A/N: Oh my gosh. You reviews and personal messages were so amazing. You guys made me smile and I am so glad you guys understood what I was going through. Most of you are wondering, yes. My mother is getting better and I feel more uplifted. Her phone privileges were given not too long ago so I don't have to go see her everyday. So, I get more time to myself.
This chapter. Wow, it's long overdue. Heck, you notice the publish date? Over a year ago. You can see the difference of my writing, it's been that long.
Thanks so much for the reviews. I'm probably going to work on my un-finished Camp Rock story, a Smitchie, next. So, if you read that fandom, I would love for you to read and review that story too. The writing style is slightly different too.
Well, after that long AN, I think you want the final chapter, yes? Here you go!--o0o0--
Never in his life had Justin been so brave. Just as Steven was about to pull the trigger to the automatic he had grasped in his hand, he lunged and forced the gun towards the shooter. The impact was quick and two shots were taken quite rapidly. He fell to the grounds on his knees, hitting Justin in the stomach and hit the floor within 5 seconds of the shots.
Alex sat limply on the ground, shock washed upon her face. The pool of blood was getting closer and closer to her beaten legs, and had already leaked through Justin's shoes. She stared at the body, presuming to be dead, then to her brother. Justin Russo just killed someone. The boy who loved action figures, that somewhat stupid band Tears of Blood and the goody-two-shoes of the family. All those characteristics would not describe a killer. Her tears were still running down her face, but her fear rushed from her body completely. He was dead. He was gone. He was never, ever going to bother her family, which included Harper, again.
The struggle to her feet was evident, but it did not stop her. Alex, as swiftly as she could, got to Justin's side and just held him for her dear existence. Justin wrapped his arms around her as well, salty water threatened to fall from his eyes, although he did not want to. There was no need to talk and there was definitely no need for a haste escape any longer. They were safe.
They had their way out. Things felt like they were going back to normal.
The car, which was owned by Hyster, drove along the empty road, following the signs back into the city of New York. Alex had found a cell phone, almost dead at that. She called her dad's cell and informed them briefly of what happened. Her smile brightened as she put it on speakerphone for the parents. Relieved was only one emotion that Jerry and Theresa could express.
Soon after that call, they saw the bright lights. Alex squealed and Justin pressed the petal down further. Alex cleared her throat and began to talk. "I'm glad we got out of there, Justin. I mean, we could not just use magic to get out of there. He would have told the whole world about us being wizards. Then… he would kill us."
"Exactly why it scared the hell out of me. Magic is my blanket when I'm in deep crap," Justin said, keeping his eyes on the road. Alex just nodded and looked out the window more excitedly.
As Justin clicked the blinker on, they already saw their parents quickening their pace towards the car. Max was also there, once he found everything out (him waking up, also is not a pleasant sight). Jerry opened Alex's side, while Theresa opened Justin's. Immediately, they tensed up at the sight of their children, crushed to a pulp and not looking to hot in their case.
Alex beamed and as hard as she could, hugged her father. "Daddy!"
"Hunny," He whispered affectionately. Camille came out soon after the teenagers were reacquainted. It wasn't all that long, being away from them, but with the hell they went through, wow. Jenkins smiled warmly and then took her place as the police officer.
"Alex. Justin. So glad you are back, but I need you for questioning. I know you are tired and need the hospitalization. This case has to be closed for the sake of everyone in New York," She explained. They both agreed and followed her into the station.
Two weeks later, both Alex and Justin were treated for their wounds and possible post-traumatic stress disorder. Luckily, the only thing that got them was the nightmares. Nothing stopped Justin from being Justin and nothing stopped Alex from being Alex.
Another thing that was off their plates was being slightly secretive about their fondness towards each other. The long talk with Jerry and Theresa was full of understanding and the support was there from the beginning. They still feel slightly awkward with the situation, but what made their children happy was what made the 'rents happier.
Alex woke up sleepily from her peaceful dream that night, around 3 in the morning and walked over to Justin's room. She had done that every night since they got home only a few days ago and already made a habit of it. She pushed the door open and tiptoed in. However, she made no use of trying to keep him awake as she nearly jumped on top of him when she got into the bed. She heard a moan and stifled a laugh. She draped her arms around his bare shoulders and lied on top of him before she lifted her head.
"Why, hello there."
"Alex," he grunted. "Maybe next time you could not scare me half to death."
"Sorry boo-bear," She said sarcastically. She was never the one for couple names, but often she had been calling him boo-bear. "You looked so peaceful and-"
"You're so evil that you had me wake up to see this face?" He displayed his teeth and growled lowly. Alex just hit him.
"You are so retarded." Alex chastely kissed him. "But, you know… I love you for it."
"Thanks, I love you too." Justin pushed himself up, and flipped himself around so he was on top now. He leaned against her, but did not put his full weight there. He attached his lips to hers and quickly begged for entrance. Alex just giggled.
"You had to be the dominant one, huh?" She mumbled, opening up. Their tongues battled for power and both would never give up. Justin pulled back.
"I think I am the man of the relationship, don't you think?" Justin questioned, slightly off.
"Of course not! I wear the pants. Ha!" She didn't even wait for his response, quickly silencing him with her mouth. Justin mentally rolled his eyes, persistent girl.
Alex was still the stubborn girl he had grown up with. He would not want anything to ever change. Not her, not him, not anything. He was content and he was sure that everything would turn out exactly as he sees.
The End
A/N: So sad it's over but so excited for it to be finished. You guys all rock for reviewing, even if it's a one-liner. Though, I love long reviews, aha.
Hope you enjoyed the story. Many of you stuck it out 'til the end.
Love you.
PM me if you want, I'd love to here from you!