Author has written 20 stories for Bones, Angel, Hairspray, Ashes to Ashes, Kate Daniels series, Silent Witness, Castle, Harry Potter, and Glee. Hi, I'm a 23 year old too immature to describe herself as a woman, working part time at a supermarket and I never know what to write in these things... oh well. I've written a lot of fanfiction over the past nine or so years and have posted it mostly on livejournal. I'm a geek about many things including musicals, Joss Whedon, Doctor Who, period dramas...the list goes on but I cba to put as much effort into a profile as i would a fic...sue me. My Favourite Ships Buffyverse (Buffy+Angel) Buffy/Angel Buffy/Spike Willow/Tara Willow/Oz Xander/Anya Fred/Wes Firefly/Serentiy Mal/Inara Kaylee/Simon Zoe/Wash Grey's Anatomy Meredith/Derek Callie/Arizona Christina/Owen Bones Booth/Bones Angela/Hodgins Movies Link/Tracy -Hairspray!! Penny/Seaweed - Hairspray!! Kat/Patrick - 10 things I hate about you Bridget Jones/Mark Darcy Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy -Pride and Prejudice COLIN FIRTH VERSION Margaret Hale/John Thornton - BBC's North and South Melanie/Jake - Sweet Home Alabama Current obssession: Ashes to Ashes and Gene/Alex, although I wouldn't say no to Chris/Shaz or Sam/Annie from the original Life on Mars My stories tend to show my sense of humour which isn't everyone's cup of tea, I'm sarcastic and have quite a dark sense of humour... has anyone seen Underworld Evolution? If so the bit when the vampire gets pushed into the helicoptor I laughed out loud at... in the cinema... in the very quiet cinema. Can I repeat how bad I am at writing profiles of myself? x Beckles x |
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