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![]() Author has written 28 stories for Harry Potter, Little Miss Sunshine, Gossip Girl, Glee, Inception, Vampire Diaries, Mortal Instruments, Power Rangers, and Covenant. Hello, I'm Magen. I like to write stories, but I go through phases, so, I'll work on one story for a whole month, and almost finish it, then I lose interest and start another story (or go back to last month's story.) So please be patient. I will always finish a story, it just might take me some time to get there. I also write on , but I haven't posted anything yet. I'm still trying to get the feel of the website, and the whole non-fanfiction thing. I'm eighteen years old, live in the Great USA, and am a complete and total bookworm, with no life outside of my books, my stories, and my TV shows. Well, not a very exciting one anyway, but I like it. I'm just starting out writing on this website, though I've been reading from it for ages, and there are many, many great writers here. I bow to the masters. THE ICON IS NOT MINE! I JUST FOUND IT ON LIVEJOURNAL! Just had to make sure that was posted. none of the icons you see on my profile are mine, much to my everlasting sadness, cause I don't know how to make them. :'( If you want to know who made them, PM me, and I'll let you know. I love reviews. Please review, even if you don't like it. I don't think I'll cry (that much) if you hate what I write, but please, honesty is appreciated.
What I'm working on: -Glee. It's not hard to say what pairing I'll be doing the most of, which is Matchel/Berryford (Matt/Rachel). I'm so upset that Matt's gone...But I also like Puckelberry (Rachel/Puck) and Mikel/Cherry (Mike/Rachel). -Glee, keeping the above mention in mind, I am a Kurtofsky (Kurt/Karofsky) shipper, and not ashamed of it. I am sorry if you don't like it, but this is FANfiction, and there is a back button. Sorry if that seems harsh, but a few of my frineds have been harshly criticized in reviews, and I don't appreciate it. -Inception. Just typing the word gives me the shudders and shivers. Mm. Anyway, my favorite characters are Arthur, Ariadne, Eames, and Robert Fischer Jr. Any possible pairings between any of them, I absolutely adore. I do love the other characters, however, these four are just awesome. My favorite pairings right now are Arthur/Ariadne and Eames/Robert Fischer Jr. I have one A/A in the making, and three E/R's practically writing themselves. Those three will be connected, I'm just not sure how, but keep checking in for updates. -The Losers. Wow, I can't tell you how much I love this movie/comic book. The pairings, if any, will probably just be Jensen/Cougar, be it friendship or romance, because I love them the most. Maybe something on Roque, but I haven't gotten that far yet. -Supernatural Cas/Meg. I shipped them before 'Caged Heat' but in secret. Now that it's sort of canon...yeah, not passing that one up. I've got an High School AU coming soon for that. -Tron: Legacy Sam/Edward Dillinger Jr. Another guilty pleasure, but Edward Dillinger Jr. IS PLAYED BY CILLIAN MURPHY! Even though he's only in the movie for a bit, it's still Cillian Murphy. -Black Swan. I liked the movie, and I have my own thoughts on various plot lines and such (BTW If anyone wants to talk about them, just send me a message) and it will probably be a little while before I actually post anything, but I know I want to make it a Nina/OC, or Nina/Andrew (the guy from the bar, i.e. Sebastian Stan). -The Young Avengers: Speed/Patriot, Patriot/Iron Lad. -Runaways: Victor/Molly. Of course, she'd have to be older. -Switched at Birth: Bay/Emmett. I love them, and I hope they stay together. I'm working on a few different 'Five Things' one shots for them, hopefully they will be up soon. -Shameless (US): Ian/Mickey. I think there so much potential for fic there, but unfortunately, there isn't much. I'm working on a few 'Five Things' oneshots for them as well. Published WIP: -Give it Away. a Glee fic, is a Quinn/OC. I love Quinn, but I don't think any of the guys on the show are right for her, so I put her with my OC Zack. -Don't Ever Look Back, a Glee Fic, based on Matchel (Matt/Rachel). This is my sad/dramatic version of why Matt changed schools. -A Series of (Un) Fortunate Events, a Vampire Diaries fic, focused on the pairing Mason Lockwood and Jenna Sommers. Quite possibly the most amazingly epic pairing on this show, besides Tyler/Jeremy (But they're just for slash fans). Not sure how many chapters, but will definitely be at least three chapters. I'm in love with this story, really, and i have gotten about 100 favs AND Story alerts, separately. Ya'll are awesome! Will be finished soon, but with the recent turn of events in the show, I'm just having trouble with where to go next plot-wise. -ALLCW, almost done, one chapter to go. This will be finished SOON, I promise, but I've only just gotten my laptop back after two months, so it may take time. But be patient a little longer, and it'll pay off. -Never Enough, a Chase Collins fic, not really sure where it's headed. Started out as something to do when I had free time in Spanish 1, but it's morphed. No reviews though, it might not be as good as I hoped it would be. Oh well. New chapter should be up soon. -"Taking Chances" a one-shot series for the Covenant, based on TylerOC, CalebOC, and maybe a little PogueOC and ReidOC. It's very roughly written, some of my earliest fanfiction attempts, so please read with caution. They were literally written when I was fourteen. I just can't bring myself to edit them. NO! Actually, I'm re-vamping this series after all, I just need time to do it! Last Note: The way I write is methodical, and it hardly changes from this schedule: I get interested in a fandom, or pairing, which is then followed by fanfiction ideas. I think up different scenes and scenarios, and if I'm satisfied with the flow, I will write a few scenes down in my composition notebook. Then, from there, I'll type something up, and if I like it, I'll shape it up, and post it here. This may seem too complicated (I've been told I think too much, along with over-thinking it too much-it's true) but that's just how I work. I'm always trying to incorporate different techniques into my own, so if anyone has questions or comments, like you just want to talk about styles, Message me! I'd love to hear how other people write, or how people like to read things (format, paragraph spacing, things like that). |