Author's Note: Thank you guys so much for the reviews for the last chapter! Hope you like the epilogue!

"Moon river, wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style someday
Oh, dream-maker, you heartbreaker
Wherever you're going, I'm going your way
Two drifters off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end
Waiting 'round the bend,
My huckleberry friend
Moon river and me."
-Johnny Mercer and Henry Mancini

"You can stop right here."

The cab driver pulled up to the crisp, green lawn, right in front of some benches and a pathway. Dan dug into his back pocket and retrieved his wallet. He thumbed through his money, handing the man a twenty and a ten, saying, "Keep the change." Returning the wallet to his pocket, he slid over to the door, opened it, and stepped out onto the pavement. The second he was out of the car, he was hit with a wave of cold, stinging air, scented with burnt charcoal and dying leaves. His breath came out in little puffs of steam, and his whole body was shocked with cold. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and stepped onto the nearest pathway- one that led to an immense, frightening stone building.

At the doors of the building, he turned right and continued walking along the pathway, crossing the green of another lawn, shivering as he went.

Pulling his hand out of his pocket, he checked the time.

He still had ten minutes to kill.

Maybe by the time he reached the right building, the ten minutes would be gone.

He could only hope.

I'm missing my lab for this, and God knows how I'll catch up on those notes, Dan groaned inwardly. She better appreciate this. A smile crept up his face as he thought it. He knew she would love it, and that seemed worth the trouble of some missed lab notes.

Four minutes later he had reached the building. It was made of stone and it was covered in ivy. He didn't know where she would be exactly, so he stood outside, shivering and huddling in on himself. If he had known November would be so cold, he would have worn a thicker jacket. He turned against the wind, looking back at the building wistfully. He hoped the class hadn't ended early.

'cause then the poor baby would have to freeze for nothing.

Blair neatly tucked her graded paper into her Chanel tote- among her books and pencils- and stood up from her seat. She walked from her front row seat to the door, buttoning her black, mid-thigh-length pea-coat as she went. The hall outside of the classroom was chillier than the room itself, and she swung her bag over her shoulder, slipping her hands into her pockets. She knew that once she got downstairs and outside, the chill would seep through her skinny jeans, and her knee-high Marc Jacobs suede boots would not shield her from the cold past her knees.

Tossing her artfully waved locks over her shoulder, she descended the stairs behind a flock of freshmen girls, rolling her eyes and sighing as she went.

Did I really look like that just a year ago? she wondered, amused. They look like little stressed-out deer.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated. Pulling it out from inside her jacket pocket, she looked at it and smiled.

Happy Birthday!

She had been receiving similar texts all day, and this one was from Jenny. Though she appreciated all of the well-wishes, her birthday felt like it was going to be dismal. She wasn't going home because she had class the next day, and her mother wasn't going to visit because she was too busy with preparations for her spring line- they had plans for the weekend, so it wasn't all that bad. But her roommate- a girl from California that she had grown quite close to- wasn't even in Connecticut for the week. She had friends, but none that she was close enough to spend her birthday with. And Dan told her he couldn't visit because he had classes today and tomorrow, so it was next to impossible.

So, she would spend her birthday in her dorm, cuddled up with some hot chocolate and a blanket, watching Breakfast at Tiffany's and Roman Holiday. She didn't even have the company of her cat (which had finally been named Holly) to make her feel better.

Blair frowned, listening to the sound of her heels clicking against the stone in the front hallway, making her way to the front entrance.

Nineteen would not be the best birthday.

Just as she expected, the air was shockingly cold, and it hit her as soon as she exited the building. Huddling into the collar of her jacket, she pulled her arms close to her body and tried to brace herself against the cold. The idea of her room was beginning to seem very appealing, and she hurried down the walkway connecting one building to the next. Just as she was a good ten meters away from the building she had exited, she felt someone grab her butt.

Freezing for a minute, she allowed her eyes to narrow and her disgust to mount as she turned around to flog whoever had dared violate her.

But when she turned, she came face to face with Dan.

She was so shocked that she didn't do anything for a few seconds. When she realized who it was though, she screamed and covered her mouth, jumping up and down. Dan laughed, pleased with her reaction. When she threw herself at him, her arms around his neck, laughter bubbling up her throat, he laughed too, putting his arms around her waist.

After a minute, when she had time to calm down, she pulled away from him and slapped his arm.

"Hey!" he said, still laughing.

"You pinched my ass!" she retaliated.

He shrugged, smirking and saying, "You liked it."

She narrowed her eyes and smiled. Then, she slapped him again, "You told me you had class and that Dartmouth was just too far away for it to work out this week!"

"So I'll miss a few classes- I wanted to surprise you," he said, pulling her close to him again. "Surprised?"

She couldn't help but smile at this, reluctantly saying, "Yes."

"Good," he cupped her face in his hand and kissed her slowly. "I have our whole day planned."

Grinning a little, she asked, "What are we doing?"

"First, we're going to get a shit load of take-out food that's really bad for us," he said. "And then, we're going to lock ourselves in your room, eating, and watching Audrey movies in your bed."

A few years ago, Blair would have wanted an extravagant birthday. She would have wanted to get dressed up, to go out and spend a lot of money. But now, being with Dan, things were put into perspective. Spending time with Dan in her room, eating crappy food and enjoying Audrey Hepburn classes- that's really what she wanted to do.

Blair couldn't bite away the grin now, and she said, "I like that idea."

"But then, when we're hungry again, we're going out to get cake at that little bakery in town," he said. "I have one on hold."

She leaned in and kissed him again, saying, "Thank you, boyfriend."

He laughed, saying, "You're very welcome, girlfriend."

"I can think of a few other things we can do in my room though- And they don't involve Audrey Hepburn or take away food," she whispered in his ear.

Looking at her with an impish smirk, he said, "It's your birthday- So we're going to do whatever you want to do."

"Good," she said, taking his hand and leading him across the campus.

The End

Author's Note: You guys knew I was going to give them a happily ever after! Sigh. Okay, so this is where I make my corny little speech. Ready? Okay, first of all, thank you to everyone who read this story. I don't care if you reviewed or not, but thank you for giving it a chance, and reading it. And I give a special thank you to whoever read the whole thing all the way through. Next, I can not tell you how much I love you guys for reviewing. The reviews I received for this story were nothing short of amazing. You guys kept me going and gave me confidence, and I am so grateful for your opinions and insight. Thank you to those who favorited and subscribed to this story. I have never gotten such a hugely wonderful response to a story before, and it is overwhelmingly amazing. Thank you all for making that happen for me. I'm sad to end it, because it was so fun to write and hear what you guys had to say, but this is the end. Thank you all for being so wonderful! If you'd like, I have a few more Dair stories up right now. I recommend 'Without Reason' because it's an original plot line. Or you can read 'Something to Believe in' if you want a rewrite of the current Gossip Girl season- with Dair twists. So, again, thank you guys for everything, for sticking with this story and showing your support. Thank you!