Author has written 15 stories for Harry Potter, High School Musical, House, M.D., Thief Lord, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Queer as Folk, Dead Poets Society, As the World Turns, Chronicles of Narnia, and Shakespeare. So... this is a bit awkward. It has literally been years since i've been on fanfiction but i finally remembered my password so here i am. i hate leaving things unfinished, especially stories, so i decided to finish Star Crossed Lovers. I know it's a really short final chapter but i hope you enjoy it and find the ending satisfactory. Believe me, i hated killing off our boys as much as you hate reading about them dying :( anyway, to all of you who keep reviewing etc., it really does mean a lot to an unknown writer like me. i'm not sure if i'll be writing any more fanfics but you never know... much love, limea delta Hey everyone, OK, completely new profile so I thought I'd better write something! Favorite pairings: Draco/Harry (Harry Potter) Remus/Sirius (Harry Potter) Neil/Todd (Dead Poets Society) Anakin/Obi-Wan (Star Wars) Brian/Justin (Queer as Folk) Aragorn/Legolas (Lord of the Rings) Troy/Ryan (High School Musical) Prosper/Scipio (The Thief Lord) Chase/House (House M.D... but kinda going off it now) Luke/Noah (As The World Turns) Harry/Cedric (Harry Potter) Peter/Edmund (Chronicles of Narnia) And there's more but can't really remember them right now. As you can probably tell, I am a big SLASH supporter! I have no idea why, it's just me so don't ask! My stories are mainly slash (no surprises there) except for my story Darth Vader vs. Anakin Skywalker which is the normal Anakin/Padme but that was an exception. I wanted to give them a happy ending! I love writing which is kinda taken for granted cause I am here and I am putting up stories so... My current stories are Star-Crossed Lovers which is a cross-over between Harry Potter and Romeo and Juliet (with the two lovers being played by my two favorite boys!) and Moulin Babylon which is a cross-over between Queer as Folk and Moulin Rouge. However, Moulin Babylon is kinda on hold at the moment cause I'm a bit disheartened. No reviews etc. so not sure if it's worth it. Anyway, I'll see how it goes. I've also got a few other ideas ticking over so stay tuned! Something about me. Hmm, I collect quotes so if anyone has any good ones, send them in and I'll put them up here (with a reference to you of course!). A comment: does listening to certain music affect your writing? It affects mine! I mean, if I'm listening to really angsty/depressing music, chances are that my story will have that atmosphere as well! So, do people agree that before we write a story, we should create a soundtrack/playlist of songs that match the mood of the story so the writing doesn't change?? What you think?? Anyway, if you just read all that, thank you! You must be very interested... or just really bored! Stay tuned, read the stories and REVIEW!! I'm serious, reviews make my day so keep 'em coming! Limea Delta |