Series Title: Happily Ever After?
The following are a series of short stand-a-lone Dean/Jo Supernatural stories. These ficlets are a continuation of where my "What Was and What Could Possibly Be" story ended. You don't have to read that story to appreciate these ones but you get a better sense of the tone of their relationship if you do. This series of snapshots will outline the progression of Dean and Jo's relationship. Spoilers right up to halfway through season two. Will those two crazy kids get together in the end? It might take awhile but what can I say, I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
Disclaimer note: This author is in no way associated with the writers and/or producers of the Supernatural show and all characters belong to the awesome Eric Kripke and his associates. No copyright infringement is intended.
Ficlet seven: And the truth shall set you free!
After the "werewolf" job when Dean admitted he wanted her close to look out for her, Jo decides to join the Winchesters in their hunt for the Yellow Eyed Demon. No, not exactly a safe venture but least they're all together. They drop off her truck at the Roadhouse recouping for a few days before hitting the road again.
Jo carves out a rather comfortable spot in the back seat of the Impala finding comfort in listening to Sam and Dean bicker over their musical choices. Of course Dean overrules Sam with his "driver picks the music and shotgun shuts his cake hole" speech so they spend the first week of travelling together listening to repeats of Zeppelin and Metallica at obscene volume levels.
For the most part, everyone gets along fine. However they're all are acutely aware of the proverbial "white elephant" in the room. Said aforementioned elephant being the result of Jo and Dean deciding independently of each other, not to speak of their lip lock moment in the cave the previous week. I know...shocker. Sam doesn't know what the hell's going on between them and neither one is at all forthcoming. That doesn't mean he doesn't pester them about it.
First, Sam corners Dean in a gas station bathroom asking about the "tension" he sensed upon finding them that night. His inquiry, however, is only met by a glare from his brother and a "none of your damn business" reply. When it's Jo's turn for questioning, she's much less blunt with her response, merely frowning while telling Sam that "it's nothing for him to worry about".
Damn these two are stubborn! Sam also quickly surmises that they're using him as an excuse not to talk to one another, at least about anything significant. This realization causes his constantly overworking brain to form a plan. Subsequently, operation "Jo and Dean need a serious talk" is officially underway.
"What do you mean you're leaving? In case you haven't noticed Sammy, we're kind of in the middle of something important here," Dean argues.
"I know that Dean. I just need to take care of something and it can't wait. Besides, we're still in full on research mode and we don't even have any other jobs right now. A night off is not that big a deal."
"Where the hell are you going anyway?" Dean asks him.
"Not far. If you guys need me just call and I won't be long getting back. Please Dean. I need to do this. It's important," Sam explains.
"Fine. Jo and I can handle the research anyway. It's not like you're the king of information gathering."
"I'll just warn Jo about the internet porn before I go," Sam muses.
Shortly after Sam departs, Jo joins Dean in the boys' motel room to restart the research. They're at it for about an hour before Dean starts bitching about Sam again.
"I can't believe he just left," Dean exclaims. "I mean what the hell could be more important than looking for the demon."
"Sam didn't say it was MORE important Dean, just that it WAS important," Jo reasons
"Well he didn't even tell us where he was going! Don't you wonder why?"
"Nope," Jo replies.
"Why the hell not Jo?"
"Because I know where he is," she answers calmly.
"YOU know where Sam is?"
"Well I'm not 100% certain but if I had to lay bets on where I think he is, I would," Jo states.
"Well..." Dean prods.
"Well what?" Jo smiles at him.
"Are you going to tell me where he is woman?"
"Don't get bitchy with me Dean. It'll only earn you a slap across the back of the head," she replies before answering his question. "Sam's at the Roadhouse, probably eating Mom's cheeseburgers and drinking cold beer with Ash," she says.
"Come on Jo! We just left the Roadhouse. Why the hell would Sammy need to go back there?"
"My guess...he's giving the two of us a little time to sort out our...issues."
"We have issues?" Dean comments.
Jo rolls her eyes at him and slams her textbook shut.
"I guess we have to talk about it some time," Jo admits.
Dean sighs.
"Or not," Jo replies before getting up and moving toward the door.
"Jo...about what happened in the cave," Dean begins.
"Why did you kiss me?" she interrupts him with the question that has been plaguing her for a week now.
Dean says nothing at first. Then...
"I thought we were dying Jo," he tries to explain.
"Oh right! Far be it for Dean to go out without trying to get some!"
"That's not what I meant. I just...I didn't want to go out with any regrets and not kissing you would have been one. We're family Jo." Dean sees her flinch at that. "But I have NEVER thought of you as my sister. Hell it would be easier if I did but I'm pretty sure big brothers don't find themselves staring at their little sister's ass. I never thought I wanted a normal life Jo but when I look at you...I don't know what's going on in my head." He laughs then but it's strained like he can't believe what he just came clean with.
"I didn't tell you the whole truth about my Djinn reality Dean," Jo tells him.
"Ok that came out of left field."
"Not really," she replies sighing.
"What do you mean?" Dean questions her confused.
"Well, I told you I was married to a hunter and that we had a kid but what I failed to mention was the hunter was you Dean. So I guess you're not the only one who dreams about the possibility of normal in their future and while we're being honest, I stare at your ass too."
Her admission is met by silence. A myriad of emotions begins running through Dean's head. What the hell did all this mean? He must have said the question aloud though because he hears her answer with "I don't know".
He could let it go. Hell he probably should let it go. He could make a joke and they could laugh about the absurdity of it all or...
"Dean..." Jo starts before she's cut off by warm lips pressing against her own. In seconds Dean has her pressed up against the motel wall while his tongue is being granted entrance into the hot caverns of her mouth. If their first kiss in the cave was a smouldering ember, this one is a bursting flame consuming each of them in a tidal wave of passion.
He grabs her legs and wraps them around his jean clad waist before walking them backwards toward one of the beds. Dean can feel Jo unbuttoning his outer shirt before pushing it off his shoulders onto the floor. His lips slip to her neck and the noises she's making are driving him insane. He slides his hands to the hem of her shirt. As she lifts her arms in the air, he takes this as a positive cue and removes it. He deposits them both onto the bed and they proceed to remove the remainder of their clothing in a frenzy of sensual movements.
As bare skin meets bare skin and they finally join together, the feeling of just plain "rightness" is almost overwhelming. It doesn't take long for either hunter to reach their peak and they fall into the abyss together. In the afterglow, trying to regain their breath lying side by side and staring up at the water stained ceiling, one thought enters Jo's mind.
"So...did we just work out our issues?"
"It's a start but just to be sure we'd better keep at it. I don't know if you know this but I'm the complicated Winchester brother," Dean says as he rolls over to capture Jo's lips in another searing kiss. Good thing they have all night to themselves and maybe if they're lucky all day tomorrow. That is if Sam's as smart as everybody thinks he is. One thing's for sure, that boy didn't go to Stanford for nothing!
End chapter.
Author's Note: Reviews please. Sorry it took so long getting this one out. I had a few computer issues and then my busy life got in the way. I think I've got a few more ficlets in me if you want more. Thanks to everyone for all the positive feedback!