Author has written 7 stories for Yami no Matsuei, Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!, Stargate: Atlantis, and Ghost Hunt.
Name: Samantha
Age: Born 1987
Location: Israel
Gendre: Female
Occupation: Geneticist
I think that a little information about myself would help those who are interested, so here goes:
Q: Why fanfiction?
A: Because I believe that there are a lot of fandoms that don't get close to their full potential, or that can be continued beyond the original storyline. Aldo because, like it or not, I tend to see most fandoms through the slash-goggles, which is something both enjoyable and embarrassing at the same time.
Q: What is the perfect fic in your eyes?
A: My perfect fic would have to be, first of all, long. I don't like endings and therefore I like long fics, and despises drabbles. I like my fics in-character, well expressed and well explained. I would rather read a fic that is too self-explanatory than a fic that doesn't explain itself properly. Moreover, I admire those special authors who can understand the unique dynamics and atmosphere of the original book/series and repeat it in their fics. I absolutely hate it when authors bent the characters to act the way they do in their real life, resulting in a very out-of-character and out of place fic. For me, writing OOC in your warning section is not an excuse, it's sloppiness. I try not to repeat it in my own fics and tolerate it only is it serves a greater purpose in the fic.
Q: What are your favorite fandoms?
A: Most of it is anime, but I'll read just about anything that catches my eye. Mainly they are: Kyou Kara Maou, Ghost Hunt, and the occasional Weiss Kreuz fic. While I don't tend to write it myself, the combination of male harem and agnst will surely make my day.
My main none-anime fandoms are: Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings (preferably books-based). I appreciate the occasional original work, but it must be very well executed.
Q: Then, what are your favorite pairings?
A: Most of it is yaoi (slash), and it's multiplying at an alarming rate. I'll read anything that is explicit yaoi, but only very specific explicit het. I also tend to dislike mainstream pairings, an therefore find myself working very hard to find fics to read. If you want to know more about the fics that I like that answers this question you are welcome to look at my fevorites here in this site, I'm very choosy in what I put there... At any rate here's my favorite pairings list, and in bold are the pairings that I've written fanfics for:
Kyou Kara Maou: Conrad/Yuuri, Gwendal/Gunter, Shinou/Great Sage.
Ghost Hunt: Naru/Mai, Lin/Mai, Masako/John, Yasuhara/Lin, Yasuhara/Bou-san, Ayako/Bou-san.
Yami No Matsuei: Tsuzuki/Tatsumi, Tatsumi/Watari, Oriya/Muraki.
Weiss Kreuz: Aya/Ken, Aya/Omi, Ken/Omi, Omi/Nagi.
Maine Liebe: Lui/Orphe, Ed/Naoji.
Loveless: Soubi/Ritsuka, Zeroes pairing.
La Corda D'Oro: Hino/Tsukimori, Hihara/Yunoki, Tsuchiura/Tsukimori, Tsuchiura/Mori.
Stargate SG-1: Jack/Daniel, Cam/Daniel, Jack/Paul Davis, Sam/Teal'c, Sam/Daniel, Cam/Evan Lorne.
Stargate Atlantis: Carson/Rodney, Carson/John, Ronon/Rodney/Carson, Ronon/Carson/John, John/Evan Lorne, John/Radek, Rodney/Radek, Woolsey/Ronon, Caldwell/Ronon.
Sanctuary: Henry/Will.
JAG: Harm/Clay.
Supernatural: Sam/Dean, Dean/Castiel, Sam/Castiel, Dean/Sam/Castiel.
Smallville: Clark/Lex.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Edmund/Caspian.
Saiunkoku Monogatari: Kouyuu/Shuuei.
Troy: Paris/Hector, Hector/Achilles.
Harry Potter: Harry/Draco, Remus/Harry, Remus/Sirius, Remus/Bill, Harry/Bill, Remus/James, Remus/Snape, James/Snape, Hermione/Snape, Hermione/Harry, Hermione/Bill, Snape/Bill, Snape/Lily, Severitus and Snape/Harry Guardianship/Mentorship.
Lord of the Rings: Aragorn/Legolas, Aragorn/Elrond, Elrond/Erestor, Aragorn/Faramir, Boromir/Faramir, Elrond/Gil-Galad, Elrond/Glorefindel, Eomer/Haldir.
Master and Commander: Jack/Stephen.
NCIS: Gibbes/DiNozzo
Sherlock: Sherlock/John, Mycroft/Lastrade
Q: What squeaks you?
A: Many things, some I will not touch even if my life depends on it. As for general squeaks - rape is the major one, bastility is another. I will tolerate physical and mentle abuse as long as it benefites the story. Also, BDSM is something I rarely read, as well as MPreg, and I'm not generally one for cross-overs of any type.
Kyou Kara Maou: Yuuri/Wolfram.
Ghost Hunt: Lin/Madoka, Mai/Gene.
Yami No Matsuei: Tsuzuki/Hisoka.
Meine Liebe: Lui/Naoji, Ed/Orphe.
Loveless: Soubi/Seimei.
La Corda D'Oro: Hino/Anyone other than Tsukimori.
Stargate SG-1: Jack/Hammond, Daniel/Hammond, Jack/Sam, Daniel/Teal'c, Jack/Teal'c, Daniel/Cam, Cam/Teal'c, Jack/Cam, Clone!Jack/Daniel.
Stargate Atlantis: John/Rodney, Caldwell/John, Caldwell/Rodney, John/Teyla, John/Elizabeth, John/Woolsey, John/Jeniffer, Ronon/Jeniffer, John/Jack O'Neill, John/Cameron Mitchell, Rodney/Cameron Mitchell.
Sanctuary: Anything that's not Henry/Will.
JAG: Anything that's not Harm/Clay. Anything with Chegwidden.
Supernatural: Any het.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Caspian/Susan, Edmund/Peter, Caspian/Lucy, Edmund/Eustece, Caspian/Eustece.
Smallville: Anything that's not Clark/Lex. Especially Clark/Loise.
Harry Potter: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Luna, Snape/Sirius, Sirius/Harry, Harry/Neville, Harry/Lucius, Snape/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort, Anything with Peter Pettigrew, Any fic where the Dursleys rape Harry.
Lord of the Rings: Legolas/Gimli, Anyone/Gimli, Anyone/Hobbits, Aragorn/Arwen, Legolas/Haldir, Aragorn/Erestor, Aragorn/Glorfindel, Legolas/Faramir, Legolas/Eomer, Legolas/Erestor, Legolas/Glorfindel, Legolas/Elrond, Gil-Galad/Cirden, Eomer/Boromir, Faramir/Denethor, Boromir/Denethor, Eomer/Theodred.
Master and Commander: Blakeney/Stephen, Diana/Stephen, Jack/Pullings, Jack/Sophie/Stephen.
Sherlock: Mycroft/Sherlock, Sherlock/Lastrade, Sherlock/Moriarty, John/Moriarty.
NCIS: Abby/Gibbs, DiNozzo/McGee, DiNozzo/Ziva.
Q: What motivates your writing?
A: To say that I write because I have a plot bunny running inside my head would be to lie. Quite frankly, I always have a plot bunny running inside my head, but since it's my head... well... most of the times I can't see myself writing a good quality fic out of it since it lacks flesh or a proper background, which in my head I can ignore and narrate out the bunny until it's dead.
But the thing about writing is that sometimes, when I go through a fandom familiarizing myself with the fics there and simply reading like you do, I stumble upon this great fic, the kind that leaves me, well, humbled. I would read such a fic and usually would want to write fics about this fic because it's so good, and most fandoms have those. It's like reading Transfigurations in Harry Potter of The Steak Series in Stargate or even the original Shadow of the Templer by M. Chandler. It makes me feel that there's no way I can come up with something half as good. But then, sometimes, I see a fandom that's anemic, or that has all sorts of fanfics written for it but nothing that I personally would want to read, and that's when my muse wakes up. Usually I write fics for me, and the readers are benefiting from it as a bonus. I write the kind of things that I want to read, if I can't find them anywhere online. That was the thought that led me to write my first Remus/Sirius in Hebrew once upon a time (and looking back it's an aweful, sugery OOC fic), simply because there were no long Remus/Sirius long fics in Hebrew at the time, which was what I wanted to read, and it's still guiding me along.
Q: What do you like about the process of writing?
A: Well,I like how demanding it can be. Sure, sometimes it's living hell to try and bridge between two scenes that are well defined in my head, but I like the intensity of it. I like how it takes over me, even at the most inconvenient of times. I like sitting in the dark room and let the words flow from under my hands, the sound of the keyboard constantly typing.
The second best thing I like about writing it the research I do. I once spent an entire evening simply researching about a particular house (the one I used in my Ghost Hunt fic). I can research for hours, and I like the process of it, spinning and discrading ideas in my head, and knowing that whatever happens I have solidified my plot and made it more real, more connected to us.
The other thing is the dialog with the readers. This site, unfortunately, doesn't allow for direct author commends on reviews (that I know of) but I've had had some very interesting discussions with reviewers about my fics.
Q: What do you like to write?
A: I like putting the heroes through a test. I like romance, but not the type of romance that takes over the entire story, leaving the plot itself to rot. I enjoy writing stories that have a solid plot, incorporate other canon-based supporting characters and have my characters deal with whatever it is I'm putting them through and come out of it stronger. I also like to write drama and can't resist a touch of agnst. I'm also very predictable with my stories, because I believe that a good story is like classical music: it begins in a sedated pace, moving faster and faster towards the inevitable crescendo and finally ends with calming closing notes.
The most important thing for me when I write is that I'll continue the canon story itself. And if I'm not happy with my story I'll simply erase it and start over.
Q: What are your main faults?
A: I would say that my main problem is that English is not my native tongue. Although my English is very good, the transition between my ideas as I think them in my head in my own native language to English isn't always smooth. My other problem is that when I write long stories I sometimes have no idea how to end them and so when I reach a certain peak in the plot I'm so satisfied that I can stop writing even if it's not the end of the story. Meaning, I have quite a few stories, in different stages of completion, that I need to rediscover my inspiration in order to finish them.
Q: Do you take criticism well?
A: Yes, definitely. I think every person has the right to think whatever they want, and even if I was the type to get all worked out over a bad or rudely phrased criticism I won't respond to it. I myself have often passed criticism over other people's works (not necessarily a bad one, mind) and so I can accept people passing judgment on mine. I believe that if not for criticism I will not know how I can better myself.
Q: How do you feel about archiving your stories?
A: I have no problems with that, AS LONG as you ask for my permission. I will always answer you, and of course will tell you that I agree, but I like to keep tabs on it for the sake of my own peace of mind. And just to keep you from archiving my stories from fear that one day I'll take them all down, like some authors do, I won't. Even some of my earlier works in my native tongue are still there, even though I'm completely digusted with it. I know that even if I'm not happy with some of my works, other people like them and I won't deny them that pleasure.
My Stories:
So far I have published seven, but I have more in my drawer that will slowly come up. Here are the stories I have decided to publish so far, sorted by date. Please note that I only publish completed fics:
Fandom: Yami No Matsuei
Name: Routine In The Eyes of a Shinigami
Summary: No matter what befall Meifu life, or rather death, would eventually return to a comforting routine. That's what Tatsumi Seiichiru always believed. Until the day Tsuzuki was kidnapped right under their noses. Keep in mind that this story contains torture and agnst.
Pairing: Tatsumi/Tsuzuki
Length: 2 Chapters (9,504 words)
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Name: Solar Glare
Summary: Yuuri and Murata are called to Shin Makoku only to discover that a plague is killing the Mazoku at an alarming rate. Yuuri's arrival changes the picture but once he successfully vanquishes the disease, Conrad falls ill. Can Yuuri save him? Before that question can be answered Cheri has a conversation with her son, Yuuri has a few epiphanies, Shinou makes an appearance and Murata gets to plays his usual sage role.
Pairing: Conrad/Yuuri
Length: 9 Chapters (29,436 words)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Name: Crossing The Line
Summary: Lorne was royally screwed. Not because he just found out that his commander has a thing for him and he didn't return his feelings, it was because he did. The only thing that stood in the way was Lorne's integrity, and he wasn't sure he was such an honorable man.
Pairing: Sheppard/Lorne
Length: 9 Chapters (69,556 words)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Name: Ten Things John Has Learned From Being With Evan Lorne
Summary: Ten things John has learned from being with Evan Lorne throughout their relationship.
Pairing: Sheppard/Lorne
Length: Oneshot/Snapshots (3,848 words)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Name: Just As Good
Summary: After being banished from Atlanis, a very frusterated John is about to lose his mind working for the SGC. That is, until he discovers that he doesn't know his ex-XO nearly as well as he thought.
Pairing: Sheppard/Lorne
Length: One long chapter with dividations (19,266 words)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Name: Mutual Misunderstandings
Summary: How high a price are you willing to pay to get your hands on everything Atlantis could have ever hoped for? A slip of a tongue during an off world visit and some help from Rodney and John and his second in command are about to find out.
Pairing: Sheppard/Lorne
Length: 12 chapters epilogue (89,957 words)
Fandom: Ghost Hunt
Name: File #13: The One Who Cries At Night
Summary: "People started turning up dead, all having apparently been pushed or jumped from our yard." SPR are asked to take on a case, but when strange attacks are turned against them and Mai's sixth sense on hyperdrive, will they be able to get out in one piece? OVER 20,000 HITS!
Pairing: Naru/Mai
Length: 6 chapters prologue epilogue (44,104 words)
I hope you'll enjoy your time here!