Reviews for Secrets
shadewolfedrt chapter 29 . 5/28
this is still a great story and it made me wonder why no one has had Tommy a good or great singer like kim also why it is always her mom the is behind the letter if it was no real or written by kim and not her dad.
medevil charmed chapter 27 . 11/10/2019
So I love your stories all of them from power rangers Kim/Tommy are my fav. I have read this story millions of times as of my other two fav which is also your stories as-well. But this last read I finally notice something that been bugging me. I thought Shane was with Kelly? I say that cause you had that posted in an early chapter. But when you had the girls coming down the stair for the store opening you had him with Karpi which she was never mention when they went to Paris. But I did notice she was mention with Kelly when they were helping after they came back. So who is he with and when did she show up. Because Kelly didn’t even go to the store opening. So there that big question I’m confused on the other is why didn’t you mention Mariah or Karpi or Kelly when they were doing the big reveal for the new rangers? You mentioned Eric, Sally and Krista and Caitlin but not those three. I was just wondering. But other than that I love the story it is awesome.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23/2016
HeartOfZoro4000 chapter 27 . 3/18/2015
Hi I really like your story I love Tommy/Kimberly!
Great work, good luck and may the power protect you. XD
TommyandKimberlyOliverFan4Ever chapter 29 . 1/20/2015
I really think you should do a sequel on this story showing where EVERYONE is in five or ten years from then. It is GREAT story and I LOVE it...
taz0718two chapter 28 . 8/3/2014
this story was very good you should do a squel for this by picking it up from here you made it a some what kim and tommy story now you can make it into a squel and make it into a kira conner story and make there love raise up and have them get married and same time have all ther bad guys from each rangers teams past come back to life and join forces same with the rangers teaming up well thats my twos on that

may the power procte you
the power is yours
Silky Button chapter 14 . 8/2/2014
hahaha! awesome! more Kim and Connor stuff ;)
with some great Kira/Connor mixed in as well
Silky Button chapter 13 . 8/2/2014
oh my gosh I think I squealed with happiness when I read all of the Connor and Kim stuff! haha

not too sure I like the Hayley response... way out of character for her... even if she was mad for Tommy's sake, she never got that mad about anything in the series... and not at the park either... so why now? and why so sudden? makes no sense...
Silky Button chapter 12 . 8/2/2014
hahaha! yes! loved the Connor/Kim moments in this one. poor guy ;)

and that kiss (forehead or not) was totally awesome for my Connor/Kim crack!pairing dreams haha
Silky Button chapter 11 . 8/2/2014
why does Kim need a 3 story house...? especially since she lives in Paris already?

and that car... haha wow, that sounds super 'busy' with all of those designs

but... here she is, and now it beings... :D can't wait!
Silky Button chapter 10 . 8/2/2014
ooh. Kat's in trouble ;) haha
Silky Button chapter 9 . 8/2/2014
kind of rushed introduction, but it works ;)

can't wait to see the fireworks :D
Silky Button chapter 8 . 8/2/2014
Connor and Kim! :D haha love it
and loved Kim and Kira's phone conversation

and the "cute Kat" comment haha. ouch ;)
Silky Button chapter 7 . 8/2/2014
I'll bring the torches if you bring the pitchforks and we can go after Ethan together haha
Silky Button chapter 6 . 8/2/2014
Oh wow that's one of my favorite songs. I love that you chose it! :D
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