Glee doesn't belong to me.


It was his brother Andrew's fault Mike thought to himself for the third time. His younger brother had to go and get married. Added to that, Mira their little sister, the girl was barely twenty two had also decided she was going to tie the knot in three weeks time and everyone expected him to show up with his girlfriend, soon-to-be fiancée.

His life was perfect. He didn't need a wife to make him complete, to make him happy. He was happy on his own.

So, why did you feel the need to lie about your life? A voice asked him. Why the pretence that you have a girlfriend, that you are thinking of taking that step as well?

Mike knew it was unfair, irrational even, but he still maintained that it was Andrew's fault. It was his fault that Mike had come up with that ridiculous plan in the first place.

Two Years Ago

The Awards' ceremony was in full swing and Mike made his way to their company table and sat down. He worked with an advertising company and this year, he and a colleague, Quinn Fabray of all people, were nominated for an award.

When Mike had joined the company a year earlier he'd been surprised to find Quinn working there but he'd quickly realised that she didn't fraternize with co-workers – Quinn had actually pulled him into her office on his second day at the office and told him that, that and the fact that she would do him bodily harm if he ever so much as whispered that he had known her in high school – she only talked to them when she had to, nothing more.

Mike and Quinn had barely spoken to each other in the three years they'd worked together, but that wasn't really strange, they'd barely been friends in high school, so when they had been partnered to work together it had been a bit awkward in the beginning but they had managed to find a lot of things in company and even become friends.

They had won the award and their picture had been published in the newspaper.

That was the beginning of Mike's problems; Maggie Chang, his grandmother had seen the article, and called to congratulate him. One minute they were talking about his work and the next they were discussing his love life and that was when he got the idea to say that he and Quinn were dating.

Luckily for Mike, Andrew's wedding had been a very small affair and Quinn's absence could easily be explained but Mira's wedding was coming up and everyone expected Quinn to be there with him.


Mike was laughing with his grandmother on Skype; it was their thing ever since Andrew had introduced her to it. Every one of her children and grandchildren had a day and time of their own and Thursday evening was Mike's turn. He usually chatted with her at home but today he had decided to do it in his office, he wasn't quite ready to go home.

"… That's not true, Granma," Mike protested, shaking his head.

Maggie laughed at her grandson and wagged her finger at him. It was so good to see him his happy, their talks over the past few months hadn't been very happy ones although Mike pretended that everything was fine. He always acted as if everything was fine with him.

"Michael, are you saying that your brother lied to me?" Maggie asked him.

Mike was about to reply when the door opened and Quinn came in. "Mike, you're still here, good."

"You must be Quinn," Maggie said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," Quinn smiled at the other woman. It was clear that she was wondering who the older woman was and how she'd known her name.

"Don't be silly," Maggie replied. "Mike, aren't you going to introduce us?"

"Of course," Mike said wondering what exactly he was going to say. "Quinn Fabray, Maggie Chang, my grandmother. Granma, this is Quinn."

"My dear, I can't tell you how excited I am to finally meet you," Maggie said. "Wait until I tell Peter and the rest, they'll be so mad."

To Quinn's credit, she continued smiling and murmured inaudibly but Maggie didn't seem to notice anything amiss. "Mike has told her so much about you, but he didn't do justice to your beauty and grace," Maggie continued.

"Mike, I didn't mean to interrupt," Quinn said. "I'll see you in the morning."

"No need," Maggie told her. "You talk to Mikey, we'll talk later."

Quinn was silent as Mike said goodbye to his grandmother and she waited until the connection was cut before turning to him.

"Do you mind telling me what that was all about?"

"Quinn, I can explain."

"I sincerely hope so," she told him.


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