"DG, you must stop squirming, my angel," The Queen mother smiled fondly at her youngest child as the five annual old wiggled uncomfortably. "The procession is nearly complete and you will be able to escape then."

The open vehicle the royal family sat in meandered through the crowded streets of Central City as the New Annual celebration carried on around them. Tradition dictated that the Queen, her Consort, and the young Daughters of Light made a formal appearance along the parade route. DG and her father hated the pomp and circumstance, a resemblance that often had DG's mother and sister rolling their eyes in exasperation. Queen Lavender called them free spirits; Azkadellia just called them rebels. Both terms were given affectionately as the young family of four adored one another with everything they possessed.

"Mother, do not give her ideas," Twelve annual old Azkadellia, or Az as her sister had shortened her name to, loved imitating her calmer, more refined parent. "You know that she takes every word you say literally. Next thing you know, I will be chasing her through the gardens as she attempts to climb the walls."

"Az, you are always such a spoilsport," DG complained while her father chuckled and rubbed her head sympathetically.

"Your sister just knows you too well, Spitfire," He soothed while her mother tried her best to remain composed and focused on greeting her people. The slightest twitch of her lips belied the laughter threatening to escape. It was difficult for both parents to remain firm when their daughters got into trouble. Lavender's protective instincts and Ahamo's easygoing nature seemed to render them helpless in the face of the young girls' precocious natures.

The Prince Consort, teasingly called Ahamo by his beautiful wife, was a Slipper from the Other Side. He had grown up during an age of independent thinkers and unrestricted expression and his unconventionality had won him the heart of his queen. Though he had adapted well to life in the Outer Zone, the free spirit he was became a legacy in the shape of his DG. Even at the tender age of five, Dorothea Gayle was always most content at her father's side. The pair often found themselves hovering midair in Ahamo's carnival balloon over the shining waters of Finaqua or creating masterpieces in the art studio he had built near the edge of the forest. Az complained that she was tired of putting her favorite books down to find her sister for the history lessons DG skipped in favor of father, daughter time.

"Tell you what Deej," Az smiled widely as she reached across the space and grasped her little sister's hand tightly in her own. "You sit calmly through the rest of this parade, and I will read that fairy tale you wanted to hear tonight. Is that a deal?"

"Really, Az?" DG excitedly replied. Relieved, the Queen and Consort both settled back into their seats, smiling at the close bond their daughters shared and knowing that Az had won. DG agreed easily, nestling into her father's side while her eyes remained adoringly locked on her idolized big sister. For a fairytale, DG would endure lessons untold and discomforts unnumbered.

The parade continued another few blocks with no incident. The Royal family waved and smiled at their celebrating people while their loyal troops of guards patrolled beside them. The House of Gayle had few enemies, but they were not foolish enough to think that everyone in the entire OZ would be happy with their monarchs. Every government had enemies; they were no exception.

Behind their motorcar, the colorful sounds of the Tin Man brigade had DG struggling to keep her promise to Az. A small core group of Central City's police squad surrounded the gaudily decorated caravan of the Mystic Man, the OZ's leading wizard. A powerful man in his own right, his origins were vague and enigmatic. While he did not hold the power of the House of Gayle and their Daughters of Light, his prophecies and magical wisdom were held in high regard by the Queen. He was Lavender's closest friend and consultant on matters involving magic and the power behind the throne. She also trusted him with the lives and secrets of her family - him and the Tin Men whom he handpicked for their security detail. The Queen had never truly understood why the ageless wizard had named the law enforcement officers after the original Dorothy Gale's best friend and eventual Consort. When she asked him, he smiled the mysterious grin he tended to use when he knew something that no one else knew.

"History has a way of repeating itself," Was the cryptic message she finally got out of him. "Besides, I like the name. It has a good, strong ring to it."

A sudden cry and the sharp retort of gunfire to the right of their vehicle had the four Gayle members ducking their heads in shock. Much to the horror of the Queen and Consort, a masked man dressed in a black, leather long coat rushed their motor car, brandishing a glinting pistol in his hands. With a shout of alarm, Lavender managed to pull both of her daughters down onto the floor of the car with her while Ahamo quickly pulled out his own hidden revolver and aimed for the would-be assassin. The Tin Men instantly surrounded the Royal automobile and a smaller unit circled the man in black. Their weapons were pointed directly at the man as a young, blonde haired officer broke the circle of protection and expertly removed the gun from the criminal's hand. He proceeded to drop the apprehended man to his knees and ripped off the mask with no trace of gentleness. Angry, dark eyes glared their hatred in the direction of the Royal family hovering in the bottom of the car.

"Death to the House of Gayle," He spat out darkly, but he was quickly silenced with a sharp blow to the side of his head. The lone Tin Man in the middle of the group of officers smirked in grim satisfaction as the assassin slumped to the ground unconscious. He proceeded to bind the sleeping man with chains as he patted the man down in a check for more weapons and clues as to his purpose or origin.

While the Tin Men rushed around trying to secure the area, restore order, and check on the welfare of the Royal family, the Mystic Man appeared at the side of their car with the lone Tin Man dragging the cuffed, sleeping criminal behind him. Brilliant, ice blue eyes gazed at the royal family as the Mystic Man urged him forward to greet the Royal family and give his report.

"Your Majesties, this is my finest officer Wyatt Cain," The Mystic Man introduced his prodigy with a flourish while the young man's ears turned pink. He was wearing the traditional uniform of the Tin Men, but the fedora and tan duster could not hide his embarrassment at the extra attention. "He is the one who noticed the would-be assassin and sounded the alarm. It startled the criminal long enough for his shot to go wild. No one else has been injured as far as we can tell."

"Our gratitude is beyond words, Officer Cain," The Queen's voice was strong despite the fact that her hands were trembling as she helped her daughters back into their seats. Ahamo nodded in respect towards Officer Cain as he enfolded his wife and daughters in his arms. "Your heroic actions will be justly rewarded."

"I was just doing my duty, your Majesty," Was the humble reply as he bowed in deference to the Royal family. One hand still maintained an iron grip on the chained man. "We will find out who he is and who he works for, Highness."

"I am sure you will; your efforts are most appreciated," Queen Lavender smiled at the eager young recruit, knowing that he was going far in the world. "As a small token of our thanks, we would invite you to our New Annual ball this evening as our guest. Do you have family, for they are also invited?"

"No thanks are necessary, but I thank you for the honor," Officer Cain glanced towards the Mystic Man who nodded his acceptance. A small, but commanding voice registered in the group's ears. Cain's piercing blue eyes landed on the five annual old who had bravely freed herself from her mother's grip and moved to the side of the motorcar.

"You are a very brave man Mr. Cain," DG solemnly proclaimed as she held out her hand for him to take. Her periwinkle blue eyes gazed seriously into his ice blue ones and he softened his stance, reaching for her hand. "Just like in my fairy tales. I am going to marry you someday, Mr. Cain."

The Queen, Ahamo, and the Mystic Man chuckled at the look of shocked wonder on the young Tin Man's face. Az rolled her eyes and smiled at her sister's silliness. The older sister's sharp eyes noticed every detail and she had already found the flaw in DG's plan. She felt a pang at having to disappoint the younger girl, but Az knew how stubborn DG could be when she got an idea in her mind. Even a temporary crush could tear her sensitive little sister's heart to shreds if it proved unrequited.

"DG, that is impossible. You cannot marry Mr. Cain," She winced as DG's eyes fell and her chin quivered. "He is already wearing a wedding ring, sweetheart."

"That is true princess, I have a wife and a son only a few annuals younger than you," Wyatt Cain melted into a puddle of goo at the sight of the tears that were shimmering in DG's eyes. He protected the whole Royal family, but it was the littlest princess who had wrapped him instantly around her finger. "Besides, you would not want an old Tin Man like me."

"You are not old, Mr. Cain," The little girl with the wide, innocent blue eyes lifted her chin stubbornly and Cain nearly smirked at her fearlessness. She behaved so like a miniature adult, imitating her mother's regal speech and a maturity beyond her five annuals of life. "But I will give you a kiss instead as a reward for saving me and my family."

She bent forward as the words left her lips and Cain found himself drawn closer to the little princess as she beckoned him regally forward. She cupped both of her hands on either side of his face and placed a sweet kiss on his mouth before anyone could react. The Queen and her Consort sat in shock while Az smiled indulgently at DG. The Mystic Man was displaying his telltale smile again as if he knew mysteries that no one else had yet grasped. For one heartbeat, as DG pulled back, blue eyes met blue eyes and it was just a princess and her Tin Man. Then Wyatt shook himself and smiled at the sweet little girl barely older than his own infant son.

"I will be seeing you down the road, kiddo," He grinned lightly before bowing to her parents and dragging the still-sleeping prisoner away for detainment. Duty called.