![]() Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Hi, I'm an 18 year old female from the U.S. I'm still kinda new to writing Fanfiction, and while I do have several stories that I'm working on, only 2 and a branch off story for one of those are posted. The two posted Stories are Dragon Born, which has the branch off, and Howling mad. Check them out. The stories that I'm working on are as follows (Please note, only Dragon Born and Howling Mad are posted as of yet). For the Hobbit I have a Fili is raised by Thranduil story called A Fortunate Storm, and the other Hobbit fanfic I'm working on is a our world girl travels into the Hobbit book called Fallaner. In this case she ends up at good old Thranduil's place instead of with the company so I'm thinking she's going to miss a good part of their journey, though I'm not SURE about that yet, I may change my mind, it's still in the early stages. The rest of my fanfics are Harry potter fanfics or some kind of crossover. 3 of those are time travel fics. In one Hermione goes back to the marauder's era that doesn't have a name yet, Time travel fic # 2 is Ron goes back and relives his life over from first year on which ALSO doesn't have a name yet, and the last of those is Howling Mad. In it Evil!Harry goes back and relives his life from first year on. My 3 Crossover fics are a Nameless Harry Potter/Death Note crossover where Harry is king of the Shinigami because of his title Master Of Death and he goes to Japan to find out just what is going on (No name for this story yet.) The next one is a Harry Potter/NCIS Crossover where Harry has a bout of accidental magic that causes him to apparate to Virginia where he stumbles across a murdered marine (No name for this story yet.) And Finally, a Hobbit/Dragon Riders of Pern Crossover, that also doesn't have a name. In this a queen scheduled to have 43 eggs and her rider go between and come out in Middle Earth. Their arrival is going to be set a long time before the Hobbit journey, and Bilbo won't just be a quiet hobbit from the Shire. He'll be a Dragon rider. (Please note, most of my Dragon Rider's of Pern info is from a fanfic I read, not from the books, and I'm tweaking that too so that it suits my purposes, so don't expect it to go perfectly by the book) Lastly my Harry Potter Creature fic, in which on his 16th birthday Harry comes into a humanoid Dragon creature inheritance called a Draig. there is dumbles, ron, ginny, hermione, and molly bashing. (Totally unrelated to this stories description, but I've noticed that just about all of my Harry Potter fanfics have dumble bashing. HHmmm maybe I have issues with dumbles. Oh well.) (Oh, this story is called Dragon Born.) Yeah, I know that a lot of them aren't named, but they will get a name eventually, and since they're not posted yet, they don't need a name. As a new writer I know that I'm probably going to be complete rubbish but hey, you learn from experience right? I'm open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, however, I don't want ballently rude P.M.s telling me that I'm rubbish at writing and should just quite or things like that. Tell me what I could do to improve my story and writing ability, don't be an ass about it though, and I'll gladly take advice from more experienced authors. I only speak English, and my favorite kind of fan fictions to read are Harry Potter ones, though that doesn't mean I won't read other kinds, or crossovers. Edited last on Tuesday. October 27, 2015 at 4:28 P.M. |