Reviews for Pictures of the Ocean in an Envelope
computasaysnoo chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
Firstly, I really enjoyed Chapters 12 onwards. They really drew me in. Out of every author, I personally think you are the most improved. At chapter 1, I felt you were using too many commas and leaving unfinished sentences. However, by the last half of the story, I felt as if the author changed. At that stage, wow! What a story! You have so much potential as a writer and I'd love to be part of that by offering some friendly constructive criticism because as a reader, I want you to be the best writer than I know you can! Firstly, I felt the relationship at the start was a little rushed. I found myself a little but indifferent about their early hardships and emotions because I didn't care about the characters. It made it harder to feel for their relationship as I felt there wasn't anything which brought them together early on. Yet, the end was completely different because I managed to accept their relationship in that moment, as if it had just started. At the early chapters, I would have played out the relationship longer. Start from a point where they hate each other (which you did) and slowly wean them to a point of liking each other (If they had something that they always did together or a place where they always hung-out; This could be referenced to later on in the story to anchor the reader.) If the early development of their relationship was a little slower and more believable, it would have been easy to warm to them.

I really liked Warren's character. I liked how you didn't over do-it. So many people take romance stories and make them a [meet- instant love- cheesy dialogue- happily ever after] format. You made Warren really believable. I liked how he messed up with Remy and then had a moment of realization with Betsey - which ultimately changed his philosophy and made him go back.

I also liked how you played Remy's character.

You're a great writer and I can't wait to see what you come up with in the future!
freakinaforest chapter 20 . 9/9/2011
Loved this fic
The Scratch Man chapter 21 . 5/31/2011
Darling, I absolutely LOVED that story! Kudos to you! Although you layered Remy's accent on a bit thick (some times I didn't even know what he was saying) I was hooked until the end! Thanks for writing!
emmanuel chapter 21 . 8/31/2010
i love this fan-fic TT... im so emotional sometimes *sigh*
Echo Dancer chapter 21 . 7/6/2010
The ending was exquisite perfection. Love lost and then reclaimed, yet still with hints of impermanency in the last words perhaps. The beautifully woven words of Warren missing his love…always looking for Remy…the burnt cigarette…the blanket…so heartbreaking, but not overly done. You portrayed Warren’s reactions with elegance and simplicity. My heart hurt for him. And then, in the end, he saw Remy and my heart was happy once more. Thank you for bringing them back together – I didn’t need a whole box of tissues after all.

This is a work I will print out and keep somewhere safe for when I need to read a story that takes me through the full range of emotions that good writing evokes. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. I am holding you to your promise of more stories to come!

And I am bursting with anticipation over my gift fic! I know it’s going to be something delightful and oh so very special. :-)
BJ2 chapter 21 . 7/6/2010
Beautiful. Perfect. Thank you once again. :)
Clockwork mind Factory chapter 5 . 7/1/2010
you use too many commas, for example the sentence.

"What he thought he might receive from Warren, why, he didn't know."

this is three distinct thoughts so it should type.

"What he thought he might receive from Warren. Why? He didn't know.

in fact, the period prior interrupts the continuation of the first thought. which is why the proper grammar at the end is so awkward.
Crysania Fay chapter 19 . 7/1/2010
LOL That ending was so cute! XD God do I hate Scott! I hope that Jean and the rest can make him change his mind. Though when I think of the title, I think that I can see where this is going. _ Can't wait for the next chapter.
Clockwork mind Factory chapter 4 . 7/1/2010
Where did his pants go? keep an eye out for these inconsistencies.
Clockwork mind Factory chapter 3 . 7/1/2010
you need to work on your duologue. I once wrote a play write biased off of an msn conversation. Probably was easier to write because I was working with real voices.
Echo Dancer chapter 19 . 6/30/2010
Next to last chapter...sigh. It really is coming to an end.

Brave words from our couple, but my heart is already sinking - I've got bad feelings about this. Warren's roots are so deep in the X-men that the pulling up could be too much for him even with Remy at his side. Would he come to resent his Cajun lover for that loss? Don't know.

And Remy...would the guilt of Warren's sacrifice weigh too heavily on his shoulders? Again, don't know.

I think I hate Scott right now, but I see his perspective, which actually makes it harder. If he were doing this out of pure spite or hate, that'd be easy to rile against, but his point is valid. Remy has not been trustworthy in the past. Obviously, in Scott's mind, the risk is simply too great.

I'm anticipating the last installment with trepidation. You've left the story at a point where the decisions could go either way. I've got my box of tissues at the ready!
BJ2 chapter 19 . 6/30/2010
I spent the day re-reading this yesterday while I waited for movers to deliver my car. I just wanted to thank you again. It's seriously one of the best fics I've read in a long time. It makes me close my eyes and smile. I loved the new chapter. (duh!)Now that Warren's finally opened his eyes he's going to be Remy's perfect champion and damn that boy deserves one. I'm looking forward to Scooter's little meeting. I think between Ange, Hank, Ro, Jean, and Logan he's gonna have his hands full. lol I always love seeing Cyke up against a wall. ;)
Echo Dancer chapter 18 . 6/22/2010
That was sweet and fun and tender - our happy couple at the height of newly acknowledged love; giddy and brave in its proclamation to all. Another delightful taste of what we've waited for in this story.

But why do I feel like I should be holding my breath? Scott's appearance at the end has me nervous. Logan's comments felt in keeping with his protective nature, but Scott is another matter...don't know what to expect with him.

I wish the story could go on for forever, but you told us it's drawing to conclusion. When it does, I think I will be sad even if the ending is a happy one.

BJ2 put it so well - you paint beautifully with words. You simply must share more stories with us when this one is done - hopefully, with our couple.
Crysania Fay chapter 18 . 6/22/2010
Uh-oh... Can't wait to see that conversation. I'm glad that you have Warren admitting that he loves Remy to everyone. To me, that shows that he isn't ashamed of it. I hope that you have Logan really just mistaking protection urges for love. Don't really want to see a triangle or tug-of-war here... Can't wait for the next chapter.
BJ2 chapter 18 . 6/22/2010
This was yummy, thank you. Now that they're finally past all the bull they feel so natural together. It's lovely to read. I have to admit though, the thought of your beautiful mind also writing Logan/Remy has me (a true LoMy addict)bouncing in my seat. Just sayin'. ;)

Kittens are the best things on earth!
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