Disclaimer: Anne McCaffrey owns Dragonriders of Pern. I only own some plot bunnies. *The last line is crossed out.* Sorry, I meant the plot bunnies own me.
AN: As usual, I fail at timely updating. Ah well, here's this now.
Speech, Thoughts, *Actions and Emotions*, "3!" = heart emoticon, because ff .net is a formatting-eating beast. The format's a little bit changed because apparently the site is nice enough to recognize asterisks as valid characters now, but otherwise, same old, same old.

Dragonquest in Half an Hour

Chapter IV
Kylara: *Pout*
Kylara: *Demanding*
Rannelly: *Obsequious*
Rannelly: *Fussy*
Kylara: Rawr
Kylara: Fwee!
Prideth: *Pout*
Kylara: Meh
Prideth: 3!
Kylara: 3!
T'bor: Hi
Kylara: Meh
T'bor: *Pout*
T'bor: *Polite*
Kylara: Rawr
T'bor: *Stern*
Kylara: Rawr!
Kylara: *Plot*

T'bor: Oi!
Brekke: Over here
F'nor: *Tease*
T'bor: *Tetchy*
Brekke: *Businesslike*
T'bor: *Worried*
Brekke: *Generous*
F'nor: *Protest*
T'bor: *Tetchy*
Brekke: *Disparaging*
F'nor: LOL
Brekke: *Blush*
Brekke: Mardra's flying upper levels
F'nor + T'bor: Wut?
Brekke: *Explain*
F'nor: OMG!
F'nor: *Worried*
T'bor: *Bitter*
F'nor: Huh?
T'bor: *Explain*
F'nor: *Dismissive*
T'bor: Kylara's going to cause trouble
F'nor: What can she do, change Thread patterns?
T'bor: No, that wasn't her
F'nor: Wait a minute, wut?
Brekke: *Apologetic*
T'bor: *Bitter*
T'bor: *Leave*
F'nor: *Worried*
Brekke: *Soothing*
F'nor: What's this about Thread patterns?
Brekke: *Explain*
F'nor: *Restless*
Brekke: *Scold*
F'nor: *Tease*
Brekke: *Dismissive*
Brekke: Canth is calling you
F'nor: K
F'nor: Wait a minute, wut?
F'nor: Can you hear all dragons?
Brekke: Sure
F'nor: *Facepalm*
Brekke: *Gone*
Canth: *Innocent*
F'nor: Huh
Canth: *Pout*
F'nor: *Sigh*
Canth: *Swim*
Canth: Zzzz
Canth: Look!
F'nor: Wut?
Grall: Hi
F'nor: Hi
Grall: *Gone*
F'nor: OMG! A firelizard!
Canth: Ya, I noes.
F'nor: OMG!
Canth: Whatever
F'nor: *Plot*
Grall: *Back*
Grall: *Hungry*
Grall: 3!
Grall: Zzzz
F'nor: Aww!
F'nor: *Plot*
F'nor: Oi, everyone! Firelizards!
Riders: *Arrive*
Firelizards: *Impress*
Other firelizards: *Ded*
Riders: Ooh!
Dragons: Whatever
F'nor: Think they're offended?
Brekke: Nah
Kylara: Wuzzgoinon?!
Brekke: *Defensive*
F'nor: *Pleasant*
Kylara: *Angry*
Kylara: Mine!
Firelizard: Rawr
F'nor: Bad idea
Kylara: *Want*
F'nor: I'll tell you how to get one if you'll go away
Kylara: *Harsh*
F'nor: *Taunt*
Kylara: *Gone*
Brekke: *Preachy*
Brekke: Firelizards could be useful
F'nor: Wut?
Brekke: *Explain*
F'nor: O rly?
G'sel: Ya rly
F'nor: Huh

Chapter V
Jaxom: Fwee, dragons!
Lytol: *Disapproving*
Jaxom: *Pout*
Felessan: Hi!
Lytol: *Embarassing*
Jaxom: *Pout*
Felessan: C'mon
Jaxom: K
Jaxom: *Nervous*
Felessan: *Taunting*
Jaxom: Meh
Felessan: Look, eggs!
Jaxom: Shiny!
Jaxom: *Touch*
Felessan: Bad!
Jaxom: Wut?
Possibly-Ramoth: *Rumble*
Jaxom + Felessan: Oh noes!
Jaxom + Felessan: Run awaaay!
Jaxom + Felessan: *Lost*
Jaxom: + Felessan: Oh noes!
Air: *Bad*
Jaxom + Felessan: *Faint*

Lytol: *Grumble*
F'lar + Lessa: *Soothing*
Robinton + Fandarel: Hi
Lessa: *Tease*
Robinton: Wine!
F'lar: Srs bsns naow
Everyone: *Bad news*
Everyone: *Discuss*
Fandarel: I've invented the telegraph!
Robinton: Now you tell us
Everyone: *Discuss*
F'lar: We can has plan!
Everyone: Fwee!
Lytol: Leaving now
Lytol: Where's Jaxom?
Everyone: Huh
Everyone: Oh noes!
Manora: They probably went to see the eggs
Lessa: Wut?!
F'lar: Oh, of course
Lessa: Rawr!
F'lar: *Soothing*
Everyone: *Search*
F'lar + Lytol: Aha!
Jaxom + Felessan: Zzz
Lytol: *Worried*
F'lar: *Reassuring*
Manora: *Reassuring*
Fandarel: Ooh, rooms!
Everyone: *Explore*
Everyone: Ooh!
Fandarel: A mysterious device which readers will immediately recognize is a telescope!
Everyone: Ooh!
F'lar: *Lightbulb*
Lessa: No wai!
F'lar: We could see the Red Star! We could go to the Red Star!

Jaxom: *Awake*
Manora: *Fuss*
Jaxom: I'm fine! I'm in trouble?
Manora: No
Manora: *Tease*
Jaxom: I could be in trouble
Manora: You found rooms
Jaxom: *Curious*
Manora: There was some weird stuff in them
Jaxom: Cool
Everyone: Hi
Jaxom: …Uh, hi
Lessa: Let him eat
Lessa: You okay?
Jaxom: *Choke*
Jaxom: I'm fine!
Everyone: *Discuss rooms*
Fandarel: *Gropes telescope*

Chapter VI
Kylara: I can has fire lizards!
Kylara: *To Nabol*
Kylara: *Imperious*
Meron: *Grumpy*
Kylara: Come on. Fire-lizard eggs!
Meron: Wut?
Kylara: Impressionable mini-dragons
Meron: Ooh!
Men: Wuzzgoinon?
Kylara: *Lecture*
Kylara: *Demanding*
Meron: *Impatient*
Kylara: *Chastising*
Meron: Why bother?
Kylara: Control
Meron: Ooh!
Meron: How do we capture them?
Kylara: *Lecture*
Meron: Do it! Failure is not allowed!
Kylara: Lol you're dumb
Fire lizards: *Hatch*
Everyone: *Chaos*
Queen fire lizard: *Hungry*
Kylara: *Lure*
Fire lizards: *Ded*
Guys who managed to Impress fire lizards: Aww!
Kylara: *Bored*
Prideth: *Disapproving*
Kylara: Whatever

Chapter VII
Messenger: *Delivers letter from F'nor*
Messenger: It's urgent
F'lar: Whatever
F'lar + Lessa: *To Telgar*
Ramoth: *Sparkle*
F'lar + Mnementh: *Appreciative*
Mnementh + Ramoth: Bye, we're going swimming
Lessa: Lol
Terry: Hi!
Fandarel: *Oblivious*
Fandarel: Oi, Wansor!
Terry: Dude, Wansor's been asleep for ages
Fandarel: Oh
Fandarel: Oh, hi
Fandarel: Sorry I haven't recreated telescopes yet
F'lar: S'okay, I'll give you till tonight before I accuse you of inefficiency
Fandarel: ROFL!
F'lar: O.o
F'lar: He's nuts!
Lessa: *Sympathetic*
Lessa: *Tease*
Terry: ROFL!
Lessa: I'm surrounded by fools!
Terry: Let me demonstrate this amazing new invention readers will immediately recognize is a loudspeaker
F'lar: That's the telegraph?
Fandarel: No! Let me demonstrate this amazing new invention readers will immediately recognize is a telegraph
Telegraph: *Is a mess of pots and wires*
F'lar + Lessa: O.o
Fandarel: *Explain*
F'lar + Lessa: Ooh
Women: *March in, deliver food, march out*
F'lar + Lessa: O.o
Lessa: This food sucks
F'lar: *Facepalm*
Terry: That's cuz we've drafted everyone with half a brain to help with crazy new inventions
Lessa: *Facepalm*
Lessa: I'm making some decent klah
Lessa: *Gone*
F'lar: It is kinda ridiculous
Fandarel: Whatever
Fandarel + Terry: *Complain about lost knowledge*
F'lar: *Helpful suggestions*
Fandarel + Terry: Doh!
Terry: *Impromptu speech*
F'lar: OMG Terry has a mind of his own!
F'lar: You should run a telegraph to Telgar for the Gather
Fandarel: Yeah!
F'lar: *Helpful*
Terry: Thanks!
F'lar: You say it like it's unusual
Fandarel: *Impromptu speech*
F'lar: Hmm
Lessa: Wow!
F'lar: *Tease*
Everyone: *Discuss*
F'lar + Lessa: *Leaving*
F'lar: *Stops to read letter*
F'lar: OMG fire lizards!
Others: Wut? Fire lizards?!
Letter: *Passed around*
Everyone: OMG!