A/N: This chapter is set ten years after the end of the previous chapter. There is a missing scene on this site, please go to AO3 or AFF for the unedited version.
Last Time
He settled down and rested himself on Clint's body, letting himself be manoeuvred around so that they could kiss one another easier, Clint's arm around his back to support him up.
Harry really, really wanted this to become a part of their everyday lives. He was going to do it soon. He'd ask Clint to bond with him for life and then they could be a real family, they would be able to do this for the rest of their lives and nothing, absolutely nothing, would make him happier than if Clint said yes to bonding with him. His hard, painful, war torn life would finally be complete and he'd have a real chance at being truly happy once again with Clint by his side and with their son Ellison.
Chapter Twenty-One – The Bond
Harry reclined back in the very plush, comfortable rocking chair that Tony had graciously allowed into his living room at The Tower. He held the tiny newborn on his chest as he rocked slowly and gently in the peace of the living room.
He inhaled and then exhaled as his recently fed newborn drifted to sleep cuddled against his chest. He hadn't had this sort of peace since before he'd fallen pregnant.
It had taken him and Clint years to get truly comfortable with one another, to get over the events that had led them to meeting and mating, but after eight long years, Harry had sat Clint down and he'd brought up the possibility of him coming off of his heat suppressant tablets and them having another child. Clint had been shocked, of course, because even though they'd had a relatively active sex life over the last eight years, not once had Harry ever mentioned, or even hinted at, coming off of his tablets or mentioned his desire for another child.
Clint had agreed immediately, but Harry was insistent on them talking it through this time, planning out every detail, and Clint had let him, aware that Harry was possibly overcompensating for the lack of planning they'd had for their son, Ellison.
Harry had sat their eight year old son down and explained what was going to happen, that he was possibly going to get a new brother or sister and what would happen when his 'Mum' went into heat and that he'd be staying with his Uncles and lone Aunt at the Avengers tower. After Ellison had readily and enthusiastically agreed, Harry had then gone and sorted everything out at S.H.I.E.L.D with Fury and Coulson, setting up a similar arrangement to when he'd given birth to their son.
He'd had long, in depth talks with his doctors about what he, and everyone else, could expect from the heat and the ensuing pregnancy, he'd included the whole Avengers team in with his plans and made sure that they had no questions and as a result, due to their heavy involvement with the decisions and the planning, it felt like all of them were having a baby, not just Harry and Clint.
After a full year of talking and planning, Harry had come off of his suppressant tablets for the first time in nine years. Everything had been fine, normal even, for a few weeks at least. They'd all been waiting for the bomb to hit, Clint had been scenting him out every morning, eagerly waiting for the heat period to start, but Ellison had kept them to their daily routine as they got him fed and ready for school, the only difference now was that it was Bruce who took Ellison to school and not Clint, who stayed at Harry's side, just in case his heat hit him while he was away.
They had forgotten exactly what a full blown heat was like, especially after Harry's preheats had become very mild after Ellison's birth, and even Steve had struggled with the onslaught of pheromones, but Clint had quickly sequestered Harry away in the bedroom that they shared, in the house that Harry had bought all those years ago, as his team took the nine year old Ellison back to the Tower for the duration of the heat.
Harry remembered next to nothing from the actual heat. He could pick out fragmented bits and pieces, but other than that, nothing. He'd woken up pleasantly sore and with Clint still inside his body, fast asleep behind him. He hadn't gotten pregnant from that one heat period, but the one after that had seen Clint barely leaving him alone long enough for him to go to the bathroom by himself as the doctors confirmed him pregnant.
Now, nine months after that heat period, he was holding his newborn baby in his arms, inhaling the scent of the soft, blonde hair that their baby had taken from Clint.
Ellison had his dark, jet black hair, but Clint's sky blue eyes. This newborn had Clint's soft, blonde hair as well as his sky blue eyes. The combinations were stunning and Harry smiled as he rocked slowly and hummed gently.
Clint came into the room quietly and Harry smiled at him, not stopping his rocking or humming. Seeing his bonding scar displayed proudly on Clint's neck sent a flutter of pleasure through his body, as it always had. Clint had been marked by him for the last several months, after he'd all but begged Harry to bite him one night, just after Harry had had his first scan for their planned second child. He'd insisted on doing it this way, on himself being marked before Harry was.
Harry did appreciate the thoughtfulness, but he'd begged Clint on the same night to claim him too, but his lover had refused. In the cold light of morning, Harry had calmly asked Clint to bond with him and once again Clint had refused. He didn't really understand. If Clint didn't want him to be his bonded Omega, then why had he allowed him to bite him? Why had he agreed to a second child?
Harry pushed those thoughts away, as he'd been doing since he'd bonded to Clint and hadn't been bitten back. It was too painful for him to keep lingering on.
"How is she?" Clint asked, coming and placing a hand on his daughter's blonde head.
"Finally sleeping." Harry said with a smile down at their baby girl. "I forgot how awful newborns were."
Clint laughed softly and he bent forward to kiss his mouth before straightening up again.
"Coffee? Or are you hungry?"
"Coffee would be wonderful." Harry said with a smile. "Where's Ellis?"
Clint snorted as he went into Tony's kitchenette. "He's climbing all over Steve's assault course. Of course our Captain is running around after him, just in case."
Harry laughed and continued rocking. Their son was a big, boisterous ten year old and he was so active that it took the combined efforts of the Avengers to keep up with him when he got going. It was why they were staying at The Tower and not at home, because Harry just could not do anything to help himself at the moment and Ellison was a handful without being pregnant or with a newborn baby on top of everything else. They had yet to move back home after their daughter's birth a week ago, Harry was still recovering.
Harry closed his eyes and looked fervently at his newborn daughter, hoping that she stayed asleep.
"Oh, sorry." Ellison said with a lowered voice and a small, sheepish smile. "Is she still asleep?"
Ellison came over to cuddle into Harry's side and peered down curiously at his newborn sister.
"She's alright." Harry said as he slipped his free arm around his son and hugged him.
"What are you going to call her?" Ellison asked. "My friends think she should be called Ellie, after me of course, as her big brother."
Harry shared a look with Clint and they both laughed. Ellison went red and looked away.
"It's a lovely thought, Ellison. In fact, your Father and I have decided to name her after you in a way, just not quite as similar as Ellison and Ellie, not when we shorten your name to Ellis." Harry told his son and he perked right up again, embarrassment forgotten.
"You have? What is her name?"
Harry smiled at Clint again before looking back when Ellison tugged on him gently to get his attention.
"We thought that Eleanor would be a better fit with Ellison." Clint answered as he handed Harry a cup of coffee.
"So…her nickname could still be Ellie?" Ellison asked hopefully.
Harry laughed. "If she wants it to be, but she might like Lea a little better, or even Nora. At the moment, she's too little to make a choice."
"Can I hold her again? Please, Mum. I'll be really gentle."
Harry smiled and he sat forward, carefully transferring his daughter to Ellis' arms.
"She's so tiny."
"You were smaller." Clint told him. "She was heavier born than you were and she's bigger than you were too."
"But…but she won't end up bigger than me, will she?" Ellison asked insecurely.
"No." Harry assured him. "You're an Alpha, Ellis. Eleanor is a Beta, like all girls are. You're going to be bigger through genetics, but I told you that I wasn't very well when I was pregnant with you, which contributed to your smaller birth weight. It doesn't mean anything."
Ellison touched him gently. "I'm glad you're better, Mum."
"Me too, love. Now, how was your afternoon? Did you run poor Uncle Steve into the ground?"
Ellison grinned and nodded. "He was panting so hard at the end of the course! He had to sit down and have a bottle of water from Uncle Bruce!"
Harry and Clint shared a secret look, because they knew, they all knew, that Steve pretended to be slower and more worn out when 'training' with Ellison to encourage him. He probably hadn't even broken a sweat running the assault course with a ten year old, but it would always be their little secret.
"You be careful with him, he's an old man." Harry said with a grin as he savoured his coffee.
Ellison giggled, well aware of how old his Uncle Steve was supposed to be. He carefully handed his baby sister back to Harry after a last kiss to her little head.
"Who's an old man?" Tony demanded as he waltzed into the room and stared at him.
Harry chuckled. "Ellison run poor Steve into the ground again."
"You did?" Tony asked Ellison, waiting for his enthusiastic nod and wide grin. "Good boy."
"Uncle Tony, can I come into your workshop with you?" Ellis begged, running up to Tony and latching onto his hand. "Please, I won't touch anything, I promise."
"Sure, kiddo. Just ask your Mother, he frightens me when I do something wrong."
"Keep your eyes on him at all times, Tony!" Harry said seriously as Ellison turned his big blue eyes on him, silently begging. "Jarvis, I want to know the minute anything happens."
"Of course, Sir." Jarvis answered immediately.
Harry looked down when the newborn in his arms stirred and she opened her gummy blue eyes and whined, rapidly building up to a full out cry. Ellison, the brilliant big brother that he was, came running back over to see.
"Is she okay, Mum? What does she want? Is she hurt, did I hurt her when I passed her back to you? Or is she just hungry? Can I do anything?"
"She has a wet nappy that your Dad is going to deal with while I savour this wonderful cup of coffee." Harry said with a grin as he held his week old daughter out to Clint, who took her with a kiss to Harry's cheek. "You can help if you want to."
"I do! I want to help." Ellison insisted as Clint knelt on the floor.
"Go and get the mat, Ellis." Clint said as he rocked Eleanor gently.
"You got a name for the little diva yet?" Tony asked.
"She's called Eleanor." Ellison said proudly as he watched his Dad change his baby sister on the foam mat he'd put down on the floor.
"Seriously? I thought you were off the morphine now."
Harry glared at him. "I am off the morphine, as you well know! She's named Eleanor and it fits her perfectly!"
"It does, it so does." Tony said with a placating nod. "Please don't take my muffins away. Or my legs."
"What have you said this time?" Steve asked, walking tall and proud into the room.
"Uncle Steve! Are you feeling better?" Ellis asked.
"So much better." Steve said with a smile. "Your Uncle Bruce told me I had to lie down for a bit, but I think I'm finally feeling strong enough to stand up."
Harry almost laughed aloud and he took a hasty gulp of coffee. If Steve hadn't run that assault course forty more times at the speed of light then he'd eat his own arm.
Ellison looked so proud of himself and Clint ruffled his hair before handing him a nappy bag with the dirty nappy and used wipes.
"In the trash, buddy." Clint told him as he popped Eleanor back into her sleepsuit and picked his daughter up, kissing her pudgy, chubby cheek and settling her into his archery toned arms.
"You hand her here." Natasha said with a smile as she just melted from the background and took Eleanor from Clint. "This little one needs some female attention. She'll be ruined with all you boys around her."
"Thanks 'Tasha." Harry said with a smile. "I could use a bath and a minute to myself."
"Need someone to scrub your back?" Clint asked.
"What sort of question is that? You know I can't reach that one spot by myself!" Harry winked.
Ellison frowned at everyone as they all started laughing.
"What's so funny?" He demanded, looking at them all.
"Nothing." Clint said quickly.
"We'll tell you when you're older. Now weren't you going to the workshop with Uncle Tony?"
Ellison brightened and he turned back to Tony and latched onto his hand again.
"I want to play with Dum-E!"
"You're spoiling him. He's getting ideas above his station." Tony complained as he walked over to the lift to take them down to his workshop, Ellison still latched onto his hand.
"Natasha, we decided to call the baby Eleanor." Clint told her as she rocked her, sort of Niece, in her arms.
"We had to stop those god awful nicknames." Harry added with a grimace.
"Well I'm going to go and take Eleanor for some girl time so you boys can relax." She winked at them and Harry laughed, giving his own look to Clint.
"What do you say you carry me to our rooms so I can have that bath?" He asked in a low, sultry voice.
Clint's sky blue eyes darkened and he grinned, suddenly a very dangerous predator and Harry shivered in pleasure under the effects of that gaze. Clint could undo him with just a look and he knew it too.
"Whatever you want." Clint all but purred, picking him up out of the rocking chair and carrying him to the stairs, opting to take them instead of the lift, purely because the stairs were less frequently used and there was less of a chance of being stumbled upon.
They kissed all the way down to their floor. Seriously, Tony had given every member of the Avengers team an entire floor to make into a sort of apartment and that included Harry, Clint and Ellison, who had his own room on their floor. They rarely used it, having their own home, but it was like a home away from home and Harry loved it.
Clint got them onto their floor and into their bedroom and he fell onto the bed, Harry still in his arms and he ravished Harry's mouth, breaking off to nibble and suck on his neck when they absolutely needed to breathe.
"Don't move." Clint told him breathlessly as he hefted himself up and went into their en suite bathroom.
Clint quickly put the plug in the bath and started running the hot water, putting Harry's favourite potion into it that relaxed his muscles and helped to heal the caesarean wound left behind after their daughter's birth a week ago.
He rushed back to Harry, seeing his beautiful, fierce Omega right where he'd left him, grinning at him. Harry winked at him and spread his legs, inviting him back and Clint didn't take a moment to even hesitate, he strode back to Harry and fell gently back on top of him, between his open legs and he kissed him passionately, with a lot of tongue and panting and writhing around on their bed.
Harry pushed him back, panting hard, trying to catch his breath. He moved his hands to the elasticated waist of his trousers, as he still had a pouch after being pregnant and it was more comfortable to wear his maternity clothes, and he tried to shove them down.
Missing Scene - Go to AO3 or AFF for the full version.
"I love you." He said gently. "I want us to be together for the rest of our lives, watching our children grow up. We might even get grandchildren."
Harry chuckled, his fingers playing happily over his bonding mark. "Don't get ahead of yourself granddad. Our children are ten and a week old."
"I know, I know. But it'll be good to see them being settled in their own lives."
"Until then, they still need us." Harry sighed. "Fuck, I love you."
"My bite looks so good on you."
"As mine looks perfect on you." Harry grinned, rubbing his fingers over his mark on Clint's neck. His Alpha shivered and pulled Harry closer, pushing his knot deeper.
"Oh, I love knotting you." Clint moaned, clenching his arms around Harry tighter.
"Get your fill, love, because as soon as Eleanor is a month old, I'm going back on my suppressant tablets."
Clint groaned. "I guess we'll just have to get a babysitter a night for Eleanor so I can get my fill of you."
Harry laughed and kissed Clint hard. They kissed and cuddled together, just talking lightly, sometimes dozing, until Clint's knot started to go down and he was able to pull himself out of Harry.
"Thank you for bonding to me, Clint."
"Harry, it was my utter pleasure. I'm honoured to be your Alpha. I'm honoured to have you as my Omega."
Harry couldn't help but grin. "I'm honoured to be your Omega, Alpha."
"Come on, let's get into that bath, I still need to wash that one spot that you can't reach on your back."
"Oh, you already reached the one spot I can't reach by myself." Harry chuckled.
Clint laughed openly and lifted Harry into his arms and carried him into the bathroom. He handed Harry a slim piece of wood and watched as his lover waved it once and immediately, the bath water was warm again.
Setting Harry carefully into the water, Clint knelt by the bath and picked up a cloth to wash his lover with.
"Aren't you going to join me?" Harry asked.
"I put your potions into the water." Clint explained as he took care to wash Harry gently.
"Ah. In that case, best stay on the safety of the other side." Harry sighed, gently prodding his caesarean scar, checking on it.
"How is it?"
"Healing. Another week or two and it'll be like it was never there. Just like Ellison's, it'll be paler than the rest of my skin, but you'll have to really look for it to see it."
Harry happily allowed himself to be washed and dried by Clint, but he got himself dressed as Clint washed himself down in the sink and got dressed himself.
"Do you feel better?" Clint asked.
"Much." Harry replied with a naughty grin. "But I think it's about time I started dinner before Ellison begs Tony for takeaway again."
"We've told him not to give Ellis any form of fast food." Clint pointed out.
Harry snorted. "It doesn't matter how many times we tell him not to, he caves in every time Ellison turns those big blue eyes onto him and pouts his lower lip. For an Alpha, he really does like being twisted around our son's little finger."
"Eleanor will be the same." Clint chuckled.
"She'll just take what she wants if Auntie Natasha keeps insisting on girl time." Harry laughed.
Clint joined in and wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and licked over his bonding mark, the mark that would come to permanently scar in time and would show everyone that Harry was bonded.
He couldn't believe that he'd held out on this for so long. Ten years he'd wanted to see his mark on Harry's neck. For ten years he'd loved this man beside him and today, he had marked him as his for the rest of their lives, for anyone and everyone to see, just as he was Harry's for anyone to see. His hand went to touch Harry's mark on his own neck. They were finally a true, bonded pair and he held Harry closer, licking his mark more insistently.
"If you keep that up then we'll be going back into the bedroom." Harry laughed breathlessly.
Clint hummed happily. "I'd love nothing more." He whispered, before sighing. "But our two beautiful children come first, not to mention I don't want to hamper your recovery. Two rounds might harm you."
Harry sighed too. "Back to the real world of responsibility it is, then."
Clint chuckled. "It's not so bad. We're bonded now."
Harry grinned. "We are. Finally!"
The two of them climbed into the lift at the end of their floor and they went up to the main floor, to utter havoc and chaos.
Clint swept Harry behind him when a plastic missile flew at them.
"What in the hell is going on in here?" Harry demanded. "We leave you alone for two hours and this is what you get up to!"
Tony dropped the toy gun he was holding and held up his hands. "Don't look at me, your son is the one who wanted to play this game."
"Who is the adult here?!" Harry snapped back. "Look at the state of this room!"
"Mum, you bonded!" Ellison cheered, ignoring the mess and scampering right on over to them and hugging Harry around the middle.
"You finally bonded? This calls for a celebration!" Tony added.
"No! You are not getting out of this. No celebrations, no ordering takeaway. You two clean this room, now!"
Ellison and Tony groaned together and it was Ellison who got the ball rolling by putting the cushions back on the chairs. Tony joined in after a poisonous glare from Harry and he picked up the masses of toys and their missiles and put them back in their box.
Harry watched them for a moment or two before giving a tight, curt nod and he went into the kitchenette to start making a meal for twenty people, because Steve and Thor still had wickedly fast metabolisms and could eat four times as much as everyone else.
"Clint, you supervise and make sure they don't slip off!" Harry ordered. "I want this room spotless before I'm done with dinner. It's movie night, tonight."
Ellis cheered and he seemed to gather even more energy as he threw himself into cleaning up the mess that he'd had a hand in making.
"You shouldn't be on your feet for so long after giving birth." Tony called out after him. "Let me call my favourite take out place and have them order something for all of us, you need your rest. Tell him, Legolas!"
"Don't involve me, he's my bonded." Clint said.
"No takeaway, get your bum moving and clean this room, Tony. I mean it!" Harry hissed. "Don't make me call Pepper."
Tony whined and groaned, but he did finally start helping Ellison clean up the living room. Natasha materialised with Eleanor in her arms when the boys were almost finished and she nearly gave Harry a heart attack.
"Hell, you better not teach our daughter to do that when she's older." Harry gasped, pressing a hand to his racing heart, still holding his wooden spoon. "How was she? Everything alright?"
"Perfectly fine, she barely woke up at all." Natasha told him, looking to the baby girl in her arms lovingly.
"Auntie 'Tasha!" Ellison cried out, running over and clamping his arms around her waist. "Mummy and Daddy are bonded! Properly bonded now!" He said excitedly.
Natasha looked at Harry, who was touching his bonding mark with red cheeks, with blatant amusement. "So I can see. It took them long enough, don't you think?"
Ellison nodded his head seriously. "I'm ten years old!" He insisted. "You love each other don't you?"
"Of course we do." Harry said, already seeing where this was going and sharing a grin with Clint.
"Then you should have bonded straight away, as soon as you knew you loved each other!"
"Bonding isn't that simple, Ellison." Clint explained patiently, coming into the kitchenette to join the conversation properly. "You can't bond to the first person you fall in love with. Bonding is for life. You need to be sure."
"But you and Mum were sure years ago! Then Mum gave you the bonding mark, but you never gave it back. Did you not love Mum?"
"Of course I do!" Clint said immediately and passionately, wrapping a possessive arm around Harry's waist. "I love your Mother very much. We just had to be sure that there was nothing else influencing our decision."
"Like what?" Ellison asked.
Harry and Clint both looked to Eleanor and Ellis followed their gaze.
"Eleanor? Why would she influence you against bonding?" Their son asked confused.
Harry sighed. "Your Dad didn't want me to think that he was bonding to me just for your little sister, he wanted to make sure that I knew that he was bonding to me as a person."
"Even I know that's dumb!" Ellison huffed at the stupidity of his Father.
"Oi." Clint said with a grin, throwing an arm around his son and pulling him into a sideways hug. "I just wanted your Mum to know that he was special."
"You're always telling Mum he's special and Mum is always saying how amazing you are!" Ellison complained. "What about me?!"
"You're always very special." Harry said immediately. "You mean everything to the both of us, Ellison. You have always been our priority, the most important and now you and Eleanor mean the world to us and you always will."
"Even when I'm an old man like Uncle Steve?"
"Who are you calling an old man?" Steve demanded in mock anger, striding into the kitchenette with his muscles on display thanks to his tight tee shirt.
"Yes, even when you're as old as Steve, we'll still love and care for you." Harry chuckled.
Ellis giggled and skipped over to hug Steve around the middle. "I still love you, Uncle Steve. Even if you can't keep up with me on the obstacle course!"
"You are just too fast." Steve bemoaned. "And you're getting faster."
Ellison beamed with pride as Harry shook his head fondly and turned back to making dinner, leaving Clint to take the fussy Eleanor from Natasha.
"What does she want?" Ellis asked, separating from Steve and going to peer at his baby sister curiously, watching her squirm and fidget while whining. "She's never done that before."
"She's getting older now, love. She's a week old, so she's getting a bit more vocal. She's just letting us know that it's almost time for her next feed and we better not dare miss it." Harry explained as he stared lovingly at his daughter in the arms of his Alpha. His bonded.
"Can you get a bottle, love?" Clint asked.
Harry nodded and filled the kettle and set it to boiling.
"I want to make up her bottle!" Ellison insisted as he jogged over to the counter, because their son just couldn't walk anywhere, and he stood at Harry's side, waiting.
Harry got a bottle down from the cupboard and the tin of formula powder. Ellison peeled off the rubber lid and got out the little scoop.
"Remember, she needs two level scoops." Harry said as Ellison dug the powder out with the scoop and allowed Harry to level it off with a butter knife.
Ellison careful tipped the powder into the bottle and then repeated it with another scoop, just as carefully, his face etched with concentration. He picked up the kettle of boiling water and Harry hovered over him, without making it look like that was what he was doing.
"Sixty-five?" Ellison questioned as he carefully poured the boiling water into the bottle.
"Yes, love. Sixty-five millilitres. She only has a small tummy while she's so young, but she'll grow quickly now." Harry said, breathing a sigh of relief when Ellison put the kettle down safely. Ellison picked up the teat and screwed it on tightly and then he shook the bottle like they'd taught him.
"You'll make a brilliant Father one day." Steve told him. "You're going to be a wonderful Alpha."
Ellison beamed and he puffed up proudly. "Mum and Dad taught me right!" He insisted, as he often heard others say when complimenting him.
Harry shared a look with Clint and he smiled. "Do you want to feed her, Ellis?"
"Can I?!" He asked excitedly.
"Sure, buddy. Come on." Clint said as he went into the living room, that Tony had finally finished cleaning. "On the settee."
Ellison excitedly sat on the settee and sat waiting in anticipation as Harry cooled the bottle with a wave of his wand. He could still remember when he had told Clint about his magic while he'd still been pregnant and then over a year later he and Clint had sat down and told the rest of the Avengers as well as Director Fury and Phil Coulson about his magic. The thought still made him smile and he could hear Tony's affronted 'You knew about this?!' directed at Clint, who had stoically nodded as he waited for his team and his superiors to react to the knowledge. It had been so nerve wracking, but magic had not been the weirdest or the worst thing that the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D had ever dealt with, so things had been a bit rough, but as soon as everyone had gotten used to him having magic, things had gone much smoother, especially when Ellison had started displaying signs of magic when he was three.
"Be careful with her, buddy and watch her head." Clint reminded their son as he lay Eleanor in her big brother's lap, keeping his arm supporting her head until he had positioned Ellison properly before slipping his arm away.
"She's getting heavier." Ellison grinned.
"That's because she's eating a lot for her tiny body." Harry smiled as he handed over the bottle.
"I need to keep it tilted." Ellison told himself as he emulated his parents and stroked the nipple on Eleanor's cheek to encourage her to root for it.
Harry watched as his son fed his daughter for a moment before he took a breath and went back to the kitchen, giving Clint a soft touch to the back as he went, just so that he had something physical of his bonded Alpha.
"What now?!" The man asked, halfway across the room. "I said I was sorry and I cleaned up!"
"Don't wander off." Harry said seriously. "Dinner is in, literally ten minutes and if you leave now none of us will see you for the next seventy hours. It's movie night too. Sit down and wait, please."
"Yes, Mom." Tony rolled his eyes and dramatically walked back and sat down at the large kitchen table he'd bought to fit Harry, Ellison and now Eleanor too, in with the other Avengers.
"Jarvis, can you call Thor and Bruce, please?"
"Of course, Sir."
"Do you need any help?" Natasha asked him.
"Only to lay the table if you wouldn't mind, Tash." Harry said a little distractedly as he juggled saucepans and a mountain of food.
"Mum, I did it!" Ellison came tearing into the room to tell him. "And Dad helped me make her burp too! She has a loud burp!" He giggled.
"How can you call that little squeak a burp?" Clint demanded, following their son into the kitchenette with their daughter in his arms. "You've heard your Uncle Thor burping."
"But she's just a little baby!" Ellison explained as he sat on a chair waiting for his dinner that Harry was plating up. "Uncle Thor is huge!"
"Of course. I am Asgardian." Thor insisted with a pleased, smug smile as he walked into the kitchen and patted Ellison gently.
"Here, here." Harry said with a smile as he put two plates on the table in front of Tony, to keep the man sat at the table, and in front of Ellison.
He served everyone and then sat himself down next to Clint, taking Eleanor and putting her into the carrycot he had on the table on his other side. He strapped her in, just in case, and he started eating his own meal. Conversation was sparse as they ate, but Thor kept them more than jolly as he told another one of his Asgardian war stories to Ellison, who was rapt with attention as he listened to the warrior's tale.
Harry had told a few stories from the wizarding world over the years and he'd gained a lot of respect from the Avengers for what he'd done in his past. He had finally told them about the war, about everyone he'd loved dying and the aftermath being the catalyst to him leaving and coming for a fresh start in America. He'd shown his physical scars and laid himself bare, showing his emotional scars too. He'd been accepted and comforted and now, over a decade after the war, he had friends again, very close friends whom he loved and who cared for him in return. He was finally bonded to a wonderful Alpha who cared for him and looked after him and they had two beautiful, wonderful children together. What more could he need?
After dinner, Ellison all but threw his plate into the dishwasher and bounced around them until they started moving too.
"Alright, come on." Bruce laughed as he took Ellison's hand, a lot more comfortable with the young boy now after ten years, despite the other guy.
Bruce took Ellison into the living room, where the ten year old proceeded to claim the best seat for himself, before hurrying everyone else along by bouncing and calling out as they cleaned up the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher.
Harry was one of the last to join the others on the settee as he brought Eleanor with him and took her from the carrycot to put her into the bassinet by the side of the settee. It was easy to keep her calm and quiet with a silencer around her. Harry would be able to hear her if she cried, but while she was in the bassinet, she wouldn't be able to hear a thing, which was a good thing really as Tony set up the film and started playing it and the noise almost blew their ear drums.
Clint sat next to him and wrapped an arm around him easily and with no hesitation and Harry turned his body into Clint's, resting on his Alpha, snuggling his face into Clint's neck and flicking his tongue into his bonding mark. Clint shivered under him and turned burning eyes to him and he paid him back in kind, licking Harry's mark and Harry let out a small gasp. Oh hell, that was an amazing feeling. If that was what he'd been doing to Clint over these last several months then it was hardly surprising that every time that Harry did it, they usually ended up going to bed together.
"Are you, Sean and Paul still going out for lunch tomorrow?" Clint asked. "Or can you beg off and stay in bed with me?"
Harry smiled at the names of his two very best friends. Both were Omegas, like him and now, all three of them were bonded.
"Sorry, Clint. You'll have to make do with tonight." Harry whispered. "I want to show off my new bonding scar to them. They'll be so happy."
"Paul might start rubbing off on you, he's pregnant with his what number child now?" Clint teased.
Harry grinned. "His fifth. Two boys and two girls, but this fifth baby is another girl. He texted me this morning."
"How are Sean and Joe? It seems like forever since I last spoke to them."
"That's because we've been staying here and not at the house."
"I like knowing that Joe looks out for you when I'm at headquarters."
Harry nodded. "Ellison is missing Veronica and Victoria. I think he's crushing on one of them."
Clint laughed and looked at his son, engrossed with the film he was watching. Harry snuggled under Clint's arm and sighed happily.
Sean and Joe had had Veronica and then just a year later Sean was pregnant again with Victoria. They'd tried for a third baby when Veronica had been five and Victoria had been three, but Sean's family curse had come into effect and their third baby had been a miscarriage in the second trimester. The couple had been devastated and they hadn't tried again, not yet. The death of their third child had knocked their confidence and their desire to try again.
"Are you sure he's just not missing kids his own age? I know Tony acts like he's Ellison's age, but no ten year old could hope to keep up with Tony's brilliance."
"He's not missing school, though. He's missing just Veronica and Victoria." Harry said with a smile. "He likes Benji too, but with Benji being thirteen, their interests naturally differ."
"Doesn't he like Hale?" Clint frowned. "He's only a month older than Ellis."
"Will you two stop whispering!" Tony demanded. "I'm trying to watch this and you sound like angry bees buzzing in my ear!"
"Sorry, Tony." Harry said with a sheepish smile.
Harry cast a silencer around himself and Clint and turned to his Alpha with a grin.
"He does like Hale, but Hale doesn't like Ellis."
"Why not?!" Clint demanded indignantly.
"He's an Omega and Ellison is an Alpha. He's just a bit wary and now that they're getting older, they're not interested in playing as they once did. Hale used to like roughhousing, but he doesn't like it anymore."
"How about Paul and Killian's two girls?"
Harry shook his head. "The twins are too young. They're only six."
"So…Veronica or Victoria? I suppose it could be worse."
Harry hit him. "I never said they'd go steady or anything. He's just crushing on one of them. It's a little boy's crush, that's all. It probably won't last longer than it takes for him to go to The Magical Arts Academy of Education."
"Are you sure you want to send him to that Academy? It's all the way in Seattle." Clint said worriedly. "I don't like the idea of him going to a boarding school."
"He has magic, Clint. He needs to learn to control it or those accidental outbursts are going to get much worse."
"He's only blown out a few lightbulbs."
"And if he doesn't learn to control it, it could be a window next. What if he causes a window to blow and someone is standing by it? Or our Eleanor is playing underneath it?"
Clint sighed. "I know, I know. I just…why does it have to be a boarding school? We can pick him up every day, hell, Tony could fly over and pick him up and you can Apparate."
Harry smiled. "We could, but we aren't going to. We are going to give him some space and independence and he'll write to us every week and we'll see him at every holiday. Parents are even invited to go on the weekends for the first year so we'll be able to see if he's settling in alright, but I can guarantee that by the end of the first month he'll have lots of friends and he will tell us that we don't have to come anymore."
Clint groaned. "It's probably me. I don't want my little boy away from me. I can't protect him if I'm almost three thousand miles away! He's going to the opposite end of the country."
"And as you've said, I can Apparate. The minute that something happens, we can be there within minutes ourselves."
"I suppose we have to trust him to make good decisions without us there to prompt him."
"We've got another year to teach him how to behave properly, then we have to believe that we've raised him right and that he can walk on his own two feet without us." Harry said. "He's a brilliant boy and I'm confident that he's going to be just fine. You'll see."
Clint smiled at him and leant right over to peer into the bassinet at their sleeping daughter, her chest rising and falling gently under the blanket that was covering her.
"You're going to be thirty-two in a couple of weeks, have you thought anymore on what you want to do?" Clint asked.
"I want to go to that Italian place I like, just me and you."
"What about during the day?"
Harry frowned, considering. "There is that Museum exhibit Ellison wanted to…"
"No. We are not doing what Ellison wants to do on your birthday." Clint replied adamantly, as he did almost every year. "Your birthday is for you to be spoilt."
Harry smiled and chuckled a little. "Okay. I want an extended morning lie in with you, a nice lunch to replenish the energy we would have lost that morning and your undivided attention for the whole day."
"I become your Alpha slave for the day, got it." Clint replied with a grin.
Harry chuckled and snuggled in tightly. He sighed and just rested on his Alpha. He looked down the line of the settee and smiled at his friends, those close enough that he saw them as family, all engrossed in the film they were watching, all surrounding Ellison. His beautiful, wonderful, if a bit cheeky, Alpha son.
He looked the other way, to his week old daughter sleeping soundly and he sighed again, heavier and he settled himself more comfortably on Clint. He would never, could never, forget the war or those he had lost, especially when he had daily reminders from his scars (the one on his hip was still painful on occasion.), he had made his own family, including two very close friends in Sean and Paul.
He had learnt that pain, even excruciating torture, could be overcome and that he could come out the other side. It had taken years to overcome and the support of a lot of people, including Captain Luke of the Rapid Response Enforcers team, who had become a personal friend over the years.
Harry smiled to himself, ignoring the film as he had no idea what was going on, and instead he focused on Clint's heartbeat under his ear. It sounded nice and it made his entire body relax. He could stay here like this forever, all but attached to his bonded Alpha, his family all around him, his two children safe and sound with him.
It might have taken years, but he was happy and healthy and he was once again surrounded by family and close friends. No one should have had to go through what he had in his life, he thought sadly, but he took a deep breath and smiled again. He had suffered horrifically while still very young, but he'd come through it and he'd overcome his past and now he was finally settled again. He was comfortable in his skin once more and he had regained his confidence. He was working a really good job, he was being looked after by his superiors, Phil Coulson still left a cardboard cup of coffee and a muffin on his desk every morning. He wasn't overworked, he never had to stay after hours and he no longer made a bed under his desk because it just wasn't worth it to go home. He had a wonderful family, wonderful friends and he was happy, truly happy. What more could he actually want?
Clint smiled down at his Omega once the second film had ended. Harry had fallen asleep while resting against him and he couldn't help the swell of love he felt as he looked down at Harry's softly creased face as he slept.
"I love you." He whispered, brushing Harry's hair from his face, pulling a strand from out of his mouth.
"Right, I'm getting this monkey to bed." Steve said with a grin as he hefted a sleeping Ellison up into his arms. "We shouldn't have let him twist our arms into watching the sequel too."
"It's the summer holidays, late nights and later mornings are normal." Tony waved off. "Though I have a feeling that he is not going to be happy in the morning." He laughed looking at Clint still cuddling Harry.
"He's still recovering." Clint defended.
"More like you wore him out this afternoon." Tony quipped back quickly.
Clint grinned, unashamed of what he and Harry had done and it probably had taken a lot out of Harry. He was sure that Harry didn't regret it either as he fingered his mark on Harry's neck. It wouldn't take long to permanently scar. Harry would wear his mark for the rest of their lives and he swelled with pride as he looked at him.
"You want me to grab Eleanor?" Natasha asked.
"Do you mind?" Clint asked.
Natasha scooped up the week old baby girl gently and kissed her pale cheek softly. "She's beautiful."
"She came from Harry, what do you expect?" Clint said easily and proudly.
"You hit the jackpot with that one." Tony agreed. "If you could tear your eyes away from him long enough, you'd see all the jealous scowls aimed at you or the lustful tongue lolling aimed at Harry."
Clint growled. "I don't want to see it or I'd break every bone in their bodies!"
"Calm down." Natasha told him with an eye roll at the ridiculous territorial possession of Alphas. "Harry chose you, he wanted to be with you and he actively planned to have this baby girl with you. No one is going to take him from you, he wouldn't allow it and after ten years, you should know by now that he is a very tough cookie and he can more than handle himself."
"I don't want him to handle himself. I need to protect him."
Natasha scoffed. "He's more badass than you are. He doesn't need protecting, he needs love and trust and that's all he's ever needed. Give him that and you'll never be rid of him."
"Good." Clint grinned as he kissed Harry before moving his Omega and standing up. He got Harry into his arms and picked him up, kissing him again.
"I'll see you all in the morning." Tony waved as he left, not going to his bedroom off to the side of the living room, but to the lift, so he could go down to his workshop.
Natasha followed Clint as he carried Harry to their floor and to their bedroom. The met Steve on the way.
"I got Ellison into his pyjamas and I tucked him in, does he need anything else?"
"No, thanks Captain. He'll be good where he is now."
"Alright. Do you need anything?"
Clint laughed softly. "No. Get yourself to bed. We'll be good once Harry and Eleanor are in bed."
Clint made it to his bedroom as Steve went off to the lift to go to his own floor. He carefully placed Harry in their bed and turned. Watching Natasha murmur softly to Eleanor before kissing her and placing her into the bassinet by the bedside.
"Are you okay?" He asked, knowing how painful it was for her not to have her own children.
"I'm fine. I'm truly happy for you both and I love being an Auntie. I've had a long time to get used to my infertility."
Clint hugged her and held her. "You're one of my closest friends, my oldest friend." He said. "I care very much for you. You make a wonderful Auntie and Ellison loves you. I just know Eleanor will too."
Natasha smiled. "Of course she will. Pepper and me are the only females and the only Betas here."
"Pepper's usually always at work. You'll be the first one she runs to."
Natasha chuckled softly at that and looked back into the bassinet. "I'm glad that you found your happiness, Clint."
Clint looked at Eleanor and then Harry and he couldn't stop the proud grin. "Yeah, me too."
"You better be up at six for our sparring." Natasha warned him seriously.
"You know I will be." Clint told her. "I just love getting my arse handed to me every other day."
"It's only because you're looking after Harry and Eleanor. You were doing fine before Harry fell pregnant."
Clint smiled. "I suppose a few more beatings won't hurt."
"Good, then I'll see you bright and early tomorrow, you better not be late again or I'll really be mad."
Clint saw Natasha out and he couldn't help the chuckle that built up as he thought of tomorrow. He was doing his share of night feeds, so he was always tired when he sparred with Natasha, and even Steve on occasion, but he was actually getting better at holding his own while tired, which could only be a good thing, as attacks could happen at any time, even in the middle of the night.
Clint stripped Harry gently and pulled pyjamas onto him, his lover murmuring softly in his sleep. Once done, Clint stripped himself and pulled on a pair of loose sleep pants before climbing into the bed next to Harry, pulling his Omega to rest on him.
He smiled silently as Harry made a noise and curled up tighter around his body.
"I love you." He told Harry softly. "You mean everything to me. You, Ellison and Eleanor are the best things to ever happen to me and I'm glad that you forgave me, that you were willing to build a family with me."
"Love you too." Harry grunted sleepily. "But if you don't go to sleep now, I'm going to hurt you."
Clint's smile grew and he lay down so that he could see Harry's stubbornly scrunched up face. He kissed his Omega gently and those green eyes that he loved so much slitted open.
"Sleep. Now." Harry commanded as he grabbed Clint around the chest and buried his face into his bare skin.
Clint laughed and he kissed Harry's hair and wrapped his own arms around him, holding the man he loved and adored close to him.
"I love you." He repeated.
"I love you too, Alpha. Now go the hell to sleep."
Clint couldn't stop his chest from shaking as he laughed silently, but he managed to control himself quickly and he snuggled down with his Harry.
He breathed deeply and evenly, stroking Harry's back softly and comfortingly until Harry's breathing trailed off into his own deep, soft breaths and Clint knew then that Harry was fast asleep again. His own eyes closed and he yawned before settling himself back down.
Ten years he'd been with Harry. Ten long, happy years. They'd had arguments and fights in that time, more often at the beginning of their relationship than anytime recently, but in that time they'd also had two children, weekly date nights, family days out and numerous other amazingly happy memories that filled him up with love, pride and happiness. Harry was his. Ellison and Eleanor were his. He finally had the family he'd always dreamed of and he wouldn't let anyone, or anything, take his family away from him. He would fight to the death to protect all three of them and that thought didn't bother him. Just the opposite really, it filled him with determination and pride. He was an Alpha, if he couldn't protect his Omega or his children then he didn't deserve them.
"Will you go to sleep?!" Harry hissed at him. "You keep tensing and snarling at me! What's wrong?"
"Sorry, love." He said a bit sheepishly.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked, peering sleepily at him.
"Fine. I was just thinking too hard."
Harry sighed. "About what?"
"Just you and the kids. How I'd fight to protect you."
"And that thought naturally got you growling and snarling, because the thought of us getting hurt or being targeted." Harry sighed.
He reached up and brushed Clint's blond hair through his fingers, getting it out of his Alpha's eyes. "I love you, but you will be sleeping out in our living room on our settee if you don't go to sleep and stay asleep. Eleanor will be waking up in a couple of hours for a feed and I want at least two hours of sleep before then."
"I'll take the first feed. I'm sorry I woke you up…twice."
Harry pushed himself up and kissed Clint's lips. "You're forgiven, just stop thinking so hard! We're all safe here. The Tower is locked down for the night. The only one in any danger here is you, from me." Harry swore.
Clint laughed. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry."
This time it was Clint who fell asleep first and Harry was left awake. Laying on his belly, his head pillowed on his folded arms. The strong pain reliever he'd taken after dinner was still working and he felt nothing of his caesarean scar, not even a twinge.
He inhaled deeply and let it out slowly. He slipped his left leg over Clint's stomach and shifted closer to his Alpha so that the entire length of his body was pressed against Clint's side. He closed his own eyes and he was asleep within several minutes, happy and surrounded by his family. He was glad that he'd given Clint a chance to make up for what he'd done almost eleven years ago. He had finally built a family of his own and everything was just perfect. He was cared for and looked after and very well protected. He was finally happy and he had everything that he'd ever wanted out of life. There was nothing more that he could ask for to make his life any better, because nothing was better than what he already had. Everything was perfect and he finally had his very own family.
The entire Tower was silent as most of its occupants slept, the only one who was still awake was Tony, down in his workshop chest deep in the bonnet of his car. At least until four in the morning rolled around, when a shrill, high pitched, ear piercing cry came from a tiny bassinet, from an even tinier little person, who woke her two parents like a gunshot had gone off in their ears, but then, that was what happened when you had two highly trained Agents for parents.
Harry moaned and stuck his head under the duvet and Clint groaned and rolled out of the bed, remembering, just, his promise that he would sort out Eleanor during the night. He picked up his little daughter and cradled her in his arms, listening to her snuffling in his arms as she was picked up. It was all very domestic and he loved it, just not at four in the morning.
He sorted out his little girl, winded her, checked her diaper and then tucked her back into her bassinet and climbed back into bed himself, pulling Harry to him. Unlike earlier, he fell straight asleep and that was that. He needed to get back up in two hours to spar with Natasha and Harry would be up just an hour later with Eleanor and Ellison, who would both want breakfast. He couldn't wait until Eleanor started sleeping through the night, then he could go back to having a fair chance of actually beating Natasha…and maybe they could start having sex every night again and not just stolen moments during the afternoon.
A/N: I can't believe that I've actually finished this fic. It was supposed to be a ficlet of ten chapters. I doubled that with twenty-one, but despite it not being a priority fic, I've finally finished it and I hope that you lovelies have enjoyed the ride and the story along the way.
I have a Bruce/Harry fic that I'm currently re-writing as, as per usual, I rushed the beginning to get to the good stuff. So I'm going back to add in more detail and more scenes. But I'm sure that that fic will be up next in my Avengers males paired with Harry fic challenge.
I still can't believe that this fic is finally done, and it all started from an image I had in my head of Harry being chained to the ceiling. Sometimes plot bunnies emerge from the strangest places, but it's often those strange bunnies that make the best ideas.
If you lovelies have any questions now, then please make sure you're signed in and haven't disabled PMs, or I won't be able to answer! I had this trouble when I finished Blue Moon and it's awful not to answer questions and probably just as horrible to not have those questions answered! Though if you want to add me on Facebook, I'm under Star Mass, because FB have a problem with StarLight and Massacre, I'm always answering questions and running through theories on there.
I'll see you lovelies soon with my two new Avengers crossover fics. The Bruce/Harry called Secrets and Lies and the generic Tony/Harry fic called Baby Harry Stark, which is also having a massive overhaul after I decided to go in a different direction to the one I was previously going in. Both are previewed on my Facebook page, but until then, lovelies,
StarLight Massacre. X