
This'll be a bunch of the short, drabbleish oneshot lyricbased fics that don't go with any challenges, because I like keeping them all in one place. They aren't connected, all oneshots. I will repeat, all oneshots. D:

Because internet lacks Charden/Kyoko. ee;

Disclaimer: Don't own Black Cat, Charden, Kyoko, or the song: These Things - She Wants Revenge


I'm not a bad man, I'm just overwhelmed

because of these things, because of these things

He waited to pick her up after school. Such an odd sight, really, a tall man in an even taller top hat, leaning against the cooling bricks of the school's front gate.

Creed had called them to another meeting of the Apostles. Charden could care less at times, but like dogs, they had to answer to an alpha male, and Creed had asserted himself. Someone had to be in charge, what with the impending fall of Chronos and the Apostles of the Stars ruling over all. The world needed a charismatic, powerful leader to put everything right.

The familiar kiin-kaan-koon sounded, releasing the students. Charden smiled faintly at the thought of seeing Kyoko, but anyone looking at him would percieve it as a sinister grin. Not that he cared, people thought and that's what they were supposed to do. When they didn't think, that's what worried him.

The quiet roar of approaching teenagers rose forth, and he straightened, searching through the unfamiliar faces for Kyoko's.

The familiar feeling of having his heart trying to leap out of his body via his esophagus hit when he saw her. She looked so normal, compared to him, chatting away with her girlfriends, laughing, gossiping, and... being the same, he supposed. Charden stopped himself from chuckling at the thought of what those other girls would do, if they knew what Kyoko's after school 'job' was.

He allowed himself instead, a small smile, waiting for her to notice him.

"Ooh, Kyo-kun, is that your boyfriend?" One of the girls cooed at Kyoko, the moment she started walking toward Charden.

"No, he's just a friend. Shut up. And besides," Kyoko giggled, "I don't have just one,"

Charden felt a twang in his heart. He kept smiling, even if he wanted to throw himself off a cliff at that moment. Instead of doing just that, he rationalized. She's too young, anyway, of course she doesn't think of you like that, she's kidding about the boyfriends, she's...hugging me?

"Charden-chaan!" Kyoko said, her head pressing into his chest. Instead of that deep sadness, a warm comfort slipped into Charden's consciousness and he hugged her back, gently, and let go. Anything more, and she'd know. The blue fear washed over again. Kyoko would... Charden didn't know what she'd do. Maybe the hug was too much...

Strange, almost sad, he couldn't say anything to her. He couldn't, wouldn't, no, no no, no,"Kyoko-san?" Damn, damn, damn, stop, no, stop it.

"Mmh?" Kyoko tilted her head up to peer under the wide brim of his hat.

"I..." No, STOP IT! She'll reject you, she won't want to be with you, she'll hate you and your relationship will be ruined, you're pathetic, she doesn't want you. "Ah, are you ready? Creed wants us soon, that's why I came here. To pick you up."

"Yeah sure, per usual," She gave a warm smile to Charden. "It's so lazy, he doesn't do anything by himself, just makes you do it. Know what I mean?"

"Hnn. Maybe he just doesn't want to expose himself. Creed's just being cautious."

"Can't be cautious all the time, though, life's short. Right?" Kyoko walked on.

"That it is." Charden murmured, looking out into the orange-tinged sky, with so much weight on his heart, he was surprised he couldn't feel his stomach's acid eating away at it.