Stories of Becoming Us
By: Selim
Summary: Eric doesn't know how he ended up in that position, but he doesn't care.
Pairing: HydeEric
Rating: M+
Notes: My first 70s fic. I hope to continue this one in my spare time. Unbeta'd as it's a side job

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction, the author is not making any profit off its work.

Drabble 1: The Beginning

A hand pressed against his back, his chest brushing back and forth against shag followed the repetitive slapping of flesh. Awkwardly pushing himself upon his hands, Eric cried out when Hyde roughly pushed into him again, directly into his prostate. Collapsing on the carpet again, the smaller male gasped as his body was pushed against the carpet again, leaving marks that burned more than the tight ring of muscles ill-prepared by his anxious friend.


How long had it been since this weird 'relationship' started? He couldn't call it being lovers. The two didn't believe in the whole cuddling thing (or rather Hyde would never be caught in such a loving embrace) or holding hands. Besides the occasional movie with their group, neither boy had gone on any dates together nor did they share those three little words to express love.


"Lift your hips, Forman."

Two cases of beer on a Friday night watching reruns of Gilligan's Island always led to this. Donna would leave first, some boyfriend she wasn't tempted to invite over to meet her long-term friends. Next would be Fez, not wanting to miss the ten o'clock gymnastics meet, visible from the small pizzeria on the better side of town. Last would be Kelso and Jackie, experimenting in another fling sure to go downhill as fast and sudden as their new relationship had started. From there, between Eric and Hyde things went down hill. They drank and talked before falling to hasty kisses that led to them being on the floor in a frenzy of messy kisses.

Every time his clothes came all the way off, leaving him a naked mess on the floor while Hyde, with his pants around his hips, his own manhood hard and ready. There was no preamble, heavy sex that left Eric thinking that sex with Donna was half-ass in comparison.

His stomach uncoiled, his eyes rolled behind his head. Dropping to the ground, a soft gasp escaped his lips as his poor lower half was held firmly by Hyde, his backside worked thoroughly by the larger man. Over the blood in his ears he could hear the creaking of floorboards overhead. His hips ached and his chest burned. His eyes watered when a large hand wrapped around his softening erection. The scream escaped his lips before he could stop it.

The creaking upstairs stopped. Hyde's hips moved faster, bringing both close to orgasm.

And he came just as Red's voice echoed across the house, "If you damn kids don't get up here and eat I'll kick your sorry asses!"

Hyde grinned, patting Eric's cheek playfully. "Sober up, Foreman. See you at dinner."

Dropping his body on the ground, Eric just enjoyed the cool feel of the fabrics against his hot body.

Drabble 2:

Dinner with the Formans

Dinners at the Forman house were always an awkward experience. They were even more so after sex with Hyde. Having to sit across from said boy always made Eric feel nervous. He could almost feel I had hot gay sex with Hyde being written across his face. Worst, Hyde was almost always dropping hints in his own cruel way. Luckily each hint was falling on Red's deaf ears or being misinterpreted by Kitty's overbearing mother tendencies.

"Sweetie, why are you limping?"

"He hit something hard." Hyde smirked, nodding his head. The side of his jaw twitched, a sheer sign that behind his shades his eyes had narrowed suggestively at just what was 'hard' that Eric had been hitting. "This is good, Ms. Forman. And these little pieces of carrots really bring out the taste."

Red grunted. "Stop babying him, Kitty. Maybe he'll learn to get his head out of his ass and watch where he's going."

"My head wasn't in my ass." Eric pulled on his shirt's collar, wincing as his sensitive rug burns were brushed by the soft fabric. Kitty frowned.

"Oh, Eric…let me get that collar for you. It's obviously too tight. Why do you have it buttoned so tightly and—oh my god! Eric, what happened to your chest?"

"It's just a burn. We were wrestling in the basement, you know Kelso and Fez and the rug and…" Eric lowered his head, reaching for his collar to close his shirt from the world. He'd know n it was bad when he went upstairs, his body took a lot of damage when it came to Hyde's rough love making. That included his poor hips with the slowly forming red hand prints. His butt, he was sure, had the same prints. "Don't worry mom. Mm. This is good casserole."

"I got some ointment for burns downstairs; I'll get it for him after dinner."

"Thank you, Steven. Let's eat." With that, Red put an end to the conversation. Eric could only grimace when his mother patted his shoulder (did Hyde bite him? Again?) before continuing to eat, trying to ignore the looks being sent his way across the table. He knew already his body was calling for more. His anal muscles twitched, knowing that Hyde did have cream for rug burns, especially since it happened so often. However, receiving treatment was never as easy.

"So Laurie called today… She's in Vegas."

Drabble 3

: Rebellion Starts At Home

The bed creaked under the weight of its two occupants, but neither paid it any attention. Their eyes remained locked on one another, Hyde's deep blue eyes laced with amusement, Eric's own blue hazed with lust. This always happened when Hyde, trying to be nice, applied to solvent to Eric's red chest. His hand would move slowly, spreading the cold white lotion from the center of the other male's chest to the outer ribs, the tip of his fingers leaving designs in the globs.

Hyde's devilish hands slide over the smaller male's chest, pinching pink nipples. Applied pressure along the nubs would cause them to harden in greeting. Next his hands slide down the Eric's stomach, along his belly button where it would dip playfully before continuing down the thin, wiry trail of hairs leading to the younger's exposed penis, erect and oozing its own cream.

Not able to stand the playful taunts, Eric would flip them. His own, shaky hands worked magic removing Hyde from his tight faded jeans before grabbing a condom packet always left on the side table during Eric's aftercare treatments. Fumbling with the wrapper, it was only a miracle through his lust-induced state that he was able to roll it on Hyde's cock. The curly haired man just placed his hands on Eric's lower calves watching as Eric reached under his body, gliding the ready dick inside him.


Eric threw his head back wasting no time, pivoting himself on the hard penis. His hands on Hyde's abs, the smaller brunette rocked himself quickly becoming lost in his own animalistic desires. With strength he didn't know he had, Hyde pushed himself up, locking his forearms under Eric's thighs to help lift the boy up, his own hips rising to stay nestled deep in the tight hole. Fingers laced into his fro, Eric's mouth clamped onto his ear, and Hyde knew that neither could last long.

The door to the basement open stopped both in their tracks. Red's muttering about musky odor followed before the sound of the dryer moving for repair.

Tense in his arms, Eric's cheek's darkened when Hyde moved his hips suggestively. "Bounce."


Ignoring Eric, Hyde lifted the other male again, biting back his own groan when he slide back in. After a moment and what appeared a long internal battle of good versus evil in the back of Eric's head, the boy began to bounce again.

"What the hell are you doing in there, Steven?"

"I'm trying to sleep!" Steven shouted back. Eric didn't slow down, his frame shaking with his impending release. He didn't care anymore if Red caught them. Hyde was so deep, so big, so…

"…Neeghh…" Eric clamped his mouth on Hyde's shoulder, stifling his screams as he came. Hyde could only smile as he listened to Red leave the basement, cursing the new generation and its lack of respect in his own damn house.

Drabble 4:

School's Not Safe

His hips hurt, his back hurt, his chest hurt, his head hurt. He was sure those were signs of dying, but it wasn't enough to stay home from school. Besides, not being in the house meant not being under Hyde's constant demanding need. It gave time for his body to heal and to regain his strength before it all started up again. Again, Eric would have preferred to have just been at home, but it was all the same at the end. He kept a low profile while keeping his movements at a minimum.

Only, his last class of the day had Hyde in it and Hyde always sat in the chair beside him. The tables were long, making partner work eminent. Conveniently, Hyde didn't have his book and had to share Eric's. The man used to slide his chair oven an inch, enough to get the teacher off his back, before leaning back and falling into his zen. Now, he leaned in, breathing Eric's air, causing him to lose his ability to think. The other would move his hand to under the desk not long after moving.

And Eric's problems would start all over again. Hyde was an exhibitionist, there was no doubt. The man would watch the teacher as his hand busied itself in Eric's pants. He'd milk Eric with slow, agonizing motions that speed up when the teacher walked by the desk. Biting his lip, Eric dropped his head on the table trying to get his breathing under control. In, out, in, out…

Oh god he was so close. "Mrs. Barter, I think Forman's sick. I'll take him to the nurse." As Hyde spoke, his hand worked at putting Eric back in his pants and zipping his fly. Together both boys walked out of the classroom, Eric almost pressing himself to Hyde's backside to hide his obvious state of arousal while wondering what was going through Hyde's head.

They'd done it many times, but always in privacy. During class was a no good and without the aid of beer or drugs, there was nothing to blame for their inhibitions. He wasn't sick, sure his body ached like something wicked, but he'd be thrown into a janitors closet or a men's stall, his pants would be at his ankles faster than Jackie's skirt hitched for Michael and his bottom would be filled so fast he couldn't think.

What had he been thinking? School or home, it was all the same for Hyde as long as Eric was hot and willing. And Eric was always hot and willing.

Drabble 5:

Front Seat

One time he and Kelso had snuck into a theatre after dark when the two-bit porn movies were showing. It had lead to his dream that one day when he owned a car to get a girl in there, to suck on his dick as he sat behind the wheel. It looked like a rite of passage that every man with a bad mustache had gone through. Of course, when he got his ride and he had Donna, it never happened. It had been almost a downer that no girl he got in his car was even in the least bit tempted to do anything sexual with him.

So when he got into this "thing" with Hyde, he was hoping that again his time would come that he'd get that blow job while grasping the wheel, his head thrown back. To be a god among men.

And that time did come, only not in that form.

Hyde would never go down on him. The man's reasons were understandable; he did all the sexual work why should he also do the foreplay? Eric had to earn his worth and besides – Hyde said he was good at it. A natural.

He didn't like to brag, but he could swallow a whole banana. Damn his Boy Scout days and the weird things he did to occupy his time.

Hyde's dick was musky, manly. It was probably the darkest part of his whole body, with a bushel of black curls at its base. Thick and long, it was something that should be displayed as a symbol of 'manliness'. It made Eric almost ashamed of his own, though long, it wasn't impressive.

"Are you going to suck or stare?" Hyde folded his arm behind the passenger seat, his other hand working through Eric's hair soothingly. They were parked not far from the reservoir, on a back road that rarely had traffic. It was safe and welcoming in comparison to the school house they had left not long before. Repositioning himself over the seats, Eric wrapped his hands around the base of Hyde's cock, swallowing the man's cock in one. Hyde's head fell back, his grip tightening.

Seeing that expression made Eric forget about his jealousy about never getting to experience a blowjob from Hyde. He could finally contribute to whatever he and Hyde were doing. He could finally…

He nearly gagged when Hyde exploded without warning. He swallowed each dollop fast, his hands pumping the man. After what felt forever, Hyde's cock stopped its spasms and Eric pushed himself up, his thumb brushing his bottom lip. He couldn't look Hyde in the eye. He never had to because his embarrassment would disappear when the other's lips would press firmly against his own and the world disappeared around him.

Drabble 6:

Rumors From School

"What the fuck? Who the hell watches this bullshit!"

The kids in the basement groaned when Red stepped into the basement, spoiling MASH night for the third time. He'd expressed his hatred on the uplifting war stories, claiming they were supporting those damn North Koreans. Fez played with the volume, raising it above the aging man's voice before returning to his seat.

Once the door shut and Red was gone, probably to complain to Kitty about them, Fez lowered the volume again as the credits began rolling. "That is so funny. That Klinger is a god among my people."

"You get CBS in your country?" Donna's eyes widened.

"Of course we do, sent straight from the South Korea." Fez nodded.

The group rolled their eyes, turning towards each other. "Did you guys hear?" Jackie spoke up. "I heard from George who heard from Kenny who heard from Joey that someone was having sex in the boy's bathroom on the senior floor yesterday."

"Gross!" Donna laughed. "Were they caught?"

"I heard," Kelso laughed, "They got caught by Mr. Petterson after they broke the sink."

"This big problem in American schools?" Fez asked hopefully.

Crossing her arms that her news wasn't exactly surprising to the whole group, Jackie pouted. "I think it's sick, she's obviously a whore. Did you guys hear anything about it? Your last class is next to those bathrooms, right?"

"Didn't hear anything. Nope, not-a-thing." Eric stretched his legs out, groaning as his backside brushed against aspiring in the couch. God, he was going to need a long soak to get over the last twenty-four hours. For the life of him, he couldn't figure out what was up with Hyde. The man was acting so weird, wanting sex constantly. He couldn't remember a time with any of Hyde's girlfriends that the he'd been so passionate.

"Do you know what the school's going to do about these 'rumors'?" Hyde smirked.

"I heard they were going to have a teacher that's on their break monitor the halls each period but that's what Mary told me when…" Jacki rambled on, changing to the next hottest gossip she was sure none of her friends had heard.

Eric couldn't hide the shiver, feeling the wolf-like stare from behind dark shades.

"So Eric, where'd you get that hickey? Donna…?"

"You know we're not dating anymore…look at the size of that thing!"

Slapping his hand to his neck where the bite was being exposed by his ex. All Hyde could do was laugh as Eric stumbled out an excuse about vacuum wars and Jedi Knights.

Drabble 7: Forman's Second Daughter

"You're sick."

"Thank you, it's the one thing Edna raised me well in. Come on, Forman, show me the goods." Hyde leaned back on his cot. Kitty and Red had gone to bed a few hours before, leaving the house eerily quiet. It gave him and Eric time to just focus on each other without worries of the basement door opening or one and their friends or family intruding on them.

"You're really, really sick. When did you have a chance to get this! I mean, Laurie's lair has been locked since she went on her Whore Around the States Tour." Eric pulled back the curtains. Dropping his hands on his hips, he put his weight into his right leg, his other foot taping. "I feel stupid."

"Me-yow. Come here, my naughty little school girl." Hyde pulled himself up, his legs spreading in front of him to show his well developed package.

Red in the face, Eric sashayed over, climbing on Hyde's lap. "'School girl'?"

"Shut up, Forman and hike that skirt up." Experience fingers did just that, tugging up the only fabric between little Eric and the cold, crisp basement air. "No panties?"

"I was not wearing Laurie's panties. And I'm sacrificing my first born in hopes that she was wearing those when she last wore this."

"Don't worry, they're not Laurie's. I got them from the store."


"Really, now move for papa."

"Okay, this is one really sick fantasy you've got." Eric pushed on Hyde's shoulders, trying to get the man to stop doing that wonderful thing with his ear.

"And you're ruining it with your constant bellyaching. Where's that ribbon?"

"Did all you notice was the lack of panties?" Eric thrust his hips out playfully, drawing Hyde's eyes back down to his swollen cock and the pink bow tied neatly around his penis. "So come on and get your birthday present."

"This sure beats that damn Led Zeppelin shirt you gave me at the party. Now shake that ass, whore." With a playful roll of his eyes, Eric pushed the man back against the cot. He'd give the man a birthday to remember.

Drabble 8

: In the Dark

"It's such a shame Eric couldn't be here." Fez handed his joint to Donna, leaning back in his chair. It was their third roll and he felt so light. Donna giggled, leaning forward as she passed to Jackie. Equally stoned, her glazed eyes turned to the ceiling. "It's just not the same without his weirdness."

"Mm, yeah, it sucks, but can't be helped. Let me turn up that music." Hyde disappeared into his room, returning seconds later, cheeks pink and the soft rock louder. "Red's pissed. He called the hotel Laurie was 'staying at' and they had no record of her ever being there."

"No wonder Red seemed so angry; I just thought it was 'cause Eric went missing and all." Jackie grinned. Her smile faded, turning her head towards Hyde's room. "Do you hear something?"

"Oh my god!" Kelso jerked, climbing on the couch to duck himself behind the back of the couch. "What if it's the moon men here to take our brains and feed them to their legion of gophers and—"

Grabbing the joint from Kelso's fingers, Hyde fell back into his lawn seat. "Enough of that, Cheese Brain. It's the record, the grooves are starting to wear." The man paused. His smile widened as over the string of bass came the familiar sound of clanging. His own hearing wrapped with paranoia that maybe his friends could hear his dark secret. The room had already fallen silent, his friends in their stupors trying to find what was making that sound by lifting the couch cushions.

Seeing Jackie make her way towards his room, Hyde found himself actually becoming worried. "Shit! I hear Red!"

His friends stopped in their tracks, looking up at the floorboards. "Oh god, I can hear his every movement. Run!" Kelso was first out the door. Jackie tripped over Fez, making her way out of the basement. Hyde leaned back, enjoying the scramble of his friend. Sashaying over to the door, Hyde flipped the lock, stubbed out his joint in the ashtray (he'd finish that later) and moved back towards his room.

Lying on his bed, legs spread, cheeks pink, was Eric. His arms were raised above his head, linked with cups that raveled behind an old pipe. Lodged in his ass was a bright pink vibrator that Hyde had ordered with his birthday money an item from the sears catalogue. Crossing his arms, Hyde decided to wait out his high just watching Eric try to break the handcuffs to grab his swollen penis.

"And Jackie almost saw this."

Drabble 9:

One in the Crowd

"Was this all we could agree on? We couldn't see that romantic film?"

"I wanted to see the Bandit, but no we've already seen that."

"Comedies are great. Everyone wins!" Donna pulled open the door, letting Fez slide past her. Kelso and Jackie followed leaving Hyde and Eric out, waiting for their ticket stubs. Ignoring the glare pointed in his direction, Eric rushed along behind the girls to buy popcorn, going so far as to purchase Hyde a large drink with the mutter that 'Kitty made him do it'.

Finally flooding the packed theatre, the group dispersed. Eric's smile was hidden in the dark as he made his way up to the top rows of seats. Dropping in his seat, he dropped his foot up on the chair in front of him, waiting for the show to start. Around them, what few couples were there left, leaving him in peace.

"Great way of spoiling people's nights, Forman." Hyde sat down next to the boy, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"Shh. The movie's starting." Eric situated himself deeper in the seat.

Glaring around him, Hyde grabbed another scoop of popcorn before losing himself in the series of poorly written skits hidden under the veil of comedy. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a zipper slide. Looking around, he couldn't place where it was coming from. Even the people still in that row on the far end were watching the stupid movie which meant—

Between his legs, currently removing his soft penis from its confines was Eric. The boy gave him a pleasant smile before going to work, worshiping his penis. Controlling his breathing, Hyde canvassed the theatre. Sure there were people cuddling and getting close, but none were doing this. This…wasn't Eric. He was the manipulative exhibitionist always chancing getting caught. Eric was his nervous friend, always looking over his shoulder as if Red was standing there in all his scrutiny.

Running his fingers through the smaller male's soft hair, Hyde relaxed. His head fell back against the dirty cement wall.

"Hey, where'd Eric go?" Fez dropped on the seat in front of Hyde.

Jerking from his thought, Hyde felt his erection flag. Eric's rhythm never faltered. "H, he spilt his popcorn and…"

"But there's popcorn in his seat…"

"Yeah, my popcorn. Get lost, Fez." His voice broke

"I gotta ask Eric something so I'll wait until he comes back…" Fez turned, returning to the movie.

Between his legs, Eric's head bobbed fast, his own hands working himself. Hyde could only stare wondering how he was going to explain this if Fez even looked down at the ground. Oh god, he was so close. He just needed…

His hips shifted up, his head fell forward. He was coming…oh god…Eric and his fucking mouth…

"Oh there you are…Eric…um…"

Drabble 10: Dangerous Fez

Fez looked like he'd just stepped on a Royal Gold Mine. Upon leaving the theatre, the foreign man had rushed towards the passanger seat, usually claimed by Hyde. "I call the front seat." He slid into the seat, stretching his legs out so no one could claim middle seat. Everyone else folded into the back seat, Hyde stretching his arm across the seat in relaxation. "That was a stupid movie."

"Who decided we were going to watch that stupid movie?" Jackie scowled.

"The ads looked good." Kelso frowned. "And what was up with you guys during the movie? Fez just freaked out."

"Hyde told me that the people on the screen – they are not real."

"Um, yeah, Fez." Donna rolled her eyes.

"Fez needs his clothes cleaned for school. Anyone want to help? Hyde? Eric?"

Eric's grip on the steering wheel tightened. "I can help after work."

"And there's this girl, she totally digs the Fez-man. How do I approach her?"

"…I'll cue you in." Hyde scowled.

Jackie giggled. "You boys are such good friends." She brushed her hair back.

"Oh and while we're at it, Halloween is coming up I need a Joker and The Penguin."

"Oh hell no."

"But Hyde, I know-!"

"Oh my god, Fez has a secret!" Donna threw herself against the front seat, pushing Kelso out of the way. "You can't leave us hanging here, what did they do?"

"I know that-!"

"Hyde spilt his soda all over himself, it looked like he peed himself!" Eric forced a laugh. Something thumped in the car and he sat up. "Besides, good friends…we have to help one another like good friends but…dressing up for Halloween is taking it too far Fez. How about I just have mom pack you up an extra lunch?"

"Batman, Joker, and The Penguin or no deal."

Hyde cussed first, agreeing to the terms. Eric scowled. "Just this and nothing else."

"Your secret is safe with me." Fez grinned, squirming happily in his seat.

"…Pull over, Forman." Hyde had his door open before they reached the side of the road, running over to the passenger side. With the aid of their friends, they had Fez pulled into the backseat, Hyde in the passenger along with Jackie.

Drabble 11:

The Joking Penguin

Joker and The Penguin came home ten after midnight, hand in hand. The Penguin threw his top hat to the group, fluffing his fro back up before slumping in his seat. The Joker dropped his bag of treats on the coffee table. "I hate Halloween." Eric shuffled through the candy. "Were we really supposed to also do the skit?" Hyde's glare didn't relent as he watched his own bag of sugar being dumped out on the other pile. "Fruit, fruit, suckers…" Eric unrolled a sucker, popping it in his mouth.

"Anything good in there?"

"Sugar daddies?" Eric held up the yellow box. "Get them while you can. Fez wants his candy first thing tomorrow." Eric pilled the wrapped from a Hershey bar, stuffing half in his mouth. Sliding to the floor near their small horde of candy, Hyde slipped his arm around the smaller man as he reached through their pile for said sugar daddies. "Dude, pop rocks. You know what would be awesome with these?"

"Chill, Forman, doing that is what got us in this mess."

"Gee willikers, Penguin, maybe next time we can take down Batman and claim Gotham to ourselves."

"You are such a geek, Forman. And if I recall that's Robin's catchphrase." Hyde popped several of the chocolates in his mouth while wrestling the tie from around his neck. "Remind me to thank Red for loaning this suit."

"You sure you wanna return it? I think you look good. Deranged, but good."

"Next you'll have me turning in resumes and giving nice boy smiles to penguins while fighting the frenzy of fish in the corporate—" Hyde's speech was stopped when chocolate flavored lips pressed against his own. Eric's tongue snaked inside his surprised mouth, mapping the orifice. Pulling away, Eric stuffed the last half of his Hershey's in his mouth.

"Not as exotic as I thought it would be."

"Excuse me?" Hyde hissed, angry that the hot kiss was only instigated by one of Eric's many nerdy experiments.

"Well, usually my Batman fantasies include Cat Woman but I thought maybe the Joker and the Penguin would make an interesting coupling but I just keep imagining it and it's not as much of a turn on. They didn't model the old bird right. I'm going to change; I want to be able to read next month's comic without having these memories haunting the pages."

"Don't compare my awesomeness to your comics, dill hole." Hyde stormed into his bedroom in the basement. From the floor, Eric watched patiently for Hyde to disappear from the room. When the small storage room's door never locked, Eric grabbed the pop rocks he'd been eying earlier and followed.

The three day rant about noise levels after hours would be worth it.

Drable 12: Fitting in Your Lap

Never in his wildest dream did he think he could fit so perfectly on someone's lap. With Donna, their height difference became more known when she sat on his lap (or knee rather), but with Hyde…he'd never felt so small. There wasn't much of a height difference between himself and the other man, but it never stopped amazing him how well he could fit against Hyde. Had he not gotten so drunk all those months ago, he doubted he would have discovered this tidbit of information.

It used to amuse him when Jackie would throw a conniption, sitting on Kelso lap only to discover an unwanted surprise. Always quick with the insults she would storm out screaming about perverts. Donna had been the same way when he thought back on it. Sitting on Hyde's lap now, in the privacy of the man's room as they listened to the newest Van Halen record, all Eric could do was relish in all that was Hyde, including the hardened package pressing against his bottom.

Hyde, nose deep in the school version of 1984, had his arm around Eric's midriff, casually brushing his thumb across the small amount of stomach not hidden by his loose tee-shirt. Eric didn't want to voice his thought, but he almost felt loved. He had to fight the urge to admit it to the man, constantly reminding himself that there was nothing going on between the two more than sex. All this holding was simply due to the lack of seating in Hyde's small storage room where they'd locked themselves away during Kitty and Red's weekly card game.

"It's like he was seeing our future and warning us…" Hyde flipped the page of his book, eared the corner before putting the book on a cement block he was using as a side table. "How long do you think this game will be anyway?"

"From what I can hear," Eric fought with his rubix cube, "A while longer. Bob is winning."

"Ah." Hyde dropped back against his pillow. As he rolled back, he dragged Eric down with him, their bodies shifting together. "Well at least he isn't—"

"I'll kick your ass, you damn cheater!"

"—Yelling…" Hyde chuckled. "Well so much for a quiet evening at the Forman's."

Reaching for the volume knob on the record player, Eric rolled on his belly, smiling up at Hyde. "Let's make noise of our own then."

Hyde didn't need further prompting.