AN: Many many thanks goes to Yen for taking me up on the betaing and cheerleading for this tale. Without her, this tale would not have been what it is today. I also want to thank Lizzy0305 for small requests that bloomed into the perfect section that I was having problems with, and for also convincing me that this tale was worth writing. And lastly, I wish to thank all my readers for making it this far, accepting my deviation from canon, and enjoying the tale - especially all those who have told me that they are enjoying it. Truthfully, all of you guys are an important reason for me to write.
Now that that is out of the way, go enjoy the last chapter!
Severus had barely made it down to his lab in the Hogwarts dungeons before Albus joined him.
"Good, you're home, my boy." Albus followed Severus through the door. For once, he opted against small talk and roundaboutness in favour of coming straight to the point. "Somehow Sirius has learned about your relationship with Harry."
Severus' feet came to a stop before he turned about, his eyes narrowing at the Headmaster who spoke before he could open his mouth.
"It wasn't me, Severus." Albus ran a hand through his beard, his blue eyes narrowed behind his glasses. "I received the first letter from him, demanding answers the day after Boxing Day. I, of course, honoured Harry's and your request and didn't reply to him. Since then his demands have become more and more belligerent. I fear that he will be here shortly if he knows you have returned."
Searching Severus' face, Albus looked for any sign of the Potions Master's temper. It was there, but something was tempering it. "If you don't wish to speak to him, I will make sure he cannot find you."
Setting down the shrunken trunk of ingredients, Severus rested a hand on the edge of an empty cauldron. "I do have brewing to complete, but if he comes, then I will speak to him."
"In that case, I will let you know when he arrives." Albus turned towards the door, preparing to leave, only to turn back. "Did you come here through Diagon Alley?"
As Severus nodded, thin lips disappeared into the white beard and moustache. "Sirius knows you are returned then. I would expect him..."
"Albus!" The Grey Lady floated through the door, her eyes darting between the two men. "Sirius Black is crossing the grounds as we speak. He appears to be in a high dudgeon."
"Thank you, my lady." He waited until she disappeared before turning back to Severus. "Do you wish to meet him here, or would you rather hold this conversation in my office? If you want, I will keep him away and let you settle back in. He can come back later."
Heading for the door, Severus flashed a small smile at Albus. "Your office. He will think twice about breaking something in there."
An answering smile formed on Albus' face, and the two men strode out of the dungeon. The front doors of the castle were flung open just as they stepped off the steps.
"There you are!" Angry blue eyes flashed as Sirius rushed across the stone floor towards Severus. "Just who do you think you are? How could you -"
Sirius' mouth continued to move, but no more words were forthcoming. His eyes widened in shock and then fury.
Albus lowered his wand as he spoke to the now silenced man. "Severus and I were just heading up to my office for a cup of tea. Would you care to join us, Sirius? You may continue this conversation, civilly, there."
Without waiting for a response from Sirius whose face was rapidly turning purple, Albus started for his office with Severus by his side, hard pressed not to smirk. Sirius eventually joined them just as they were about to step onto the circular staircase.
Once the office door closed behind them, Severus turned to Albus. "Please give us ten minutes of privacy, Albus. We can have tea afterwards."
Albus looked at Sirius before turning back to Severus. "It might be best if I stay."
Sirius pressed his lips together, his aggravation at not being able to talk plain to see on his face.
"I believe Black should be given time to voice his grievances without an audience." Severus rested a hand on the back of a chair as he watched Sirius' eyes widen before shaking his head no. "He doesn't seem to agree, but I do not know to which part. Could you please end the silencing spell so we can find out, Albus?"
Albus cast a silent Finite Incantatem towards Sirius.
"Don't leave me alone with him. There is no telling what dark magic he will try to cast on me. I want witnesses!" Sirius swung from Albus to Severus. "You and Harry? What right have you to – what have you cast on him?"
Severus folded his arms and plastered a neutral expression on his face. 'Thank goodness Harold isn't here right now.' No matter how much he would love to see Harold finally express his ire at one of the Gryffindor Idiots, he did not want him hurt by Sirius' accusations.
Sirius advanced towards the quiet man, stopping just a few feet away. "Well? You had to have cast something, or dosed him with a potion. Yes - it was a potion, wasn't it? That's more your style. How did you modify the love potion? There is no way Harry could stand to be with a greasy git like you!"
The hatred in those blue eyes burned into Severus as he held onto his own temper as tightly as he could. Harold knew just who he was and had willingly chosen him without the need for any potions or spells. If he could withstand the Ravenclaw diadem Horcrux's taunting, he could withstand Black's. Just for a moment, the memory of Filius' face when he showed him the artefact flashed through his mind. The Head of Ravenclaw had been ecstatic and ready to study it. He was jerked back to the present by the sound of a footstep.
Sirius stalked a few steps closer, disgust twisting his features. "You are old enough to be his father! You were his professor! One he hated! What sort of relationship did you think you could have with him? One in which you dominated him? Bullied him? Whatever it is, it can't be real!"
Severus fought his frown as Sirius made a slashing movement with one hand as if to erase the ties between Harold and him. It wouldn't work, not even before the joining, but he didn't care for the man trying. Besides, he had never dominated Harold in any way.
Not getting a reaction from Severus, Sirius spun away from him and began to pace, his gaze skittering across the objects that decorated the office, hands clenching and unclenching by his sides. "Ever since the summer before Harry's sixth year, he's been acting funny – different towards me. I don't know why. And not only me, but Remus as well! He used to trust what I said, what we said. He believed us! But that summer, he began questioning me, doubting what I or Remus had to say."
Spinning about, Sirius glared at Severus again. "You started your … whatever then, didn't you? That's why he really got sick so bad – it had nothing to do with his scar, did it? That's why you insisted on just that one potion that did nothing to help him! He's been under your influence ever since!"
Memories of Harold laying pale and sweating in his bed after removing the Horcrux flashed through Severus' mind, his fingers clenching knuckle white on the chair back. Yes, he was responsible for that, but not for the reasons that Black was accusing him of. As sick with worry as he had been at that time, Severus knew he would do it all over again. The end results were worth it and Harold thought so as well.
"I can see the guilt on your face." Sirius' tone was cruel and triumphant. "So that's when you did it, and it was painful to Harry. Well, I will find out what potion you used and put an end to it! Harry is not going to end up with the likes of you." That last sentence was low and full of promise as blue eyes glared into black.
Severus waited a full minute before speaking, never breaking his stare from Sirius'. "I did nothing to Har ... Harry that he didn't request I do that summer."
"You can't even call him Harry without stuttering!" Sirius snarled out as he strode closer to Severus, his hand reaching towards his wand. Albus' voice stopped him cold.
"Sirius, Severus let you have your say without interrupting. It is his turn now. Let him speak." Glasses covered blue eyes showed an edge of steel in their glint. Sirius stepped back, his fingers clenched tightly at his side.
Nodding his thanks towards the older man, Severus continued. "Harry was truly sick because of the breaking of his bond with Voldemort. I have not induced this relationship by any nefarious means. I do not think Harry has done so either since it was during his fifth year that he expressed his desire to consider the idea of a relationship with me. Perhaps your continual slandering of me at that time caused him to perceive you in a different light. I, of course, told Harry there was no way we would could enter a relationship at that time as he was underage. He then informed me we would hold a conversation about it when he was an adult."
Watching the rage build up in Sirius' face almost brought a smile to Severus'. What was even better was that everything he was saying was true. It happened before they met in the awake world, but Harold was truly a fifth year at that time, and he did say they would talk about their preferences when he was old enough.
"Now that you have had your say to me, I do not wish to hear a word of this again. Especially not directed at Harry." Narrowing his eyes, Severus sent the mutt his best Death Eater glare. He refused for Harold to be bothered by this.
Sirius backed up a few steps before realizing he had moved. Stiffening his back, he glared back. "I will say what I want, to whom I want, when I want."
Severus shook his head.
"This is not to get into the papers until Harry has returned. That is his request, and one that I am willing to honour. Also, remember if you say the wrong thing, you might just lose Harry."
With a final glare at him, Sirius strode towards the door, stopping with a hand on the knob. "I will not lose him, not unless you steal him away from me!" Flinging the door open, he stormed out.
The door closed gently behind him, bring forth Severus' suspicion not for the first time that Albus spelled it not to slam. Pushing the idea away, knowing he would not get even an indirect answer if he asked, Severus turned towards Albus. "Are we still having tea?"
"If you do not mind. I would also love to hear about a Goblin joining from someone who has experienced one." Albus gestured towards the chairs near the table where the tea had appeared while Severus was talking to Sirius.
Severus' eyes widened slightly. "How -" Stopping, he shook his head. "Of course you would know."
Albus nodded towards Severus' right hand. "It was white gold with etched ivy leaves before you left, now it is a pale yellow gold, with white gold ivy leaves and pairs of beavers, the European version by the look of them, and barn owls tucked between the sprays of the ivy vines. The craftsmanship is on par with some of the best goblin worked metal I have seen."
Severus looked down at his ring and sighed lightly. He should have known that Albus would notice the difference. 'Barn owls and European beavers – both animals mate for life. Ivy for fidelity.' The meaning of those symbols were not lost on him, and he was positive Albus caught them as well. Settling in the offered chair, he accepted his tea, knowing that it was made the way he liked. "Where would you like me to start?"
Albus settled across from him. "At the beginning, preferably."
Even as the words left his lips, his office door opened and Minerva rushed in.
"Severus, I'm so sorry!" She dropped into an empty seat, wringing her hands in her lap, her lined face a mask of contriteness. "I didn't mean for Sirius to learn about Harry and you. I said something – I don't even remember what – at the Christmas celebration while he was here. I wasn't even talking to him – I was talking to Pomona – but he heard and then jumped to the conclusion that you two were together. He kept pushing and pushing to have us confirm it. We didn't." She shook her head hard to emphasis her words. "I am not one to spread secrets, but he refused to think of anything else. Then he started badgering Albus. I didn't expect him to hound you on your first day back!"
Severus set his tea cup down, the clink of it against its saucer stopping her flow of words. "I was expecting him to know much earlier, Minerva. I am fine with him knowing and only confronting me about this. His words cannot hurt me as I do not like him. This just saved me from hurting him later."
Albus watched as Minerva relaxed in her seat. They both knew the moment Sirius attacked Harry, Severus would have attacked back – and by the look in his eye, it would not have been verbally.
"Severus was about to explain how a goblin joining occurs." Albus poured tea for Minerva and glanced at Severus. "At the beginning is still a good spot."
Knowing he wasn't getting out of the conversation, Severus made a mental note to use the far-speak mirrors to let Harold know about all the people who knew what about their relationship. He was glad he had taken the second one with him to Africa to pass to Harold.
Harry noticed the shift in how the goblins treated him. Seolfur, Flintnail, and others had taken it upon themselves to instruct him about proper goblin etiquette while explaining that they expected him to teach it all to Severus. When he asked about going to goblin banks outside of South Africa and Britain, he learned that his ring identified him to all goblins and he would be expected to show the proper behaviour to them as well.
Walking out of Seolfur's lab, Harry was surprised when Almasi, one of the teller goblins, rushed up to him.
"Harry, you are needed in the main conference room. A customer, one that says they know you, is waiting on you. Chuma will be there to guard you as the customer appears agitated." Almasi hurried back the way he had come, knowing that Harry would follow.
Keeping up with the small goblin, Harry smiled. He had tried for months to get the goblins to call him by his given name, and all it took was becoming recognized as one of them to earn that right. The moment he and Severus stepped out of the etched circle, both of them had been addressed by their given names. Severus retained his title, but he was now called Professor Severus.
As they neared the conference room, Harry pushed all thoughts of Severus out of his mind. He had a feeling he knew who was waiting for him. He had been expecting something from Sirius ever since Severus alerted him that his godfather knew of their relationship. Chuma was standing at the door the moment they arrived.
"He is in there, Harry." Almasi gestured towards the door. "I have a bad feeling about him, he has a violent temper. Keep your wand at hand and watch your front. Chuma has your back."
Nodding his thanks, Harry opened the door and walked in. He spotted Sirius as Chuma closed the door behind them and put his back to it, his hand resting on his sword hilt.
"Harry!" Sirius crossed the room, grinning widely, his arms opening wide for a hug.
Making a small calming gesture to Chuma who had stiffened, Harry hugged his godfather. "Sirius! What brings you out here?" Stepping out of the hug, he continued. "You said you were finished with world travelling."
Sirius narrowed his eyes slightly, anger driving away his smile. "Snivellus is the partner you refused to name."
Harry backed up slightly as the old Marauder leaned forward. "Yes, Severus and I are together." He refused to broach what the two called each other; it was not a battle he cared to enter, and Severus wasn't bothered by the name that much anymore.
"That git has done something to you, Harry! There is no way you could want to be with him. He cast something on you, or dosed you with something during that summer before your sixth year. We need to have you tested. We need to clean it out of you before you do something horribly irreversible! I can't do anything about the time you already spent with him, but at least I can put a stop to it!"
As Harry stepped back, evading the hands attempting to grasp his arms, he spotted Chuma moving into striking range, his sword partially drawn.
"Severus didn't do anything to make me like him, Sirius! If anything, he discouraged it, at least at first." Not too hard, Harry knew that, but it was hard to discourage a person who continually popped up in your dreams. It was much easier just to growl at them and get along the best you could. "We didn't do anything until I graduated Hogwarts, he made sure of that."
Harry sighed at the look of sheer disbelief on Sirius' face. "This is the reason why I didn't want to tell you." Spinning about, he moved to put the table between him and Sirius, hoping that Chuma would relax some. Sirius hadn't noticed the sword yet, but Harry knew his godfather would soon enough. "Look, to get a job at Gringotts, they had to test me for all kinds of mind, emotion, and magic altering spells and potions. If any of them hadn't come back negative, then I wouldn't have been hired."
Sirius' brow folded into a frown as what Harry said sank in. "There's nothing? Something could have slipped through. Snivellus is good at inventing spells and potions."
Harry shook his head. "Nothing, and the goblins are all very, very thorough, Sirius. I love Severus. That is that." Leaning forward, he rested his hands on the table between them, shooting an earnest look into dark blue eyes. "Believe me, I've wanted to be with him since my fifth year and I'm happier now than I have ever been. I am not going to leave him. I can't – it would hurt too much."
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Chuma's smirk. He knew the guard was most likely thinking of the ritual battle that would have to take place if that happened, but Harry was only thinking of his heart. His and Severus'.
Sinking into one of the chairs as if his legs would no longer support him, Sirius stared into Harry's face, mouth open in shock. "Nothing was detected? You really have found something in - in Snape to care for?"
Harry exhaled in tentative relief and nodded slowly. "Not just something in him, everything about him. Please accept it, Sirius. Please accept us."
Sirius looked away, his expression lost. Then he took a deep breath and ran his hands down his face before looking back at his godson. "I don't think I can ever like him, Harry." The quiet tone lacked even a trace of anger.
Harry sat in the chair opposite his godfather, his hands resting on the tabletop. His ring caught his attention for a moment. The golden band had two rows of footprints – one set larger than the other – side by side, encircling the centre of the band. It reminded him of how he and Severus had walked through everything together, been with each other through their most trying and best times even if no one else could see the other. Pulling his eyes up to Sirius', he knew some of those trying times included the man sitting across from him. "You don't have to. He doesn't think he could like you either, but I will be fine with it if you can withstand being in the same place at the same time without arguing."
Sirius studied his godson for over a minute, thoughts of continuing his previous agenda obviously running through his mind as a dozen expressions flickered over his face, but his final expression was defeat with a faint hint of resignation. Blinking slowly, he slumped back. "I think I can do that. Can I break the news to Remus? It might be better if he knew before reading it in the newspaper. I'll make sure he leaves Snape alone."
Harry nodded. "Only him though. I want to be in Britain when everyone else finds out."
Sirius agreed and Chuma sheathed his sword.
"I told Hermione and Ron about the joining." Harold curled up on the foot of Severus' bed as he watched his husband work through the wand motions of the curse-breaking spell Harold was having issues with.
Severus lowered his wand as he focused on Harold. "How?"
Harold tapped his head. "I decided it was safe to test walking into other people's dreams. I went to Ron first, and then he told me to try it on Hermione. I told them right before I came here tonight."
Seeing the slight jealous look in Severus' eyes, Harold leaned forward. "I don't think I can do that again though – not unless it was an emergency. I am comfortable here – I feel like I belong, am accepted and wanted. In their dreams … I wasn't rejected, but I could tell I was making them uncomfortable, that they were glad to see me and receive the information, but would rather I had choosen another means of letting them know."
The jealous look faded away and Severus strode to the bed, cupped Harold's chin in his empty hand. "You do belong here."
A hard, passionate kiss was pressed onto the pink lips that were waiting below his. Pressing Harold back onto the bed, Severus decided the studying could wait a bit longer.
Harry walked slowly through the close houses looking for the one that had the same symbol that was sketched on the paper in his hand. Turning into an alleyway that was almost too narrow to walk in, he headed deeper into the town.
He knew he stood out, but that was normal for him. In the UK it was the scar on his head that made him an attraction, at least in the Wizarding World. Here, it was the colour of his skin. Even though he had been in Africa for two years, his tan was not anywhere as dark as the natives that he was walking amongst.
Two more turns and a twisting path later, he spotted the symbol, a tiny bird in flight. It almost looked like the snidget that was once used in Quidditch.
Hoping that his sign language, Swahili that Seolfur taught him, and scraped together bits of different tribal languages would see him through this conversation, Harry knocked on the door. When the shaman or, as he had learned to call them in South Africa, the sangoma that opened the door smiled at him, Harry knew he was expected.
"Mr Potter, welcome to my home." The heavily accented English was still understandable as the wizened man gestured for him to enter.
'Seems as though my English will work here.' It had not always been true as he had moved through Africa. Harry stepped through the door, carefully watching the host, knowing this man was a force to reckon with no matter how congenial he was acting. "Thank you, sir. Please, just call me Harry."
"And you may call me Bingwa. This way. Would you care for tea?" Bingwa walked into the front room and gestured toward to the seat.
"Tea would be lovely." Harry sat down. They would have to go through the formalities first and then they could start on the topic Harry was sure his host knew was the reason for his visit. The last several sangoma had also heard that he was coming. The network between the isiSangoma hadbeen hard at work.
Soon he would be asking about how this man protected people against the dark magic that abound. Rumour said that Bingwa was the foremost expert in defence in all of Tanzania and the whole of East Africa.
"Severus!" Harold darted across the room, looking for his partner.
Severus stepped out of his bedroom. "Right here, you don't need to yell."
Harold pulled Severus into a tight hug before spinning the now glaring man in circles. "Yes I do! I found Bingwa!"
Laughing happily, Harold released Severus after planting a kiss on his lips and danced away from any retribution. "He is a gold mine of information. But more than that, he is introducing me to a potions master – not that they call them that, but that is what the lady is." Harold pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. "What are your questions?"
Severus gestured towards the seats near the fireplace, the gleam in his eyes telling Harold this was going to be a long list.
One year later…
Harry walked through the gates of Hogwarts, amazed he could still enter since Severus had told him the security of the school grounds had been increased while he was in Africa. Wondering if Albus had keyed him into the wards since the Headmaster knew of their joining, he crossed the grounds hoping to find Severus free.
The last three years had been fun and informative. Harry had travelled over most of Africa, going wherever Gringotts wanted him to go to break whatever curse they encountered. He knew the reason why was because he had taken to studying every curse, hex or dark magic he could track down while there. The other curse-breakers knew he would be found during his off time with a sangoma or whatever they called the local version of hedge wizard in that area of Africa.
Of course, all that studying was for one purpose – so he could get his Masters fast as possible. Severus was a man of his word, and he once said that Harold could stop studying in their dreams when he has a Masters. Harold was going to hold him to that.
Pushing his hair back as the wind whipped it about, he grinned. Gringotts hadn't wanted to let him go, as he had rapidly become their specialist in African curses. They had convinced him to work for them on a freelance basis meaning if something bad happened, they would call him in. Until then, he was free to do as he wanted. With the sale of the basilisk parts and his earnings from these last three years, he had enough to live off for a while. That was his plan, live off that money, be with Severus and find something that both of them wanted to do. Whatever it was going to be, they were going to be together. He was thoroughly sick of being separated and was positive Severus was as well.
Taking the stairs two at a time, Harry slipped through the front doors and headed for the dungeon stairs. It wasn't long before he stood in Severus' rooms, not sure whether to sit in his chair or to stand. Before he could make up his mind, Severus came in.
"Harold, you are early!" Severus crossed the space between them and pulled Harold into his arms, kissing him soundly. A groan sounded from both of them as they relished the feel of an awake kiss. Slowly, Severus released him, only letting Harold move back slightly while keeping him in the loop of his arms.
Harold grinned. "I slipped out as soon as I could. Fangtooth was doing his best to get me to sign some paperwork that would keep me on for another six or seven years. Here," he pushed against Severus' arms enough to be released and then pulled a chain off his neck, showing the three trunks hanging off of it, looking very similar to the one Severus had given him years ago. "This is yours."
He set the trunks on the floor and enlarged them. He nodded to the one closest to the sofa. "You might want to open this one at Spinner's End or in your lab. Also," he opened another trunk and pulled out a bound set of parchments, "will you read over this and edit it? Red ink will be most useful."
Severus took the bundle and glanced at the top one. The Light in the Darkness Found in Africa was written on it in Harry's untidy scrawl. "What is this?"
"A book I am putting together." He grinned at the shocked look that was forming on Severus' face. He had worked really hard on not letting Severus know of this endeavour just in case he didn't finish it. "I decided since I was studying all those dark curses and such, I should make a book for other people who are going to Africa. I also figured it might help those wizards and witches who are studying there. They don't have a textbook that discusses the curses found in their own country." Harold gave a slight smile and tipped his head. "I figured you wouldn't mind tearing up my writing once again."
Severus opened his trunk to put the book inside and felt a grin stretch his lips. There was not a single empty spot inside. It was filled with shrunken books. As he reached for the top one, his hand was caught.
"The other sections have ingredients and such for you." Harold pulled Severus' hand back, knocked the trunk lid closed, and tipped his head towards the door. "I'm here early. Albus, the professors, and the Weasleys are not expecting to see us until dinner. How about we use our time wisely?"
Severus pulled Harold close again. "Reading is a wise use."
Even as Harold opened his mouth to argue, Severus kissed him soundly, letting his hands roam over his husband's toned body. A quiet moan worked its way out of him when Harold's hands, which had been working on untucking his shirt, found skin. Pulling Harold towards his bedroom, he started divesting them of their clothes, leaving a trail to his bed which they finally ended up in together for the first time with both of them awake.
"Even the bed is better in the awake world." Harold ran a hand down Severus' chest, stopping to play with a puckered nipple along the way.
"It is also far more comfortable than yours over the last few years." Severus slid a hand through Harold's dark hair to stroke the sensitive skin on the back of his neck. He knew about those beds from experience since every recent summer and winter holiday had been spent in Africa.
Chuckling, Harold let his hands roam down Severus' front and to the sides, fingers brushing over his lover's hips and bottom. "Do you think Albus will let me stay here during the coming school year?"
Severus nodded and then proceeded to make any further conversation impossible.
The Weasleys and most of the professors staring about in confusion was the first thing that Harold noticed as he walked into the Great Hall with Severus. He then spotted Sirius watching them carefully from his place next to Remus. Smiling slightly at his godfather, he crossed over to where Albus was waving at them.
Severus nodded curtly to Black as they made their way to Albus. Harold had informed him the same night when Sirius had gone to confront him over their relationship and how he had accepted it in the end. It was only because of that acceptance that Severus did not hunt the mutt down and show him exactly what an irate potions master could accomplish without being caught.
"Harry, my dear boy," Albus beamed at them, his smile crinkling the corner of his eyes. "I see your trip home was successful." He nodded towards the table. "I've invited everyone you asked for. Shall we sit and dine first, or do you wish to talk to them first?"
The door opened quickly, admitting Ron and Hermione. Both of them rushed towards Harry, wrapping him in a tight hug.
"Have you told them yet? Is that why they looked stunned?" Hermione whispered.
Harry shook his head no and Ron whispered in his other ear, "Just so you know, the reporters have heard you are back and are gearing up to track you down."
Three sets of eyes met and three mouths grinned. Severus had kept Harry up to date with the Prophet's theories on his relationships, and they had hatched many plots on how to announce their relationship. Since most of the ideas included Ron and Hermione, Severus and he decided to hold a planning session with them after announcing their relationship to the rest of their important people.
"Harold, I believe Albus is waiting for us." Severus glared lightly at the trio.
Hermione shot Severus an entreating look before she whispered to them. "Tell them now, we want to see their faces clearly."
Releasing his best friends, Harry grinned as they flanked Severus and him. Moving together, all four of them walked up to the group gathered near the High Table.
Severus answered Albus' query. "I believe the announcement first. Curious Weasleys are hard to deal with, but curious professors are even worse."
Harold slipped his hand into Severus' and grinned at everyone. "Welcome to our Wizarding Engagement Party! Severus and I wish to announce that we are a couple, and plan to be bonded over the winter holiday."
"Oh, Harry! Severus!" Molly rushed towards them, a smile filling her face. Arthur was right behind her and kept her from hugging Severus by shaking his hand, leaving Harry to be enveloped. The shock wore off the others by then and they came over to offer their congratulations.
Albus, Ron, and Hermione made eye contact and all three smiled. They knew just how late this party was going to end.
Later that evening, plans were made and the next day saw Severus escorting Harold to Fortescue's , their hands clasped between them and a large smile on Harold's face. The clincher was the absence of a glower on Severus'.
They escaped back to Hogwarts and let the press run mad.
One summer several years later …
Harry folded the parchment up and walked down the hall to Severus' workroom. Knocking three times, he went in. "Severus, do you have a moment?"
"Not yet. I'll meet you in the kitchen in about twenty minutes."
"Okay." Turning, Harry left as quietly as he came in.
In their room, he started packing. Light, but long clothes, sturdy boots and several robes woven out of breathable material were the first to go into the trunk. He then closed the lid, turned the lock forty-five degrees to the right, and opened it again. In the second compartment, he checked through his curse-breaking equipment. He had two spare wands tucked into a specially designed holder attached to the side of the trunk, then there were different testing instruments as well as books and other paraphernalia.
Locking the trunk, he left it on the luggage stand. He would fill the last compartment with food and water tomorrow before he needed to head out.
He made it to the kitchen just as Severus did. "You want some tea? Did you eat lunch?"
"Tea would be nice. I'll make some sandwiches to go with it." Severus headed for the pantry.
Laughing, Harry put the kettle on. "That means you didn't eat. Make enough to last until a late dinner."
"Will do."
The conversation petered out until they were settled at the table with their late lunch spread out between them.
Severus started it back up. "What did you need to see me for?"
"I just wanted to know if there was anything from Timbuktu that you wanted."
"Gringotts is sending you there?" He continued when Harry nodded yes. "Don't worry about it."
Severus sipped his tea, a smile starting to bloom on his face as Harry rolled his eyes.
"Don't worry about it? The last time you said that you about went through the roof when you thought I had passed up that sale on boomslang skin and venom." Harry snagged a roast beef sandwich and waited to hear how Severus was going to defend his answer.
With a full smile on his face, Severus leaned forward to snag Harry's left hand, his fingers brushing over the gold band. "That is because I am not going to let you go into the depths of Africa without me again. Too many potion ingredients that you will not recognize, but I will."
"Really? You are coming with me?" Harry's grin was as wide as Severus'. "Fangtooth is going to be pleased as punch. I'll make sure you get paid as a guard this time." He stopped when Severus shook his head. "Why not? You were teaching the guards last time we went together."
"Have them hire me on as a potions material collector. It will pay better and will give me the perfect reason to be searching in out of the way places."
Harry grinned. "Okay, I'll post them. We are to leave tomorrow morning, so you might want to pack."
"As soon as I finish eating," Severus promised. He had a feeling Harry would want to have time for certain activities between packing and dinner which would need all his energy.