Disclaimer: I do not own Sword Art Online nor do I own Harry Potter.
Warnings: Yes I did change a couple things that had to do with SAO. Mainly because I didn't really have any idea about SAO's actual game system as in leveling up, rewards, quests. That type of thing pretty much took a seat on the back burner when it came time to choose between the plot and the games leveling system, at least it did in canon episodes. So don't get pissed off if something doesn't make sense or follow the canon plotline. This is fanfiction people. If something doesn't make sense or we don't like it then we change it. SAO and Harry Potter Crossover. Fem!Harry Potter (Tia(Celestia)). Anyway I try to explain the leveling system and the actual game itself as much as I can. Though I do tend to avoid the actual speeches in the first episode of SAO, I do imply them or mention them.
Second Warning: Just a heads up for those of you that like Asuna, I don't know yet if I intend to make her a bitch or if I intend to bash her horribly. I don't really like her character but that has more to do with the fact that she doesn't really treat Kirito the way I think a girlfriend or even a friend should be treated. For one, you don't threaten people you consider friends, nor do you use violence against them for minor things like say having an opinion different than your own. Also in the episode where Kirito askes to stay with Asuna for the night and she assumes that means they're going to sleep together. I agree that it would be an embarrassing situation but that does not mean you hit someone for your own assumptions. Sorry for that little rant but physical violence has no place in relationships that go beyond friendship. I completely disliked her after that episode and sorely wished that Sachi had not died. I'm not saying that women need to be meek and subservant to men, I'm a woman myself you'll never catch me saying that, but I also believe that the moment a woman raises her hand instead of her voice is the moment she needs to call that relationship quits. If you love someone you never want to hurt them, especially for your own mistakes. Again sorry for the rant Asuna just brings that side of me out.
P.S. Yes that does mean I'm planning to set Fem!Harry(Tia (Celestia)) up with Kirito. Whether any of the other girls- Lisbeth, Silica, or Sachi- get to be a part of that relationship I don't really know. Silica, I might keep her on as a sister. Lisbeth, actually besides Sachi, she would've been a decent girlfriend for Kirito . She seemed capable of getting her point across without resorting to violence (Sorry that's a major issue for me). And then there's Sachi, to kill or not to kill? That is the question. No really that's the question. Tell me what you think on that. On top of that there's the HP female characters. Tell me who you think would be good to pair with Tia X Kirito. Doesn't even have to be a permanent thing. Seriously they're both 15 they're suppose to be experimenting at that age. Of course cheating is not an option. Nothing destroys somebody more than finding out your lover has been cheating on you. That whole thing is going to be consensual and open. Atleast until they realize that what they have actually is love and not just hormonal teenage lust.
Anyway give me your opinions (constructive critizism only) and I'll see what I can do to improve.
Quest ideas are welcome! I'm planning for a long story. I was rather disappointed with the fact that they condensed two years worth of what could've been an amazingly indepth plotline into what-13 episodes?! 2 YEARS!? Seriously not cool. Worse I'm a bit of a romantic so to find out that the story was practically over after only 2wks of romance in the entire two years trapped there, even if it was with Asuna. BY the way suicide?! Not the answer. Also that's a little too clingy for me. I can understand getting killed after tragically watching the person you love die, I can also understand dieing in the place of someone you love, but telling someone that you would kill yourself if they ever left you is going too far and in my opinion that does not scream love to me, that screams desperate, obsessive and just a little bit controlling.
No Hermione will not be involved romantically or sexually with Tia and Kirito. Her better-than-thou personality in the books pissed me off. I'm not talking about her book smarts, I can handle someone being more intelligent than the main character, it's when she starts acting like she's the only one with a brain that pisses me off. Like with the firebolt in third year- instead of sitting down and talking about her concerns she went to a teacher who immediately confiscated it and then she acted all hurt when they gave her the silent treament, I would've given her the silent treatment and then never share another secret with her again. Don't even get me started about the Potions book in sixth year. As a person she's good, but as a friend not so much, best keep that friendship distant and without secrets. Also the way she treated Luna, one of my favorite characters, really irritated me. Apparently nobody is allowed to believe in different things. Or have an opinion.
Don't even get me started about Ron Weasley. His sister's not much better. Seriously I'm not sure how that couple happened. In seven books, she only really appeared in like 2 and a half (2,6,7). Truthfully 2 year shouldn't even be mentioned because he avoided her like the plague.
I might go with Luna though, she's a little out there but she'll always make you think about things at a different angle and sometimes that makes all the difference.
Anyway here's the disclaimer for the entire story. Do not expect me to repeat the same line over and over again.
Let me know if you think I should bother continuing this.