
"Hey, um, Rachel? Will you walk with me for a sec?"" She told Tina she'd see her later, and turned to face Matt.

"What can I do for you Matthew?"

He ducked his head and put his hands in his pockets. "Well, I was, uh, wondering if you wanted to go out sometime? With me?"

Rachel looked shocked. "Out?"

"Um, yeah?"

"Like a date?"

He grinned a little. "Yeah, like a date. Except not like. It'll be a me, Matt, taking you, Rachel, on a date."


"Yes you. Do you know any other Rachel Berry's?" he was still smiling. Odd, she hadn't ever noticed how nice he looked when he smiled.

"I just…I just have to think about it. I wasn't…prepared for this." he looked a little disappointed, but nodded. "It's not that I don't want to, I have to get permission and clear me schedule."

"Ah, yeah, forgot about that. You want me to call you later?"

"Yes!" she nodded quickly. "But wait, do you have my number?"

"I don't. I though I'd steal it from Puck's phone."

"Oh, there's no need for that. Here," she said as she pulled out a post-it note and scribbled her number across it and handed it to him. "No need to steal it now."

"Yeah, cool." he took it, and their fingers brushed. They both jerked their hands back, dropping the piece of paper. Rachel hastily bent over to grad it, at the exact same time Matt did. Their heads bumped.


"Wow, sorry. I don't usually hurt girls when I ask them out. And by usually," he added rubbing his head. "I mean never." He ran his hand across he hair smoothing it down. He smiled at her, a little nervously, before turning and walking down the hall.

"See you later, Rach." He called over his shoulder.


"Why in the world would Matthew Rutherford ask me on a date?" she asked Puck, confused.

"Because you're hot, and he wants to hit that." One of his hands rested on the wheel, while the other hung out of the window.


"Okay, he likes you. Has for a while. I guess this is him finally stepping up to the plate, and being a man." Puck said. "I've taught him well."

She shot him an exasperated look, before staring out the window. "It just doesn't make sense."

"What? Why?" When she didn't answer, he lightly slapped her arm.

"Berry, you're a hot chick who wears tight shirts and short skirts. You got long legs, which doesn't make sense cause you're so short, a nice, and I mean nice, rack. You're smart, loyal and you don't put up with bullshit. What's not to like?" Rachel stared at him in shock for several minutes, before ducking her head.

"Really?" she said quietly.

Puck made an annoyed sound. Frickin' Finn. "Yeah, really. Jeez, Berry, where'd all that self confident 'I will take over the world' attitude go? Rutherford's damn lucky to have you, and you should know that."

"Well, I am confident but-"

"No 'buts' babe. Just chill and say 'Yes, Puck, I'll go out with Rutherford."

"Yes, Noah, I will go out with Matthew." he rolled his eyes at her, then reached out to ruffle her hair.



"Hey, Rach, it's me, uh, Matt."

"Hi Matthew, it's nice of you to call."

(Enter awkward silence)

"So I was calling to see about that date we talked about earlier? I mean, if you still wanted to go, but you don't have to if you don't-"



"I would love to go out on a date with you."