![]() Author has written 1 story for Glee. I ship: Glee Faberrittana = Quinn x Rachel x Brittany x Santana Quinntana = Quinn x Santana Faberry = Quinn x Rachel Quinntina = Quinn x Tina Sebofsky/Smythofsky = Sebastian x Karofsky Fabang = Quinn x Mike Miketana = Santana x Mike Brittana= Brittany x Santana Pezberry = Rachel x Santana Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole Kludd x Nyra Pitch Perfect Bechloe = Beca x Chloe Mitchsen = Beca x Aubrey Triple Treble (ABC) = Aubrey x Beca x Chloe Staubrey = Stacie x Aubrey Person of Interest Root x Shaw Supergirl Psi (Gayle) x Imra Ardeen (Saturngirl) Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer x Alex Danvers) SuperCorp (Supergirl/Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor) SuperCop/SuperDetective (Supergirl/Kara Danvers x Maggie Sawyer) DetectiveCorp (Maggie Sawyer x Lena Luthor) AgentReign (Alex Danvers x Sam Arias) ReignCorp (Sam Arias x Lena Luthor) SuperReignCorp (Supergirl/Kara Danvers x Sam Arias x Lena Luthor) Alena/AgentCorp (Alex Danvers x Lena Luthor) Alex x Jess the Secretary Highschool of the Dead Rei x Saeko The Facts of Life Jo x Blair Twilight Leah x Rosalie Esme x Leah Divergent Jeanine x Tris Four x Tris Favorite Colors: Red, Black, White, Orange Favorite Sports: Soccer, Baseball, Bowling Favorite Video Games: Outlast. Outlast 2. Outlast: Whistleblower. Last of Us. Until Dawn. Little Nightmares. Life is Strange. Evil Within 2. Favorite TV Shows: Glee. Lost Girl. Noir. Rizzoli and Isles. Rookie Blue. The Facts of Life. Person of Interest. Supergirl. The Big Bang Theory. Riverdale. Whose Line Is It Anyway? Favorite Movies: Pitch Perfect. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. Divergent. Spy. Matilda. Train to Busan. Annabelle: Creation. John Wick 2. Favorite Superhero: Spider-Man. Batman. Wolverine. Red Hood. Nightwing. Favorite Villain: Deathstroke. Poison Ivy. Favorite Food: Sushi. Bacon. Maruchan (spicy shrimp). Rice. Bacon pizza. Blueberry waffles. When you fall in love with someone, you fall in love with everything. You fall in love with their freckles their hopes and dreams their messy morning hair their sleepy voice their scars and birth marks their curves in their body their sarcasm and jokes their biggest wish in life their nose, ears, legs and arms their perspective on things their past, present and future everything they hate about themselves every inch of their body and mind. They become a part of you. They become home. |