He knew something wasn't right. he could feel it. As soon as he walked into his apartment, he knew something changed. He looked in every room, checked every drawer, but nothing was out of place. House was usually good at figuring things out, but he couldn't get why he felt awkward in his own place. Then it hit him. Sitting on his kitchen table was Steve McQueen's cage...with another rat.
"The fuck?" He asked himself. He looked at the two rats, who were unaware of the rather strange creature staring at them. The new rat was smaller than Steve, and white.
"I found her the other day. Thought Steve would like a friend." House turned to see Chase leaning in the doorway, smirking.
"How'd you get in?"
"Cameron gave me her key." he jingled it in front of him and slipped in back into his pocket.
"Her name is Grace Kelly." House was still looking at the rats while Chase spoke.
"Where the hell did you come up with that?" Chase shrugged.
"Dunno. I just watched Rear Window a few nights ago." He walked up next to House.
"They look good together."
"They're rats."
"So? Rats need someone, too." He slowly turned his head to House and stared. "We all need someone."
"Yeah, well, if Steve catches something from your rat, because God knows where you found it, it'll be your job."
"I think it's cute. Two creatures, in love. Having someone to confine in. Someone to be with for their rest of their lives." House's head shot in Chase's direction.
"Buy a God damn puppy then." He began to walk away but Chase stopped him.
"You don't get it, do you?"
"What is there to get?" Chase sighed, shaking his head.
"House, I like you. I want to be with you." House's eyes drifted away from Chase's.
"So, this is how you tell me? Bring my rat a girlfriend?" Chase's face turned a slight pink color.
"I didn't know what else to do."
"Be like any normal person. Bring me flowers or chocolate. Hell, even lay in my bed naked with rose petals."
"I figured since you aren't traditional like that, why should I be?" House smirked.
"I have to admit, I never expected this from you." Without another word, he walked slowly over to Chase, grabbed his face, and kissed his lips.
"Bet you didn't expect that." House exclaimed as they pulled away. Chase didn't speak.
"I'm going in the bedroom...if you want to join me." House smirked, making his way to the bedroom. Chase stood still, looking at House, then the rats. In one leap, he kneeled in front of the cage.
"Thank you." He whispered to Steve and Grace, who squeaked in response. He walked away, but not before realizing he just took relationship advice from a couple of rats. But then again, Chase and House weren't traditional, either.