Reviews for Ghosts of Babylon
IronButterflyWings chapter 27 . 5/16
I am so glad there was an updated to this story! We should all better ourselves in someway or another, and I really appreciate how you put that into the story. He sacrificed so much for her, and I am happy that he did. This really is a wonderful story. A story that pulls in the readers brilliantly!

I love how you put it, you have found Heaven on Earth. They really have, such beautiful Heaven it is.

I know the adventure is far from over, and I for one can't wait for more! I did chuckle of the thought of egg salad mixing with cookies.
Colorful Raging Cancer chapter 27 . 5/14
Oh my god. So. I've been following this story since close to the start of it. It's been ten years since you posted it originally. This made my week. I rewatched Legion for the first time in YEARS. I reread the whole story over the course of this week. I have seriously missed it. So much.
I.Weave.Dreams chapter 27 . 5/12
Loved this chapter! I could read this story for the rest of my life! I love seeing them happy and domestic together as much as I love the angst! It sounds like there might be a little trouble on the horizon, potentially. Do you plan to continue with more chapters? You write so well, as always 3
HowlynMad chapter 27 . 5/11
Ohhhh, and here I thought that you had finished this only to be surprised with a new chapter. Yay me!
LaPucelle08 chapter 27 . 5/10
I couldn't help but laugh at the part where Gabriel is asking her not to put makeup and not to fight Uriel and Michael. XD Audrey is so cute, her teenager-ish demeanor and wanting romantic gushy stuff is so adorable. Thank you for the update. I've been following this since... 2010? I forgot when exactly it got posted but that long and my feelings for it remains the same.
TimeToFloat chapter 27 . 5/10
You're back! Your fans are going to be extremely happy to see you again.

Bless Audrey for listening to Gabriel, and actually trying to better herself. He risked God's wrath, gave up his wings and most of his powers to be with her, so I don't think it'll kill her to do without swearing and makeup. It's a small price in comparison!

But they're really good for each other. Never in his life, I imagine, did Gabriel think that he would find someone like Audrey. Perhaps he never looked or cared because he was committed to God and his duties, but who knew it would take an apocalypse to bring a human and an archangel together. I wonder if God knew, when he created Audrey, that he was creating a lover for his soldier. This story really makes you feel like a philosopher because it makes you THINK.

Oh God...

Pushing back the darkness? Edge of his thoughts? EGG SALAD AND COOKIES?!

That leaves me with such a foreboding sense of doom, and this chapter reminds me of those rare horror movies where the enemy is dead and everything seems well, but the movie keeps going. You're wondering, "okay, if they defeated the villain, then why are they still showing more?" Something is definitely going to happen, maybe the beast lifting his paw for one last swipe, but you don't know if that's it. It could be anything because you've managed to create such a beautiful story that you really don't know what's going to happen next. It's much like God himself, unreadable and merciless. Sometimes merciful. But it makes sense because you are the God(dess) of this story.

A few days, a few weeks, a few months, a few years. It doesn't matter how long it takes because this story will always be worth waiting for.
Nameless-Sinner chapter 27 . 5/10
O...m...g...I just...thank you so much for updating...I can't read the new chapter at rhe moment but I will as soon as I get home!
LadyViolet2112 chapter 26 . 3/6
Beautiful, Bittersweet story. Love it. Thanks for sharing.
HowlynMad chapter 1 . 7/26/2019
I just rediscovered this story and wanted to start at the beginning as a refresher. I'm glad I'm not the only one that comes back to writing years later lol.
Syntax chapter 3 . 7/11/2019
I'm so glad I found this story again, I love it! A fitting sequel to the film, unlike that short lived TV series.
Caitlin ross chapter 2 . 6/23/2019
Your stories are amazing,I’m going to keep reading them the second chapter is amazing Gabriel saved Audrey from that horrible accident which it by far my favorite part of the stories keep writing the stories and I’ll keep reading them
woundedmosquito chapter 26 . 6/11/2019
Lovely as always, I teared up a little bit there.
Myrrhee chapter 26 . 5/26/2019
One of my favorite things about your style is how well you describe the mundane, and I'm glad we had a chance to see that at the beginning as Audrey and Gabriel clean up the old barn-house. It really keeps the universe you're building solid and believable, but it's also very pleasant to read.

I'm also glad they'll be staying close to Howard and Millie, just like Audrey said she wanted in chapters past. While Gabriel can't really take Audrey to any of the places beyond the human world without his wings, they could have chosen a different place or city and yet chose to stay.

I love that we're still seeing changes in Audrey! It's been a well-handled, organic process. I'm still very impressed by how it still followed a particular thread of the story, despite how there was a wait between chapters 24 and 25. While my favorite moment remains her theological debate with Michael as they shucked corn, the way she's finally done with doing the opposite of what she's told just for the sake of it really proves her growth.

And the callbacks! Vick the Marine, Gabriel taking care of Audrey once she was unconscious, and of course Audrey reminiscing. Audrey's remembrances were perfect both in and out of universe: fitting, since Gabriel doesn't know what happened and they've been separated for over a week, and poignant to us the fanpeople, for whom all these things are charged with whatever we were living when we read Ghosts of Babylon the first few times around.

And of course, them coming together. Ye gods. I thought for a moment that Gabriel would stop them. I loved that Audrey didn't scheme so the moment would happen, and I particularly loved the moment Audrey discovers she's a virgin again and so this is technically hers AND Gabriel's first time. Together. It would have still been special to both of them if Audrey hadn't been restored by the pool, but I think it's perfect that she got to leave all her unfortunate choices and all the hurt inflicted on her behind for this moment with Gabriel. I loved how it happened,

There are many beatiful phrases to point out here, but my favorite has to be 'they were two fireflies mating in the final hour of their lives.'

Eager to see where this goes now 3 Because of course the story is far from over.
Myrrhee chapter 25 . 5/26/2019
Even though a good bit of time went by between chapters 24 and 25, I was very impressed when, on reading the entire story, there really is no feeling of divide between them. You kept to the mood and feel of the story admirably.

I loved how Gabriel's change is highlighted in this chapter: after weeks of coming to retrieve clothes and being distant, even sharp to Millie and Howard while Audrey was in the cave, he's now gentle enough to apologize for that first meeting. It also reads as the perfect moment for Gabriel to apologize, having it happen in any prior chapter wouldn't have been as climatic and organic as doing it now, once he's returned from Paradise.

I particularly love how Millie and Howard...well, dote, on Audrey and Gabriel now. Audrey may have known them for a very short time and Gabriel may be millions of years old, but they still take up the role of mentors and guardians to two lost young people. I think it's a sweet commentary on how family ties are built and chosen, nost just granted to us once we're born.

There's also the continuity nod to the angelic possession that happened while the world was ending!

And of course, I loved the end. I love Howard's very subtle hints and how it sailed right over Gabriel's head, and of course Audrey's reaction.
mynameistoolong chapter 26 . 5/15/2019
Awwwwww. They are back together and they made love. I wasn’t sure if Gabriel was going to try to avoid physical intimacy or he’s already technically damned so it doesn’t matter. Which I’m now assuming it’s the latter which is so sad. I’m really happy they came together though and the whole thing was super sweet, especially his concern for her.

I’m so grateful to you! Thank you for writing this story and putting out more chapters! When I got the first update I was surprised and then when I saw that you posted another chapter days later, I was ecstatic. Can’t wait to see what’s next!
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