Draco Malfoy walked alone over the school grounds. He had just received word from one of the muggles he had befriended over the summer, and now his group of friends were in a lot of trouble. So much trouble that he had gotten Dumbledore to agree to let him have the weekend away from the school to try and straighten it out. He knew it would take longer than that, but couldn't ask Dumbledore for more time, the man already let him leave the school on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday nights to be with these muggles. But then the Headmaster also had invested in him and his friends.

The thing was Draco and his muggle friends had started a band, but didn't really have a chance to play anything for a crowd yet, but Dumbledore was trying to fix that. But now to make matters worse the bass guitar player had gotten in a fight with the drummer, and refused to stay a part of the band. He really wanted to hit something, but stopped when he heard the sound of someone plucking guitar strings. Looking around he found Ron Weasley sitting by himself, with a guitar in his hands.

He couldn't help but wonder where Callie was, but decided to think on it later. "What do you play?" He asked, walking up to the redhead.

"My brother's taught me when I was little, I play the bass mostly, but can play any other type of guitar." Ron said, deciding to be nice to Malfoy for Callie's sake. He just hoped Malfoy got smart soon, and took his friend off the single's market. Maybe then Seamus would leave her alone.

"Think you can be open minded about something?" Draco asked leaning against the tree.

"I can try." Was Ron's response.

"Good, meet me at nine at the entrance gate to the school tonight." Draco said, before turning and walking away. He knew he had peaked Ron's curiosity, and the redhead would show. Maybe if he was good Draco's band wouldn't be in trouble after all.


Ron had indeed showed up that night after making his excuses to Callie, and followed Draco to an old rundown warehouse in muggle London. He was a little worried about the area they were in, but was shocked when he saw Malfoy walk into a particular warehouse, and people were tuning instruments in it.

"Well, let's hear what you got." Draco said as he handed Ron the hardest piece of music he had written. He was shocked when the redhead was able to play it flawlessly, and noted the smile on his other friend's faces.

"And to think we were worried. So, is Red going to join the band?" A boy with black hair and blue eyes asked.

"Well Weasley, how about it, want to be a part of our band?" Draco asked, not bothering to tell the redhead much more about his friends. He smiled tightly when Ron shook hands with Mike, the drum player, and Steve the keyboardist.

They were back in business.


Callie couldn't help but wonder what was going on when she saw Ron walking down the hall with Draco. Her friend had been sneaking off a lot lately, and she couldn't help but wonder what was going on. She wished he would just tell her, but she didn't want to pry into his business. She had thought he was going off meeting a girl, but now wasn't so sure.

She was heading back from visiting her father, and had not been expecting to see either of them, but there they were, talking quietly about something. She left quietly, knowing they probably wouldn't want her to hear what they were talking about.


"I'm telling you, she doesn't like any of them." Ron said for the millionth time, trying to convince his new friend to ask Callie out.

"And I'm telling you she is better off without me." Draco said for the millionth time. He couldn't understand why Ron felt the need to push the issue.

Ron had been playing with the band for a little over a month now, and they were actually getting really good, better than they had with their old bass player.

"Just ask her to the Halloween Dance, at least then she won't have to go with Seamus." Ron said, grimacing at the thought of the boy, who still hadn't given up on Callie going out with him.

"Won't work, we are going to be playing that night." Draco said with a grin, and waited for his words to sink in.

"What, you're serious." He said, excited about the prospect of getting to play in front of a group of people, while also being thankful he wasn't the singer of their band. No, he would let Draco have that job.

They both looked up when they heard someone talking up ahead of them, and Draco growled when he saw Finnegan had pushed Callie up against the wall, and was not looking like he was going to release her anytime soon.

"Glad to see you finally got rid of the traitor." Seamus said as he pinned Callie to the wall. "It wouldn't have been good for my reputation for my girlfriend to be friends with the person who tried to kill her brothers." He said, and was shocked when she pushed him away from her.

"Get a life Finnegan, I'm never going to be your girlfriend, so you can just give it a rest." Callie said, anger flaring up in her. "I don't like you, and I never will." She said as she stormed off, Ron chasing after her to make sure she made it back to the common room safe. Neither saw the hex Draco sent at Seamus.


"Where do you keep sneaking off to?" Callie asked Ron the next day during COMC. They were studying a type of magical snake, and she and Ron were partners like always. The only two allowed to touch the snakes were Ian and Kyle, and that was because the two could talk to the creatures, and were unlikely to be harmed by them.

"Nothing…well not nothing, I just want it to be a surprise." Ron said with a grin. "You'll find out on Halloween." He informed her.

Callie didn't like the answer, but decided to go with it anyways. It was at that moment that she saw Ian talking to his snake, and placing it on the ground. The snake slithered around, and for a while Callie lost sight of it. She found it again, but not until he had already bitten Draco's ankle.

She couldn't hold back her shocked gasp as she dropped her parchment and quill, and ran to her friend. The snakes were very poisonous, and if she didn't do something fast he would die, or be permanently paralyzed. Pulling out a pocket knife, she cut into the snake bite, just enough to open it up a little, and did something she had learned at her other school. She sucked the poison out, spitting it into a vial so the antivenom could be made. She got out what she could, and then looked up to see Draco's eyes were closed. She saw Ron and Hagrid swoop down on her friend, and Hagrid carried him effortlessly away after she had given him the vial of poison, then Ron helped her stand.

"I saw you talking to the snake." She said as she turned to her brother.

"The deatheater deserves to die." Ian said, smirking when the others started agreeing with him.

"Tell me, how do you all know he is a deatheater?" She asked as she glared at the people around. She saw her father walking over, and grabbed Ron's wrist. "Do you see a dark mark?" She asked as she pulled the sleeve covering his left wrist down showing flawless skin. By this time her father had reached her, and she grabbed his wrist. "My father was a spy for Dumbledore, but he still bears the mark." She said, and her father showed his mark, causing many of the students to look confused.

"You believe everything they say to be true, because they are the Boys Who Lived, and you don't even bother to get the facts for yourselves. But what does it matter? To you Draco will always be a Slytherin, unworthy of justice, and Ron will always been the boy the Potter Twins stopped being friends with. This makes you no better than the deatheaters who followed Voldemort so blindly." She said, and turned to stalk off.

"Miss. Potter…" she heard her father call. "I couldn't have said it better myself…one hundred points to Gryffindor." He said with a slight bow of his head. She just nodded back, and left the group of stunned students, Ron following her.


"How is he?" Callie asked as she walked over to the bed Draco was asleep in. He looked so pale, and she could see he was having trouble breathing.

"He is stable for know, but hit a rock when he fell, and broke a rib, which punctured his lung, which I couldn't treat as it would react badly with the potions he had already taken." She said, shocked when the young girl in front of her started to cry. "You save his life though." The nurse offered in a way to comfort her.

Callie just nodded, and looked at the boy she knew he loved. Would Draco have wanted her to save his life, or would he have rather all the pain ended? "Will he be paralyzed?" Was her next question.

"It is likely that he will be." The nurse said sadly, and now the two students, Ron and Callie, were crying. It was then the headmaster came bustling into the hospital wing.

The old man talked to the nurse for a while, and then looked at his three students. "Calla, Ron, it has been decided that you two and Mr. Malfoy will be moved to your own rooms, away from the rest of the students."

"For our own safety right Professor?" Callie asked, and was saddened when the headmaster nodded.

"I have already had your things delivered, and the rooms are ready." The old man informed them.

"We will wait here with Draco until he is ready to move in with us." Ron said, and the headmaster knew it would do no good to fight with the boy on this. Instead he decided it would be best to write Fred and George Weasley, and inform them of the situation. He knew Severus would tell Sirius, so he wasn't worried about informing Callie's family. He took one last look at his students, before he sadly walked away.

Ron watched as Callie curled up in the chair next to Draco's bed, and fell asleep. He then looked at the blond and sighed sadly. "Hurry and wake up Draco…Callie and I both need you. It's time the three of us joined forces, and learned to protect each other, instead of trying to fend for ourselves." The redhead said sadly as he looked at his new friend's pale face. He didn't care if Draco was able to move, or sing, or anything. He just wanted his friend alive.