with my daughter, and if I catch you lewdly listing her physical attributes like that I'm going to hurt you." Nora told Derek, before turning to George, "If I catch you appreciating them I'm going to skip hurt and go straight to maim."

George and Derek gulped; when Nora took charge she took charge.

"You are permitted to see each other, no late nights in each other's bedrooms. Bedroom doors open if both of you are in there. And please promise me that we will never have to walk in on…anything." Nora said.

"And you owe Derek an apology." Casey said.

"I'm sorry Derek. I realize you were protecting Casey." Nora said.

"I'm sorry for saying those things, I know I shouldn't have. I love Casey. And I want you to know that that's not how I think about her. I think about her heart first." Derek explained.

"That is by far the sweetest thing I've ever heard you say." Nora said.

"Wait he gets sweeter." Casey smirked.