I do not own this Korean Drama.........
This starts off after Go Mi Nyu came back from a six month trip to africa. hope you like where I Started it off at....
Go Mi Nyu looked up at Hwang Tae Kyung and smiled ,she knew she was wearing her heart on her sleeve. " Its been Six months" He said smirking at her. She nodded her head in a yes, " I waited for you" He said grabbing her in a hug. The star necklace he gave her before she left dangled from her neck and bumped against his. She placed her head on his shoulder.
" And I've missed you" she said tearing up as her lips grassed his shoulder, She swung her arms over his neck. She kissed him, he took it in. She remembered she was seated on him bed, that's when she pulled away. She huffed a laugh and saw in Hwang Tae Kyung's eyebrows rose. He could tell that she was nervous kissing him in his bed.
" What the matter" he said cocking his head, messing with her, he pushed her down on the bed making himself on top of her. She started to blush and tried to push him away. He pinned her down and smiled. She was frozen and she so badly wanted to do the pig face. She tried to wiggle her hand free but he grabbed in sliding his fingers in between her fingers. He pulled up and kissed her on the forehead. As he did this, his shirt grazed her nose. It made her nose itch, when Hwang Tae Kyung reach down to kiss her on the mouth. She got a funny look on her face about to sneeze. He looked at her strange and then Ahchoo, he quickly closed his eyes. She had just sneezed on him.
" um, I'm so sorry, Tae Kyung" Go Mi Nyu said as Tae Kyung got off her. He cocked his head not messing this time, he was pissed. he wipped it off and slowly walked away from her. She propped herself up. " Tae Kyung" she said watching him not look at her and headed for the door. He opened it and walked out not once looked back at her. Go Mi Nyu stood up off the bed and huffed a little laugh. She looked at the star necklace. " I Guess he still hasn't changed that much"
She walked out the door and made her way to the living room, Where Shin Woo Stopped her. " Go Mi Nyu, You must tell me about your time in Africa" He said trying to pull her out side. She saw Tae Kyung crossed arm seated on the couch, staring at the TV. He was totally angry about the sneeze.
" Well Actually" She said as Jeremy popped in saying the same thing as Shin Woo and they took her out side.
In Side Tae Kyung stared at the TV thinking to him self.
How could she sneeze on me. What was that about, Six months waiting for her and when I see her and I wanna kiss her a second time she sneezes on me. And whats with her being so much more adorable? I did miss her, there was not a day that I didn't. I really love her, Threw and Threw.
Shin and Jeremy where surrounding Go mi Nyu " Come on tell us about your trip to Africa" they said forcing her down on the bench.
" Where Would I began" She said thinking " Well, in Africa there were a lot of nice people"
Go Mi Nyu Story
Well I met this nice poor couple who went out of their way and let me stay with them, their names were Gahiji (gah-HEE-jee) and Nyakio (NYAH-kay-oh). They had 3 Sons and they were scrapping by just to feed and send their sons to school. Their oldest son Jabali (JAH-bah-lee) reminded me of you Shin Woo, he was strong, caring and sweet. Their youngest son Ayo reminded me of you Jeremy, the baby of the family he was precious and I only knew him six months but he watched out for me and he was full of joy. Their middle reminded me of my brother.
Pause story
" By the way, where is Go Mi Nam" Go Mi Nyu asked looking at Jeremy and Shin Woo. They smiled and backed away from her.
" well you see" they both said in unison, she stood up looking at them as they tried to smile like they were hidding something.
" Where is my brother" She said staring at them, She grined and walked to Shin Woo, he would surly crack for her. " Shin Woo" She said givign him puppy eyes. " Where is my brother". She could see he was starting to sweat like he knew something.