Deathly Green: Chapter 1: Meeting the Creepypasta's.

How's it going Bruh's, My name is Dark! And Welcome, to my Masterpiece, Deathly Green, A story that's Inspired by Harry & the Creepypasta Family, by Spidey108, It's a good story, you should totally read it. It is Badass. In this story, Harry's Creepypasta Name will be Deathly Green, Because of his eyes, And his soul will merge with the Horcrux in his Scar, giving him a green aura/magic. Also, Harry is 9 in this story. Enjoy the story!

"Go to Sleep." - Speech

"I AM GOD!" - BEN & EXE Speech

'What's Up?'- Thoughts

'Hello, do you want to play with me?' - BEN & EXE Thoughts

"Hm... Hi." - Slender Speech


"AHH!" Cried Harry as he was beaten by Vernon Dursley. "THIS'LL TEACH YOU, GETTING ME FIRED FREAK!" Vernon then dragged Harry and threw him into the Closet underneath the staircase, "I expect you to be up before us, and for breakfast to be ready when we're up Freak!" Vernon shouted when he was done & Closed the Door & Locked it. Harry then sat there Crying about how he was treated, Why did they call him that? WHY?!

Then Harry realised something.

They beat him, so Why couldn't he do the same? Harry Grinned Maliciously, as his Mind Snapped. He then got a Knife he snuck into his room when the Dursleys weren't looking. He Stuck it in between the door & the doorframe, and pushed it in, this broke the loock of the door. Harry got out, and realised, 'I can just Walk out of the door, right now. No one would care... But, the thought of paying back the Dursleys, is too tempting to pass up.' Harry thought Maliciously, before he got another Kitchen Knife from the Drawer, This one was a large Cleaver. Large enough that it could cut up the Chicken the Dursleys have every Christmas, and that thing was fuckin' HUGE, Like medium sized dog big.

Harry then slowly, as to not make any noise, and walked up to Dudley's room, he walked in, Dudley was snoring almost as load as Vernon. Harry got to the edge of the bed, and reached over to Dudley's mouth, he covered his mouth, and Dudley woke up immediately, his eyes screamed panic, he looked at Harry, who was grinning so much, the Joker would have been proud. Harry then Slit Dudley's Throat.

He tiptoed towards Vernon & Petunia's room, he went to Vernon's side of the bed, and stabbed Vernon in the Heart, And then the Face. He went to the other side of the bed, & stabbed Petunia in the side of her head. Harry Grinned, "Hehe, Finally, I'm Free." Harry said through his maniacal laughing.

Harry then realised something for the third time, 'Those who are dead, won't need their stuff. Hehe.' He then walked to Dudley's room, and grabbed some things to keep him entertained, he saw some kind of gray brick thing, with the word 'Nintendo' on it, he grabbed it and noticed something red in the back, it said 'Pokemon', Whatever the hell that is

He noticed a yellow version of the thing in the back, and other ones, he grabbed them and went downstairs, and noticed an oil lamp, he grinned and thought, 'They were my family, I might as well send them out with a bang!' he grabbed the lamp, and broke the top of it, and started trailing oil around the house, he then grabbed a backpack, and put the stuff he took, & his knives, into the bag, and grabbed a match, which were on Vernon's bedside table, for whenever he wanted a smoke

And he lit the match, got a bit further away from the oil, and tossed the match into the oil, the oil was burning, and set the house on fire, Harry ran away, into the night.

(1 month later)

Harry was grinning, he had just killed the last of Dudley's gang & his Family, Gordon, Harry remembered his name, It was Gordon. Harry was about to wander into a forest, because Harry wanted to see if there were any campers he could kill. When he saw it, it appeared to be a 9 foot tall man, he was wearing a black suit, with a red tie, but there was something weird about the man, he had no face.

There was no indentations to suggest eyes, or a mouth, or any curves, to suggest ears, or a nose. Harry stared at the man, who appeared to be looking at Harry. Harry got out of his shock, and said, "Who the hell are you?" Harry said bluntly.

Slender was shocked, most children would scream in fear when they saw him. But this child just asked him who he was after staring a bit. He then noticed the child was reaching for something in his bag, he was curious, what will the child bring out.

Harry brought out his Butcher Cleaver, and ran at Slender, aiming to chop at him, Slender as amused, a child, attempting to kill him with a knife. Then the child started stabbing him, he grabbed the boy & spoke to him through his mind. "Calm yourself Child, I will not harm you." Slender transmitted into his mind. Harry was astounded, this being, with NO MOUTH, just spoke to him.

'This child somewhat reminds me of Jeff.' Slender then had an idea, "Child, do you want to live with me?" Harry was stupefied. The Being wanted him to live with it, that was crazy... 'But, It has been a while since I've lived under a roof, Possibly with food.' Harry then decided, "Sure, I'll live with you," Slender smiled... Well at least he did on the inside. "Follow me child."Slender then stalked off, with Harry close behind.

(Half an hour Later)

Harry was, yet again, Astounded. In front of him was a HUGE-ASS, FUCKING MANSION! Seriously, the thing looked like it could have 200 Vernon's living in it, an 300 Dudley's living in it as well. Slender must have noticed this, and said, "Don't worry child, there aren't many rooms in the mansion, though they are rather big." Slender said, Harry was still shocked.

They went inside, and Harry immediately had a knife to his throat. "Just Go to Slee- HURGK!" said and grunted a voice behind him. He turned around and saw a boy who looked to be about 15, he was chalk white, he had black rings around his eyes, and had a smile carved into his face, he was wearing a white hoodie and jeans, he had a knife in one of his hands, the other was trying to get a tentacle off his neck, Harry's line of sight followed the tentacle, and it was coming from Slender's back.

"Jeff, please, do not try and kill your new housemate." Slender then let go of Jeff, and Jeff looked at Harry, but not before flipping off Slender, "So, you're living with us now, Name's Jeff, nice to meet you Kid." "I'm Harry.", Harry then went back to Slender, and he started to take Harry around the house, first was the lounge, where Harry saw 2 people watching TV.

One was a Clown, except this clown had razor sharp fingers, and a long spiky nose. The other had a blue mask(?), and brown hair coming over the top of it, the eyes of the Mask(?) were Black holes that appeared to be bleeding a black substance.

They then noticed Harry & Slender, the clown said, "Hey Slendy, what's that behind you, did you bring EJ here a snack?" he asked, while the blue one was staring at Harry. "No, this is Harry, He's going to be living with us, that means no killing him, and DEFINITELY no eating his organs." Slender said, "Harry, these to are Laughing Jack & Eyeless Jack, the Clown is Laughing Jack, and the Blue one is Eyeless Jack, but we call them LJ & EJ, as to not get confused."

They then left that room and saw a dog, this dog was red with a black tuft of fur, and was smiling with sharp human teeth, "Harry, this is Smile Dog, we call him Smile." they left Smile in the hallway, then they went into a room full of Game Covers (Not that Harry knew what they were) and in that room was 3 people, playing Halo.

One was a teenager, he had green clothes, and a green hat, he had black sclerae & Red Pupils & Irises, he was also crying blood.

The next person was what appeared to be an Anthropomorphic Hedgehog, he was blue, he had red shoes with a white stripe and a gold buckle, his eyes were the same as the Green wearing teen.

The Next one was another teen, Harry could only presume, as you couldn't see the teen's face, it was shadowed by his hair, but you could see glowing red eyes & a grin filled with sharp teeth.

They all heard the door opening, and looked, the Blue Hedgehog said, "Oi, Slendy, who's the Kid?" They others seemed to want to know as well. "EXE, Ben, Steven, this is Harry, he is going to be living with us from now on." "Is he going to become one of us?" asked the boy in Green -Ben, Harry Presumed- "Yes, he is." Harry didn't know what he meant by that, "Cool." Said Steven, "Hey, Kid, My name's EXE, Pleasure to meet you." "I'm BEN, but you can Call me Ben." "and I'm S!3V3N, Just Call me Steven." said the Game Trio(The Game Trio = BEN, S!3V3N, & EXE). "OK, Harry, I'll show you you're room later, I'll be in the Lounge when you want to know."Harry Nodded, and Grinned 'I get the feeling that I'll enjoy the time I spend here.' Harry didn't know now, but this would be the best decision of his life.

(Chapter End)

Hey~ Bruh's, Did you enjoy this chapter, if so then Favourite, Follow, & Review, also Keep Reading. And If you didn't like, then you can fuck off. So, this chapter was Longer than most, because I wanted to start it off with a bang. It was going to be longer, but Word crash, but I was Lucky enough to save 1601 word of the story & the 146 words of the Authors Note at the Beginning, it was originally going to be about 2200 words. Sadly that isn't happening. Later Bruh's, Dark Out!