Hi people. So this story has been banging around in this head for weeks now and i have finally put pen and paper together. I would like to warn you now, this is based mostly of the movies. Now there wil be changes but not to drastically.


Not many people can say that they've lived twice. I, however, am one of them. My name is Andrea Wilson. Or, it was, a long long time ago. But for you to understand, i will have to take it right back to the very beginning.


Andrea's apartment was fairly standard. With its crappy water pressure and average at best heating in winter. The walls were white, however, andrea's paintings were displayed in any spare place availiable.

Like i said. Fairly normal for a 22 year old college student with aspirations of being an illustrator.

What wasn't normal, was the fact that the kitchen window, that overlooked the amazing view of the alley behind the building and the rusty fire escape, was being pryed open from the outside, by two teenage boys with black hoodies pulled up to cover their faces. As they clambered through, the older of the two whisper-shouted to the other,

"quick! Grab any jewellery you can find. I'll look for a safe"

The younger boy nodded, albiet hesitantly. As they were rooting through Andrea's apartment, they heard the jingle of keys outside the front door.

The two teens hurried to hide their presence in her apartment. As Andrea was closing the door behind her, the younger boy accidentally kicked an eisle over, causing a domino effect, coupled with a loud clatter. Andrea, who was making her way to the living room, paused as the loud noise echoed around the almost pitch black room.

"hello? Is somebody there?" she called out in the darkness.

She wasnt expecting a reply, of coarse, she wasn't stupid.

She slowly strode forward, reaching for the light switch. As light flooded the room, the older of the two boys pulled out the gun that had been sitting in his back pocket.

As Andrea turned, scanning the room for the cause of the noise, she came face to face with the barrel of a handgun. The person who was holding the gun however, made her uneasy. He appeared to be only 15 or 16. The hand that was clenched around the gun's stock* was gripping it so hard that his knuckles were turning white.

"stay back!," he said shakily, "stay there or i'll shoot"

"you don't have to do this," Andrea replied calmly, "Just put the gun down and i'll let you leave. I promise i won't call the police"

"i can't do that," the terrified boy responded, "I-i have t-to finish the job"

Suddenly the alley below was filled with blue and red light. Coupled with the sudden blaring of sirens, Startling everyong within the apartment. However, the loud sound had caused the older boy, who was still holding the handgun in a deathgrip, to flinch. Therefore pulling the trigger.

At the sudden sound of a gunshot, Andrea felt a sharp pain in her chest. She gasped and clutched at her chest. As she looked down, she pulled her hands away, revealing crimson blood.

"Oh god, oh god, i'm sorry. I'm so sorry, oh god, we have to get out of here..." the older of the two rambled on, scrambling to the window.

Andrea just stared at the blood that that was flowing between her fingers rapidly. Her chest was constricting painfully around the bullet that she could feel, it was sitting in her chest like a shard of ice.

Her legs slowly began to lose feeling, and she sank to her knees.

The younger boy, who looked only about 11, ran forward and grabbed her shoulders, gently lowering her to the floor.

"i'm sorry. Our stepfather made us do this. I hope you can forgive us" He said, tears staining his face.


Andrea's POV:

Fuck. Getting shot fricking hurt.

As i lay on the floor, the boy, who had been begging forgiveness, was pulled up by my shooter, and was dragged to the kitchen, and forced out the window.

"Freeze! Put your hands in the air!"

Huh. Where did they come from?

I couldn't call out for help, because blood began bubbling up my throat and out of my mouth.

I was vaguely aware that i had stopped breathing, and that my heart was pounding so hard that it sounded like a horse galloping in my chest.

I gasped as i felt my heart jolt to a stop, and all i saw was white.

Dun dun DDDUUUUUNNNN. Okay, yes. I know its a cliche ending but i could not think of a better ending. And i was writing this in english, where we are studying shakespeare, so dramatic ending it it is! Also, pay attention to the fact that she saw WHITE and not black.

Now i shall return to my mind palace and create another chapter for all you pretties to enjoy.

Guten tag!

* the stock of a gun is either the handgrip of a handgun! Or the rear of a gun, that you brace with your shoulder when you shoot