Sorry it's been so long, life took a turn for the worst but I'm back and writing once more!

That night, Tom decided it was about time for him to talk to Black about his imprisonment and need for escape. With that in mind, he waited patiently for Harry and Neville to fall asleep before untangling himself from their bodies and tiptoeing to the window. Pushing it open, he hastily cast both a disillusion and a silencing spell using Harry's wand that he'd borrowed for the expedition. That done, he jumped from the window and began to fly in a feat of magic only he was capable of. Once beyond the reach of Hogwarts' wards he apparated mid-air only to reappear outside the walls of Azkaban prison. Now here came the tricky part, as a being made entirely of soul and not much actual body he was especially vulnerable to Dementors. Praying it would work, Tom cast the only spell he'd never succeeded in casting, "Expecto Patronum!"

He had his eyes shut tightly, focusing hard on how he'd felt when Harry had said he loved him for the first time. A silver light burst across the surface of his eyelids and they flew open to be greeted by a huge silver wolf streaking through the air and warding off and Dementors patrolling the outer walls of the prison. Breathing out a sigh of relief, Tom drifted down to a door he'd discovered years ago when planning an attack on this building. It would allow him to enter on the high security floor instead of climbing all those stairs. Moving swiftly, he made his way along the corridor, his patronus patrolling the air around him as he searched for Black. Once he found him he hastily dismantled the many locking charms and wards on the door before slipping inside.

"Sirius Black?" He whispered, dropping the concealment charms.

"Who're you?" Barked a harsh voice from the shadows. "I don't recognise you, whaddaya want?"

"I'm a friend. I know you're innocent and I'm here to discuss plans to get you free. Harry needs you."

"Harry?" The voice was suddenly far more lucid as Sirius lerched forward into the light cast by the patronus guarding the cell door. "What's wrong with my Prongslet? Is he alright? What do you know? Tell me!"

"Calm down Sirius, he's alright now. I'm protecting him and will continue to do so until I die. I'll explain as quickly as possible then get you out of here."

"Alright." Sirius grunted, inching forward and making himself comfortable on the floor, "I'm listening."

"Okay… After you gave Harry to Hagrid, he was taken to Number 4 Privet Drive where Dumbledore was waiting."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up! That's the address of Lily's detestable sister. Why the hell was he taken there?!"

"Don't interrupt, we don't have much time as the patronus is the one spell I have never managed to cast before now. Anyway, Dumbledore then thought it was a brilliant idea to leave poor Harry asleep on the doorstep with only a letter in explanation."

"What?" Sirius roared, leaping to his feet, face flushed bright red.

"Yes, exactly my reaction to that brilliant plan. To continue, as you can guess, this did not lead to a healthy, happy childhood. In fact, it was very similar to both yours and mine. I tried to help as much as I could but at this point I was severely incapacitated and weak so couldn't do much at all beyond providing silent support and comfort."

"I'll kill the old goat." Sirius muttered brokenly, "Poor Prongslet."

"I'll help" Tom added, not even seeming phased by the death threats. "As I was saying, I couldn't do much until this summer when I finally managed to talk to Harry properly after Dumbledore sent him on a mad quest to protect the Philosopher's Stone from a teacher possessed by Lord Voldemort himself."

"He. Is. Dead. No one risks Harry's happiness and safety like that."

"I agree completely, which is why I am now working to get Harry as far away from them all as possible. I already allowed Harry to stay in my house all of this summer after threatening the Dursleys, but for reasons I won't go into now, I can't do anything legally. That's why we need you."

"I don't know how you think I'll be any help. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a convicted criminal who doesn't even have the power of the Blacks to fall back on."

"See that's where you're wrong. You were never given a trial so therefore your imprisonment is against wizarding law and old Arcturus never cast you out of the Black family so when he died, you became the new Lord Black. If we can get you out of here, you can legally claim a trial and destroy those ponces at the Ministry in a matter of moments. Even if you were guilty, you would still walk free at this point."

"I could kiss you, that's genius!" Sirius crowed, "Maybe wait until you've cleaned up a bit before you follow through with the kissing." Quipped Tom distractedly, looking the convict over in ill-disguised horror. Sirius threw his head back and laughed uproariously at that, showing off his remarkably still healthy teeth. Magic really was amazing.

"Alright, pretty boy, lets go." Sirius said, staggering to his feet and moving towards the door. On their way back along the corridor, they passed a cell containing the skeletal form of Bellatrix Lestrange, lying huddled in a corner as far from the cell door as possible.

"Poor Bella." Sirius whispered, staring in at his cousin. "I'll never know what happened to change her. She was such a wonderful girl when we were children, then everything changed one summer, she became unrecognisable. It only got worse after she married that brute Rudolphus."

"It was your family, they threatened Cissy's life if Bella didn't follow their rules and conform. They tortured her in an attempt to break her spirit. When that didn't work they pawned her off on that oaf, Lestrange. He's been torturing and Imperioing the poor woman ever since."

"That's… sick. Can we save her?" "I don't know, but we can try." Looking grim, the frail man and healthy-looking teenager entered the fragile woman's cell.

"Bella?" Sirius whispered cautiously. "Bella? You still in there?"

"Siri? Are you real? I'm not just dreaming?" Croaked out a feeble voice as an eye appeared amidst the matted mess of hair that covered her face.

"Yes, Bella, I'm real. I know what they did to you and we're here to save you."

"Oh, Siri. I've been longing to hear that for years. Please get me out of here, I've got so much to make up for, that poor Longbottom boy, I tried so hard to fight against Ru and the others, but it wasn't enough." She choked out, beginning to sob brokenly.

"Come on, Bella. Time to start living again. Time for us both to start living."

Tottering along, clutching each other tightly, the cousins made their way slowly out of the cell and along the corridor.

"Right, I can only bring down the anti-apparition wards in this area for a minute, so you need to hold on to me tightly." Tom ordered, raising Harry's wand and beginning to mutter a long stream of Latin. As soon as he felt the ward flicker he apparated out of there, bringing the Black family members along with him.

They all landed with a quiet thump outside the gates of a large manor house situated in the midst of a dark forest.

"Black family manor." Sirius whispered, "Never thought I'd live to see it again."

"Well surprise! You did. Now get inside, you're both look near dead at this point. Can't have Harry seeing you like this." Tom muttered while shepherding the pair inside.

As soon as they were inside the elaborate front doors an old house elf popped into existence.

"Who are you and why are you disturbing my Master's rest?" It croaked, looking at the trio suspiciously. This sent Tom into peals of laughter. "Should have known Arcturus would have pulled a stunt like this. He faked his own death the sly old fossil! Tell him his old friend Tom is here with some family."

The elf popped away while the cousins swayed there dazedly. After all, they had just been rescued from hell itself by a teenage boy who now seemed to be saying that he knew their grandfather personally. Just then the elf popped back and beckoned them to follow him up the marble staircase.

They followed the wrinkled creature through a myriad of ornate passageways until they reached a small, cosy family living room with a roaring fire. An old man with a long mane of brilliant white hair and sharp blue eyes peering out from a face lined with age.

"Only you, Tom would manage to look far younger than the last time I saw you. And saner too, which is a relief. Told you those things were a bad idea."

"Yes, yes, you were right. You'll be amazed to hear I am now a true grey wizard these days."

"Oh, really? You will have to tell me the story behind that one. Now, who are your ragged friends?"

"Tut, tut old man, can't even recognise your own grandchildren now. Oh dear oh dear."

"That's not… little Siri and baby Bella? Oh my poor children! What has Azkaban done to you?"

"A lot, old grandpappy. Your friend Tom over there freed us earlier tonight."

"Well I'm glad to see my heir is sane at least. Always an improvement. Seeing as Tom is sane as well, I'm guessing you're both innocent of the crimes you were convicted of."

"Not even convicted in my case!" Sirius continued cheerfully.

"What?" The aging Lord roared, "They dared imprison a son of the House of Black without a trial? Without even a formal conviction? Heads will roll for this!"

"That enough to bring you out of retirement, old man?" Tom insinuated quietly.

"Is it? Is it by Merlin?! If it isn't the death of me through pure rage I bloody well hope it is. Now, you two need baths and beds. Off you go."

"Maybe one bed would be best, the nightmares are bound to be horrific." Tom interjected once more.

"What a sensible idea! When did you become so considerate?"

"When I gained a conscience and a heavily abused and traumatised charge."

"This tale is becoming more fascinating by the minute! I really must hear all about it." Arcturus stated gleefully as he summoned house elves, gave orders and gently chivvied his damaged and fragile grandchildren from the room.

"I'll be back tomorrow night to tell it once those two have had time to recover slightly old friend. I have a child to protect from Dumbledore's incessant meddling after all."

"Oh dear, that really is a Herculean task you've set yourself."

"One I mean to complete." Tom stated grimly, before disapperating from the room. Luckily for him, he was still keyed into the wards. Upon reaching the edge of the Hogwarts wards, he decided to try something, he simply allowed himself to be drawn back inside Harry's body and soul. Surprisingly, it worked. He soon discovered himself back where he'd spent so many years of his life. He took a moment to regroup and process everything he had done before settling down to sleep. That had been exhausting.

Harry and Neville woke up the next morning to discover no Tom… That instantly had Harry panicking slightly until a very sleepy voice echoed through his mind, "I'm still here, silly. Just used up a lot of my energy last night getting you a present."

"A present? I don't need a present, Tom! It's not even my birthday!"

"Oh, hush my lion. You need this present. I'm working on getting your godfather cleared and returned to health, so you can officially leave your aunt and uncles forever."

"You really mean it, Tom? No more Dursleys ever again? Not even pretend?"

"Not even pretend. Pinky swear."

"That is the best present anyone has ever given me! Thank you so much, Tom."

"You're welcome, munchkin. I'll be very quiet today as I need to go back to talk to him and explain everything that's been happening."

"Okay Tom! You get all the rest you need. Love you."

"Love you too."

True to his word, Tom didn't speak much the rest of that day. He only appeared to make snide comments about the Headmaster and Professor Snape. That night, Harry and Neville huddled close as they'd grown used to doing these past few nights and fell asleep quickly after Harry shared his exciting news. Neville was, of course, extremely happy for his new friend and was quick to say so.

As soon as it was late enough for him to not be spotted, Tom silently made his way out of the castle grounds yet again and apparated back to Black family Manor. He arrived just in time to see Arcturus finishing tucking Sirius and Bellatrix up in blankets in the armchairs closest to the roaring fire. Both looked in far better shape after a warm bath, a good nights sleep and lots and lots of chocolate to combat the prolonged exposure to dementors. Of course, they still had a long way to go and would need many a session with the mind healers of St. Mungos to correct all the damage once they were free.

Before any of that could happen though, they needed to plan like the born Slytherin's they were. Even Sirius, for as much as he was a Gryffindor, he had been raised a Slytherin and future Lord. Plus, he'd been one of the most successful pranksters Hogwarts had ever seen.

"Good evening to you all." Tom said politely, stepping towards the nearest armchair and sinking into it with a sigh of relief.

"You look exhausted." Sirius noted quietly.

"Not looking too good yourself there, Sirius." Tom quipped, opening one eye to stare at the still handsome man.

"In all seriousness Tom, are you alright? You look a whole year older since last night." Arcturus snapped worriedly, bustling towards his old friend with an extra mug of hot chocolate.

"I'm fine, Arcturus. I'm just not quite all alive and real all the time quite yet. I'm not back to full strength and my age is in a constant state of flux." Tom sighed, gratefully accepting the offered mug.

"Now that sounds like a good opening to ask for that explanation you promised me." Observed Arcturus, returning to his own chair.

"Yes, yes. As usual, you are right old friend." Grouched Tom before turning to address the two youngest people in the room, "Now, this tale is very long and arduous and painful both to tell and to hear. I ask that you don't interrupt very often, you will, I assure you but please refrain from trying to kill me until you've heard the full story."

The two Azkaban escapees nodded mutely, staring fascinated at their mysterious saviour.

"Right… I'll start at the very beginning then. Once upon a time there was a family by the name of Gaunt, they were incredibly proud, bigoted pureblood family who made a point to declare themselves as descendants of Slytherin himself."

"I remember learning about them. They were completely mad and destitute, weren't they?" Bellatrix interjected quietly.

"Exactly right, Bella. They lived in a tiny hovel in a place called Little Hangleton. There was a father, Marvolo and his two children, Morfin and Merope. Both Marvolo and Morfin heavily abused and put down poor little Merope and caused her to suppress her own magic out of fear and her own self-doubt. Eventually, Merope would have been forced to marry her own brother to continue the 'Noble line of Slytherin'."

"That's sick." Sirius choked. "That's life." Tom responded simply.

"So here we have a pureblood wizarding family in the middle of a muggle village. Poor little Merope pining away after a better life, a happier life. And then Tom Riddle appears. A handsome, wealthy muggle who lives in a mansion with his family. A beautiful fiancée, given whatever he asks for and never knowing a moment of hardship. Merope fell hopelessly in love with the idea of him and everything he stood for but someone like him would never fall for someone like her. Of course, her family soon realise what's happening and attack Tom Riddle and are shipped off for a short stay in Azkaban."

"I don't like where this is going…" Sirius muttered darkly, glaring at his hot chocolate. "You shouldn't." Tom called before continuing.

"This gave little Merope to show her own strain of the family instability when she decided that she must have Tom for herself. So, the girl everyone thought of as a Squib brewed a complex love potion and started feeding it to Tom Riddle. Soon after, she persuaded him to run away with her to London and marry her, leaving his family and his whole life behind him."

"That's so incredibly twisted. He would have had no free will of his own." Bella whispered brokenly, eyes widened in horror.

"I know, dear Bella. It took me a while to discover all the facts and when I did I couldn't see them for what they truly were anymore. Anyway, Merope soon became pregnant and around the same time stopped giving Tom the love potion. I still don't know her reasoning on that, we'll never know. Of course, Tom instantly left to try and salvage as much of his old life as he could, leaving Merope alone in London, with no skills, no money and pregnant with her child. She struggled along until New Year's Eve when she went into labour. Luckily she was near to a place called Wool's Orphanage who were able to provide help during the birth. Once her son was in the world she only lived long enough to name him, Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"That's you, isn't it?" Sirius barked, squinting shrewdly at the storyteller.

"well aren't you the smart one?" Snarked Tom, "But yes, I am Tom Marvolo Riddle. Now, could I continue?"

"Go right ahead, I'm not stopping you."

"Thank you. I grew up in that Orphanage, disliked by all because I was strange, abnormal, bewitched. None of the matrons took my side and all the children hated and feared me. I grew up not knowing or understanding love beyond what I felt for my snake friends. During that time I went through five separate exorcisms and multiple beatings and punishments. I quickly learnt that to survive I needed to fight back, make them so scared they wouldn't dare touch me."

"I don't know whether to sympathise or worry where you're going with this." Sirius growled lowly. "Go with both. I don't want pity though, I never have."

"Fair enough. I don't want it either."

"Moving on, I worked out that I could use my strangeness to my advantage. It would let me do things I couldn't logically do, I soon had my dream of being left alone but still no one loved me. The only thing I could hold on to was the knowledge that I was special, I was different, I was better than them. Then Dumbledore arrived."

"Meddling old bastard." Arcturus muttered evilly.

"As I was saying, Dumbledore arrived with my Hogwarts letter. In the process of one meeting, he took an instant dislike to me, tried to intimidate me and set fire to my belongings. Needless to say, I never liked him after that. Flash forward to Hogwarts and my sorting into Slytherin."

"Oh, that can't have been easy." Bella winced. "It wasn't." Tom answered drily.

"I was an apparent muggleborn orphan, a nobody, invading Slytherin, the house of the purebloods and bigots. I was bullied more than ever before and had to quickly scramble to learn how to fight back effectively. It was tough and I might not have made it if it wasn't for your Grandfather. He was several years my senior but seemed to see my potential and looked out for me where he could. We soon became close friends, my first friend and until recently, my only one."

"Wow, you're old!" Sirius choked, doing a very good impression of a goldfish. "Thank you so much for that kind statement."

"No, no, no! You just look so young, it's ridiculous!"

"yes, well if you shut up you'd find out why. Anyway, I'll skip through my school years for now. All you need to know is that Dumbledore and I's mutual hatred only grew over the years and I'm now sure he was the one that implanted the magical suggestion in my mind to go after Horcruxes."

"WHAT?!" Both Sirius and Bellatrix roared, both clearly knowing exactly what a horcrux was and what this statement entailed.

"Yes, thanks to the glorious leader of the light I thought it would be a brilliant idea to make six horcruxes, splitting my soul into seven pieces."

"Oh this is a nightmare." Sirius groaned, slumping back in his chair. "If you made even half that many your sanity would be in tatters."

"Exactly. I made all six as far as I'm aware, although the last one was an accident."

"Your soul was so far gone you made an accidental horcrux?" Arcturus bellowed, looking horrified. "That's never even been theorised about! The possible ramifications would be too much to contemplate!"

"And yet here I am, sanity intact and soul slowly being returned, bit by bit. Now, this is where my request that you refrain from killing me comes into play. You see, while in my insane state, I became Lord Voldemort."

Both Sirius and Bellatrix shuddered violently and stared at the boy calmly sitting before them.

"Let me explain, my madness had two targets, the people who made my childhood a misery and Dumbledore. My insanity reached such heights that I saw the most reasonable option to be total domination and destruction. I now see that this was complete nonsense and not an achievable goal at all but there you have it."

"What does this have to do with your current state?"

"I'm getting there, old man! Be patient! Anyway, this culminated in my foolish attack on the Potters, you all know vaguely what happened that night but what you don't know is that a fragment of my soul flew off and settled in Harry's mind and soul."

"You mean to tell me that you made my godson into a horcrux?" Sirius seriously looked like he was considering murder but his grandfather quickly stuck him to his chair to avoid any unpleasantness.

"And it's a good thing I did. My soul fragment was forced to grow up all over again with Harry, soul to soul. And let me tell you, his life was comparable to mine, to all of ours really. I comforted him the best I could and gradually my magical alignment shifted to Grey. The Lord of the Dark is now a Grey wizard. All thanks to a little orphan boy and a strange twist of magic. So, since Harry's first year I have been gathering my strength and upping my attempts to protect Harry. I finally managed to gather the energy needed to actually contact him at the end of last year and we've been gathering horcruxes and living together ever since."

"I don't know how to feel. You have done so much evil, but I can't hate you. You've protected Harry and saved both Bella and I from the horrors of Azkaban. I can already tell that you love Harry and will protect him just as fiercely as I will and I'm guessing he returns that love so there's nothing I can conceivably do without hurting my godson. I don't like it though, and I can't quite trust you."

"If it helps I have stated my intentions regarding him inside a warded managers office at Gringotts."

"Damn. Of course that bloody helps! Can't convince myself you're lying now… And I so wanted a reason to hate you. Damn you and your good intentions."

Tom laughed uproariously before the group finally settled down to plan their next move. The wizarding world wouldn't know what hit it.