![]() Author has written 9 stories for Labyrinth, Dragonriders of Pern series, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, and X-Men: The Movie. Name: TooDiffer2BReal Nickname: Age: Between 1 and 500! Have fun! Star Sign: Scorpio C.Zodiac: Monkey Personality: I keep to myself most of the time. I'm quite shy and quiet around those I don't know but around friends I can be very obnoxious at time, though I still tend to be quiet a lot around friends just not shy. I'm very passionate about my morals. I am very mature especially for my age, so I've been told. I tend to be the voice of reason. I am very logical. Favs: See below...Anime/Manga, novels, DDR, Guitar Hero, I like video games Food: Umm, everything? Unless I'm not in the mood for it there isn't much food I won't eat. Though, I'm not a huge fan of pizza but that's about it and I'll try anything that I haven't eaten before even if it looks or smells gross. I have to try something at least once before I won't eat it again. But I looovee food! Likes: Writing(duh!), drawing(badly), reading, friends, fanfiction, fanart, music, some other things, food, Mythology, cultures Dislikes: People, hateful people, non-accepting people School: Freshman in college Friends on Fanfiction.net (by fanfiction.net pennames): ShiokuXRose GuessHu DevART: LJ: Tumblr: AO3: /users/TooDiffer2BReal/pseuds/TooDiffer2BReal Places I'd Like to Go: Travel the World Places I can surf Ireland Scotland England Greece Japan Turkey Favorite Movies(I am a Film major. I love film so this list could go on forever but I'll just give you like 5 or 6): X-Men First Class The Labyrinth BeetleJuice Howl's Moving Castle Spirited Away Princess Mononoke Favorite Books/Book Series: The Dragonriders of Pern series- It is a wonderful series by Anne McCaffrey, reread it recently and loved it even more. The Hunger Games Favorite Anime/Manga: Red River Sailor Moon Magic Knight Rayearth 1 and 2(manga) Alice 19th Fairy Tail Fullmetal Alchemist Naruto Skip Beat Sensual Phrase Hetalia Yaoi Stuff Anime or Manga I want to see/read: Anime and Manga I don't like: Fruits Basket- I don't like the anime or manga. The anime kinda scares me and not many things scare me. I don't like the characters, especially that ones that everyone else love. Vampire Knight- Uber happy that Kaname and Yuki are 'together' at this moment but I can tell that that won't last and she'll probably get with Zero and I hate Zero because I can see that he is an ass, even though everyone else can't and stupid girls love all the characters that are assholes. Any manga where the main male character is an asshole but still get the girl and where the main female character is incompetent/stupid/weak/helpless pretty much the only thing she's got going for her is her looks, otherwise she's an airhead, i hate that. So generally most shoujo stuff. Favorite Pairings: I like CRACK...COUPLES! So beware X-Men: Charles/Erik Greek Mythology: Hades/Persephone, Eros/Psyche Sailor Moon: Usagi(Serenity)/Mamoru(Endymion), Rei(Mars)/Jadiete, Ami(Mercury)/Zoisite Makoto(Jupiter)/Nephrite, Minako(Venus)/Kunzite Labyrinth: Jareth/Sarah Blood: Saya/Haji, David/Julia, Mao/Akihiro Black Cat: Charden/Kyoko, Jenos/Rinslet, Train/Sven, Train/Eve, Sephiria/Belze Inuyasha: Inuyasha/Kagome, Miroku/Sango, Sesshomaru/Rin, Koga/Ayame, Shippo/Kirara(with humanoid form), Naraku/Kikyo Red River: Yuri/Kail, Ryui/Shala/Kikuri, Ilbani/Hadi, Rusafa/Nefert, Nakia/Urhi, Juda/Alexandra, Mattiwaza/Nadia, Zannanza/Ankhesenamen, Kash/Ursula, Tito/Eimi Ranma 1/2: Ranma/Akane Imadoki: Tanpopo/Koki, Aoi/Tsukiko, Erika/Yoji, Arisa/Ogata Rayearth: Emaraude/Zagato, Hikaru/Lantis, Umi/Ascot, Fuu/Ferio, Clef/Presea Miyazaki stuff: Howl/Sophie, Haku/Chihiro Naruto: Sasuke/Naruto, Kakashi/Iruka, Sakura/Ino, Neji/Hinata, Tsunade/Jiraiya, Itachi/Kisame, Hidan/Kakuzu, Deidara/Tobi, Kankuro/Kiba, Haku/Zabuza, Yondaime/Kushina Fairy Tail: Natsu/Lucy, Erza/Jeral, Gray/Juvia, Gazille/Levi, Loki(Leo)/Aries, Alzack/Visca, Leon/Sherry, Fried/Mirajane, Macao/Cana, Elfman/Evergreen, Mystgun/Knightwalk Sensual Phrase: Aine/Sakuya, Yuki/Maria, Atsuro/Yuuka, Towa/Miya Hetalia: US/UK, Italy/Germany Skip Beat: Ren/Kyoko, Kanea/Hiou Fullmetal Alchemist: Ed/Winry, Roy/Riza, Trisha/Hohenheim, Izumi/Sig, Al/Mei, Ling/Lan Fan Worst Anime/Manga Pairings Ever(In my opinion): Inuyasha:Anything that isn't mentioned above Naruto: Anything not mentioned above Black Cat: Anything not mentioned above etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, you get my point. Also anything that is Canon character/OC, only OC/OC is allowed Favorite Bands/Music Groups: Celtic Thuder Simple Plan My Chemical Romance Linkin Park All American Rejects Matchbox Romance Panic! At the Disco Farewell Motion City Soundtrack Escape the Fate Paramore Meg & Dia Escape The Fate We the Kings Metro Station Marianas Trench Taproot Pop Evil 10 years My Darkest Days Three Days Grace Plain White T's Nickelback Favorite Quartets(Barbershop Harmony/Sweet Adeline): Power Play The Ivy League DreamCatchers All right let me explain this. U see in my world there is Barbershop. I was raised on barbershop, which is an a cappella type of music sung in for different parts. Barbershop is unlike any other style of music. The four parts when combined create a fifth ringing tone. The four parts are: Tenor- being the highest part. Lead- which is the melody. Bari- it's not barbershop with out the baritone it has to be there for the chord to sound right Bass- the lowest part. Now this isn't the perfect explanation so if you'd like more explanation go to Barbershop Harmony which is for men or Sweet Adeline International for women. I think going to Barbershop Harmony will give u more info on barbershop all together but their are two different societies for men and women. Favorite Quotes: Life is like a dogsled team. If you're not the lead dog the scenery never changes. Panic, Choas, Disorder...My work here is done. "Normal People" Worry Me. Cry Yourself A River, Build Yourself A Bridge, And Get Over It! Sanity calms, but madness is much more interesting. Life sucks, deal with it! From Me Rin and Kagome stood in the elevator laughing at Inu Yasha. They had been at it for quite some time. They had been taking turns bothering the passengers. It was Inu Yasha's turn next. As the lady got on Inu Yasha started to think. He stared at the lady until he got her attention. “You're one of them! Aww… Let me out she will suck out my brains! Please have mercy. I'm not a prime specimen of Earth take this girl instead! I have too much to live for!” Inu Yasha said fake crying and banging on the elevator door. The lady backed away from Inu Yasha and ended up standing next to Rin who just couldn't resist. She grinned at the lady for a while and then said, “Hey, I got new socks on! My mommy brought them for me!” Rin said happily. “Group hug!” Then she grabbed Kagome and the woman into a big hug. After that the lady scooted over toward Kagome looking extremely disturbed. The elevator was quiet now. Inu Yasha was standing in the corner looking at the wall. Rin was sniffing the lady at different intervals. Kagome looked down at a box that was in the corner of the elevator. “That's funny…” Kagome started, “Do you hear that ticking? It seems to be coming for over there…” Kagome said pointing at the box. “I wonder what it is… maybe I should shake it.” Kagome began to lend forward very slowly reaching out to the box. That's it the lady snapped. She started to sweat and suddenly she jumped toward the doors. “I don't wanna die; let me out let me out let me out!” She screamed and began banging on the doors. The door opened and with a scream she sprinted out of the elevator making quite a scene. “Man I have never seen a crazier woman, talking about bombs in the elevator…” Kagome said thoughtfully. And with that they finally walked out of the airport and headed toward Kagome's car. From Unspoken Fantasies by Starlight_Hotaru “Oh…” was all Rin said before the phone began to ring. “Hi, this is none of your damn business. You must have the wrong number because only three people in this entire world have my phone number. So you might as well hang up because I'll doubtlessly listen to your message as you give it and then delete it. I'll most likely see you in hell… BEEP.” “Sesshoumaru it is Rin…” She started and there was another click on the line. “Rin, why are you calling from Inu Yasha's phone?” Sesshoumaru asked. From Unspoken Fantasies by Starlight_Hotaru on One man stood up out of the crowd and pointed at Kagome. "Who’s that, boss?" Inuyasha jerked the gun and pointed it at the man’s head. "You weren’t fucking listening to me earlier, were you? What did I tell you guys?" "Well, you said that we had a new member, but…" "But what does she look like?" "Like Sango." "What is she wearing?" "Black clothing." "WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT TELL YOU!" "Uh…" The man cowered. "That she’s the new member?" Inuyasha snorted. "Congratulations, you just answered the million dollar question and saved your ass. Next time, don’t question me about anything or I’ll splatter your fucking brains all over the wall, got it?" From Turn of Events by Bear 5 "Whatever," he handed her selected folders with forms inside. "Call Takeo's next of kin and inform them that he's gone." "Oh... how sad..." Kikyo sobered at once. "No - he's not dead, just missing. He might be with them." Inuyasha turned From 28 Days by Rozefire Recommended Stories (Also My Favorite Stories): From Fanfiction.net Dead Famous by Rozefire Black Dog, Once More by Kagome Hanyou From Hanyou Her, Hanyou Him by Wolf Blossom Recommended Authors (Also My Favorite Authors): From Fanfiction.net Rozefire! Anything and everything Rozefire she is the goddess of Inuyasha fanfiction! My Stories: Note: Most of my chapters must be revised. Sorry! Progress On Stories- Everyone Knows This Is Nowhere- Multiple chapters (Category: Labyrinth) Genre-Romance/Drama/Angst/General Status: Abandoned Pairings: Sarah/Jareth Summary: Sarah must return to the Underground in secret to help Jareth but when she gets caught she get sent somewhere completely unexpected. Chapter 1: Complete Chapter 2: Complete Chapter 3: In Progress In Closing- Two-shot(with two alternate endings) (Category: Dragonriders of Pern) Genre-Angst/Romance/General Status- Complete Pairings: Lessa/F'lar, slight F'lessan/Tai Summary: Lessa speaks to F'lessan as she lay dying. Two endings. Slight angst. Lessa/F'lar Chapter 1: Complete Ending 1: Complete Ending 2: Complete All unfinished stories are now on hiatus and most have been deleted from my profile. Tales of the Shinobi- Mulitple-oneshots/chapters (Category: Naruto) Genre- Romance/Angst/General/Humor Status- Abandoned Pairings- Included: Sasuke/Naruto, Sakura/Ino, Gaara/Lee, Neji/Hinata, Possible: Deidara/Tobi, Kakashi/Iruka, Yondaime/Kushina, Kankuro/Kiba, Kakuzu/Hidan, Itachi/Kisame, Orochimaru/Kabuto, Tsunade/Jiraiya Summary: LJ 100 Themes Challenge. Multiple Naruto oneshots about multiple couples. Take What Comes- Multiple-chapters (Category: Labyrinth) Genre: Romance/Fantasy/Adventure/Humor Status: Abandoned Pairings- Main: Jareth/Sarah Major: OC/OC, OC/OC, OC/OC Summary: Two friends wish each other to the Underground, the rules say that they can’t run the Labyrinth so Jena, one of the two friends, asks her sister to run the Labyrinth for them. When she loses, all 3 must stay in the Underground forever. They become servants at the castle, because of these 3 humans things begin to change around the castle, things change for Jareth. Will these changes be for the best or for the worst? Chap 1: Complete Chap 2: Complete Chap 3: Complete Chap 4: Complete Chap 5: In Progress The Pirate's Life (Rewritten) Multiple-chapters (Category: Inuyasha) Genre: Romance/Action/Humor/Adventure Status: Abandoned Pairings- Main: Inuyasha/Kagome, Major: Miroku/Sango, Sesshoumaru/Rin, Shippou/Kirara, Kouga/Ayame, Minor: Naraku/Kikyou Summary: AU Kag and San are the captains of the dreaded fleet of pirate females. As most pirates, these scallywags are infamous for tricking and stealing from everyone- especially men. But when, after captain Kagome goes inside one of their ships disguised and ends up steeling the one that the Captains are actually on, leaving them not knowing who she was, the crew finds they're being trailed by the Inuyasha and Miroku, because the Captains have figured Kagome out, what'll they do? Chap 1: Complete Chap 2: Complete Chap 3: Complete Story terminated Creatures of the Dark- Multiple-chapters (Category: Inuyasha) Genre: Romance/Fantasy/Action/Adventure/Humor/Horror Status: Abandoned Pairings- Main: Inuyasha/Kagome, Major: Miroku/Sango, Sesshoumaru/Rin, Shippou/Kirara, Kouga/Ayame Summary: AU Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Rin, Shippo, and Kirara are all vampyrs (changed spelling for a reason) and Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Kouga, and Ayame are lycens (werewolfs). Vampyrs and lycens are in a constant war that has all been since the being of time. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's family have always fought to stop the war. Kagome and her friends are a group of vampyrs trying to stop the war. Never before have a lycen and vampyr fallen in love but there’s a first time for everything right? Chap 1: Complete Chap 2: Uncomplete Looking for Home- Multiple-chapters (Category: Inuyasha) Genre: Romance/Science Fiction/Adventure/Humor Status: Abandoned Pairings- Main: Inuyasha/Kagome, Major: Miroku/Sango, Sesshoumaru/Rin, Shippou/Kirara, Kouga/Ayame Summary: AU What would happen if the sun finally went out? How far from now would it be? What would happen to our galaxy? How would we survive? Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and other characters live through this time when there is no more sun. They live in a space station in another galaxy, still searching for Earth. But has Earth survived? Chap 1: Complete Chap 2: Uncomplete Completed Stories- New Ideas- News On Newest Stories- Latest News 12.13.10- At the moment it is finals weeks so chapter 3 of Everyone Knows This Is Nowhere lacks progress. Also, I'm reading Fairy Tail. . Hopefully I will be able to finish the chapter over break. |