„What about?" Rachel walked around in the bedroom and changes, while Cassandra just stood close to the door, hands behind her back and leaning against the wall.
"I don't really need to talk about it."
"But I'd like to know." She stepped closer to Rachel and held her hands. "Please."
To Rachel's surprise, she wasn't really pushing her. She was asking nicely and Rachel decided to address this topic again.
So she sat down with Cassandra and told her everything, first she couldn't find him, how her day went and what happened during dance class. Maybe she shouldn't have because Cassandra started to look furious.
"It's okay Cassandra."
"No it's not, who does he think he is?" Rachel just shrugged at her. "Well you don't have to see him, you don't have to go to school tomorrow."
"Maybe, but I want to. I'm missing a lot of stuff."
"You're one of the best students at NYADA."
"And why is that?" She had a point, but Cassandra didn't want to accept it.
"You don't know when's the next time you'll see your dad's, so you should take some time off." Now it was Rachel's time to have to accept Cassandra's point, she wasn't as reluctant.
"Alright." She smiled and got into bed. Cassandra was a bit taken aback, she hadn't expected Rachel to give in so easily. She joined Rachel in bed and scooped up to her a bit.
"I've to talk to Brody."
"Please don't."
"But-" She was cut off, because Rachel started kissing her. Cassandra didn't mind being interrupted like this. Their kisses got steamier than either of them had expected, one thing led to another and eventually after a quite enjoyable exercise Cassandra found herself next to a sleeping Rachel.
Cassandra decided to sleep as well, but before that she texted Brody and told him she'd meet him at school tomorrow.
She woke up early, even before her alarm and Cassandra to decided to get ready already. After a quick shower, she out on some simple clothes and decided to go for a run once she realized everybody else was sleeping. She didn't go for a run often, but every now and then she enjoyed it. She liked the morning air and New York was quiet. At least compared to the rest of the time. Eventually she came by a small bakery and bought some croissants and even some vegan muffins, although she wasn't sure Rachel would like them. They didn't look like something Cassandra would enjoy to eat. She also picked up a newspaper on her way back.
When she got home, she heard the shower running and decided to prepare some coffee. She set the kitchen table, sat down and started reading the news. Halfway through she was joined by the Berry men.
"Good morning." She didn't even look up.
"Croissants! Thank you." Hiram was so excited and sat down immediately and now Cassandra did look up, because for some odd reason he decided to sit next to her.
They made some small talk and Hiram asked for the politics and local events parts, she didn't mind. After a while Rachel joined them, she gave Cassandra a kiss on the cheek as well as Hiram and hugged Leroy. She got super excited about the muffins and thanked Cassandra several times, she even mentioned how delicious they were although Cassandra couldn't believe it to be true. They made some plans for the day, but she didn't listen.
After breakfast Cassandra got ready to got to NYADA and catch up with Brody. She told Rachel she'd meet with Izzy for coffee and Rachel didn't mind. "I'll be back around noon."
"Alright. Say hi from me." She got a quick kiss from Rachel before she left for the bedroom and Cassandra was out the door.
Cassandra didn't get a reply from Brody last night or this morning, but she was certain he wouldn't skip school. Henry was waiting outside for her.
When Cassandra walked into school, most students avoided her, but some seemed surprised. She just glared at them. She opened both doors to her studio.
"Everybody out!" It was a full class, but she didn't care. "You can stay." Cassandra kept eye contact with Brody and waited. Since it took the students by surprise they needed a couple seconds before they quickly left the studio, some were too shocked to remember to get their things.
"What's up?" Brody didn't seem intimidated.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" He was about to reply, but it was her turn. "It's no fucking business of yours with whom I am."
"You're right and I don't care who you're with. I care about Rachel."
"You leave Berry alone." She was so angry and her voice was raised just slightly.
"Or what?" Cassandra didn't want to threaten him, but he knew as well as she did, that she could and bust him too. "What do you want from her anyway? She's so much younger than you." Cassandra knew he was jealous, but didn't mind.
"I don't give a shit what you think, but if you make her cry again you'll regret it."
"She's my friend and I won't let her get hurt by you."
"By me? Why are you playing the Knight in shining armor. We both know you're not. Just leave her alone. It's not your business who she's with."
"So you think screwing your student is right? Is a good decision? I'm wondering what people would think."
"How old are you? Twelve? You're an idiot. You want Rachel and in order to get her, you what? Threaten me to make a fool of her? Oh yes that's gonna make her jump right into your arms." She stepped closer to him. "I'm serious Brody, do that shit again and I'll promise you, you will leave this school and kiss your dream goodbye. Drop the matter, I repeat, its non of your business." Cassandra left, she had said everything, but she still had to talk to someone else. Once she entered the office she felt small. It's this woman, Carmen Tibideaux. They weren't really close, but she was the dean so every now and then they had to talk. Cassandra knew she respected those who were honest with her.
"Is there anything you need?" she didn't even look up from her papers. Even to Cassandra this woman was a bit intimidating. It's because she was so sophisticated.
"I'd like to officially inform you about my relationship with a student."
"Weston?" She looked Cassandra in the eye with one eyebrow raised.
"No." She had a hard time not to get too angry, but contained herself. "Berry." Now she had Carmen's attention, the woman put her pen down and gave Cassandra quite the intense stare.
"Are you serious?" She had folded her hands together and all her attention was on Cassandra, who was standing closer to the door than the desk.
"Okay then."
"There are some files you have to sign as well as Miss Berry."
"Okay." Cassandra was about to leave, because Carmen returned to her files.
"Wait. Since I can't stop you from teaching her, you can continue, but if you have to grade her, I will be present, to make sure there is no favoritism." Cassandra was about to say something, but got cut off. "I know you'd never do that, it's just for the protocol. I will not interfere with your decisions."
"Be careful. Young girls can break your heart just as much." She just nodded, because she wanted to get out of this office. Cassandra was glad she said what had to be said, but she didn't want a lecture now. "When will the two of you come to my office to go through the paperwork?"
"Later today if that's alright with you."
"Of course."
Once Cassandra was home again, she noticed that the Berry family was not. Instead of wasting time she decided to text Rachel and then do some workout. She didn't notice Rachel texting back, because she was busy, but after a while she got bored and went downstairs to get a snack. As if on queue the Berry clan returned.
"Hi" Rachel came into the kitchen, gave her a quick kiss and put groceries in the fridge. "My dad's want to make dinner for us, isn't it nice?" She was so excited.
"Yes that's great." She didn't care much actually. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Her dad's hadn't come to the kitchen yet, but that was just a matter of time.
"Sure." Cassandra took Rachel's hand and led her to the bedroom, past her dad's. She quickly greeted then, but closed the door behind herself. "Did something happen?" Rachel looked unsure of herself and Cassandra got the feeling that she was just mirroring Cassandra.
"No. No." After a shot pause she had to admit, that's she was lying. "Well, kind of we need to go to Cameron's office."
"Carmen Tibideaux?" Rachel's voice was even higher than usual. "But why?" She quickly realized why by herself. "But how?"
"I went to NYADA today and talked to Brody-"
"Oh no."
"Okay Rachel, relax. It's not as bad as you're imagining right now." She moved Rachel to the bed and made her sit down.
"Not as bad? Are you serious?" Rachel got up and started pacing. "She's going to kick me out of school. I'm gonna be a drop out and I'll never get to Broadway! Why did you talk to Brody? I could've talked to him. I'm sure he wouldn't have gone to her if I'd explained it to him. What am going to do now? I don't have a sense of Fashion like Kurt does and I never really thought if anything else than singing." Although Cassandra did enjoy Rachel's rambling, she had to stop her before she fainted.
"Rachel, Rachel, it's not like that. Please sit down." Rachel was in the edge of crying but she sat down. "I talked to him, and I told him to back off. I'm pretty sure he got it this time." Rachel didn't relax, so Cassandra sat with her and held her hand. "After that, I went to Carmen's office. I told her about us."
"Why would you do that?" Rachel looked shocked and not in a good way. She got up from the bed and gave Cassandra a furious look. "Is this some sort of joke?"
"No." Cassandra hadn't let go of Rachel's hand yet. "I went to Carmen's and told her. It's fine, we have to sign some papers, it's just to protect the school from a sexual harassment lawsuit."
"But what if she's going to-" She cut Rachel right off.
"Rachel, trust me." Rachel started to relax a bit. "So it's actually quite good that your dads want to cook. We can go to NYADA and talk to Carmen, while they're cooking."
"What are we going to say to them though? I can't lie to my dad's."
"I can."
After a very short conversation Cassandra and Rachel left the apartment. Rachel was surprised how easy it was for Cassandra to come up with an excuse for both of them to leave. She was so surprised how easy it was for her to convince her dad's. Picking up dry-cleaning didn't really sound like an important errand, but maybe that was the point.
While Rachel was thinking about everything, she didn't pay much attention to the car ride. Cassandra held her hand and at some point gave a quick kiss and let go. She got out of the car and Rachel realized that they already reached the school. She followed Cassandra.
Inside, Rachel tried to stay just a step behind Cassandra, because she knew what effect Cassandra had on students. She knew first hand. Cassandra had other plans though and instead of holding her hand, she laid her hand on Rachel's lower back and led her in front of her. Rachel was quite intimidated and she flushed a bit, because many student gave her looks. To make matters worse, some saw where they were going and Rachel was sure there would be plenty of rumors.
They stopped in front of the office and Cassandra knocked. After a few seconds the door was opened by the headmaster.
"Good afternoon Miss Berry. Cassandra." Carmen nodded at them and then mentioned for them to come in and closed the door. "Take a seat." They did, without a word. "How are you Rachel? I heard about your injury, I hope you're resting and that you'll join us again soon."
"Oh, umm, yes. It's getting better." Rachel flushed.
"I know that not why you're here. I prepared everything, so you could just sign it if you want."
"Great." Cassandra wanted to get out as soon as possible. Rachel was just quiet, she didn't look up at all. Carmen handed them the papers and a pen.
Cassandra skipped it all, went to the bottom and signed. She hated the paper back to Carmen and put the pen aside, then she realized that Rachel was just staring at the paper.
"Do you need a moment Rachel?"
"Hmm?" Rachel jumped a bit when she heard her name.
"Do you have a question before you'd like to sign?"
"I just-" She looked over to Cassandra and stopped talking.
"Would you mind giving us a moment Cassandra?" It took her a moment to realize what Carmen asked if her, Cassandra was slightly confused by Rachel, but got up from her seat and stepped out of the office.
Cassandra wasn't sure why Rachel didn't sign, she wasn't sure why she was asked to step outside and she wasn't sure what to do now. Eventually she decided to just sit down on one of the chairs outside the office and wait. Either for Rachel to come out, or to be asked to go inside again. So she waited.