Reviews for Earned
midlifecrisses chapter 3 . 4/18/2012
Great story! Great 'verse! Loved it!
MissiYoung chapter 3 . 9/26/2011
This arc was so amazing, Mrs. Hummel! I'm so happy that things worked out well for Dave in the end, and for Dave and Kurt as a couple! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
starkidmack chapter 3 . 6/14/2011
asdfghjkl the FLUFF. AND THE SMUT. I'm gonna turn into a massive fangirl if I don't stop soon... Anyways, I love it!
LiveLoveRead chapter 2 . 1/31/2011
This story is really great D .. . but ... in reading through it so far ... it (at least it's beginning) causes me to pause and wonder ... WHY do the fanfic writers on this board ALWAYS seem to make Azimio out to be 'the big bad violent homophobe guy' in their writings?

Ryan Murphy has NEVER portrayed Azimio as being any more homophobic or violent than Dave or Finn or anyone else on the show - YET - it seems on this board almost every writer wants to make Azimio out to be this horrific violent, ignorant, ghetto, homophobe AND 'the drive' behind all the homophobia and possible violence in the school.

That's unfair and does NOT fall into anything related to how Ryan Murphy has presented this character.

If anything Glee shows Azimio to be 'a follower' NOT 'the lead troublemaker' .

(If you notice – Azimio only seems to slushy and name call the ‘loser’ kids when Dave is around … a clear indication that Azimio just wants to fit-in with Dave and the other more ‘popular’ kids).

Also - I have both lived in and visited small towns in Ohio - and trust me - if Azimio were one of the few black kids at an all-white/nearly all-white school - there is NO WAY he would be the trouble-maker with anyone (let alone the leader of homophobic and violent acts).

And - most of the black people that I had met while in Ohio were about the most open-minded and accepting people anyone could ever encounter - (especially the black people who found themselves being among the few 'minorities' in ANY situation) - and I think this constant false (and violent and bigoted) presentation made of one of them is totally unfair.

If Azimio were TRULY one of the FEW black kids in an all-white / nearly all-white high school in small town Ohio (especially a middle class / upper middle-class one like Ryan Murphy presents McKinley as being) - from what I have seen of small town Ohio - he would NEVER hav even had the opportunity (or incentive) to practice homophobia or any other act singling any 'one' group out.

This is because Azimio would KNOW that IF he did any such thing HE would be THE NEXT person "singled out".

Ryan Murphy makes it abundantly clear that Azimio is NOT a violent person filled with hatred and bigotry - so much as he is simply a big, fat, insecure dork who (in an effort to fit-in among his jock buddies) simply 'follows' the crowd in pulling pranks on (ex. slushying) and even making attempts at hazing ANYONE (no matter if gay or straight) who isn't popular or ‘in with the in crowd’ (like he's so desperately trying to be) - so why the writers on this board seem to want to present this kid as being some sort of "to violent ignorant thuggish ghetto homophobe" is both offensive and confusing.

Again – the black people that I met when I stayed in Ohio (especially the jocks and other popular kids – but even the dorkier ones who just wanted a crowd to it into) were actually some of the most open minded and accepting people that I had ever encountered in my whole life.

Also – it seems to me that - if someone like Azimio ever had a problem with Dave being gay - it would (in my humble opinion) more than likely, perhaps, be due to Azimio being mad over (for instance) something like Azimio perhaps having felt pressured (by Dave and his popular crowd’) to cut someone out of his won life who he secretly deeply cared about (ex. a cousin, an uncle or even another best friend – and not so much a brother or a boyfriend or anything, as I think it would be silly to have 1 show with more than 1 secretly-gay jock and almost no one would ever consider kicking a sibling out of their life just ‘to fit in with the crowd’) – all due to Azimio’s secret fear of being rejected by ‘the popular kids’ if he had decided to keep this person in his life.

Thanks for listening - and (other than this one annoyance with the presentation of the Azimio character) I think this was a really great story. )
lunarguardian27 chapter 3 . 12/5/2010
I loved both stories a lot that where very well written amazing ...u should definitely write more smuty smexxx how about u write a pwp(porn without plot)if its not to much trouble
Kindre Turnany chapter 3 . 11/27/2010
I laughed out loud when Dave said "You're peeking at my junk, you know." That was an awesome moment.

And I think I'm scared of Brittany's mom now. o.o
Kindre Turnany chapter 2 . 11/27/2010
This chapter was a fun read.

I'm pretty sure proms haven't changed much since this sounds about right to me, and mine was in '07.
Kindre Turnany chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
I like Dave and Rachel's relationship here. And I pretty much just hate Dave's dad. Grr.
Kiwiflea chapter 3 . 11/26/2010
I just finished all of your Earning It stories, and I just wanted to let you know I love them! Great job, and I can't wait to read more of your writing!
Lynn-at-home chapter 3 . 11/25/2010
I loved the 'peeking at my junk' comment. And everything else of course!
Azairekai chapter 3 . 11/23/2010
I vote that you try to continue this story. I love it. You're an exceptional writer and from your first story have excelled at writing Kurt, which most people can NOT do. :) If you should decide to continue this story I would love to see even more interaction of Kurt's family with Dave. Also don't be afraid to write anything that could be considered as canon to the storyline. XD After that Wicked reference in the other story, I'd love to see what you actually had Dave sing to Kurt.
RoseRedMisery chapter 3 . 11/23/2010
I can see Brittany's mom as the mom from Mean Girls.
evilbeckles chapter 3 . 11/23/2010
great story loved it :)
probablyquantum chapter 3 . 11/23/2010
I just read this plus the two stories that came before it. I like all of it very much! Thank you for these stories!
Dreaming-Of-A-Nightmare chapter 3 . 11/23/2010
*melts into a puddle on the floor* dammit, how am i supposed to go to school now? i feel like i should just sit around all day, gushing over the amazing-ness of this. seriously, you had me hooked straight away, giggling like a maniac. X3

what a satisfying end to the Earning It universe. thanks so much for this series~! C:
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