LL: Guess who's back~ Back again~ I. AM. BACK. Tell a friend~ Yes after almost a year since I have last updated and yes I am not dead...or am I? Dun Dun DUN.

Anyways I know I took forever with this well the reason for that was I was busy with school I was in my last year of high school and now I'm in my first year of college. This is so freaky since I started this when I was in 10th or 11th grade and now I'm almost 19 I feel so old~ But to make up for the fact that I've been gone for so long this chapter is now the longest chapter I have ever written and its longer by almost 1000 words and not only that some people seem to enjoy Mizuki's crazy thoughts so I added alot of that~

Now I know you guys don't wanna listen to me ramble now so enjoy the story~ (/^-^)/

Chapter Song: Never Shout Never- Trouble

No P.O.V

L watched as Mizuki rushed towards the kitchen in her embarrassment. Though his cheeks were a bit pink as his looked towards Watari to see him with a small smile. Before L could ask what it was that Watari wanted to tell him Watari said, "I expect no less than 2 grandchildren for me to spoil." At that L's face turned a bright red as he was at a loss of words and before he could say anything Watari turned and left towards the kitchen as Mizuki was walking in.

Mizuki avoided looking at Watari still embarrassed that he had caught them kissing, but she raised an eyebrow at the fact that L's face was a bit red which was very visible with his pale face. Mizuki shrugged it off as nothing as she started drinking her juice through a straw not really wanting to take off her mask. L turned back to work as he smelled something- smoke. More specifically cigarette smoke. He looked at Mizuki as she sipped at her juice, 'It couldn't be…' He leaned in as he took another deep breath through his nose.

Mizuki P.O.V

I sat down on the couch next to L with my juice as I started thinking. It wasn't until I noticed L lean towards me that I looked at him to see him taking a sniff of the air. I stiffened in my seat as I our eyes met and I could tell he knew what I was doing. I tried to play if off my breaking eye contact and taking another sip of my juice and ignoring the elephant in the room.

"Mizuki." I looked down at my juice as I tried to act innocent by saying, "Yes?" We made eye contact again before he said, "You've been smoking." He didn't ask he was stating it but I still shook my head at him before I reluctantly stopped and nodded sheepishly at what he said.

"You know it's a bad habit." He said as he reprimanded me. "It's a good thing I don't make it a habit. God knows I already have too many bad habits." I retorted. I turned away from him for a second before I saw a pale palm in front of my face. I looked at him confused before I saw his expectant look before I realized what he wanted. I looked at him with realization and I scowled a bit as I knew if I didn't give him the pack of cigarettes he'd either try and take it by force or would pester me until I did. I reluctantly took out the pack and put it in his hand. I sat in my seat and pouted and he hid away my cigarettes which I'm pretty sure he'd throw away later. 'Goodbye old friend~ It's been a long day without you my friend~ Great now I have that song stuck in my head.'

I sat in my seat as I started thinking about the events that were about to happen. 'At this point Light is most likely giving up ownership of Rem's death note and then he'll be here in confinement later today. That means I'll have a lot of time to do things since both Light and Misa will be confined for almost 2 months so I could pay a little visit to someone or a couple of someone's. There's also the fact that some people-coughcoughAizawacough- wouldn't like the fact that Light, Misa, and are in confinement while a criminal like myself wouldn't be in confinement...I could leave today.' I cringed at that thought since I would have to be away from L and I wouldn't be able to keep on eye on everyone. 'But, if I'm not there they have no reason to believe that I know anything about what's going on in the Task Force or anything dealing with Kira and the fact that the deaths stop for a while when Light's in confinement.' I sighed because if I do leave then that means I have less time to make Light's life a living hell when he in confinement. I could already feel a headache coming on from all of my thinking. I just really don't know what to do! I took a deep breathe as I tried to calm down, 'Ok calm down, let's think of this logically while nothing really happened during Light's confinement other than the killings stopping and then staring once Higuchi has the death note. Logically nothing bad happened to L but even though I know this my paranoia doesn't want me to leave because I feel like once I leave something bad will happen to him even though I know I haven't really changed things too much.'

I groaned as I slid out of my seat onto the floor and took off my mask to start banging my head on the coffee table. I could feel L's gaze on me as I continued hitting my head on the table. "What's wrong?" He finally asked after the 8th time my head met the table. I stopped as I rested my head on the table and said, "I don't know what I should do right now...I have a job to do as Kitsune but I really don't feel comfortable leaving you here. It's not like I doubt the fact that you can do things on your own I just don't want things to go bad and I'm not here to keep you safe if there's ever a need for me to keep you safe. To be completely blunt I'm worried that something will happen and you end up getting hurt or worse killed."

"It isn't your job to protect me." My mouth twitched upwards as I said, "Won't stop me from trying to protect you either way… Even if protecting you ends up costing me my life." I whispered the last part to myself. I felt hands quickly land on my shoulders and looked up to see L's face looking at me angrily. 'Wow, I've never seen L so angry…'

"I told you it's not your job to protect me so don't you dare give up your life trying to protect mine!" I winced a bit as I thought, 'So, he heard what I said...' I looked into his angry grey eyes and even though he was angry it still warmed my heart a bit to see that he cared about me enough to drop his emotionless mask. "L, please don't ask me not to give my life for yours because to be truthful if your life were ever to be on the line I'd throw myself in the way without a second thought if it meant that you were safe." I saw as his eyes widened at the determination and absolute promise that I knew I held in my eyes. I felt as his hands dropped from my shoulders.

Now I know what you're thinking 'Mizuki you haven't even known L for long and you'd already give up your life for him?'

Well that's just it though L is the type of person that I look up to who helps people by solving the most difficult cases that no one else can solve. He's someone who seeks justice to those who have been wronged to help people like well...me. That's one of the things in my world when my father and sister were killed no one went out and tried to catch the guys who killed them. No one would seek the justice I so much wanted. When they never caught the group who did it I just kept getting angrier and angrier. They were the ones who killed the one person important to me and I just ended up... taking the situation into my own hands. That's how Kitsune started, even though I trained before I even thought of going after them I just used what I knew and then I searched for them and when I did find them I was so full of hatred and I wanted...retribution for what they did.

...I tortured them I made them suffer and that's what scares me so much because I found myself enjoying hurting them...like they hurt Hinata. I still remember every bit of torture that I dished out on them. I remember starting out small but painful like splinters under their nail beds, then removing the nails. Then I moved on to cutting their skin where it would be most painful and then breaking their bones and ligaments, after I ended up cutting them open one by one as if they were a fish but I made sure that they were awake for it but they didn't feel it because I wanted them to watch as I poked at their insides. After that I sewed them back up and eventually I just set them on fire and spilled acid on them but no, I didn't kill them, but with all the torture it just wore them out… in the end they barely even put up a fight because...they wanted to die. They begged me for death and you know what's the worse part I didn't kill them I left them alive. What I did to them was already killing them, haunting them, living with all that...they could be 2 ways as to what they did after what I did there are some who would try to live through it but they'd be scared for life they wouldn't heal from what I did to them the other option they'd rather end their lives themselves. I don't pretend that I'm a nice person like Light does because I know that the things that I've done are unforgivable and I'm more than likely going to hell but at least I don't hide behind a mask like Light does. I may wear a mask but my actions and feelings are true...then again I was never one for hiding away my emotions especially my anger. I'm a monster that wears a mask but wears their emotions on their sleeve, plain and simple I may be similar to Light, but I'm not gonna say that the things that I do are for the good of every person. I'm not gonna say that my actions are completely justified or good, that the people I've killed are making the world a better place the only thing that ever started making a difference in the world was the money that I got from those jobs. Killing criminals won't stop the world's problems, it won't stop world hunger, it won't keep people from being homeless, and it won't stop horrible diseases from spreading and killing innocents. Even if Light did get rid of all the world's criminals there would still be innocent people dying, there would still be people suffering because that's just it he's no god he's just a naive boy who think that he could blame all the world's problems on criminals because they're the easiest targets to blame they hurt, they kill, and most don't have many morals at all they are what normal people view as real life monsters that they are most afraid of. They aren't the monster that hide under your bed or in your closet it's the monsters that look just like anyone else they would be anyone that you pass by on the street who can smile and laugh and cry, because the monsters like that are the most terrifying since you never know where they could be or when they can strike. They could befriend you and make you believe that they care for you only for them to kill you with a smile on their face and tears at your funeral. They would laugh at the look on you face as they saw the surprise, betrayal, horror and more than anything your fear of what's to come. There are even those monster that just want to see others suffer who'll break your body, your mind, your spirit,and even your heart and smile at your suffering as you try and keep yourself together only for you to fall apart.

Thinking about it just makes me hate humanity that much more they could easily become monsters who could lie, cheat, steal, kill, and hurt others if it suits them.

"You seem to be in deep thought Mizuki." I snapped back to reality as I looked back up at L, he was looking up at me with wide eyes and he had his thumb to his mouth. I smiled a bit as I said, "Aw, it's nothing to worry your head over you just focus on the Kira case." He frowned a bit before he turned towards his laptop. "You do know that without your mask on I could tell that you are lying but for your sake I won't ask what you were thinking about."

After a while the Task Force came back from their break and Misa was still unconscious but I knew she wouldn't be for long and like I thought I saw Misa shifting a bit as she was regaining consciousness.

"Um, Mister Stalker? Hello mister, where are you right now? Do you think we could stop this game?" L had paused in the middle of his eating and everyone else was in a state of confusion over her sudden change in attitude.

"Mister Stalker this is illegal you have to stop ok? Come on please?" I was watching this all happen from my seat on the other side of the couch that L was on. "She's been acting like this ever since she regained consciousness." Said Aizawa. "Seriously does she think she can get out of this just by playing dumb?" Questioned Matsuda.

'Oh no dear Matsuda she's not playing dumb,she is dumb, but in this cause she really doesn't know why she's in this situation her only knowledge right now is the fact that she was kidnapped.'

"Ok how about this, you can at least take off my blindfold don't you think? I'd be nice to see what you look like."

L said, "Matsuda call Mogi for me." L held out his hand for his cell phone as Matsuda dialed the number and handed it to L. After L's conversation with Mogi Misa then said, "What if I give you an autograph or shake your hand? I know! I can give you a kiss on the cheek if you want? Oh come on I won't run away I promise!"

This while I know that it's supposed to be serious I can't help but be amused by it all honestly this whole situation is hilarious! L clicked the mic button as he then called, "Misa Amane."

"Hm what's that Mister Stalker are you planning to release me?" L said, "Before you passed out you barely spoke and you even asked me to kill you and now you're claiming ignorance?"

"I don't understand, I mean you're the one who knocked me out and then brought me here remember? Wait I get it this is some kind of Misa Amane interrogation fantasy right?"

At this point I was dying on the inside everyone was so unsure and confused at this point and her accusation just made me want to laugh myself silly. "Do you know why I'm detaining you here you must have some idea?"

"What do you mean? Its because I'ma celebrity obviously, but you're definitely the first stalker who's ever gone this far and you're starting to scare me." It seems like Matsuda was starting to get impatient because he then grabbed the microphone and then yelled, "Hey Amane! No one's buying this so cut it out!"

"Oh this is scary. What's going on? I can't stand it anymore please let me go! You have to let me go!" It's funny how she's so desperate to be let out but it's also sad because I know that she's just gonna be held here for another month and to already see her so desperate it's quite honestly...pathetic.

"I-I need to go to the bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom again ok!" I internally snorted her attempts at getting out of those chains were getting more pathetic as well. "It's only been 4 minutes since you last went to the bathroom I'm afraid you'll have to hold it."

"You have to! It's the only time you'll untie me and let me move, plus you'd be able to watch isn't that what you want? Isn't it? You Pervert!" This time I really did snort at what she said. L was in a state of puzzlement I would be too if my prisoner was close to spilling the beans just to suddenly not have the information you've been wanting.

"I'm a...pervert?" I laughed as the others glared at me I just raised my hands in surrender as I grinned behind my mask. "Amane let's get back to the conversation we were having before you lost consciousness. First of all do you know who Light Yagami is? And if so why did you approach him?"

"Huh? What do you mean how can I not know my own boyfriend?" I could tell that the whole Task Force was confused about this as they had no idea that Misa gave up her Death Note and forfeited her memories along with it. It was then that L's phone ended up ringing which I no doubt knew it was Light calling. They turned off the Tv as L answered the phone. "... yes I understand we'll be expecting you in room K-2801"

'Whether I leave or stay and might get imprisoned as well no longer matters to me at this point, while I know that most people would want to accuse me of being Kira, but logically it doesn't really make much sense for a criminal like myself to kill other criminals and not only that but I don't really have a strong sense of justice the way Light is. Eh whatever, if I get locked away then I'll just have fun with it~. '

After L's conversation with Light it was just a waiting game for what's next. Will Light be confined for a month, will L be confused, will I put a bullet in Light's head the answer to those questions are yes, yes, and unfortunately no. Cue disappointed sigh, and depressed face.

I then heard the door open as Light walked in, 'You know this would have been one of those perfect moments where you could've been in a spinning chair with the back facing him to then spin around and say something cool like I've been expecting you or I knew you'd come crawling back. I should've done that.' I thought as I frowned. 'Should've, would've, could've, but didn't.'

"Ryuzaki, like I said over the phone...I could be Kira." Said Light.

'Could, would, should, no wait you are.' I was brought out of my thoughts by a loud gasp as Mr, Yagami grabbed Light by the shoulders as he yelled, "No, Light! What are you talking about!? Why would you even say something like that!? Why!?" Him. Honestly at this point I actually felt pretty bad for he wants to believe so much that his own son isn't Kira. "Look, Dad if Ryuzaki is L then its safe to say that he's the world's best detective and right now he seems pretty sure that I'm Kira. You know L's never been wrong before."

Mr. Yagami seems to be in a real shock from what Light was saying but then he stuttered out, " Wha-what are you saying Light? Stop this!"

'You know as heartless as this sounds. It's like there's a real life drama happening in front of me, I'm actually tempted to make popcorn to enjoy the rest of this.'

Light started then running his mouth spouting bullshit about how he might be "subconsciously Kira" I was actually thinking about dinner since I got bored of this drama when Light started talking more than 5 seconds I honestly can't help it though he just sounds so...boring. 'Hm, maybe we could have some mango ice cream with hot sauce a perfect blend of sweet and spicy.' I am now internally drooling, 'Now I actually do hope that I don't get lo locked away cause then that would mean no more sweet and spicy foods...OH NO! Locked away=no comfort foods. I can't be locked away! I don't deserve it...OK maybe I actually do but they can't take away my comfort foods! That'd be like sinning...OK but I'm a bad guy so wouldn't that mean that they're doing something good? Oh no! I'm making sense!'

I was then brought back to reality by the Matsuda show, "Hold on Light! I feel exactly the same way. I found myself thinking before that some people would be better off dead, but still that doesn't mean we're gonna go and kill people, isn't that right?-"

'Er, am I in that category of better off dead cause honestly that actually was hurtful if I am in that category, Matsuda how could you betray me! I thought we were BFFLAB's!' (Best Friends For Life And Beyond, hehe Beyond)

"-Besides criminals were still being killed even when you had no knowledge of them, I mean the surveillance cameras proved it didn't they!" I frowned as I thought, 'Poor Matsuda, he's always trying to see the good in people who seem like the most innocent and unsuspecting of people. People like Light, but he's just playing everyone like a violin with his act. He has everyone fooled.'

I heard L sigh as I was then brought out of my thought, "Honestly I don't like the way this is going at all, but what choice do I have...Let's do it. I need you to fully restrain Light Yagami and place him in solitary confinement."

"What! You can't!" Mr. Yagami protested. 'Yeah, you can't do that unless you throw away the key after.'

"You want us to...confine him? Seriously?" Matsuda asked in shock. "If were gonna do this then it has to happen immediately….From this point on you can't be allowed to go anywhere where I can't see you." Said L as Mr. Yagami then protested, "This is crazy! There's no way my son could be Kira, my son's not capable of-"

"It's okay Dad." Light said as he cut off his father. "Stop this Light." Pleaded Mr. Yagami. "Listen something has to be done about this as long as I'm having these doubts I can't work with you to catch Kira, but Ryuzaki promise me this. Until you can say with absolute certainty that I'm not Kira, you cannot set me free no matter what I might say or what condition I might be in."

"You have my word, Mr. Yagami can you come up with some sort of excuse for Light's absence? Something to tell your family and please do it now."

'Light… you end up hurting all the people around you, you know? Mr. Yagami, Mrs. Yagami, Sayu, Misa, Kiyomi, Matt, Mello, the Task Force, ...Watari and L. I guess you just end up destroying everything you touch, your no god, you're not a savior to the people, you're just a parasite who leeches off of others until you no longer need and latch on to another host who suits your needs.'

"B-but this is all so sudden what should I say? And I see no reason he should be imprisoned!" Argued Mr. Yagami. "Let it go Dad, if I don't do this I won't be to live with myself."

"But son, do you really mean that?" At this point was sounding desperate, I could understand that he no doubt loves his son and only wants the best for him and to hear this… it must be killing him.

"Yeah I believe that by giving up my very freedom I'll defeat this fear that Kira lurks within me." In no time they had Light blindfolded, had a pair of noise canceling headphones and was handcuffed, 'Now that's a beautiful sight Light being handcuffed and blindfolded, now all I need in some gasoline and matches and I can make my dreams come true. He'll never see or hear it coming.'

Aizawa then started leading Light away to confinement and knowing what I know I knew that when Aizawa came back Mr. Yagami was no doubt going request to be confined as well. Next thing you know another screen turned on and it showcased Light on there.

'Good, now that they're out of the way and Light's on his way to losing his memories I'd be able to do some scheming of my own. While Light is a genius he most likely didn't account for my capabilities and my knowledge and so, he most likely has no definite plan for killing me. Well unless it involves L or he tries to remove my mask himself but that won't work out for him very well for one thing I go out of my way to make sure that I'd be very difficult for anyone to remove it,unless I allow them to remove it.' My new mask is a lightweight metal that charges out electricity to the outside part of the mask and would shock anyone not wearing rubber gloves and even if they were wearing rubber gloves the mask is bonded to my face with an agent that is super tough. I guess it works like a locked door it'll stay closed unless you have a specific key and that key is the other half of that agent which makes the mask slide right off. I can't tell you how hard it was to make since not only did I have to make sure it worked, I had to make sure it didn't damage my face and make sure the agent didn't come off by things like sweat, water, oil, alcohol, vinegar, and etc. I gotta say the chemical compound to it is very complex.

'Anyways the one thing Light definitely didn't account for would be someone on my side that he didn't know about, Beyond Birthday. Just thinking about this makes me want to grin… I needed to know the location of the death note that was buried somewhere. So, I had Beyond follow Light and while Raye Penber was just an investigator he most likely hasn't had much experience with stalking people not like Beyond did while he was killing. I have confidence in Beyond that he wouldn't get caught especially someone as smart as him, I mean he did nearly beat L at his own game. No genius killer worth his salt would get himself caught.'

I was so lost in thought I was startled when Matsuda said, "Hey Mizuki, you've been kind of quiet this whole time what are you thinking about?" I looked at Matsuda. "I've mostly just been observing all of you since I've been trying to predict as to how everything is going to go next."

"What do you mean?" Questioned Matsuda. "What I mean is the fact that with Light and Misa confined and the fact that their suspected killers I have no doubt that when Aizawa gets back he is going to point out the fact that I'm definitely a killer and will question the fact that I'm getting special treatment as compared to Light and Misa. Since there is a very high chance of that happening and if it does I will allow myself to be confined it if settles everyone's worries. The only thing that I just now realize is the fact that I don't have anyone to take care of Shadow."

'Especially since I have Beyond running some errands in my place, he better not die in the meantime. He still needs to show me where they hid the Death Note.'

"You really think that's going to happen?" A curious Matsuda said as he tilted his head. I nodded as I said, "Yup, I have analyzed Aizawa's personality and so at this point he's pretty easy to predict even when he seems like he's the unpredictable type."

Our conversation was cut off as we heard the door open and Aizawa walked in. It was silent as we all watched the screens that was until Mr. Yagami stepped up and said, "Ryuzaki, I'd like to request that you take me off this investigation." Both Aizawa and Matsuda protested as they voiced their confusion. "I thought about it and the fact is that we're holding my son, Light as a prime suspect. Given that it's not appropriate for me to be here. When we spoke earlier my feelings got in the way it's impossible for me to be objective in this situation."

" I agree with you, we can't let personal feelings get in the way." For some reason I felt a sting from that and I felt… doubt. 'L's not the type to let his feelings get in the way so would he ever just send me off to my execution even if he did have feelings for me, or he could be faking having feelings for me just to turn me into the police… Even when I think about that happening though I can't find it in myself to feel any negative emotion towards him. All I feel is awe and I guess proud. I guess I'm in awe as to how far he would go for justice and I'd probably just happily let him lend me to be executed. If justice makes him happy and me dying is serving justice then I'd be ok with dying.'

"And in truth, if-...if the Task Force concludes that my son is Kira I don't know what I'd be capable of." Mr. Yagami looks so pained by this, it made me sad. "Yes, I'll agree with you there, to be honest I wondered what you might do I believed you'd kill your son and then yourself, but I also agree that it's best that we don't have you working here for now." L said as he lifted his fork and grabbed what looked like some fruit just to grab and different piece with his hand and then popped a piece of fruit into his mouth.

"Ryuzaki, I ask will ask that you confine me as well." I could just sense the surprise and confusion from both Aizawa and Matsuda at this point. "At the moment I'm calm but to be honest I'm not sure how much more of this I can take."

"I thought you might say that so I spoke with Watari, he's made arrangements, but your confinement will be different you will keep your cell phone turned on and maintain regular contact with family and friends, you won't tell Light about this if he does call you at some point he must be made to believe that you're still at headquarters. While you're in confinement we'll be giving you continuous updates on the investigation so that you'll know what's happening."

Mr. Yagami had his head bowed as he said, "Thank you, I'm grateful."

Next thing you know Bippity Bobbity Boom Mr. Yagami was then in confinement. Seeing the look on Aizawa's face I counted down as L looked at me from right next to him as I mumbled out, "3...2...1-"

"L, do you honestly think it's fair for Light, Misa, hell even the Chief for the three of them to be confined while Kitsune in still scott free. What makes you think that she couldn't be Kira as well?" He said as his face contorted in annoyance. I heard as Matsuda whispered out, "Wow, Mizuki was right about Aizawa."

"Hm, I can see where you're concerned Aizawa and I'm sure Mizuki here already knew this was coming." L said. Aizawa stared in confusion as he said, "She did?"

"Yes, I did. I had a feeling that with Misa and Light's confinement you would want me to be confined as well and since I knew Mr. Yagami would've wanted to be confined as well, well that just raised the chances of you wanting for me to be imprisoned to I had already dealt with everything the only thing that I am concerned about is my cat, Shadow. Though you could just tell Naomi to go pick him up so he can be fed and cared for with you guys. Which I would very much appreciate if you would."

'I guess this is it, I'm going to be imprisoned for about a month and a half...I'm really starting to regret this and they still haven't even restrained me yet. Then again I could always just break out of my cage when I'm bored and hang out with L. A month and a half without L? Yeah I'm definitely breaking out for a while.'

LL: I honesly can't remember if I said in a different chapter that she killed off the people who killed her sister did I? Can someone tell me I'm too tired to go check if I did say she killed them forget that ever happened and another thing I forgot to say this way back then but I'm making L younger than he actually is in cannon he was 24 but in this story he's 21.

Now I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope I can update more often for now~