A/N: OK, guys, here it is! The ending. Goodbye

A/N2: Yes, this is a strange ending. Read it anyway. At least it's long... Please don't kill me, everyone who wanted Lessa and F'lar and everyone else in some sort of happily-ever-after afterlife.

She woke, hungry. She was trapped, in the inside of this smooth warped sphere, with cushioned walls.

She struggled against the sides of her prison, frantic. She was contained. Claustrophobia overwhelmed reason- reason and logic that were quickly erased in the face of panic. Her limbs, head and tail thrashed about inside the smooth egg, until a sharp crack was heard. The egg split into two almost equal halves with jagged white edges.

She scrambled for the enticing food being held out by the strange, two-legged creatures. They wanted her- they thought they needed her. They were not worthy of her. She gobbled down the steaming chunks of bloody meat offered anyway, then flitted between. To a sandy, deserted coastline in an unexplored region of the huge Southern Continent.

The echoing cries of dismay from the odd-looking things when she first flew quickly left her mind, and she soared over the hot sands and turquoise water, looking for something to eat. The hatchling was not entirely sated- her hunger was still there. It was not entirely for food...

Time passed. Memories of her hatching, in that cold place of stone and ash faded away. She was just another creature of Southern, who belonged there in this lifetime. Until her first mating flight.

Many bronzes were there. She flew high and strong- and there came a thought. One she didn't understand- didn't know why she had thought it.

So this is what it was like, for Ramoth, all those times... The fire-lizard didn't understand. Who was Ramoth? But it didn't matter- she was flying now- no, her distraction had enabled her to be caught!

She and the bronze dived, entwined- and why was that phrase so familiar? Lines of a half-forgotten poem intruded into the mating fire-lizard's head-

-Rise high in glory,

Bronze and gold,

Dive entwined,

Enhance the Hold-

She looked into her mate's eyes- and then, for a second, Lessa and F'lar remembered. Remembered, and so knew, everything they had forgotten- lives that had made them both legends. The dragons, Thread, Aivas- and a million, a billion other points, high and low, in the two's long lives.

Then that instant was over. And the gold and bronze fire-lizards were just like any other fire-lizard pair.

The queen and her bronze mate flew into the tawny gold sunset. With no responsibilities, or worries. But with no memories of the achievements that had earned them this. Reincarnation is bittersweet.

Sorka. Salina. Moreta. Lessa.

Sean. M'tal. Alessan. F'lar.

Free at last. Forever.

A/N3: Yes. I reincarnated Lessa and F'lar as fire-lizards. Feel free to either flame me or tell me I'm making too big of a deal out of it- I'd like to know what you think.