Reviews for When it Rains, It Pours
Savageverse chapter 27 . 5/29/2019
Dove29 chapter 27 . 3/3/2019
S.Warrior chapter 27 . 8/27/2016
Awwwwww they're so cute!
S.Warrior chapter 26 . 8/27/2016
Lol gg is so petty with her blast
S.Warrior chapter 11 . 8/25/2016
Loved chapter 11, it was so good
S.Warrior chapter 9 . 8/25/2016
I'm so here for blair dressed in Humphrey attire
S.Warrior chapter 6 . 8/25/2016
Lowkey hoping Dan gets her to stop emptying her stomach that shit isn't healthy and no one seems to notice
S.Warrior chapter 5 . 8/25/2016
Well her plan is kinda of off since Dan and Serena aren't dating but this is gonna be fun to watch her fall for dan
S.Warrior chapter 4 . 8/25/2016
Obviously her mom set it up, which was why nate didn't want to stay there smh blair so gullible
gracie chapter 20 . 6/17/2016
stiiiiiiiill wanna kill dan. if i was in his general vicinity i'd kick him in both shins. why is blair still relevant, again?
gracie chapter 12 . 6/17/2016
i know this story is old, and you probably won't even see this review, but i have to say, 12 chapters in, and i'm really struggling to root for blair and dan, either as a couple or as individuals. i started to read this story a few years ago and i think i stopped for the same reason. blair is a terrible, awful person who seems to have none of the redeeming qualities that make people like her from the show. and dan? what a complete dick. his thoughts on serena honestly make me cringe. who the hell thinks about a person they once loved? at this point in the story, i feel like i'd be happiest with blair and dan killed off and then nate and serena making out over their dead bodies. i'll continue to read and hope that dan and blair become individuals i can get behind, but at this point, i'd rather bitch slap them both.
Nat16 chapter 27 . 12/29/2015
Hi, i just wanna say that your story is a blast!
I really love it! Keep going and God bless you everyday of your wonderful life XD.
PD: i am a huge Chair fan as a Dair fan :)
Secretly Wishing chapter 27 . 11/27/2014
I have read this so many times and I never get tired of it. I love what you have done to my two favorite GG characters (who, by the way, are perfect for each other). You are amazing. I hope you keep writing stories. I would definitely keep reading :)
drhandbcw chapter 27 . 3/2/2013
this fic is so sweet ) how i wish that the show made them endgame just like this . thank u
Guest chapter 27 . 12/16/2012
So I just wanted to tell you how amazing this story is, how much I loved it, and how much renewed faith it gave me in Dair, and in fanfiction in general! I'm so glad I got to read this entire piece, and I BEG of you to finish the others! Also, why don't you write currently!? There's a lor more material to work with now. ;) anyway, this was beautiful, SO true to the Blair I ADORE, and just so fun and believable to read. This is the way Goasip Girl SHOULD have gone, for sure! Can I just pretend that your ending is the real one? :) I still have hope for Dair yet! Though I suppose we will see tomorrow night, eh? Good luck on your writing, (MORE :) and NEVER GIVE UP. -Melissa Sibley
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