Chapter Note: I'm incredibly worried about posting this. I've been ill the last few days and it's been difficult to write as a result, but I still felt the need to put up something for you guys. Anyway, let me know if it's really awful and I'll replace it with something better once I'm well again. I may not respond to reviews right away, but I will get back to everyone as soon as I can. Thanks!

Chapter 7 – The End of an Era

The Cullens nervously crowded around the tiny magical radio, listening to the international broadcast as the painted likenesses of Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel watched intently from their portrait. Once the family had begun collecting magical artifacts that couldn't be easily explained away to any non-magical humans that might find their way inside, Esme had another room with a hidden entrance built. It was in this room that the family could now be found waiting desperately for the announcement of who was to become the newest Minister for Magic in Great Britain.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Mickey Mackelby coming to you live from the lobby of the London Ministry of Magic where we are anxiously awaiting the results of the ministerial election! As you can hear, it is pandemonium behind me as both sides are fighting to be heard in this arena."

"Please, please, oh please," Hera was murmuring from her perch on Jasper's shoulders. Her little fingers were crossed in the hope that Mr. Longbottom would win. She went silent as the nasally voice began talking once more.

"Sweet Merlin, it looks like the results are finally in… they're calling for silence. Listen closely as we find out who will be leading us into a new era," the announcer added in a whisper.

Everything went silent for a moment before a new voice lit up the airwaves. "Thank you everyone for coming here today. My name is Amelia Bones, and I have in my hands the name of our new Minister for Magic!" The sound of paper tearing preceded the news everyone was dying to hear. "Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me untold pleasure to announce our new head of government, Minister Frank Longbottom!"

Cheering resounded both over the magical radio and in the Cullen's Alaskan home. Hera was bouncing so hard on her brother's shoulders that Jasper had to grab her feet to keep her from falling backwards. "He won," the phoenix exclaimed. "Oh my gosh I can't believe he really won!"

"Ok, everyone quiet down," Carlisle said as Madam Bones' voice cut through the crowd of cheering magical folk. Hera leaned over and hugged the top of Jasper's head in glee, causing him to snicker.

"Everyone, can we have quiet for another moment," the witch asked as the crowd began to calm. "I believe Minister Longbottom has a speech prepared for us today. Minister?"

"Thank you Madam Bones," the strong and deep voice of Neville's father echoed in the ministry lobby. "And thanks to all of you wonderful people who have come today to cast your votes. It doesn't matter whether you chose to vote for me or for my esteemed opponent Mr. Fudge. All that matters is that you're here, because that means you care. Not only do you choose to concern yourselves with what happens in our grand society, you have the drive to go out and try to make it a better place. You care and you worry, as do I, about what it will take to get things to where we need them to be in order for ourselves and our families to flourish. But we will get there, ladies and gentlemen… this I can promise you.

"I would like to reference an article in our very own newspaper, The Daily Prophet, a month or so back where the delightful reporter Rita Skeeter asked a poignant question to her beloved readers. She highlighted her own worries about the state of a government that would let a professed guilty man go free simply because he had friends in high places. She was understandably concerned about those of us who aren't as blessed, and what it would take for justice to be served for the common man or woman, werewolf or vampire. She asked all of us the very important question, 'Where's our champion?'" Everyone was silent as they listened to the new minister deliver an impassioned speech.

"My dear people, I would be honored to take up that role for you. I will gladly be the champion for overworked witches and wizards, struggling to raise a family in these trying times. I will be the champion Hera Cullen has asked for in regards to all magical beings, humans or otherwise. Those species the former ministry has chosen to categorize as light or dark. Ladies and gentleman I will tell you now that there is no light and dark… only intent, and I will no longer allow our governing body to persecute an entire species for the evils committed by a select few. Anyone looking for an opportunity to shine will be given their fair chance to succeed in this new and improved society. I will happily be your champion in the battle for equality. And last, but certainly not least, I vow to be the champion you all have asked for to spearhead the fight against any terrorist who dares to threaten the lives of you or your kin!"

Carlisle turned off the radio as the supporting crowd began roaring again. Everyone sported wide grins as they filed out of the room. Edward plucked his mate from her perch on top of Jasper and attacked her with tickles. "You did it, sunshine!"

Face red with laughter and exertion, Hera shook her head. "Not me, Edward… Mr. Longbottom did it and the people who voted for him!"

"Yeah, but you're the one who laid down the law with the wizards, munchkin," a beaming Emmett spoke up with his arm around his wife. "You gave them the wakeup call and they voted in the guy that's going to make it all happen."

"That's right, princess." Carlisle gave Hera a kiss on the forehead. "You demanded change and Minister Longbottom is prepared to bring it."

Hera thought about everything for a moment before smiling mysteriously. "I guess we'll see, won't we?" She hugged her mate tightly before flashing away to the new tire swing Jasper had put up for her.

Enough politics… it was time to play!

And this marks the end of this story. In the next one Hera will be eleven years old.