Okay yea, I did revise these chapters. The chapters have been modified...alot. I found that where I left off with the original I couldn't write the next chapter, it didn't make sense. So here we have revision. If you dont like it...tough shit. Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and non Potterverse people.
4 Years after the Wizarding War.
There was a time when going to work for the Ministry of Magick was an honor for Hermione Granger, now it just brought headaches and more headaches, that alcohol could not cure. She would've thought that with her appointment to the Ministry of Magickal Law, she would've been able to revise the unfair laws against Magickal Creatures, nope she found herself playing Prosecutor or Legal Counsel whichever came first in the Death Eater Trials. So far she had tried mainly the lower echelons of Voldemort's Death Eaters, but now she was appointed to the Legal Team that would be Prosecuting Toren Blackstone, and this man made Bellatrix Lestrange look sane. During the war he was one of Voldemort's secret Captains, one of his most trusted soldiers. For 5 years he left a sea of blood and terror throughout both Magickal and Muggle Britain. Before his capture a few months ago, he had over 375 bodies to his name, all Muggleborn or Muggle, stripped bare, mutilated, and drained of blood. The sadistic almost maniacle grin in his mugshot had left a chill down Hermione's spine.
She found herself grateful that her home had remained a secret from the likes of him and his deranged followers, yes he had those too. However, with the idiotic announcement of her appointment to the team to the public, she would recieve the occasional threatening letter. For most part she shrugged them off, having living most of her childhood and teenage years being threatened or bullied, she was used to it. The more irritating part about the case was the Insanity plea, a plea she was sure he would achieve, likely because he was insane. He deserves to rot in hell not sit in a cushy cell, she thought bitterly to herself as she scanned over the case file. The Ministry Judical System, she had long since surmised, was becoming like the Muggle one. The truly guilty get a slap on the wrist where the minor offenses get the hard time. No wonder the prisons are flooded, she scoffed.
A knock on the door caused her attention to snap to her office, snapping her from her thoughts. Leaning against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest was her best friend Harry Potter. The years had been kind to the man, who was no longer the lanky, awkward teenager from Hogwarts but a lean, and fairly muscular man. He had filled out in all the right places, a fact accented by the fitted dark wash jeans, blue button up, and black vest and tie. His once fly away hair was cut close to his scalp on the sides and back, the hair on top sticking up in stylish spikes. Gone were the broken glasses, replaced by contacts allowing his emerald green eyes to shine. Yep, Harry Potter had grown into a handsome young man.
"Harry," Hermione smiled leaning back in her chair. "Come in and sit down."
"How are you Hermione?" he asked taking a seat. "I heard you were on the Blackstone case."
"I'm as well as one can be while working in this political muckhole," Hermione sighed waving a hand. "And yes, I've been assigned to the case but you already knew that. How are you?"
"I'm good, just enjoying my first break in a long while," Harry said shrugging. "After that whole Blackstone ordeal and the follow up capture of some of his accomplices, it's good to be able to kick back."
"I wondered if you were involved in that whole ordeal," Hermione said.
"Well, we had no leads until an Agent from the Mysteries' Special Intelligence Unit came through with a location." said Harry rubbing his chin. "Same agent is now being assigned as liaison between us and the DMSIU."
"Talk about it more over lunch?" Hermione asked looking at her watch.
"Sounds good to me," Harry grinned standing up. "There's a nice little Bistro a couple blocks from the Ministry's visitor's entrance. I have something to discuss with you anyways."
"Alright then," she said reaching into a desk drawer, pulling out a black dagger sheath the length of a wand holster, a white ivory handle sticking out of it. Securing it to her right forearm, she quickly cast a concealement charm rendering it invisible before checking to make sure her wand holster on her left forearm was hidden under her sleeve.
"Lead the way," she motioned with a grin. The two walked in comanionable silence down the hallway towards the elevators, passing several other offices. They would pass the occasional lawyer in their office and the lawyer would stare in awe at the duo.
"You would think they'dve stopped staring by now," Harry muttered as they reached the elevators.
"You would think," replied Hermione as they stepped inside.
"I noticed you still carry Laecyn's dagger," Harry said giving her a side glance as the elevator took them down to the Atrium.
"She gave it to me at Shell Cottage," Hermione said looking straight ahead. "It's all I have left of her," she said feeling her chest tighten a fraction as she thought of her late friend.
"Sorry I brought it up," whispered Harry noticing the sad almost heartbroken look on Hermione's face. He felt a twinge of regret and guilt for bringing up her friend's death, knowing how much it had shattered Hermione. He had also liked the woman that had befriended Hermione at Hogwarts, she wasn't the typical cruel Slytherin and even helped him out of some tricky situations in his fourth year. Hell she had proved to be a valuable friend and ally during the Wizarding War, healing Hermione after Malfoy Manor when Fleur couldn't. Granted she did get some strange after effects, he mused to himself recalling Hermione's increased speed, sharper reflexes, and her weird tingly sense. Fleur and Laecyn refused to say what spells were used, and Hermione didn't know a thing.
"It's okay," Hermione said as the elevator came to a jerky stop, throwing them forward a bit. "Really they should fix that," she muttered breaking the solemn mood. Harry chuckled as they walked out of the elevators and into the bustling Atrium, making their way to the Apparation points.
"Just hold on to me," Harry said they walked into an open slot.
"What else am I going to hold on to?" quipped Hermione before grabbing his hand.
"Smart ass," he muttered before Apparating them to an alley just a bit away from the Ministry visitor's phone booth.
"Nothing like a bit of fresh air," Harry said taking a deep breathe of the warm, London air as they stepped out of the alley and into the sunshine. "It gets so stuffy in the Ministry working with all the single minded folk."
"True this," nodded Hermione as they walked down the fairly crowded sidewalk. "The political air is almost suffocating." she muttered wrinkling her nose.
"Tell me again why we work for the Ministry?" asked Harry as they came to the little Bistro cafe named Dizzy's, taking a seat at one of the empty wooden table.
"Because we thought we were going to change the world," deadpanned Hermione as a fairly attractive waitress walked up to their table, Hermione's senses tingling with a strange sense of warning. Hermione allowed herself to subtly study the woman, silently appreciating her beauty. The woman had dark brown hair pulled up in a ponytail, pale blue eyes that sparkled with hidden mischief, strangely pointed ears for a human, and impish features. She wore a flattering black button up, black tie, black slacks, and her waiter's apron.
"Afternoon, I'm Kylar and I will be your server," the woman said with a strange lilt to her accent that Hermione couldn't recognize. "What can I start you off with?" she finished as she placed the menus in front of them.
"I'll have a Lager," Harry said looking at the menu.
"And for you ma'am?" Kylar asked turning her gaze to Hermione, shaking her from her thoughts.
"A Republika please," Hermione said with a small smile.
"I'll be back with your drinks shortly," Kylar said giving Hermione a small impish smile and quick once over, something that didn't escape Harry's notice.
"You should get her number," chuckled Harry looking back at his menu earning a slight kick to his shin from his friend.
"Hush up you," Hermione said unable to keep the smirk from her face. Yes, she was gay. After her doomed relationship with Ronald Weasley, she could finally admit to herself what she had always tried to forget...she was more attraacted to women. Since the disaster of a relationship with Ron ended 4 years ago, she had found herself on a couple dates and a couple of short term relationships with women. None of them lasted long, she just couldn't get rid of the feeling that she was with the wrong person. Harry of course had been understanding something she was thankful for and that probably helped their friendship grow stronger.
"Just saying she was totally making oogly eyes at you," he laughed wiggling his eyebrows.
"I didn't notice," Hermione said rolling her eyes at his antics. "Speaking of which, how are you and Luna doing?"
"We are doing pretty good actually." Harry said with a fond grin. "She adores Teddy and he adores her."
"That's good. I'm happy for you," smiled Hermione as Kylar returned with their drinks, setting them down in front of them.
"Here are your drinks," she said smiling. "Have you decided on what to eat?" she asked, glancing at Hermione much to Harry's amusement.
"I'll have a Gothic District," Harry said taking a sip of his drink, relishing in the taste.
"And for you ma'am?" Kylar asked fixing her gaze to Hermione.
"Pesto di Gamberi, no onions," said Hermione giving the waitress a lopsided smirk.
"You're orders should be ready shortly," smiled Kylar walking away from the table. Hermione watched the waitress walk away, her eyes traveling to the woman's ass, fully appreciating the obvious athleticism the woman put into her body.
"You're right Harry," said Hermione throwing him a smirk. "I may just get her number," she said earning a laugh from her green eyed friend. "But that's not why we are here. You said you had something to tell me?" she finished causing Harry to straighten up.
"Are you aware that your team has recieved death threats?" asked Harry, swirling a finger around the rim of his glass.
"No I wasn't," she said narrowing her eyes as she took a sip of her Lager. "I figured it was just me." she let out before wincing at her slip of her tongue. Sparing a glance at the stony glare Harry had fixed on her, she winced again.
"You're getting them too?" scowled Harry leaning forward. " And you didn't bother to tell me?"
"It's not like I haven't been threatened before Harry." she scowled leaning back in her seat. "Or did you forget about Hogwarts?"
"I haven't forgotten," Harry said rubbing his eyes. "But Hermione considering who Blackstone is, this isn't your run of the mill Pureblood elitist neither are his followers."
"So what do you suggest we do," she asked crossing her arms over her chest.
"Let me assign you a guard." said Harry bracing himself for a refusal, he was not disappointed.
"No," said Hermione shaking her head. "Absolutely not."
"Come on Hermione," begged Harry. "This is not something you want to tempt fate with." As they continued their argument, they were oblivious to the presence walking slowly up to them, hands tucked into the front pocket of their black hoodie, the hood covering their face. As they argued, Hermione's senses tingled, warning her of potential danger. Looking around, she spied Kylar looking past them a wary look on her face, her body tensed as if she was getting ready to strike.
"What is it Hermione?" Harry asked frowning, catching the suddenly alert Hermione. Hermione had just enough time to register that approaching figure before a jet of white light was hurling at them from the figure's wand.
"Get down!" she yelled throwing herself out of her chair as the table exploded, Hermione casting a silent shield charm over both her and Harry, but not before a splinter caught her in the cheek creating a thin red line.
"Still think you don't need protection?" Harry snarked as they returned fire, each spell being deflected.
"Fuck off," growled Hermione casting a stunning spell that was expertly deflected. "At this rate, this place is going to be destroyed." she said looking around at the demolished tables and damaged windows of the Bistro. Caught up in her observation, she failed to notice a green jet of light rushing it's way towards her.
"Hermione move!" Harry yelled as he shot a spell towards the incoming curse hoping to deflect it.
"Shit," she muttered as her attention turned to the curse, her body automatically bracing itself out of instinct. Her head cocked to the side as the curse seemed to become absorbed in a field that a had suddenly surrounded her and Harry. She watched in fascination as the field seemed to ripple, dispersing the curse, just as a stunner from a different caster went through the field and stunned the man.
"That's three times I've saved your ass little Gryffindor," came the feminine voice that Hermione recognized as Kylar. Whipping her head around, Hermione found Kylar crouched low to the ground, a smirk on her face one that Hermione would recognize anywhere. That's not bloody possible, she thought as she felt herself starting to hyperventilate from the shock. "I hope this isn't becoming a habit." the woman said.
"Who are you?" Harry asked noticing Hermione's gobsmacked look. They watched in fascination as the woman stood up, her face shimmering and changing. They watched as Kylar's features paled, became sharper, the eyes changing from pale blue to pale grey, the ears getting a little more pointed but not much, her beauty taking on an inhuman quality that would put a Veela to shame, dark brown hair becoming black. Both Harry and Hermione stared, their jaws hanging open as they took a good look at the woman before them.
"What's wrong?" the woman said in a voice that was like grey silk and velvet, an Irish lilt now prominent. "You look like you've seen a ghost." she smirked showing off white teeth, with small fangs.
"Laecyn?" choked Harry since Hermione was still too shocked to talk. "What...How...?" he finished as Hermione finally passed out from the overload to her brain and heart.
"Long story Potter," Laecyn said walking over to Hermione as four Wizards dressed in the black and red robes of the DMSIU appeared before them. "But for now, let's get her somewhere safe and let them clean this mess up." she said crouching down and scooping up Hermione.
"Right," he said grabbing onto the two women and apparating them away from the area.
So yea hope the revision was worth it.