Disclaimer: Amy and Daniel Palladino, along with the rest of the WB, own Gilmore Girls. I'm just borrowing the characters.

My betas: Landon Lover and Bookworms

A/N: Hmm, only about a month and a half this time. Well, it's been a fun ride, but this is it. I've enjoyed writing this, and now it's time to move on. I may write a spin-off about Stephanie's time in California, but that's a maybe. Anyway, thank you all for supporting me, I couldn't have done it without you!


"And so I raise my glass to the greatest couple I know. May they have all the happiness in life and in marriage that they deserve," Logan finished. He raised his champagne flute high in the air.

Finn put both arms around Rory and pulled her close. She leaned into his embrace and scanned the crowd. Her mother and Luke were sitting only a few feet away. Stephanie was next to them with her daughter, Veronica. Stephanie had found out she was pregnant a month before she went to California. After much confusion, it had been determined that the father was Tristan. He showered his daughter with love and gifts, but she was closer to Stephanie's husband, whom she'd met while in California.

Lane was getting ready for the next set with the band. Paris and Doyle, who had gotten back together for the final time only a year before, were wrapped up in their own engagement bliss.

"Love," Finn whispered in her ear, nipping it slightly.

"Yeah, Finn?"

"Don't drink too much," he warned.

"Why not? Our flight isn't until tomorrow afternoon."

He breathed hot air into her ear. "I'll be keeping you up all night, and I'll need all of your stamina."

She giggled and kissed him. He pulled her onto his lap while the rest of the wedding party cheered.

"Finn, save that for tonight!" Colin yelled.

"Save what for tonight? That was completely innocent compared to tonight." He winked at Rory.

She blushed and pulled Finn in for another kiss. "How am I going to live with you for the rest of my life?"

"The same way you've been living with me for the past year." He ended his sentence by kissing her on the top of her nose. "I've seen you in bad, I've seen you in good, and Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Beaumont, I finally get to see you everyday until I die. And hopefully you'll be naked at least ninety percent of the time. Or at least not wearing panties." He gave her an exaggerated eyebrow waggle.

She laughed. "Then you'll be happy to know that I'm not wearing any right now."

"My little minx. You get something special when I take the garter off. If I hadn't already done so, I'd ask you to marry me."

"Well, I'm glad you already did. Because I couldn't wait another moment to have you forever."


"What time does our flight leave?" Finn asked later that night. They were in their hotel suite, cuddling in bed after having consummated their marriage – a phrase Finn couldn't get through saying without laughing – four times.

"Hmm?" Rory was laying against his chest and lazily drawing geometric shapes with her finger. His chest never ceased to fascinate her. There was a scar on his stomach ("woodshop gone wrong," he'd told her) that was the only thing marring his toned and surprisingly tan chest.

"Our flight, love," he repeated. "What time does it leave?"

"One-thirty in the afternoon. So we have to be there by twelve."

"And this flight, would it involve us moving in any way, shape or form?"

"In the traditional sense of the word?"

"Always, for what am I but traditional?"

"Unfortunately, it would."

He reached down and ran his fingers through her hair. "Why can't we stay like this forever?"

"Because we're not John Lennon and Yoko Ono in Amsterdam."

"But seriously, darling. Why can't we stay content and lovely like this until we die?"

"Because that would be creepy. Would you really want to stay like this forever and ever, doing nothing else?"

"Well, shagging you senseless once every five hours is just a given. But otherwise, I don't believe that we should leave this bed ever."

"What would we eat?" He looked down at her and smirked. She groaned. "Forget I asked."

"Hey, love?"

"Yes, sugar?" she asked sweetly.

He laughed. "You don't need a pet name for me, darling. I like to hear you say my own name. Not my given name, of course, but the name you usually call me. I even like it when you're mad. But especially when you're moaning."

She ignored that last comment. "You were saying before?"

"Oh yes, where was I?" He cleared his throat theatrically. "Mrs. Phineas Beaumont, care to shag again?"

She laughed. "And here I was expecting something romantic."

"Love, are you insinuating that what I just said was not, in fact, romantic enough for you? That was plenty romantic. I could have asked if it would be possible to insert my penis into your vagina again. Repeatedly. Until you're screaming my name. Would you like that better?"

"Not in so many words."

"See, I win."

She rolled her eyes. "You really think you're that good?"

"I repeat, care to shag again?"

"Five times? I think we may pass our record, dear husband. Did you take one of those creepy pills they advertise on TV?"

He reached down and kissed her again. "You're all the creepy pill I need. And besides, darling, I did tell you that you'd need your stamina tonight."

She smiled. "I love you."

"I love you as well. Always and forever."


Thank yous:

Tooki- Haha, I think I may have made Finn his own character. I watch the show and Finn'll say something, and I'll accuse ASP of copywriting me. But then I'm crazy.

Mr./Mrs. X- This one is your favorite? Thank you! It's mine too, haha. I know there are typos, but hopefully not in the later chapters. I got a beta only halfway through the story. But she's an amazing beta. Thank you for choosing this one as your favorite!

KeitaWolf- Rory gets all the hot men cause she's a selfish bitch. But I can't stop writing her. Anyway…I love Finn and all his Finn-ness. I'm thinking of writing a fic solely with Naked!Finn. What do you think?

Genevah- Thank you, prom was awesome. But my Mr. Perfect? Is no Finn… unfortunately. That would be 100 kinds of awesome… oh man, I want a Finn too…

satelliteblues21- Haha. Not pathetic. Lame, maybe, but didn't you hear? Lame is the new awesome. That's how I get away with stuff. Oh man, weirdest thing: I just got a call from a crazy Italian man asking me "Wassup?" No, seriously. It's 9 in the morning, imagine if I'd actually been sleeping…

Forensic Photographer711- You're making me blush with all your compliments, thank you.

wickedshizit- I look for realistic. But thank you. I try to make the fans happy.

just hidden- You know my weakness. I love it when you quote back, because it makes me seems as though I'm making somebody laugh, and I like making people laugh. Oh man, you're awesome. Thank you so much.

LandonLover- Don't worry, you're an awesome beta.

BrCl Girl- I just love it when the characters talk. That's my favorite part about writing. If I could write a whole story with no plot, just Stephanie, Tristan, Finn, Colin, and Logan talking, I think that would be my favorite story ever. No Rory, though. Just because I write her doesn't mean I particularly enjoy her character, haha. Anyway, thank you for reviewing. And thank you for reviewing my other story! It made me smile.

Alicia Jo- You win at life as well. Just because of all of your awesomeness.

:D- Your addiction? I kinda like the sound of that.

Lifeisconfusing, meh, Coffee91, clavira89, Alenor, venus mixtape, megliz716, lackinglime123, Bookworms, Silky1107, Mary89,harvard-bound-hopefully2010, spinaround, crissy, ReeseAnn, OTHfan4life8694, astragail, frackandbonechick, Hcrobe0, majit, Me.No.Read, breakfastclubjedi, Kylie1403, zetaphi7, Chelle5, Spreeaholic1, Arillia-K, Natalie, absox, Gilmoregirl7878, mrmp, rockrose

Thank you everyone who reviewed, and who stuck with me this whole story. Or who just found it. Or who reads it but doesn't review. Every single one of you make me smile. Thank you for giving this story about an unconventional couple a chance. You made it worth it.